HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993_02_03 Town Board Regular Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD AND THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF MANARONECK HELD ON THE 3RD DAY OF FEBRUARY 1993 IN THE SENIOR CENTER AMID CONFERENCE ROOM A OF THE TOWN CENTER, 740 W. BOSTON POST ROAD, NNECK, NEW YORK. CONVENE REGULAR MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Silverstone at 8:30 pm, in the Senior Center of the Town Center RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Silverstone at 8:35 pm. Present were the following members of the Board: Supervisor Caroline Silverstone Councilwoman Elaine Price Councilman John McGarr Councilwoman Kathleen Tracy O'Flinn Councilman Paul A. Ryan Also present were: Carol A. Acocella; Clerk Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Steven M. Silverberg, Town Counsel Paul Munch, Police Chief John Anderson, Police Lieutenant CALL TO ATTENTION Supervisor Silverstone pointed out to those assembled the locations of exits as required by law for public gatherings. The Supervisor explained that the reason the Town Board Meeting was being held in the Senior Center was because there was a jury trial in the court roam. POLICE AWARDS CEREMONY Supervisor Silverstone introduced Police Chief Paul Munch who stated it was a great pleasure to be in front of the Board and members of the Community to recognize meritorious service provided by members of the Police Department. He went on to explain that the duties of the police are often routine and mundane, but on numerous occasions their true talents will bear witness of their abilities. Tonight, he said, he would ac1mowledge a few of those incidents and distribute awards to members of the department. He then called on Lt. John Anderson who described the incidents in which the police officers were being awarded. February 3, 1993 The following officers received Excellent Police Duty Awards: Detective Sergeant Michael Nardelli Detective James Pyrch Detective Stephen Cassiero (received 2) Detective Paul Creazzo (received 2) Police Officer Anthony Saline (received 3) Police Officer Frank Dellacamera Police Officer Thomas Gisin (received 2) Police Officer Frank Fox Police Officer John Rosabella Sergeant Michael Cindrich Police Officer Gerald McCarthy (received 2) Police Officer Daniel Smith Police Officer Adam Libertella The following officers received Good Conduct Awards: Police Officer Robert Ashley Sergeant Stephen Cassiero Sergeant Michael Cindrich Detective Paul Creazzo Sergeant William Degenhardt Detective John Infelice Lieutenant Robert Koziak Police Officer Adam Libertella Detective Sergeant Michael Nardelli Sergeant Frank Pennachio Police Officer Martin Pfeiffer Detective James Pyrch Detective Robert Reynolds Lieutenant Richard Rivera Supervisor Silverstone and the Board members thanked the police department for the fine job that they do that is not always seen or acknowledged. PRESE MTIONS - Coastal Zone Management Commission - 1992 Annual Report Supervisor Silverstone called on CAC chairman, Angel Martin to give their annual report. Mr. Martin stated that he was presenting the sixth annual report of the Town of Mamaroneck and Village of Larchmont Coastal Zone Management Commission (CZMC) . He said that the report describes the implementation of the bimunicipal Local Waterfront Revitalization Program from October 1991 to September 1992, and that the CZMC is required by law to make an annual report to the Village and Town Boards on the activities of the Commission. He explained that the responsibilities of the CZMC are varied and that members are charged with maintaining liaisons with the Planning, Zoning, and other agencies in the municipalities as well as being fully engaged in the community to help develop regional subjects with our neighboring municipalities. Mr. Martin said that Commission members spend time doing on-site inspections, attending local and regional meetings, preparing legislation, studying, investigating specific topics including grants for needed enhancements and protection of the area's wetlands and watersheds and in writing reports on all of the above. 2 February 3, 1993 He said that he wanted to officially file the annual report with the Board, and that the document outlined in more detail all the projects that the CZRC had been involved with for the year. Mr. Martin thanked the Board for their help and support. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting was called to order by commissioner Silverstone at 8:50 pm in the Court Roan. Present were the following members of the Commission: Commissioner Caroline Silverstone Commissioner Elaine Price Commissioner John McGarr Commissioner Kathleen Tracy 01Flinn Commissioner Paul A. Ryan 1. Fire Claims Commissioner O'Flinn presented fire claims for authorization of payment and on her motion, seconded by Commissioner McGarr, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptrollers Office: Eaton Financial Corp $ 94.00 Forest Hills 325.00 Larchmont Auto Parts 113.45 Librett Hardware 17.48 Mobile Comm 33.26 New Rochelle Water Co. 163.05 Lt. Rn. Premuroso 110.53 R G Brewer, Inc 177.81 R & F Trophies 233.00 Technical Electronics 130.30 Tri-City Auto Parts 162.59 Town of Mam1k Prof Fire Fighter Assn 110.04 Tyree Organization 129.30 Jeff Wilson 79.85 $ 1,879.66 There being no further business to come before this board, it was declared adjourned by motion of Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner McGarr. