HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_06_03 Town Board Minutes (2) RFGUI,AR _,'_7 7TING OP TH7 TOY BOARD
TO,'Jiv OF YAHARO2'7GY, E. Y. '...
held June 3rd, 1931.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 8:30 P.M.
PP.FSEIFTS Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Leeds and Yessersmith
Town Clerk Haryin
The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble.
The Supervisor announced that pursuant to a notice duly
advertised the Board would hold a public hearing to consider the
application of Frederic Pcffet for an amendment of the zoning ordin-
ance: of the unincorporated Section of the Town of Eamaroneck, which
amendment mould remove and transfer the property hereinafter described
from Glass F* unclassified in which it is now classified as shown
on the nap which accompanies said ordinance to Class C business; to
wits property known as Lot 19F, Block 37, Section 4 of the Assessment
Map, and also known as #6 Weaver Street...
The Clerk read the call of the meeting and upon motion duly
made and seconded it was unanimously approved..
The Supervisor inquired if there was any one present who
wished to speak in opposition to the applicatioh. There being none
present who opposed the application he inquired if there was any one
present who wished to speak in favor of the application.
- Mr. Poffet , the applicant, and Br. Joseph L. Serlir_g,
veterinarian, spoke in favor of the application. Trey explained that
Dr. Serling wished to establish veterinary quarters on the premises
and presented building plans of the proposed remodeling of the
existing structure.
After discussion, there being no other person present who
wished to address the Board,.. the Supervisor declared the hearing
Thereupon, on motion by the Clerk, seconded by Justice
Boyd, it was unanimously
RFSOLVEn, that there be transferred upon the
Zoning Rapp which, together with the designations
shown thereon, accompanies the Zoning Ordinance of
the Unincorporated Section of the Town. of Mamaroneck:
Westchester County, New Yorks to wit-
an ordinance adopted by the Tom. Board of the Toth
of Mamaroneck at a meeting held. June 21st, 1922, by
virtue of the powers vested in said Town Board under
the provisions of Chapter 722 of the Laws of 1922 r
etc. , from Class F unclassified district, in which
said property is now classified as shown on said map,
to class C' Business district,, the following described
property, to wit;
All that certain piece or parcel of land in the Town.
of Tiamaroneck, Westchester County, Few cork, situated
on Weaver Street approximately 200 feet northerly of
the northerly side of the Boston Post Road at its
intersection with said Weaver Street, said piece or
parcel of land being described on the assessment :nap
of the Town of Mamaroneck as Lot 19F in Block 37,
Sdction 4, and being known as No. 6 ','leaver Street;
and be it further
RFSOLVFD, that this resolution is passed on the
express understanding that the applicants -,-,hen re-
modeling the existing premises for use as veterinary
quarters , construct. a solidly boarded six (6) foot
fence in the rear of the property and that on the
two side lines they construct six (6) foot fences, _
the three (3 ) lower feet of which are solidly
boarded and the three upper feet of which are of
stout wire construction.
P. Della Monica, of Fslstcad Avenue , Harrison, F. Y. ,
addressed the Board and asked if any action had been taken on his
request heretofore presented for a permit to sell fireworks in the
Town of Kama-roneck.
The Board discussed. the matter at some length and on
motion by Justice Leeds seconded by Juaticc Boyd it was unanimously
RT'SOLVFD,. that this Town Board grant no permits
for the sale of fireworks in the unincorporated
section in the Town of Mamaroneck.
Firs. Bessie Scherff, Assistant Town Welfare Officer%
addressed the Board and presented a communication from 'Town aelfare
Officer :ohn J. Bloomer, in which he requested that the new
quarters of the Town i`felfare office at 4,-14_1 II-It. Pleasant Avenue , be
equipped with an awning, and screezi door to kelp out the flies.
