HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_06_24 Town Board Minutes HINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED SPE C IAM iFE T ING
JUNE 24th, 1934
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 10 o 'clock PA.
Present: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Leeda and iessersmith
Town Clerk Marvin
The Supervisor reported that the sum of $26,779.74 in trans-
fers of tax liens based upon the 1929 School taxes, was outstanding
and unpaid and that none of said transfers of tax liens had been re-
deemed. He requested that appropriate steps be taken to raise and
provide the aforesaid sum by the issuance and sale of a temporary
certificate of indebtednesso-
Justice Leeds offered for adoption the following:
WHEREAS, a sale of tax liens for unpaid school taxes of 1929
against the taxable real property within Union Free School District
No.. 1 of the Torn of Mamaroneck New York, was duly 'Held by the ToWm
of Mamaroneck on the fourth Wednesday of Yay, 1930, as provided by
Sections 34 and 36 of Chapter 105 of the laws of 1916, as amended,
Rnown as the Westchester County Tai; law; and
''uh`^RTAS, at said sale the Supervisor acting on behalf of the
Town of Mamaroneck purchased a number of tax liens predicated upon
said unpaid school taxes of 1929 and procured transfers thereof in
favor of the Town of Mamaroneck in the manner provided by Section 36
of the Westchester County Tax Law; and
WHEREAS, this Board has received from the Receiver of `faxes
of the Town of Mamaroneck a statement as provided by Section 32 of
the Westchester County Tax law, from nhich it appears that on June 1,
1931, the sum of 126,779.74 in transfers of tax liens based upon the
1929 School tares was outstanding and unpaid and that none of said
transfers of tax liens has been redeemed; and
=RTAS, the Supervisor has -requested that appropriate stdps
be taken to raise and _provide the aforesaid sum of $26,779. 74 by the
issuance and sale of a temporary certificate of indebtedness against
said unpaid and unredeemed transfers of tax liens , as provided by
Section 32 of the Westchester County Tax Sava to the end that the
proceeds thereof nay be applied in part payment of temporary certif®
irate of indebtedness Sao. 10 dated July 29,, 19309 in the amount of
$47,750.51 which will be due and payable on July 1, 1931;.
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisons of
Section 32 of the Westchester County Tax law,:
the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and
empowered to borrow upon the faith and credit
of the Town of Ya.naroneok the sum of $26f779.74
for which sum he shall issue in the rame and under
the seal of said `!ovrn a temporary certificate of
indebtedness for the sum of not exceeding 426,779.74;
that said certificate shall bear interest at a rate
of not more than 6% per annum, shall be sold for
net less than par and shall be made payable at such
time as the Supervisor may determine , net later,
however, than June 1, 19329 and it is further
RESOLVF'D, that said temporary certificate
of indebtedness shall be signed by the Super-
visor and a ttested and sealed by the Town
Clerk and that the Supervisor: and Town Clerk
be and they 'hereby are authorized and empowered
to sign,: execute and deliver such other papers
and documents as may be necessary and proper to
effect the sale and delivery of said temporary cert-
ificate of indebtedness; and it is further
RF'SOLVED, that the Supervisor be and hereby is
authorized and directed to apply the proceeds of
said temporary certificate of indebtedness hereby
authorized to be issued and sold; in part payment
of temporary certificate of indebtedness No. 10
dated. July 29 , 1930 and hereinbefore more fully
And the Supervisor having reported that he has
negotiated the sale of said temporary certificate
of indebtedness with Trust Company of Larchmont
who offered to purchase the same at par and at a
rate of interest of 31%- per annum, it is further
RTS017 D, that the action of tilt Supervisor In
dislosing of said temporary certificate of
indebtedness to Yeast Company of Larchm nt
upon the terms above set forth, be and the same
hereby is in all respects ratified and confirmed.
Upon a vote being taken upon the foregoing resolutions
the aame ,were delared unanimously adojt2d by the foi3ovling vote ;
Ayese 5
Noes: none
The Chair declared the resolution duly adopted.
The Supervisor reported that the sum of W Q81.31 in
transfers of tax liens based upon 1929 State , CountyjQH Special
District taxes was outstanding and unpaid and that none of said
transfers of tax liens had been redeemed® He requested that approp-
riate Steps be taken to raise and prov?de the aforesaid sum by the
issuance and sale of a temporary certificate of indebtedness.
