HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993_11_17 Town Board Regular Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF
Supervisor Caroline Silverstone
Councilwoman Elaine Price
Councilman John McGarr
Councilwoman Kathleen Tracy O'Flinn
Councilman Paul A. Ryan
Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
Carol A. Acocella, Deputy Town Clerk
The regular meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Silverstone at 8:30
PM, who then pointed out the location of exits.
Supervisor: Caroline Silverstone
Councilwoman: Elaine Price
Councilman: John McGarr
Councilwoman: Kathleen Tracy O'Flinn
Councilman: Paul A. Ryan
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
Steven M. Silverberg, Town Attorney
Carol A. Acocella, Deputy Town Clerk
The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Silverstone at 7:00
p.m., at which time a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was unanimously
declared adjourned into an Executive Session to discuss personnel. At 7:30 p.m. the Board
recessed in a Work Session in Conference Room A to discuss the Memorial Park.
The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Silverstone at 8:20
Supervisor Silverstone pointed out to those assembled the locations of exits as required by
law for public gatherings.
Joan Faulkner was introduced. She said the bids for renovating the library had been
received and met all expectations. They were accepted and approved by the Library Board.
She said the budget falls short by $138,000 which will hopefully be filled by fundraising. She
thanked everyone involved in getting this project to this point.
On motion of Councilwoman O'Flinn, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it was unanimously,
November 17, 1993
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
does hereby confirm prior approval of the plans for the
Library renovation and expansion and to support the
decision of the Library Board of Trustees to proceed with the
project, relying in part on reduc ed expenditure in certain
operating budget items in 1993/1994 budget and the
1994/1995 budget, with the expectation that those items
would be restored proportionally to the best of our ability to
Library budgets submitted after completion of the project;
RESOLVED, we support the potential availability of a portion
of the Library surplus as a possible addition to the amount of
the contingency fund.
PUBLIC HEARING —Ambulance District
It was explained the purpose of this hearing was to discuss the formation of an Ambulance
District comprised of the Village of Mamaroneck, including Rye Neck; the Village of
Larchmont and the Town of Mamaroneck. The program will hire a Ambulance District
Administrator, who would be responsible for the day to day operation, including the hiring of
The Supervisor asked if there was anyone who wanted to speak in favor of the law.
In Favor:
Barry Gedan
Frank Cioffi
Rick Baumblatt
Judy Spikes
Joe Russo
She then asked if anyone was in opposition, there was no one.
The Board member all voiced their support of the creation of the district.
NOTICE IS nmmm GrVEX that the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, at a meeting held on the '
17th day of November, 1993, . duly adopted the resolution published
herewith, subject to a permissive referendum.
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of-
Mamaroneck, Westchester Count', New York, held at the Town Center,
in Mamaroneck, New York, in said Town, on November 17, 1993, at
8:15 o'clock P _M. , Prevailing Time.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Silverstone
and upon roll being called, the following were
pREsENT: Supervisor Silverstone
Councilwoman Price
Councilwoman O'Flinn
Councilman Ryan
November 17, 1993.
Agg ; Councilman McGarr
The .fo_110wing resolution was offered by CouncildgMan Price
who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilmaman O'Flinn to-wit:
wHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York
has determined to establish The Town of Mamaroneck Ambulance
District in the Town of Mamaroneck, pursuant to Article 12-A of the
Town Law to provide emergency medical response and medical
transportation and related services; and
WHEREAS, a map, plan and report (including an estimate of
cost) with respect to the establishment of The Town of Hama.roneck
Ambulance District have been filed in the office of the Town Clerk
of said Town, where the same are available during regular office
house for examination by any -person or persons - interested in the
subject matter thereof.; and
wHER+Rns; said map, plan and report provide for the
establishment of the Town of Mamaroneck Ambulance District," the
boundary of which will include the boundaries of the Tillages of
Mamaroneck and Larchmont, including the Rye Neck section of the
Village of Mamaroneck not within the municipal . boundaries of the
Town,.of Mamaroneck, and not including that section of the Town
commonly known as Saxon Woods Park, as indicated on the map, plan
and report; and
WHEREAS, - the Village of Mamaroneck, by resolution has
consented to the inclusion of said Village in the boundaries of The
Town of Mamaroneck Ambulance District in the Town of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, the Village of Larchmont, by resolution has consented
to the inclusion of said Village in the boundaries of the Town of
Mamaroneck Ambulance District in the Town of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Larchmont have
discussed doing further research in alternative means of funding the
operations of Ambulance District and the Village of Larchmont intends
to take steps to pursue alternative means of funding, which would
include the proposal of appropriate authorizing legislation; and
November 17, 1993
WHEREAS, the Village of Larchmont requests that in establishing
the District, the Town of Mamaroneck include language permitting
alternative means of funding should it be authorized by law and a
funding made after public hearing that it would be in the best
intesest of the community to implement the alternate funding; and
WHEREAS, no capital improvements are proposed to be acquired or
constructed in connection with the establishment of the Town of
Mamaroneck Ambulance District in the Town of Mamaroneck, it being
intended for said District to provide ambulance service to the
District by means of contracts between the District and
Larchmont/Mamaroneck Volunteer Ambulance Corp and Mamaroneck
Emergency Medical Serivice and, therefore, no bonds, notesi.