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - October 21, 1992 on motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by McGarr, the minutes of October 21, 1992 were approved as amended. 3 February 3, 1993 AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 1. Appointments - Traffic Committee - L/M Cable TV Administrator - Board of Assessment Review - Traffic Committee Councilman Ryan said that he had received from the Town Clerk a copy of a resume submitted by Nancy Anguillo, who had volunteered to be appointed to the Traffic Committee. On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman O'Flinn, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby appoint Nancy Anguillo, 16 No. Chatsworth Avenue, to the Traffic Committee for a term of three (3) years, said term beginning immediately and ending January 1995. - Cable TV Board of Control Administrator Councilman Ryan said that it would be necessary to reappoint the Larchmont/Mamaroneck Cable TV Board of Control Administrator as the term is up. He recommended that Joseph P. Fraioli be reappointed to the position, saying that he had served as Administrator since the inception of the Cable TV Board and that he has done an outstanding job. On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilman McGarr, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby reappoint Joseph P. Fraioli as Administrator to the Larchmont/Mamaroneck Cable TV Board of Control for a one year tern, said tern expiring December 31, 1991. Councilman Ryan reported that the entire community has probably switched over to new cable, and there had been numerous difficulties reported to him and other members on the Cable TV Board from residents. He said the Cable Board would welcome comments and letters which then would be forwarded to TCI and that he had been assured by Mr. Birnbaum that each complaint would be addressed. - Board of Assessment Review Councilman McGarr stated that the Town Board had received a resume from Jaine Elkind Eney, who had agreed to serve as a member of the Board of Assessment Review. The Supervisor noted that this position was not an easy one to fill and thanked Ms. Eney for coming forward. On motion of Councilman McGarr, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby appoint Jaine Elkind Eney, 9 Kilmer Road, as a member of the Board of Assessment Review for a tern of five (5) years, said tern ending September 1997. 4 February 3, 1993 This item was taken out of order PRESIINTATION - County Legislator The Supervisor introduced George Latimer and said that he had requested to speak tonight. Mr. Latimer said that wanted to give brief update on the Legislative Program of the Westchester County Board of Legislatures. He noted that there were a variety of different issues as well as wanting to congratulate the Town on the County tax reduction that Mamaroneck Town had received, crediting the assessor and for their success at being awarded the infrastructure funding for the Hoatmocks Park Apartments- He further stated that he wanted to go over the legislative agenda that the County Legislature has adopted for lobbying in Albany, such as daycare, bus fares, medicare costs, etc. Supervisor Silverstone stated that the Board appreciates Mr. Latimer coming to the Town and giving us these updates. Mr. Latimer stated that there is a resurgence of the Davids Island discussions and would appreciate it if when there was to be any discussion that he be notified. He said that the County Board was still in opposition to the bridge being built. Supervisor Silverstone said that she learned from the press that Mayor Idoni had called for a summit meeting of sound shore mayors to talk about common issues, which indicates that New Rochelle City Government would like to know how the neighboring communities view Davids Island. Councilwoman Price stated that she had a meeting with the Mayor of Larchmont and others that were deeply concerned about the development on Davids Island. She said that they are strongly urging New Rochelle to put together a local waterfront revitalization program which includes Davids Island, and this should be done prior to even reviewing any proposals for development. 2. Set Public Hearing Date - Senior Citizen Real Property Tax Exemption Mr. Altieri explained that the State Legislature had adopted enabling legislation that allows local governments to establish two new categories of property tax exemption for senior citizens, and that the new legislation allows for tax exemptions of either 10% or 15% based on annual incomes ranging from $18,600 to $19,800. He said that the County of Westchester has adopted the new guidelines, and that Town Counsel has been asked to prepare the necessary draft legislation for your consideration. On motion of Councilman McGarr, seconded by Councilman Ryan, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby set the date for Public Hearing on the Senior Citizen Tax Exemption Legislation for March 3, 1993, at 8:15 pan, in the Court Room of the Town Center; and 5 February 3, 1993 BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized to publish the Notice of Public Hearing in an official newspaper. 