The Clerk pointed out that the Town. Board had not yet approved of
the action of the irelfare O-fficer in moving his quarters from the I
old to the new location and suggcst.ed that this be done.-
On motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Messersmith
it was upon roll call unanimously
PE-SOLVFD, that the action of Town i';'elfare Officer
John J. Bloomer in 'moving the Town welfare Office
from its former location at -,47-390 Liamaroneck. Avenue
to its new location at #141 Tit. Pleasant Avenue,_ at
the same rent as formerly paid, namely $50.00 per
Month,: be and it hereby is approved, and be it
RFS0157D, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized, directed and empowered to sign a lease
£or the new office dating from Ayc-ril 1, 1931.,
After discussion it was upon motion by Justice Leeds ,
seconded by Justice Idessersmith, upon roll call unanimously
RFSOLVED,that on the recommendation of Town 77elfare
Officer John J. Bloomer, Justice Boyd is hereby
directed, authorized and empowered to secure an
awning and a screen door for the new office of the
Town -Welfare Officer.
Supervisor Burton suggested that the Clerk address a
communication to Justice Collials expressing the sympathy of the
Board at his indisposition and the Boardrs hope for his early
return to its midst. On motion duly made and seconded the
Board unanimously resolved so to do.
Justice Hessers=pith suggested that the Board authorize the
payment of a ratable amount of the fee and expenses of Dr. John
Baur for his expert services in connection with the commutation rate
case against the Yew York, ',' estchester and Boston Railroad. He
said that other interested communities were paying their share of the
total amount. The Supervisor requested Justice i'aessersmit'h to commute
that he thought would be lEamaronec'_t's proper proportion of this
Leon =illiams addressed the Board requesting pe-emission to
obtain a suitable flag and flagpole for the 'leaver Street Fire House,
The :natter was ordered referred to the Fire House committee with
Justice Leeds reported that members of organizations using
the '.:`cave: Street Firehous= for their meetings were scattering cig-
arette butts on the floor.
After discussion it was upon motion by the Clerk seconded
by Justice Leeds on roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Firehouse- Coniii ttee be and it
hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to
obtain metal :Haste baskets and ash trays for
the firehouse.
Counselor Gardole reported that all necessary legal prep-
arations had been completed for the sale of X640,000.00 Sewer
District 7r1 Bonds of the Town of Namaroneck$ Series I, which bonds
ure to refund certificatescf indebtedness heretofore issued and exten4-
ed from time to time to pay for the cost of/installing sewer mains and
appurtenances in the extensions: to Sewer District _'?o. 1 of the To,` n
of Hamaroneck known as Sections `'IF" tIP" "H11 "D llon Park% He advised
the Board. that these extensions had been completed and that in view
of the -oresent favorable condition of the bond market it would be to
the best interests of the Town to refund these certificates in the
usual form of long term bonds. He presented to the Board the necess-
ary form of resolution; and on motion of Justice Boyd.,, seconded by
Justice ISessersmith, the following preambles and resolution were
Resolution authorizing the issuance of $640,000.00 , Sewer
District #1 Bonds of the Town of Mamaroneck, Series 1, determining
the form, and providing for the payment and sale thereof.