certificates or other evidence of indebtedness of the Town will be
issued in connection with the establishment of the Town of Mamaroneck
Ambulance District in- the Town of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck Ambulance District in the Town
of Mamaroneck will continue to perform a function in the Town now
being fulfilled in the Town and, accordingly, such action is a "Type
' II Action". pursuant to the provisions of the State Environmental
Quality Review Act and the regulations promulgated thereunder;
WHEREAS, the cost of providing ambulance service in the Town of
. Mamaroneck Ambulance District in the Town of Mamaroneck, will be by
fees to be billed to those using the service and by an ad valorem tax
. on all residents : of said district for that portion of the expenses
not offset by billing revenues, together with a payment by the
Village of Mamaroneck based upon a per capita formula for service. to
the area of said Village known as the Rye Neck section; and
WHEREAS, The Town of Mamaroneck Ambulance District shall' be
bounded and described as hereinafter set forth; and
WHEREAS, an order was duly adopted by said Town Board on
November 3, 1993, reciting a description of the boundaries of The
Town of Mamaroneck Ambulance District, the fact that no capital
improvements were proposed in connection with the establishment of
the proposed The Town of Mamaroneck Ambulance District, the fact
that said map, plan and report were on file in the Town Clerk's
office for public inspection and specifying the 17th day of
November, 1993, at 8 :00 o'clock P.M. , Prevailing Time, at the Town
November 17, 1993
Center, in Mamaroneck, New York, in said Town, as the time when and
the place where said Town Board would meet for the purpose of
holding a public hearing to consider the establishment of The Town
of Mamaroneck Ambulance District and to consider said map, plan and
report filed in relation thereto and to hear all persons interested
in the subject thereof concerning the same; and
wHERRAS, notice of the aforesaid public hearing was duly.
published and posted in the manner and within the time prescribed
by Section 209-d of the Town Law, and proof of publication and
posting has been duly presented to said Town Board; and
WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held at the time and
place in said order, as aforesaid, at which all persons desiring to
be heard were duly heard.-' and
WHEREAS, said Town Board has duly considered said map, plan
and report and the evidence given at said public hearing; Now,
RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of " Mamaroneck,
Westchester County, New York, as Follows:
Section z. Upon the evidence given at the aforesaid public
hearing, it is hereby found and determined as follows:
a) The notice of hearing was published and -posted as
required by law and is otherwise sufficient;
b) All the property and property owners within The Town of
Mamaroneck Ambulance District are benefited thereby;
C) All the property and property owners benefited are
included within the limits of The Town of Mamaroneck
Ambulance District•; and
d) The establishment of The Town of Mamaroneck Ambulance
District is in the public interest.
Section 2. The Town o£ Mamaroneck Ambulance District in the
Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, to be bounded and
described as hereafter set forth, and as more fully described in
the aforesaid map, plan and- report, is hereby approved.
Sec,tion A. The Town of Mamaroneck Ambulance District shall be
bounded and described as follows:
November 17, 1993
The boundaries of the Town of Mamaroneck Ambulance District will
' include the boundaries of the Villages of Mamaroneck and Larchtont
including the Rye Neck section of the Village not within the
municipal al ' boundaries of the Town of Mamaroneck and not including that
section of the Town of Mamaroneck commonly known as Saxon Woods Park
(Tax Map designated Block 329 Lot 1) .
Section 4. The permission of the State Comptroller to establish
the Town of Mamaroneck Ambulance District - shall not be required
pursuant to Section 209-f of the Town Law, since said Town shall not
issue bonds, notes, certificates or other evidence of indebtedness in
connection with the establishment of the District.
Section 5. Should it be permitted by State Law, and 'after
investigation and research and appropriate public hearings, the
method of funding the Ambulance District may be changed from the ad
valorem basis to an alternative method at the discretion of the Town
Section 6. This resolution is adopted subject- to permissive
The question of the adoption of ,the foregoing resolution was
duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows:
Councilman Ryan VOTING AYE
Councilwoman O'Kinn VOTING AYE
Co u_ncilwoma rice VOTING AYE,
Supervisor Silverstone VOTING AYE
The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.
