HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_06_09 Town Board Minutes (2) 4
T01;AM of IIAIL. ROI'T'CK, Ia. Y..
H F Z•D = 9th, 1931,
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 3:30 P. Id.
Present: Supervisor Lurton
Justices. Boyd , Leeds and ILessersmith
Town Clerk Marvin
The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble.
The minutes of the meetings of February 4th, 17th, loth,
20th, 21st , Karch 18th, April 3rd2 april 13th were read by the
Clerk and unanimously: approved as read:.
The Supervisor reported that on Jane 1st ; 1931, the
sum of 871,046.08 in transfers of tax liens based on 1930 School.
taxes was outstanding and unpaid and that none of said transfers
of tax liens had been redeemed. He recommended that temporary
certificates of indebtedness be issued to cover this amount to
the end that the proceeds thereof may be paid to the Treasurer
of Union Free School District To. 1 of the Tol,,n of Vamaronech,
as required by la w.
Justice Leeds offered for adoption the follod°:ing „
=RFAS, a sale of tax liens for unpaid School
taxes of 1930 against taxable real property
,within Union Free School District No. 1 of the
Town of Yarna-roneek, Few York, was duly held
by the Torn of Kamaroneck on the fourth ' ednes-
day cf I.'ay , 1930, as provided by Sections 34 and
36 of Chapter 105 of the Lams of 1916, as amended,
Imown as the Westchester County Tax Lave, and
PFIHERFAS, at said sale the Superviscr, adting on
behalf of the Town of Yamaroneckp purchased a
number of tax liens based ueon said unpaid School
taxes of 1930 and procured transfers thereof in
fzvor of the Town of Ha_maronecl: in the manner
provided by Section 36 of the efestchester Count*
Tax Lava; and
WITH7AS , this Board has received from the Receiver
of Taxes of the Torrn of Mamaroneck a statement ?s
provided by Section 32 of the =
)"i TTT�P.F_F'0, E, ' t is
R7,SOIN7D, that pursuant to the provisions
of Section 32 of the 't7estehester County
Tax Tarr, the Supervisor be and hereby is
atathorized and empowered to borrow upon
the faith and credit of the Town of
Mamaronec k the sum of L71,046.08 for which
sum he shall issue in the r_an.e and under
the seal of said Tov,n a temporary certifi-
cate of indebtedness for the sum of not
exceeding $71s047. 081 that said certificate
shall bear interest at a rate of not more
than six per centum per amnurp-, shall be
sold for not less than par and shall be
made payable at such time as the Super-
visor may determine not later, ho-,,lever,
than June 1st, 1932;: ar_dit is further
R'S0T,'%TD, that said certificate of indebted-
ness shall be signed by the Supervisor and
countersigned by the Torn Clerk and that
the Supervisor and Town Clerk be and they
hereby are authorized and empo-veered. to sign
execute and deliver such other papers tnd
documents am may be necessary and proper tD
effect the sale and delivery of said temporary
certificate of indebtedness,
And the Supervisor having reported that he
has negotiated the sale of said temporary
certificate of indebtedness frith the First
National Bank and Trust: Company of Eamaroneci_,
Yevi York,, who offered to purchase the aforesaid
certificate at par and at a -rate of interest of
3� per annum; and it is further
R_S01VED, that t'he action of the Supervisor in
disposing of said temporary certificate of
indebtedness to the First Tational Bank and
Trust Company of Mamaroneck, Ne-a York, upon the
terms above set forth be 'and the same hereby is
in all respects -ratified and confirmed.
Uj�on a vote being taken upon the foregoing resolutions
the same were declared unanimously adopted by the following vote -
Ayes - 5
roes: None
The Supervisor reported that on June tat, 1931, the stun
of :j7564�7a in transfers of tax liens barred upon the 1928 State,.
County, Town and Special District taxes vv-as outstanding and un-
paid and that none of said transfers and tax liens had been re-
deemed. He recoy=uended that a certificate of indebtedness tQ
cover this amount be issued to the end that the proceeds thereof
may be applied in partial payment of temporary certificate of
indebtedness ITo. c,- dated Sure 2C, 10,110 in the amount of ;?12,794®O2
which became due on Tune let, 1931.