Justice Boyd offered for adoption the follovringt
WHARFAS, a sale of tax liens for unpaid State , County,
Toon and Special Districts taxes of 19299 r.-as duly held by the Town
or Mamaroneck on the fough Wednesday of May, 1930y as provided by
Sections. 14 and 36 of Chapter 105 of the Lacs of 19169 as =mended,
known as the Westchdster County Tax Law; and
WHFREAS9 at said sale the Supervisor acting an behalf of
the Town of Mamaroneck purchased a number of tax liens based upon
said unpaid taxes of 1929 and procured transfers thereof in favor of
the Town of Lamaroneck in the manner provided by Section 36 of the
- iestchester County Tax law; and
WHFRFAS, this Board has received from the Receiver of
Taxes of the Town of Thmaronech a statement as provided by Section
32 of the ',-=estchester County Tax Lave from which it appears that on
June 1,1931 the sum of 116 ,981.31 in transfers of tax liens based
upon 1929 State , County, Town and Special Districts taxes was out-
standing and unpaid and that none of said Transfers of tax liens
has been redeemed, and
ud? TE'AS, the Supervisor has requested that appropriate
ste_r_s be taken to raise and provide the ,aforesaid sum of ;;16,981.31
by the issuance and sale of a temporary certificate of indebtedness
against said unpaid and unredeemei transfers of tax liens as pro-
vided by Section 32 of the '7estcheste-r County Tax Law to the end
that the proceeds thereof may be applied in part payment of temmor-
ary certificate of indebtedness lie® 2 for the sum of x,33,886.54 dated
- July 1 , 1930, which gill be due and payable on July 1, 1931;
RESOLVED, that purauant to the provisions of Section
32 of the Westchester County Tax Law, the Supervisor
be and hereby is authorized and empowered to borrow
upon, the faith and credit of the Town of SIamaroneck
the sum of 5p16$981.31t for which sum he shall -issue
in the name and under the seal of said Town a temporary
certificate of indebtedness for the sum of not exceed-
ing 16,981e31; that said certificate shall bear
interest at a rate of not more than 6j; per annum, shall
be sold for not less than par and ;shall be made payable
at such time as the Supervisor _miay determine, not later,
however, than June let, 1932; and it is further
RL'SCLVFD, that said temporary certificate of indebted-
ness shall be signed by the Supervisor and attested and
sealed by the Town Clerk and that the Supervisor and Town
Clerk be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to
sign, execute and deliver such other papers and documents
as may be necessary and proper to effect the sale and
delivery of said temporary certificate of indebtedness=,
and it is further
RFSOLVfi'D, that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized
and directed to apply the proceeds of said temporary cert-
ificate of indebtedness hereby authorized to bd: issued
and sold, in part payment of temporary certificate of
indebtedness To. 2,- dated July 1, 1930„ and herein
before more fully described;
And the Supervisor having reported_ that he has negotiated
the sale of said temporary certificate of indebtedness
with Trust Conroany of Larchmont who offered to purchase
the same at par and at a rate of interest of 3-Z% per
annum,' it is further
RFSOLYRI?, that the action of the Supervisor in disposing
of said temporary certificate of indebtedness to Trust
Company of Larchm.ont upon the temps above set forth, be
and the same hereby is Ln all respects ratified and
Upon_ a vote being taker_ upon the foregoing resolutions the
same were declared unanimously adopted by the following voter
Ayes. 5
Noes ; None
The Chair declared the resolutions duly adopted..
The Supervisor reported that he had conferred with County
engineer Jay Doviner in regard to the proposed improvement of ',leaver
Street and that he had informed Hr. Downer he desired a. width of
34 feet fo3Ahis improvement.
On motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Leeds it
was unanimously
gESOIVED, that this Board hereby does approve the
action of the Supervisor in requesting the County
Engineer Piro. Jay Downer that the improvement of
'di'eaver Street have a width of 34 feet.
The Supervisor reported that he had paid the interest on
�180,000s00 Yurray Avenue Highway Im-,provement Bonds which was due
- on December lst , 1930 from the balance of ?4n,751a82 remaining from
the proceeds of the bond sale after the improvement had been completed
and suggested that he pay out of the balance still remaining in his
hands , the sum of -�-^7,n4-6.50 for interest and the surn of �9 ,Q00a00
for principal on said bonds which will be due and payable during the
year 1931. The Clerk declared he thought any unexpended balance
from a Higln,ray Bond issue should be used for new highway construc-
tion because he did not beli--ve in using borrowed money to pay off
the principal and interest on loans.
After discussion the following -resolution was introduced. by
Justice P essersrnith seconded by Justice Boyd :
'SOLVED, ldhI 'REAS, upon the application of the
Torn Superintendent of HiglTeays this Board has
heretofore duly widened, straightened., drained,_
paved and otherwise improved Hurray Avenue , as
provided by Chapter 332 of the Laws of 1925, as
amended, and
?� 'PZAS , the estimated cost of said improvement
including the cost of acquiring the land.
necessary for the 1p,ridening of said highway was
reported to this -board at the sun, of ':1809000.009.
;,V=HAS, acting upon said estimate , this Board
raised and urovided the tafo'resaid sum of
X180, 000®00 by the issuance and sale of highway
improvement bonds ; and
SEAS. the Supervisor has reported in due dourse
that said bonds were sold and delivered during
the month of June , 1930 , end that the proceeds thereof
amoTunned to the sum of 3150,728.67 ; and
t,�^_.aS, as a result of various econories Effected
in the improvement of said 's".urray Avenue , the
acturl cost thereof was much less than estimated
and the sum of ;133,976.85 has actual3y been ex-
pended for that purpose , leaving a balance of
$46,751.82; and
7,'=AS, on account of said unexpended balance
this Board did, not provide in the 1931 Budget
any funds for the payment of interest and principal
of said bonds which will be due and payable during
the year, 1931, and
's'PTPZAS, the Supervisor has reported that the
interest an said bonds amounting to $3-,870.00
which was due of Decemger 1, 1930 , was paid out
of the proceeds of said bonds ;
11017, Tn_P27aRF, it is
RFS=7D, that the action of the Supervisor in
paying the interest on said `;180,000®00 highway
improvement bonds, amounting to $3,870.00 which
interest was due on December 19 1930, be and the
same hereby is approved, ratified and confirmed;
and it is further
RSSOIVED , that the Supervisor be and hereby is
authorized and empowered to pay out of the balance
remaining in his hands the sum of j7p546.50 for
interest and the sum of 09 ,00000 for principal
on said bonds which will be due and payable during
$he year 1931.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions
was put to a vote which resulted as follows -
Ayes : Supervisor Eurton
Justices Boyd, Leeds and Yessersmith
Noes; Town Clerk Marvin
Upon motion duly made and seconded the Mad unanimously
resolved to adjourn at 10 :35 PM.
c�UVwa JI.
�— 'ov,rn Clerk