November 17, 1993
cow= op wES TCFMSTER. )
I, the undersigned Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck,
Westchester County, New' York, DO HERESY CERTIFY.
That I have compared the annexed extract of the minutes of the
meeting of the Town Board of said Town, including the resolution
contained therein, held on November 17, 1993, with the original
thereof on file in my office, and that the same is a true a4d
correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original so
far as the same relates to the subject matters therein referred to.
I FQRTFmR cERTIPY that all members of said Board had due
notice of said meeting.
I FURTHER CERTIFY that, pursuant to Section 103 of the Public
Officers Law (Open Meetings Law) , said meeting was open to the
general public.
I FURTM CERTIFY that, PRIQR to the time of said meeting, I
duly caused w public notice of the time and place of said meeting
to be given to the following newspapers and/or other-news media as
NewsuaAer and/or other news mediaDate given
The Daily Times
I FURTHER CERTIFY that PRA to the time of said meeting, I
duly caused public notice of the time and palace of isaid .meeting to
be conspicuously posted in the following designated public
location(a) on the following dates:
Designated Locatiou(s) pate of Postinq
of hosted. notice
Town Clerk's Bulletin Board November 12, 1993
November 17, 1993
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Price at 8:25 p.m. in the Court Room.
Present were the following members of the Commission:
Commissioner: Caroline Silverstone
Commissioner: Elaine Price
Commissioner: John McGarr
Commissioner: Kathleen Tracy O'Flinn
Commissioner: Paul A. Ryan
1. Fire Claims
Commissioner O'Flinn presented fire claims for authorization. of payment and on her motion,
seconded by Commissioner Price, it was unanimously,
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes
payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved
by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's Office:
AAA Emergency Supply Co., Inc . 871.43
Coyne Textile Services 53.59
Excelsior Garage&Machine Works, Inc. 555.18
Excelsior Garage&Machine Works, Inc. 64.50
Larchmont Auto Parts Dist., Inc 14.68
Larchmont Beverage 341.18
Lawrence Heat& Power Corp 176.03
Lawrence Heat& Power Corp 384.84
Somes Uniforms 434.40
Town of Mamaroneck Professional Fire Fighters Ass 110.04
TOTAL 3005.87
2. Construction Agreement- Fire House Renovation -Construction Manager
Mr. Altieri explained that the Town received the proposed contract with Tartaglione
Consultants for the construction management of the fire house renovations, the board had
asked that this matter be deferred to allow more time for review of the contract. Attached is
the reviewed and revised contract which reflects an additional $10,000 fee for services
added, they will now supervise and coordinate the temporary fire house. He said that the
Board of Fire Commissioners also had recommended the authorization of this contract.
Mike Doherty, 1st Fire Chief thanked the Board for allowing more time to review this
contract, that the Fire Council was extremely pleased with it. He added thanks for allowing
for additional funds for the oversight of the temporary building, which he noted they would
be moving into in about three months.
The Supervisor thanked him and the fire council for their review and input. There then
followed a discussion regarding the timing of the construction.
Then on motion of Supervisor Price, seconded by Councilman Ryan, it was unanimously,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
does hereby approve the Contract with Tartaglione
Consultants Corporation for construction management
services at the Weaver Street Firehouse and at the temporary
fire house on Fifth Avenue; and
November 17, 1993
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the Town Administrator
to execute said agreement on behalf of the Town.
1. Appointment—Coastal Zone Management Commission
On motion of Councilwoman Price, seconded by Councilwoman O'Flinn, it was unanimously,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
does hereby appoint Shirley Tolley as a.member of the
Coastal Zone Management Commission effective
immediately, filling the unexpired term of Allen Mason.
2. Appropriation of Funds— LMC/TV
Councilman Ryan explained LMC has run out of money, for a few reasons: legal fees, and
renegotiations of the franchise fees paid to us by the Cable. LMC has requested a loan of
$5,000 from each of the municipalities which oversee the program.
Following discussion, on motion of Councilwoman Price, seconded by Councilman.Ryan, it
was unanimously,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
does hereby authorize a loan to the Larchmont-Mamaroneck
Cable TV Board of Control in the amount of$5,000, with the
expectation of repayment of said loan by January 30, 1994;
RESOLVED, said loan shall be interest free and paid out of
the part Town General Fund.