3. Authorization - Prisoner Transportation Agreement Westchester County The Town Administrator said that the proposed agreement between the Town and County for reimbursement to the Town for transporting prisoners was up for renewal. He reported that the Police Chief had negotiated a new clause in the agreement that would provide additional reimbursement in the amount of 33.10 hour of $ P� Pan facer if the duration of the round trip exceeds two hours, noting that the Chief had negotiated this clause because of the recent rule-book slow down at the County Correctional facility. Councilman Ryan said that the Village of Mamaroneck had purchased a van which they use to transport prisoners, which enabled them to leave the van with the prisoners in Valhalla thereby avoiding the overtime problem that we are experiencing. Councilman Ryan asked what the turnaround time was, to which the Administrator replied that although he did not have the answer, he did know that this slow down by the County officers was causing a problem for all municipal police departments and that subject to legal Counsells review and comment, he thought the new clause reduced the Town-,s exposure for additional overtime in the department. He also said that he would check with the Village about the van. After a brief discussion, on motion of Councilwoman O,'Flinn, seconded by Councilman McGarr, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize the Town Administrator to execute the Agreement between the Town of Mamaroneck and Westchester County for the County to reimburse the Town for transportation of prisoners. 4. Authorization - Prepare Final Environmental Impact Statement Conservation/Recreation Zone The Supervisor requested Town Counsel to explain this item. Mr. Silverberg replied that the Town having initiated a review of golf course zoning, had a generic environmental impact statement (GEIS) prepared pursuant to State law which is also known as SEQRA. He said because of the tremendous volume of public comment made on the draft and supplemental (EIS, Ferrandino and Associates would require more time to prepare the Final generic environmental impact statement, which if.extended, would need authorization by this Board. In addition the Town Board would first have to officially retain Ferrandino and Associates to prepare the Final generic environmental impact statement. The Board discussed what the potential time table would be and, on motion of Councilwoman Price, seconded by Councilman McGarr, it was unanimously approved that, 6 February 3, 1993 WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck has commenced a review of proposed C-R zoning for golf course properties in the Town of Mamaroneck by undertaking a review pursuant to the State Environmental Review Act; and WHEREAS, a draft generic environmental impact statement has been prepared and public comment received thereon, and a supplemental generic environmental impact statement has been prepared and public comment received thereon; and WHEREAS, pursuant to 6 NYCRR part 617, it is necessary to prepare a final generic environmental impact statement; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby retain Ferrandino and Assocs. to prepare a final generic environmental impact statement for the proposed rezoning of the golf course properties in accordance with the attached proposal and the Town Administrator is directed to execute the contract for services. On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it was unanimously approved that, WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck has commenced a review of proposed C-R zoning for golf course properties in the Town of Mamaroneck by undertaking a review pursuant to the State Environmental Review Act; and WHEREAS, a draft generic environmental impact statement has been prepared and public comment received thereon, and a supplemental generic environmental impact statement has been prepared and public comment received thereon; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the requirement for preparation of a final generic impact statement within forty-five (45) calendar days after the close of the hearings on the supplemental and generic environmental impact statements shall be and is hereby extended so as to permit the proper preparation of a complete final generic environmental impact statement. 5. Authorization - Consulting Agreement - Ferrandino & Assocs. The Supervisor said this was accomplished in item 4 above. 7 February 3, 1993 6. Authorization - Engineering Agreement This item which proposed the hiring of an engineering firm to conduct bridge inspections was deferred to the next agenda on February 17, 1993. i 7. Report of Bids - a) Street Painting - b) Cleaning of Police Uniforms - c) Fuel Oil #2 - d) Police Winter and Summer Uniforms Mr. Altieri said that he had received a memo from the Comptroller reporting on the bids received on January 27 for the above items and that they all were either the same as or very near what was paid last year. He recommended that the lowest responsible bidder be awarded the contract as follows: Street Painting is identical to the 1992 bid. M & S Striping - only bid received .06 cents per lineal ft - Reflectorized .04 cents per lineal ft - Non-Reflectorized Cleaning of Police Uniforms - 25 cents lower than 1991 bid. (Trousers, Shirts, Blouse, Sweater, Hat) Tennyson Cleaners - $5.75 (two year contract) Lowest Bidder Excelsior Cleaner - $6.00 Fuel Oil #2 - 4 cents higher than 1992 bid. Lawrence Heat & Power Corp. .7980 cents per gallon - only bid received Police Winter and Summer Uniforms - $5.00 less than 1992 bid Valhar Chemical - $398.50 Lowest Bidder New England Uniform Co - $411.00 Standard Law Enforcement - $424.20 Temco Uniforms, Inc. - $461.40 On motion of Councilman McGarr, seconded by Councilman Ryan, it was unanimously, -- RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby award the contract to provide street painting services in the Town of Mamaroneck