Justice llessersr iith offered for adoption the following:
'„'IT'REAS, a sald of tax liens for unpaid
State , County, Town, Highway and Special
Districts taxes of AM was duly 'geld by
the Town of Mamaroneck on the fourth Wednes-
day of Yay, 1929, as provided by Sections 34 and
36 of Chapter 105 of the lave*s of 1916, as amended,
known as the Westchester County Tax law; and
"'I?FI711S, at said sale the Supervisor, acting
on behalf of the Town of Yamaroneck, purchased
a number of tax liens based upon said unpaid
taxes of 1928 and procured transfers thereof in
favor of the Town of Mamaroneck in the manner
provided by Section 36 of the Westchester County
Tax law; and
H7RTAS, this Bo- rd has received from the Receiver.
of Taxes of the Town of Yamaroneck a statement
as provided by Sdction 32 of the WesteheW ter County
Tar 1aw,. from which it appears that on June 1, 1931,
the sum of $756079 in transfers of tax liens based
upon the 1928 State , County, Town and Special
Districts taxes was outstanding and unpaid and that
none of said transfers of tax liens have been redeemed;
1TURIaAS , the Supervisor has requested that approp-
riate steps be taken to raise and provide thecafore-
said sum of 47,564.79 by the issuance and sale of
a 'temporary certificate of indebtedness against said
unpaid and unredeemed transfers of tax liens as
provided by Section 3a of the Westchester County Tax
lava to the end that theproceeds thereof may be
applied in part payment of temporary certificate
-- of indebtedness to. 4, dated June 20, 19305 in the
amount of 112 ,794.02 which became due on June 1, 1931;
RESOIVD', that pursuant to the provisions of Section
32 of the Westchester County Tax law, the Suner-
visor be and hereby is authorized and empowered
to borrow upon the faith and credit of the Town
of Hamaroneck the sum of :r7 1564.79 for which sum he
shall issue in the name and under the seal of said
Town a temporary certificate of indebtedness for the
sum of not exceeding 17,569 .79; that said certificate
shall bear interest at a rate of not more than Q
per annum, shall be sold for not less than par and
shall be .,lade payable at such time as the Supervisor may
determine not later, however, than June 1, 1932; and
it is further
R"SCIVYD, that said certificate of indebtedness shall
be signed by the Supervisor and countersigned by the
Town Clerk and that the Supervisor and 'Town Clerk be
and they hereby are authorized and empowered to sign,
execute and deliver such other papers and documents
as may be necessary an? proper to effect the sale and
deliver' of said temporary certificate of indebtedness ;.
<Lnd the Supervisor having reported that he has
negotiated the sale of said temporary certificate ofindebtedness
with the First rational Bank and Trust Company of Mamaroneck, lees
York, who offered to purchase the aforesaid certificate at par
and at. a rate of interest at 5 per nnom; and it is further
RTTSOI=,D, that the action of the Supervisor in
disposing of said temporary certificate of indebt-
edness to the First rational Bank and Trust Company
of Kamaroneck, New York, upon the terms above set
forth be and the same hereby is in all respects
ratified and confirmed.
Upon a vote being taken u-pon the foregoing resolutions
the same were declared unanimously adopted by the following vote :
Ayes : 5.
roes : none
The Chair declared the resolutions duly adopted.
fs c:ommun.ication dated Tune 8th, 1931 from Krs. Julia L,
Smith, Post Road, Dillon Parks, requested a permit to sell fireworks
in the Town. The Clerk was directed to inform her that at its
meeting on June 3rd, t'ne Town Board had resolved to issue no
such permits,.
A communication dated Kay 25th, 1931, was received from
Hrs. B. D. Hoffman, ;132 Lincoln Street, Larchmont, urging the
board to prohibit the sale of fireworks in the Town of Kama roneck,
The Clerk was directed to inform Iu`'irs. Hoffman that t'ne Board had
already done so.
A comrnunication dated ILTay 26th was received from the
Mamaroneck Chamber of Coraerce requesting that action be taken
on the alleged nuisance caused by the storage or dumpih& of old
automobiles, etc. , on the northerly side of Palmer Avenue opposite
the high school. The Clerk was directed to reply that the Teen
Board -das already considering this matter.