3. Authorization -Amendment to Contract TA 93-2 - Leaf Loaders/Leaf Boxes
The Administrator said there was an error made in the original specifications for leaf boxes.
Originally the bid was for two boxes, when it should have been four. We have spoken to the
low bidder, Trius, Inc who indicated he can provide the two additional leaf receiving boxes at
a cost of$2,710 per box, increasing the cost to $5,420. He requested authorization.
On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman O'Flinn, it was unanimously,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
does hereby authorize an additional $5,420 for the purchase
of two more leaf boxes, from Trius Inc., the original low
bidder on Contract TA 93-2.
4.. Authorization-Additional Funding 1993 - Larchmont/Mamaroneck
-Summer Musical Theatre
Mr. Altieri said the summer musical program incurred a deficit when their expenses exceed
receipts in the amount of$6,893. They have covered $4,272 of the deficit from previously
accumulated surplus funds, but there is still a balance of$2,626. They have approached the
three municipalities requesting 1/3 of the amount from each, which amounts to $926.66.
Councilwoman O'Flinn said it doesn't seem right to fund addition monies after a program did
not stick to their budget.
November 17, 1993
Councilwoman Price said she believes this sets a good precedent, to give money without
overseeing expenditures does not seem good policy and the auditors might object.
Councilman Ryan said it was a tough call, but doesn't think it a good idea.
They decided not to move forward with this matter.
5. Authorization -Settlement of Claim -Ian Spier
The Administrator reported a Town Tree fell and caused damage to a house belonging to Ian
Spier, 1 Lookout Circle, in the amount of$604.81. It was decided to settle the claim in-house
since our insurance carries a large deductible.
On motion of Councilwoman O'Flinn, seconded by Councilman Ryan, it was unanimously,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
does hereby authorize the settlement of Claim in the amount
of$604.81 payable to Ian Spier, 1 Lookout Circle for damage
caused by a Town tree.
6. Authorization - License Agreement- New World Computer Systems
The purchase and upgrade of hardware and software for the financial systems in the
Assessor's Office, Tax Receivers and Building Department was discussed. The cost for the
upgrade will cost$67,928, and would be borrowed in 1994.
On motion of Councilwoman O'Flinn, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
does hereby authorize the agreement with New World
Systems for upgrading hardware and software in the amount
of$67,928, said funds would be borrowed in 1994.
7. Authorization -Agreement with Westchester County Re: Seat Belt Law
The Administrator said the County would reimburse the Town a total of$6,600 towards
overtime incurred for selective enforcement of the seat belt law.
On motion of Councilwoman Price, seconded by Councilman Ryan, it was unanimously,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
does hereby authorize the agreement with Westchester
County for enforcement of the seat belt law by the Police
Department, said reimbursement to the Town will be $6,600;
RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is hereby authorized
to execute the agreement on behalf of the Town.
8. Authorization—Snow Removal Contract—County Roads
This matter was deferred to the next meeting.
9. Set Date - Public Hearing -Cable Rates -Amends LL#10
November 17, 1993
On motion of Councilwoman Price, seconded by Councilwoman O'Flinn, it was unanimously,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
does hereby set the date for the Public Hearing on amending
Local Law#10, Cable Rates for December 1, 1993
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is authorized to publish the
Public Hearing notice in the official newspaper.
10. Update - Hommocks Park Apartments
The Administrator said the foundation for section 1, 2, and 3 had been poured; preliminary
electrical work and some plumbing has been installed; a few storm drains and the basin for
water heaters were placed. The construction is behind schedule by about two weeks, saying
the original target completion date was the end of August.
11.Salary Authorizations -Community Services
-Administrator/Supervisor's Offices
- Recreation
Community Services -Administrator/Supervisor's Offices
On motion of Councilwoman Price, seconded by Councilwoman O'Flinn, it was unanimously,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
does;hereby authorize the payment of salary to Norine Idoni
in the amount of$24,160 for her services as office assistant
effective November 18, 1993; and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
does hereby authorize the payment of salary to Gloria Geiger
as a part time secretary in the Administrator/Supervisor's
Offices at a rate of$10.00 per hour effective November 18,
On motion of Councilwoman Price, seconded by Councilwoman O'Flinn, it was unanimously,
RESOLVED, that the as provided for fin the 1997 Town Budget,
the Town Board authorizes the payment of salary to the
Joanne Schroeder,Office Ice Official,Travel Hockey Program, $8 1Mite&
Squirt Game-$10 1Pee Wee& Bantam Game
Jay Spader,Alt Youth Hockey Instructor, $4.50 11-1r,effective 11113193.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:17 PM.
Submitted by:
Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk
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