to M & S Striping, as the lowest responsible bidder for .06 cents per lineal ft - Reflectorized, and .04 cents per lineal ft - Non-Reflectorized paint, said contract is for the year 1993; and BE IT FURnW, 8 February 3, 1993 RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby award the contract to provide the cleaning of police uniforms to Tennyson Cleaners as the lowest responsible bidder at $5.75 per uniform, said contract is for a period of two years, 1993 and 1994; and BE IT FURr ER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby award the contract for Fuel Oil #2 to Lawrence Heat & Power Corp. as the lowest responsible bidder at a cost of .7980 cents per gallon, said contract is for the year 1993; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby award the contract for supplying police winter and summer uniforms to Valhar Chemical at a cost of $398.50 per uniform, said contract is for the year 1993. 8. Authorization - CLASS Investment Agreement The Administrator said that the Budget Committee had reviewed the proposed agreement with MBIA for the Town to enter the CLASS investment program, which is a program that pools money from many government units to invest thus enabling the Town to realize a better return on investments. He reported that the Budget Committee had indicated that it would be worthwhile for the Town to participate in the program and therefore he recommended that the Board authorize the execution of same. On motion of Councilwoman Price, seconded by Councilman McGarr, it was unanimously, WHEREAS, New York General Municipal Law, Article 5-G, Section 119-o ("Section 119-oll) empowers municipal corporations (defined in Article 5-G, Section 119-n to include school districts, boards of cooperative educational services, cities, towns and villages) and districts to enter into, amend, cancel and terminate agreements for the performance among themselves (or one for the other) of their respective functions, powers and .duties on a cooperative or contract basis; and WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck wishes to invest certain of its available investment funds in cooperation with other municipal corporations and/or districts pursuant to a municipal cooperation agreement; and WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck wishes to assure the safety and liquidity of its funds; 9 February 3, 1993 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that The Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute and deliver the Cooperative Investment Agreement in the name of and on behalf of the Town of Mamaroneck. 9. Salary Authorization - Recreation On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwonan Price, it was unanimously, As provided for in the 1993 Town Budget, authority is hereby granted by the Town Board for the payment of salary to Brian Kirkpatrick, Alternate Skate Guard at Hommocks Park Ice Rink at $6.00 per hour effective February 3, 1993. PROCLAMATIONS - Black History Month - American History Month Supervisor Silverstone read the proclamations for both Black and American History month. (Proclamations are at end of minutes) WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS The Supervisor stated that she had received a request from the American Red Cross to fly their flag in front of the Town Office Building during the month of March to commemorate Red Cross Month. The Board had no objection. REPORTS OF THE SUPERVISOR Supervisor Silverstone stated that she had received a copy of the notice that Sampson Management sent to all residents of Larchmont Acres East detailing how they are to recycle. The Supervisor asked Cathy Cunningham, a resident of the building, to comment on it. Ms. Cunningham responded that Sampson Management had put garbage cans inside the incinerator rooms where we are to put recyclables, but that it doesn't. appear that many people are using them. She said that they are too small and they are blocking the garbage chutes. There was a further discussion regarding trash being put out on the street after the regular collection for the day. The Administrator said that the Town was trying to notify people before issuing summonses. A resident of the Acres reported that a street light was out at the Village Square parking lot adjacent to the Acres parking lot and it was very dark, and therefore dangerous. 10 February 3, 1993 Sandy Tashoff said that she could understand about garbage being left out at wrong times and that it seemed to be happening all over the Unincorporated Area. She said that the Gardens Association would be doing a mailing to its membership regarding the recycling with the times. There was a suggestion that teenage volunteers go door to door and inform the residents of the program including what is and isn't recyclable. THE TOWN CLERK REPORTS The Town Clerk filed the monthly financial report for the month of January. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman O,,Flinn, seconded by Councilman Ryan, the meeting was unanimously declared adjourned at 10:11 pm. Respectfully submitted, ic-Ia A. DiCioccio Town Clerk 11 PLANNING CONSULTING CONTRACT BETWEEN TOWN OF MAMARONECK and FERRANDINO&ASSOCIATES INC. 1993 AGREEMENT between the TOWN OF MAMARONECK, with its principal offices at 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, (hereinafter referred to as "TOWN") and FERRANDINO & ASSOCIATES INC., with principal offices at 3 West Main Street, Elmsford, New York 10523 (hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT") WITNESSETH: That inconsideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained,to be performed by the parties hereto, and of the payments hereinafter agreed to be made, it is mutually agreed as follows: ARTICLE I SCOPE OF WORK 1. The TOWN agrees to and hereby does retain and employ the CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT agrees to perform the following services at the direction of the TOWN, pursuant to Town Board resolution duly adopted on February 3, 1993. 