The report of the Town Clerk for the month of Lay was
received and ordered placed on file.
Reportsof the Receiver of Tales for the monthsof December
to kay, inclusive , were received and ordered placed on file.
The Clerk, reported that the bond of the Building
Ins_oect.or in the amount of 2,000.00 c,as about to expire and he
recommended that it be renewed in the stmt of only $1,000.00 which
he said--he thought would be sufficient. The Board agreed n ith the
Clerk and the matter was referred to him with power. The Clerk
was likewise requested to investi4ate the matter of workmen fs
compensation for the Building Inspector.
The Clerk reported that several of the volumes in his
office containing -records of births , deaths and marriages were
badly in need of repair and recommended that these books be
rebound. He estimated that this work would cost not more than
a`PA ,00 per volume.
On motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice messersmith
it v,,,,a.s upon roll call unanimously
TO' IT ;l I' !--U.?RO--,7 O'F>, X. Y.
held June 11th, 1931.
The meeting was called to order by qupervisor Burton
at 7;&0 P.H.
Present:. Supervisor Burton:
Justices Boyd, Leeds and Lessersmith
Town Clerk Marvin
.ebnent: Justice Collins
The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble and
Superirtender_t Coles
The Supervisor announced that the meeting had been
called pursuant to notice duly advertised for the purpose of
receiving bids for an issue of ?640,000.00 Seger District Do. 19
Series I bonds.
The Clerk read_ the call of the meeting and upon motion
duly made and seconded the call was unanimously approved as read.
The Supervisor thereupon directed the Clerk to open all
the proposals received for this issue of bonds.
Proposals tiE re received for an issue of 9640j000.
Sevier District #1,. Series I Bonds as follows.
Larchmont National
Bank and Trust Company 4.IO7,- ';642x160..00
Trust Company of Larchmont' 4.20 % 6462080.00
Batchelder & Company 4®.10% 641,,811.20
73. J. Van Ingen & Co. Inc.
and Stranahan Harris & Co. Inc. 4.10 644,156.36
Justice Boyd moved the adoption of the following reso-
lution and Justice Yesserzmnith seconded the motion.
RESOLVED, tht 040,000.00 Sewer District
-�7`1 Bonds of the Town of Mamaroveck$ Series rk
the issuance of which has been duly authorized by
a resolution of the Town Board adopted June 3,1931
shall 'gear interest at the rate of four and one tenth
per centum (4.10%) per annum, and are hereby awarded
to ILessrs. B. 1. Van Inger, & Company, Inc. , and
-- Stranahan Harris & Co. , Inc. , at the price bid. of
644,146.36 and accrued interest at the rate borne
by the bonds from the date of the bonds to the date
of payment of the purchase price, less interest on
the deposited check from the date of this resolution
ta, the date of delivery..
RP'SCIIP'D4 that the proper officials of
the Town of Kamaroreck are hereby author-
ized and directed to execute said bonds and
to deliver them to the said purchasers upon
receipt of payment therefor in accordance
with this resolution.
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following
vote :
Ayes ; 5
Noes: Dore
On motion duly made and seconded the Clerk was directed
to return to the unsuccessful bidders their deposit checks upon
securing a proper receipt therefor.
The Supervisor reported that the contract for the bridge
over the easterly branch of the Sheldrake River at Rockland
Avenue was being prepared by the County P'nginee-r 's- office and
suggested that he be authorized to sign it after Counsel had
given his approval ws to sufficiency and form.
On motion by the Clerk seconded by yustice Vossersmith
it.. was upon roll call unanimously
RESCINYDy that the contract for the bridge
over the easterly branch of the Sheldrake
River at Rockland Avenue be referred to
Counsel as soon as it is delivered to the
Town Clerk and upon Counsel's approval the
Supervisor be and hereby is authorizeds
directed and empowered to sign it and the
Clerk to attest same .
Superintendent Coles inquired what the Board wished to
do in regard to tie town flag pole in the square at Mamaroneck
Avenue and Post Road and after discussion the matter was unani-
mously referred to Superintendent Coles and the Clerk with power.
Upon motion duly made and seconded the Board unanimously
resolved to adjourn at 8 F. 14
Town Clerk