JIL R7AS, on petitions of a majority of the
resident owners of taxable real property in the
proposed extensions to Sewer District #1 of the
Town of Y" rmaxoneck, knoQ✓n as Sections "S`c, 'rF",
BH't, and "Dillon Park" and after holding public
hearings on due notice in t'ne manner required by
lave thereon., this Board by orders dated July 6.,
1927.- February 15, 1929,, January 229 1930 and
September 54 1928, respectively, has duly est-
ablished said extensions to and enlarged the
boundaries of the existing said Sewer District
#1 of the Town of Mamaroneck: and
HRREaS, the Board of Sewer Commissioners of
said Suer District has caused to be prepared
and filed in the office of the Town Clerk of
said Town, maps and plans of said extensions
to said Sewer District which show the high-
ere and the several parcels of land Therein;
1HTREAS, the said Board of Ses✓er Commissioners
has reported to this Board that the total cost of-
construction of an extension to the serer system
in said Sewer District as enlarged and extended is
the sum of $640,000..00,_ now, therefore , be it
l dd Y 3K, as follows:
Section 1. Bonds of the Town of Mamaroneck
in the aggregate principal amount of
$640 ,000..00 shall be issued an& sold to pro-
vide funds to pay the cost of the construction
of an extension to the sewer system in Sewer
District K of the `itown of Eamaroneck, as
enlarged and extendeK
Section 2a Each of said bonds shall be 'known
as "Sewer District #1 Bond, Series W Said
bonds shall be dated June 159 1931, shall
i f 6 000x.00
ant _
i�a_ amount o
rinc '
mature in the principal
on June 15th in each of the years 1936 to 1975,
both inclusive , shall bear interest at a rate
not exceeding aix per centum (65) per annum,_
to be expressed in a multiple of one quarter
or one tenth of one per centumt the exact rate
to be determined: upon receipt of bids , by resol-
ution of this Board, payable semi-annually on
the 15th days of June and December in each year,
shall be in the denomination of ($1,000.. each, shall
be numbered in order of maturity from 1 to 6401;
both inclusive , shall be payable as to both
principal and interest in gold coin of the
United States of America of or equal to the
present standard of weight and fineness , or
its equivalent in lawful money, at the office
of the Larohmont National Bank and Trust
Company, Larchmont., County of Westchester,
Yew Yew York, or, at the option of the 'holder,
at the principal office of the First National
_ Bank of the City of New York, County and State
of New York, and shall be coupon bonds, register-
able as to principal only, or as to both principal
and interest.
Section 3e. Said bonds shall be in substantially
the following forms :
�. USUAL P=S ) (Se pages 111i--;s. 111B a-. dl 4iC`
Section K The Town of Mamaroneck covenants to
pay the principal and interest of the said
bonds as the same shall become due by levying
and collecuing assessments on the lands within
Sewer District #1 of the Town of Mama roneck as
enlarged and extended, at such time or times and
in such amounts as may be necessary therefor, in
accordance with law.
The Town further covenants in case of default in
carrying out the terms of the foregoing covenant,
that the said town shall raise by tax on the
taxable property in the said Town, from time to
time , a sun sufficient to pay the interest and
principal on the said bonds as the same shall
become due and payable .
Section 5� Said bonds shall be sold on June 11th
1931, upon sealed proposals. The Town Clerk is
hereby authorized and directed to cause to be
published a notice of such sale at least once ,
at least five (5) days prior to June 11th, 1931,
in "The Daily Times" , a newspaper published
in the Village of Uamaroneck, in said Town,
which newspaper is designated as the official
newspaper of said Tom for the purposes of such
publication, and also in "The Bond Buyer" , a
financial newspaper published and circulating
in the City of Eew Yorke
TY7_T7D S ".`=S OF A:7R1CA
TI TO-,-7IT OF L_'A:1ARn17C_7q T17 = COTTETTY OF _,T-tSTCF7,ST7,`,RV
a municipal corporation of the State of ITew Yo±k, hereby ackncwledges
itself indebted and fof value received promises to pay to the
Bearer of this bond , or, if it be registered, to the registered
owner on the fifteenth day of June , 19 , the sum of One Thousand
Do'-liars and to pay interest on such sum at the rate of
per cent.um per annum, semi-annually on the fifteenth
days of June and December in each year from the date of this bond
until it matures upon presentation and surrender, as they severally
mature, of the coupons therefor annexed hereto or, if the bond be
registered as to both principal and interest, to the registered
owner. Both principal and interest of this bond will be paid in
gold coin of the United States of America, of or ecual to the
present standard of weight and fineness, or its eauivallent in
ia .,ful money, at the office of The La±chmont 1,"ational Bank and
Trust Company , County of estchsstelr, iiew York, or, at the option
of the holder, at the principal office of the FirstFationall Bank
of the City of View York, C-,unty and State of !,,,e7-,, York®
At the 1.-iritten request of the owner this bond nay be
registered as to principal on the books of the To:Tvn, kept in the
office cf the Town Clerk and a certificate of such registry shall
be- endorsed upon this bond by such Town Clerk after which the prin-
cipal of this bond shall be payable only to the registered o-c,,nerp
his legal representatives , successors or assigns and shall be
transferable only upon -presentation to such To,:lm Clerk ',pith a
written assignment duly acknowledged or proved. yhe name of the
assignee shall be entered upon this bond and such books. Such
rcg ' stratior. shall not affect the negotiability of the coupons
which shall continue to pass by delivery® At the written request
of the owner, this bond may be converted into a bond registered as
to both principal and interest and the coupons annexed hereto cut
off and destroyed after which both principal and interest shall be
payable only to the registered owner, his legal representatives ,
successors or assigns and shall be transferable only in the manner
herainabove set forth!