2. The planning services to be supplied by the CONSULTANT shall include the following: The CONSULTANT will be responsible for the preparation of a Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement(FGEIS)which will evaluate the environmental impacts of the proposed CR District of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck,as well as other alternatives for the properties identified as the Bonnie Briar Country Club and the Winged Foot Golf Club. The FGEIS shall be prepared in a manner and contain such detail as is consistent with the Scope of Services and with applicable language and regulations governing the preparation of such document. The specific Scope of Services is included in Exhibit I (pages 1-8) incorporated herein and made.a part of this Agreement. 3. The CONSULTANT warrants and represents that any and all work done pursuant to this Agreement by the CONSULTANT is that of the CONSULTANT, and not that of any other CONSULTANT, other than sub-consultants retained to perform services under the supervision of the CONSULTANT. 4. Vince Ferrandino will serve as principal-in-charge of this project and will be available at all key meetings/hearings. 5. The CONSULTANT warrants and represents that any and all work performed by said CONSULTANT for each and every project component will fit the particular purpose of said project. Furthermore,the CONSULTANT realizes that the TOWN is relying upon the CONSULTANT'S.general skill, expertise and professional judgment in the performance of said CONSULTANT'S work. v err: na ino 6 HSSOC 111L I tL NU .J14-J'4 J_J1J0 JQil �Q ARTICLE 11 PROVISION FOR PAYMENT g. The time frame for completion of the SETS shall be In accordance with the time table noted on page 5 of ESdtlbk L 6. The fee for the$foremen kxwI planning consulting services"I be a base Of$87-SW reflected in our Fee Proposal on page 7,01 fErdrbtt I. The base fee slr8dl be payable as follows: Initiat Payment; $18,12S upon execution of this Agreement(February 3, 1993) The remainder($69,378)In four Progress Payment InstaNrrxff is as TORO": Eirst Day 0f Pawl Month Two(March) $18,125 Month Thres.001) $18,125 Month Four (May) $18,125 Final Payment ` fj67,50f)-Grand Total The final$15,000 will be OW upon acceptance of the document as mete.or August 25, 190, whist rer Comes first. Expenses artd other lncidental payments, as rtotad In Exhblt 1, shall be paid Dy the TOM upon SWmisaion of a voucher for same. An payments,with the exception of the Initial Payttwd and the(anal Payment,shah be rendered by the TOWN to the CONSULTANT on the fi U day of moinIfthothrough These payments.In accordance w1h the above-referenced payment t Immediately due. The CONSULTANT shall pr"ubrnit vomIchm to the Town so that payment can be made in accordance wkh t1ft schedule. ARTICLE III OTHER 7. See also EWhjak 11-Standard Comract Addendum made a part of ttga Agreement. 8. This Agreement shall be construed pursuant to the taws of me State of New York. 9. The joreorrg Agreement embodles the w&e Agreement between the parties wdh respect to the subject rnWtqr stipulated herein. It shell not be changed Or MOCNied, exoW in writing, and executed by both parties. 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be 'signed by their respectively authorized representatives and their seals to be affixed hereto as of the day and year first set forth above. TOWN OF MAMARONECK (SEAL) By. February 3, 1993 FERRANDINO &ASSOCIATES INC. (SEAL) By February 3, 1993 B:\FGEIS\CGN7RACT\FGEIS-1.00N �� 3 I� Ferrandino&Associates Inc. MAMARONECK FGEIS SCOPEIPROPOSAL EXHIBIT I I INTIRODUCTION The following proposal provides an outline for the preparation of the Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement for the Conservation Recreation Zone for the Town of Mamaroneck and the methodology that will be used by Ferrandino&Associates Inc. (F&A)in responding to comments Impact Statement(DGEIS)and the Di aft Supplemental made on the Draft Generic Environmental p ( Generic Environmental Impact Statement (SGEIS). This outline shall serve as the scope of services for the FGEIS. II SCOPE OF SERVICES p The FGEIS will not include the complete DGEIS and SGEIS texts unless the Town Board requests that they be reproduced and included in the FGEIS(this is not required under SEQRA). It is suggested instead that the DGEIS and SGEIS documents be summarized and referenced appropriately. Both draft documents are superseded by the FGEIS once it is accepted by the Town Board. However, both draft documents should be made available to the public, as in the past, for reference. The following is the proposed outline for the FGEIS. 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY that "adequately and accurately summarizes the statement" (FGEIS). This summary will be a synthesis of the DGEIS and the SGEIS(see 1.1 through 1.4 below). 1.1 SEQRA Process of the Town of Mamaroneck Proposed CR Zone. This will include a detailed description of the entire SEQRA process. 1.2 Description of the Proposed Action and the Altematives (including both the Draft and .Supplemental—11 scenarios) 1.3 Significant Impacts of the Proposed Action and the Alternatives: 1.3.1 Impacts of the Proposed Action A. Bonnie Briar Country Club Land Use: Traffic:: Community Services: Demographics: Visual and Historic: Recreation/Open Space: Geology Water Resources: Air Resources: Terrestrial/Aquatic Resources: 1 1120193 L Fetrandino&Associates Inc. MAMARONECK FGEIS SCOPE/PROPOSAL B. Winged Foot Golf Club The categories noted in A above will also be analyzed for Winged ed Foot. C. Hampshire Country Club As noted in the DGEIS, Hampshire Country Club was not analyzed in any detail. This will be reflected in the FGEIS. 1.3.2 Impacts of the Alternatives (11 scenarios) R-30 Single Family Detached (Shuster & F&A) R-30 Townhouse Cluster (Shuster & F&A) R-30 Alternative B (Parish &Weiner)i R-30 Alternative A (Parish &Weiner)' R-30 Alternative C (Parish &Weiner)i CR Single Family Detached - Proposed Action (F&A) CR Townhouse Cluster (F&A) Expanded CR Alternative for Nine Hole Golf Course (Town Volunteer) Modified CR Single Family Detached with Eighteen Hole Golf Course (F&A)� Private Club (F&A) Public Club (F&A and Town Volunteer) 1.4 Matrices These will follow the Executive Summary section and will include all the alternatives. The FGEIS will include three impact matrices: two will identify all impacts on Bonnie Briar and Winged Foot separately and the third will identify the impact on the two clubs combined (cumulative impact); and one Alternative Matrix (summary of the Alternatives). 1.5 Summary of Zoning Scenarios This will include a narrative description of the following zoning scenarios considered in the DGEIS and SGEIS: A. R-30 Single Family Detached B. Conservation-Recreation Zone (CR) - Single Family Detached C. Conservation-Recreation Zone (CR) -Townhouse D. Modified Conservation-Recreation Zone - R-100 E. Recreation Zone 2.0 INVOLVED AGENCIES 3.0 ORGANIZATION OF THE FGEIS This will describe the contents of the entire document. Applies only to Bonnie Briar. 2 1120193 Ferrandino&Associates Inc. MAMARONECK FGEIS SCOPE/PROPOSAL 4.0 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS 4.1 Approach/Methodology Brief description of how the comments have been organized and the methodology employed in responding to the comments. This section will also list all key public comment response dates. List of categories and codes (not all inclusive): • SEQR process (SQ) • Land Use (LU • Demographics: (DE) • School Children (SC) • Community Facilities: (CF) • Open Space/Parks (OS) • Fiscal Impact (Fl) • Hydrology: (H) • Wetlands A • Downstream Flooding (DF) • Long Island Sound (LI) • Traffic M • LWRP (LP) • Alternatives (AL) • Geology: - (G) • Steep Slopes (SS) • Zoning (Z) • Wildlife A 4.2 Response to Comments This section is the actual comment and response narrative. 5.0 CROSS REFERENCE All comments made on the DGEIS and the SGEIS will be listed by the name and affiliation of the commentor; code(s) as listed above indicating the category of question; page of response(what page(s)the response(s)to the commentors &question(s)can be . found; and when the comment was made (public hearing, written and date). 5.1 Referenced Documents Referenced in the FGEIS will be the DGEIS and SGEIS. Copies of these documents are available and on file with the Town Clerk. 5.2 Appendices in accordance with SEQRA,the appendices will include, but not be limited to, all written correspondence received on the DGEIS and SGEIS within the public comment periods (August 2, 1991 for the DGEIS and December 21, 1992 for the SGEIS), and all public hearing transcripts (June 17 and 18, July 1 1991, and December 9, 1992). 5.3 Cited Sources (d necessary) 3 1120193 Fenandino&Associates Inc MAMARONECK FGEIS SCOPEIPROPOSAL 111 APPROACH The CONSULTANT will index and respond to all questions/comments made at the June 17, 18 and July 1, 1991 public hearing(s) on the DGEIS, the December 9, 1992 public hearing on the SGEIS and written comments on the DGEIS received by August 2, 1991 and written comments on the SGEIS received by December 21, 1992. All comments will be organized according to subjects listed in Section 4.1 of the FGEIS outline. The CONSULTANT will summarize pertinent and substantive information in framing questions regarding the related subject matter and will respond accordingly. Section 5.0,Cross Reference, will include a list of all those who commented within the time frame stipulated and will identify where the actual comment can be found, i.e. page of transcript and/or date of written statement. All comments and transcripts will be made an appendix to the FGEIS. The FGEIS, which will serve as the Town's final document, mus t be as comprehensive and detailed as possible. As such, the CONSULTANT will initially respond to all comments. Those comments that are purely technical in nature and which may lie outside the expertise of the CONSULTANT will be responded to by the appropriate individual(s)/sub-consultants. More specifically, hydrologic, traffic or legal questions may be referred to Malcolm Pirnie Inc., Jacquemart Associates Inc, or the Town Attorney, respectively. In such situations, the sub- consultant or Town Attorney would provide written response to the CONSULTANT which would then be reviewed, edited and incorporated into the document. Responses to all comments will be based upon information provided in the DGEIS and SGEIS and any supplementary material that was used by the CONSULTANT during the drafting of the reports. If, after reviewing he comments however, more detailed analysis is necessary, the ' g al I t CONSULTANT will so inform the Town and discuss the merits of performing such analysis, the time frame for completion and the cost involved. IV REVIEW AND TIME FRAME A. Time Frame The timetable for completing the preliminary FGEIS is four months from approval of a scope of services, execution of a contract and authorization to proceed. All fees and timetables herein are predicated upon a contract approval date not later than January 20, 1993. 