This bond is one of an authorized issue , the aggregate
principal�pal amioiLnt of which is 86402000.00, the bonds of which are
of 1-like tenor, except as to maturity, numbered from I to 640, both
inclusive , issued pursuant to the provisions of the Town Law, con-
stituting Chapter 62, and the General- Hunicipal Law con&ituting
Chapter 24, of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York,
as amended, Chapter 594 of the Laws of 1926, Chapter 437 of the
of 1928, -Chapter 860 of the Lawa of 1930, aid by virtue of a resol-
ution of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck duly adopted
on Tune 3rd. 19310
It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions,
acts and things required by the Constitution a-lid, Statutes of the
State of 1Tew York to exist, to have= happened and to have been per-_"-Meft
precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, exist,- have happened
and have been performed, and that the issue of bonds of which this is
one , together with all other indebtedness of said Town of 1famaroneck
is ith� every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution
and laws of Laid State.
Il?' WITITTSS 'IHET? OF, the Toe:m of I.=.aroreck, im the County
of 7estchester, has caused t'nis bond to be signed by its Supervisor
and its eorpo -ate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its
TOES ? Clerk and the coupons hereto attached to be authenticated by
the facsimile signature of its Supervisor, and this bond to be dated
as of the fifteenth day of June , 1931.
Supervisor of the Town of L_auaro ec',
(Corporate Seal)
Tovrn Clerk -
(I+OTa OF C0upox
The Town of Mamaroneck,. in -the County of Jestchester,.
a municipal corparation of the State of Ye-, York, ,-vill pay to the
bearer on the fifteenth day of 19 , the sum of
Dollars ( a ) 9 in hold coin of the United
States of Anerioa, of or equal to the present standard of weight
and fineness , or its equivalent in la'aful money, at the office of The
La-rchront National Bank and Trust Company, I,archmont, County of
Jestchester, Few York, or, at the option of the l2olu'er2, at to
principal office of The First National Bank of the CJ 'ty of 1v'evr York,
County and State of Neal York, being six months ` interest then due on e'
its Sewer District #_�l. Bond, Series £, dated Tune 15,_ 1931, and '..
bearing Number
Supervisor of the Town of Kamaroneck
(FORT,T Or I'1iDORS7!.7-Y-,T)
72. 177EBY CHRTIFY that uloon the -presentation of the Within
bond With a written request by the owner thereof for its cOnvers70'f.