4 1120193 l Ferrandino&Associates Inc. MAMARONECK FGEIS SCOPEIPROPOSAL The following is the proposed time frame for completion of the FGEIS and drafting of findings. Work Item Completed Not Later Than Approval and execution of contract by Town Board January 20,19M and issuance of notice for extending the 60 day time period to complete the FGEIS (with estimated dates for completion) Writing of FGEIS commences February 1,1993 Completion of the preliminary draft FGEIS by F&A(4 months) May 28, 1993 Preliminary draft FGEIS submitted to Town Attorney June 1, 1993 for legal critique Comments by Town Attorney submitted to F&A June 16, 1993F Revisions made by F&A and preliminary FGEIS July 1, 1993 submitted to Town Board for review (includes changes made by Town Attorney) Written comments by Town Board submitted to Town Attorney July 15, 1993 . Town Board comments(with sign-off by the Town Attorney)to F&A July 27, 1993 Revisions made by F&A and FGEIS formally submitted August 6, 1993 to Town Board for acceptance as complete Public Hearing on FGEIS September 1993 Findings prepared December 1993 B. Review Procedure Based upon the above outline and time frame, the CONSULTANT will complete a preliminary draft FGEIS in accordance with the format required under SEQRA within a four month time frame.This time frame is predicated upon strict adherence to the above outlined schedule. The CONSULTANT will then prepare a preliminary FGEIS that incorporates the comments of the Town Attorney. The preliminary FGEIS will then be forwarded to the Town Board for review. It is suggested that the Town Board comments be reviewed first by the Town Attorney for legal concerns and then be forwarded to the CONSULTANT for final review. Based upon the comments received from the Town and sign-off by the Town Attorney,the CONSULTANT will review and if necessary revise the preliminary FGEIS so that is acceptable for formal public review at the FGEIS public hearing. This will then be considered the final FGEIS. 2 This allows 2 1/2 weeks for review. The Town Attorney will be given a double-spaced document which he will use to note changes onto the document itself. Any lengthy narrative should be attached and referenced at the appropriate page, and if possible, should be type written. Also, time should be reserved by F&A to confer with the Town Attorney during this 2 1/2 week time period. 5 1120193 Ferrandino&Associates Inc. MAMARONECK FGEIS SCOPEIPROPOSAL C. Review by Others The CONSULTANT will respond to all comments made on both the DGEIS and Sfo Those comments/questions that pertain to volunteer sections or Malcolm Pirnie Inc.,.,for which the CONSULTANT cannot adequately respond, will be referred to the relevant individual. The CONSULTANT will make every effort to inform the Town early on in the process of such instances so that they can be addressed as soon as possible. r the relevant comment to the appropriate individual. A . The CONSULTANT will forma d -- type-written response should be faxed to the CONSULTANT by the individual within forty- type-written receipt of the comment. The prompt response is necessary if the schedule eight hours is to be met.The CONSULTANT will review and edit the response and incorporate it into the preliminary FGEIS. Any additional reviewslediting above the one review of volunteers or other sub-consultants work by the CONSULTANT will be respond to Town Board as a contract extra. Where appropriate, the CONSULTANT comments on those sections of the preliminary FGEIS not drafted by the CONSULTANT. However, if a more detailed response is required, the CONSULTANT will refer it to the appropriate individual. D. Public Review The CONSULTANT will attend the FGEIS public hearing. See Section V below of this proposal. V MEETINGS AND FEES A. Meeting Attendance/Consufta Lion wdh the Town The CONSULTANT will include up to two formal meetings with the Town as part of this proposal: if • a kick-off meeting to discuss/refine issues on has already met with the _ needed). It should be noted that the CONSU LTANT Town Attorney, Town Councilwoman Elaine Price and the Town Administrator. Town Attorney to discuss comments on the preliminary • a work session with the To Y draft FGEIS if held on or prior to June 16, 1993 (if needed). All other meetings and/or lengthy telephone c onversations/conference calls, shall be n V-C for hourly rates). It is understood billed to the Town on-an hourly basis(see Sectio that Councilwoman Elaine Price will serve as liaison between the Town Board and the CONSULTANT. 6 1120193 MAMARONECK FGEIS SCOPE/PROPOSAL Ferrandino A Associates Inc. B. Fee A two-tier fee schedule is proposed: a) Phas EIS: Fixed fee, plus hourly billing for contract extras, meetings. Beginning February 1, 1993, the CONSULTANT shall bill the Town on the first of each month for the four month perio(P. At the end of the four months, the preliminary draft FGEIS will be completed for review by the Town Attorney and Town Board. Within the fifth month, the CONSULTANT shall incorporate the ' Town Attorney's comments for no additWrnBoard's1comments fo�no additional CONSULTANT shall incorporate the To An additional reviews and/or fee. (The latter shall consist of one review). Y additional analysis done thereafter shall be billed to the Town on an hourly basis in accordance with the hourly rates indicated in Section V-C below. b) Phase II Drafting of Findings: hourly billing CONSULTANT involvement beyond the drafting of the FGEIS and September 1993 public hearing will be billed to the Town on an hourly basis. Any discussion with the Town review raftin Town of same will be billed to he Town at the hourly Findings or review o 9 rates indicated in Section V-C below. Fee Proposal Phase I - FGEIS Preparation of the FGEIS as outlined above Fixed Fee: $87.500 In addition: • All printing, reproduction and graphics costs approved by the Town will be billed to the Town by the CONSULTANT (at cost plus 25%) • All meeting/hearing attendance, other than those. noted in Section V-A above, will be billed to the Town in accordance with the fee schedule outlined in.Section V-C below, except that the firm's principal shall attend the FGEIS public hearing as part of the fixed fee. • Any additional work/analysis beyond what is outlined in the scope, with agreement by the Town, will be billed as a contract extra. 3 A payment schedule will be submitted as part of the CONSULTANT'S contract with the Town. 1120193 7 Ferandino&Associates Inc. MAMARONECK FGEIS SCOPE/PROPOSAL Phase II - Findings Will be billed on an hourly basis as.needed. C) Fee Schedule In estimating the costs of providing a SY edaew and document e Town reviews Board's beyond initial revisions emanating from the Town Attorney attendance at any meetings beyond those the FGEIS�the additional hourly rates wig . work items necessary to satisfactorily p prevail for the term of the contract act public to After'thatime,the 1993 or 10 months from cont percent. CONSULTANT fee schedule will automatically increase by 5 p F rrandino &Associates Inc. Principal $165 Senior Associate $145 Environmental Planner(s) $105 Research Analyst $ 85 Graphics/Mapping $ 55 Staff Support $ 50 Jac uemart Associates Inc. Principal $165 Senior Transportation Planner $110 `t s Urban D_es ianer Architect Principal $165 Staff Architect $115 t 1 It is assumed that any work required of Malcolm Pirnie Inc. as part of the FGEIS,will be paid for through that firm's existing retainer with the Town. 1120193 8 Ferrandino&Associates Inc- MAMARONECK FGEIS SCOPEIPROPOSAL D) Other Costs The proposed scope of services and fixed fee noted above do not include: 1) Public scoping session, public scoping document, review of revisions to scope occasioned by club owners/lessees/sub-consultants,'others(other than scope of services as provided herein) 2) Meeting/hearing attendance other than those provided 3) Color graphics/Xeroxing/slides/reductions/blueprints 4) Printing/copying costs and report reproduction. These items will be billed as contract extras as the need arises and upon approval of the Town. B:\NANARONECK\FGEIS\SCOPE\SCGPEI 9 1/20193 Ferru� ino&Associates Inc. MAMARONECK FGEIS SCOPE/PROPOSAL EXHIBIT II STANDARD CONTRACT ADDENDUM 1. OBJECTIVITY OF RECOMMENDATIONS It is understood by the client that Ferrandino & Associates Inc. (F&A)assa nmak no protect you concerning the recommendations which will result from the proposed 9 and other clients, and to assure that the research results of F&A's work will continue to be accepted as objective and impartial, it is understood that our fee for the undertaking of this project is in no way dependent upon the specific conclusions reached. 2, PAYMENTS monthly invoice. and Billings for project services t are tens(10)work days net, un unless especially arranged beforehand. Expected terms for payme 3. OTHER LEGAL COSTSIFEES In the event that,litigation n as a Iresponsibility fforethe defe se of named a it party ub- in such litigation, the To consultants. Further, in the event ltCOato'a pnsateFg,A'stlpegalecounsel(a d cannot be ofrF&A's sub- by Town Counsel, the Town shat Pe consultants)at reasonable rates ecdon w th any lit gat onaf iit'request or requires he servic Hof for additional time spent in co F&A and/or any sub-consultants for u Fps Further, f F&A is not named a party tot a lawsuit and information to be used m any testimony of the firm's principal, staff and/or sub-consultants is required, then the Town will re- imburse F&A for time spent in preparing for and testifying at any proceeding that is brought, at rates and fees normally charged by F&A at the time of such action. 4. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS be Final reports, memos and presentation drawings al slides and mechanicalsl used to eprloduc'e property at the conclusion of project Negatives, final documents shall remain the exclusive property of F&A. 5. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY F&A is an equal opportunity employer. 6 CODE OF ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS The principal of F&A is a member of the American in Institute of the conduct is professeonal work firm subscribes to the code of ethics of this organization B:\FGEJS\CONTRACT\ADDENDUM.CON 1 112OW SCOEDLW CF MW D COUOMY CLUB I+2 M STUDY Janmry 141, 1993 F'erra��dino Malcolm Total & Assoc p,rn,e Project 90-9 66,513 $ 12,705 $164,498 DGEIS $ 85,280 $ Project 92-2 _19,6$115,929 34 1,808 112.091 SEIS 90,649 $ 86,147 $ 14,513* $276,589 CAPITAL+ pR�T FUND ed Available OrAcooroOri 3 project 90-9 $165,000 $165,000 -0- DGEIS project 92-2 150,000 111,225 38,775 of $11,020 for production of maps for *Includes Other Wqxmsw include bonding, notices and hydrological study- stenographic services.