into a bond registered as to both principal and interest, we have
this day cut- off and destroyed coupons attached thereto, ntumbercu
'rpm to inclusive , of the amount and value of
— each, amounting' in the aggregate to
Dollars ( J J and that the interest at the rate of
per centun ( per arimmi, payable semi-annually
on the fifteenth days of June and De camber in each year, as Was
provided by the cou-pons , as well as the prinei_Dal, is to be paid to
gal representatives, successors or assigns , at the office of the
Tarchmont national Bank' and trust Comy0any, Larchrioi_.t, .County of '.lest®
cheste-r, 2+e-a York, or at the option of the holder at the principal
office of the First E-ational Bank_ of the City of Ye-vv York, County and
State of 1?.Y> ,, the places stated in the coupo:,s,
Dated 19
Supervisor of the Tom of `am_:roneck
ri 1 C
To-on Cler'if
It is hereby certified that the within bond has been
_"egistercd as iolloias :
Section 6® Said Notice of sale shall be in
substantially the following forma
$6409000.00 Sewer District #1 Bonds , Series: I
Sealed proposals will be received by the Tovm Board of the
Town of Kamaroneck, L,,'estchester County, Fe,,, York; on the 11th day of
J`une , 1931, at seven thirty o '"clock P.P, . (Daylight Saving Time ) at
the office of the Town Clerk, #8 Elm Street, in the Village of
?aamaroneck, for the purchase of $6402COO.00 Sewer District #I Bonds,
Series I, of said Town. Said bonds will be of the denomination of
81,000.00 each, tivill be dated June 15, 1931. will mature `16,000.00
on Tune 15th in each of the years 1936 to 19759 both inclusive, Inter-
est at a rate determined as hereinafter provided, will be payable
semi-annually on the fifteenth days of June and .December in each
year. Both principal and interest of said bonds will be payable in
gold coin of the 'United States of America, of or equal to the present
standard of weight and fineness , or its equivalent in lawful money
at the office of The Larch.Lont National Bank and Trust Company,
Larc'nr.,ont, County of '<<`estchester, i'ew York, or, at theoption of the
'Holder, at the principal office of the F'Lrst National Bank of the
City of Ivew, York, County and State of M;leca York. The bonds .Jill be
coupon bonds with the privilege of registration as to principal
only, or as to both principal and interest.
The right is reserved to reject all bids and any bids not
complying with the terms of this notice will be rejected.
Bidders must state in their bids a single rate of interest
oh ich all the bonds offered for sale are to bear, expressed in a
multiple of one-quarter or one-tenth of one per centum9 but not exceed-
ing six per centum (60) per annum, and must state the price offered,
but not less than par and accrued interest& 2do bid :ai1l be considered
for said bonds which states a higher rate of interest than is
stated i, any other legally acceptable bid. Subject to the foregoing
provision as to rate of interests the bands will be awarded to the
bidder offering to pay the highest price therefor..
All bidders are required to deposit a certified check pay-
able to the order of the `-ovn2 of '_framaroneck, New Yofk, for two per
centum (20) of the amount of the bonds bid for, drawn upon an incorp-
orated bank or trust company® Checks of unsuccessful bidders will be
returned upon the award of the bonds® Interest at the Tate borne by
the bonds from the date of avrard to the date of delivery will be
allowed upon the amount of the check of a successful bidder and such
check will be retained to be applied in part payment for the bonds
or to secure thg- Town_ against any loss resulting from the failure
of the bidder to comply vaith the terms of his bid.
Proposals should be addressed to '7alter R. Aarvin, Jr> , Town
Clerk, =8 Elm Street, Mamaroneck, `Jestchester County, New York, and
enclosed in a sealed envelope marked on the outside "Proposal for
The successful bidder will be furnished with the opinion of
Yessrs. Havrkins9, Delafield E Longfellovr, of Slew York_ City, that the
bonds are binding and legal obligations of the Town of 'Mamaroneck,
pay�Dle in the first instance from assessments and not from a general
tovvn tax, s*fhich, however, may be levied if there is a shortage in the
primary fund.
By order of the Town Boa'rd9
To,-: n of i4amar one ck,??eva York .`alte-r R. Yarvin, Jr.
Town Clerk
Dated June 3rd, 1931.
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following:
Ayes: Burton
if,es sersnith
- Noes: none
On motion duly made and seconded the Board unanimously
resolved to recess at 10.30 PQ Y. to meet again on Tuesday, June
2th at 3930 P. M.
Te�un Csk