HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_05_20 Town Board Minutes (3) If'FETIXG OF THE TOWIT BOARD
held May 20th, 1931
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at
4 P.If.
Present : Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Gollins and Leeds
Town Clerk Varvin
The presence was also noted of Counselor Ralph A. Gamble.
The regular order of business was suspended in order to
heat Ward S. Edwards who desired to address the Board. Mr. Edwards
stated he was the owner of a Dinette located at the north east
corner of the Boston Post Road and 1.7eaver Street and that he was
being compelled to vacate that property and that he requested per-
mission of the Town Board to move his Dinette across the street,
to the south side of the Boston Post Road, 2200 feet from Hommocks
Road.: He made his application under the terms of Section 79,
Article 2 of the Zoning Ordinance.
After discussion the Board agreed to grant his request
in accordance with the fo-llowing resolution
v�'RT'.AS, Ward S. Edwards has appeared before
this Board and requested a temporary permit
to move to and locate upon the property 'herein-
after described a movable structure known as
-- the "California Dinette " and to conduct thereon
and therein a restaurant business, and
FRFASg the aforesaid property as more specific-
ally hereinafter described is now classified under
the Zoning: Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck as
F Unclassified. and
dIfi REAS, the said 1'dwards has exhibited to this
Board a certain indenture of lease dated Ifay 8th91931,
between Hary C. I-ead and Beulah Irene Ifills as Land-
Icrd and Ward S. Edwards as tenant, whereby the said
landlord has leased the premises situated in the
Town of Vamaroneck, County of VIestchester and State
of Few. York, being more particularly bounded and
described as follows -
BFGrMITMG at. a point on the easterly side of the new line
of the Boston Post Road where the same is intersected by the
boundary line of property of the Landlord and property now or formerly
of the S.]`iT.H. Corporation, which said point is distant approximately'
twwo hundred (2.00) feet southerly along said Boston Post. Road from
its intersection with the southerly side of Hommocks Road; running
thence southerly along the Boston Post Road thirty-five (35) feet;.
-running thence eastwardly and parallel with the aforesaid boundary
lithe forty (40) feet; running thence northwardly and parallel with
the aforesaid easterly side of the Boston Post Road seven (7 ) feet
more or less to an old stone wall; running thence east-uardly along
said stone wall thirty-five (35) feet; running thence northwardly
and parallel with the aforesaid easterly side of the Boston Post
Road thirty (30) feet more or less to the aforesaid boundary line ,
thence along said boundary line seventy-five (75) feet more or less
to the southerly side of t;he Boston Post Road and the point or place
for a tern of one year beginning Ifay 15th, 1931,
and expiring 'Eqy 15 , 1932, upon terms and conditions
in said lease provided, and
'dIHE?.FfAS, this Board may pursuant to Section
7 of Article Ig of the aforesaid Zoning Ordin-
ance grant a temporary permit pursuant to such
conditions and restfictions as it may determine ,
Therefore , after due consideration, it was upon motion
duly seconded
R SOLVED, that this Board do and it hereby
does grant a temporary and conditional permit
to ward S.. Edwards to move on to or upoh- the
aforesaid described premises the structure owned
by him and known as the "California Dinette"
and to conduct thereon and therein a restaurant
business; further
RESOLVED,, that the Building Commission of the
Town of Idamaroneck be and it hereby is author-
ized, empowered and directed to issue such
temporary permit as may be necessary to carry
out the terms and conditions of this resolution;
provided, however, that said temporary permit
shall embody therein all of the conditions and
limitations herein provided.
P. Della Monica of 120 Halstead Avenue, Harrison,
addressed the Board in connection tith a communication dated Liay
11+.h, which the Clerk read, requesting permission to sell fire
works for the 4th of July at a stand to be located at the Foy
property near the New Rochelle boundary* line.
After discussion it was upon motion by the Clerk, seconded.
- by Justice Leeds unanimously
RESOLVED, that this application together with
any future similar applications be referred to
a committee to be appointed by the Supervisor.
The Supervisor thereupon appointed to this committee
Justices Collins, Leeds and Town Clerk Marvin, to conaider this
matter together with Superintendent Coles and the Police Department.
The regular order of business was thereupon resumed.
Supervisor Burton again referred to the necessity of obtairf
ing revised maps for the use of the Assessors and upon motion by
Justice Leeds seconded by the Clerk it . as upon roll call unanimously
RESOTVED, that the Supervisor be authorized ,
empowered and directed to confer with the
Assessors in regard to whatever new assessment
maps may be needed, with the authority to have
these maps prepared.
Counselor Gamble reported in regard to cancellation of
taxes on Lot 11A, Block 86,; Section 1, recommending that these
taxes be cancelled i-n accordance with the request of the petitioners.
Upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Leeds,
it was upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, 7,7F ?2AS, a petition has been presented to
this Board to have a tax sale of the Town of
Mamaroneck dated May 23 , 1928, for the 1927 taxes
on Lot No. lla Block 86 , Section 1 on the Assessment
Pap of the Town of Yamaroneck, in the amount of
X43.48 cancelled because the same is erroneously
assessed,. and
u'TIi?EAS, said petition has been presented to
the Board of Assessors and said Board of
Assessors report that the said Lot Ila was
former°ly a part of Lot 11 and that said Lot
11 has been from time to time subdivided into
four lots , to wit, Ila,, Ilb, Ila and lld and
it would appear that said tax had been paid in
connection with one of said subdivisions and/or
it is imoossible due to said subdividing to
ascertain who might be responsible for said
tax if not paid as the said ta_c has been shifted
from one lot to another as new subdivisions were
made , and
iI-EREAS said Board of Assessors and Receiver of
Taxes feel that said tax probably was paid and
have recommended that the said tax sale be cancelled,
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and the Receiver of
Taxes be and they hereby are authorized, empowered
and directed to cancel on their books of record the
1928 tax sale , the taxes for the year 1927. in the
sum of $43.48 now shown against Lot Ilas Bloat: 8E2
Section I on the Assessment Hap of the Town of
The Clerk presented two insurance policies for the Fire
Department prepared by George H. Ea glelland , one covering the four
fire trucks for public liability , property and collision damage
and the other covering Volunteer Firemen Indemnity. He asked if
these policies -were in order and they were -referred to the Fire
Committee and Counsel for investigation and report.
-- Counselor Gamble sn behalf of the Building Commission
spoke concerning the use of7certain piece of property on Palmer
Avenue as a depot for old and junked automobiles and said that the
property lines on this parcel were in doubt. He requexted an
accurate survey of the property.
The Clerk declared that confusion existed as to the Zoning
of certain property in this neighborhood and suggested that the
entire neighborhood be properly ma.ppecl..
Upon motion by Justice Leeds seconded by the Clerk, it was
upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that Counsel be and he hereby is
authorized to secure an accurate survey of
the property bounded on the north by the
New Haven Railroad tracks , on the east by
the iamaror_eck Village line , on the south
by the north side of Palmer Avenue, on the
west by the east side of Weaver Street.
The Clerk reported that a new flag was necessary for the
little flag staff over the town office door and upon roll call
he was unanimously authorized to purchase a new flag to replace
the present flag which is worn out.
The Supervisor -reported that he had reappointed 'William F.
Edwards as Park Commissioner of Town Park District YTo..1 of the Town
of i-amaroneck and submitted the following resolution which was
unanimously adopted:
2 5
VJHC L=AS, the tern: of office of William F. Edwards
as Park Commissioner of the Town Park District Fo.l
of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, expired: on
January 7 , 1931; and
7HERt'AS, MY. Edwards has discharged the duties of
his office with marked ability and zeal; and
WHEREAS, this Board is appreciative of the splendid
vaoik performed by the Board of Parr: Commissioners
-- of which Yr. Edwards has been a member since its
organization; and
` HERE'AS', the Supervisor has reported that he has
reappointed Mi. Ed grds for a three year term commenc-
ing on January 7t 1931 and requests that pArsuar_t
to the provisions of Section 3 of Chapter 574 of the
laws of 1924, as amended, this Board approve of the
aforesaid reappointment;
NOW THnR^PORE', it is
RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby approve of
the reappointment of said William P Edwards, owner
of 'real property residing within said Park District,
as Par's Commissioner- of Town Park District Sao. 1 of
the Town of MamaroneckT New Yorks for the term of
three years from January 7 , 1931, to succeed him-
self as provided by Section 3 of Chapter 574 of the
haws of 1924, as a.mendel.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution
- was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Ayes :5
The Chair declared the resolution duly adopted.
The Supeivisor announced that he wished to appoint an
Assistant Welfare Officer of the Town and submitted the
name of firs. Bessie Scherff.
Upon motion by Justice Collins seconded by Justice Boyd,
it was unanimously
RES01VED9 `u HFREAS, the Public Welfare Officer of
this Town has requested that an assistant be appointed
in order that he may be assisted in carrying out his
duties ; and
=ETRFAS , it is the sense of this Board that the best
interests of the Town would be promoted by complying
with the request of said Town Public Welfare offices
and appointing an assistant in the manner provided by
the Public Welfare Law;
Y00v TFFRS'3t'OaE , it is
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of
Section 24 of the Public Welfare law Bessie Scherff
of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, be and hereby is
appointed Assistant Town Public Welfare Officer at a
salary to be computed at the rate of A1s000. 00 per
year from iday 151 19318 payable in equal monthly
instalments ; that said Bessie Scherff shall hold
office during the pleasure of this Board and that
she 'shall Perform such duties as may be assigned to
her by the Town Public Welfare Officer and the ToM
Board and such other duties, as may be provided by
The queation of the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Ayes. 5
;oesn none
-- A communication was received from the Lamaroneck Post ,`90
American Legion; dated May 5th, requesting the annual appropriation
to the Post to 'help defray the expenses in connection with the
Memorial Day services. The Clerk was directed to reply that the
necessary fiends for this purpose were in the budget and that a check
in this amount mould be sent to the Post..
Another communication from the Hamaroneck Poet +`9O2
American Legion, dated May 13th was received,i.nviting the members of
the Town Board to participate with the Post in observance of
Memorial Day.
The Board resolved to accept the invitation with thanks
and all members who could possibly do so were urged to attend.
The Clerk reported that he had conferred with the Super-
intendent of Highways in regard to cleaning up the town cemetery
in preparation_ for Memorial Day as directed at a previous meeting
and that the cemetery would be in proper shape for the occasion.
The report of the Torn Clerk for the month of April was
ordered received and placed on file..
The Clerk reported that he had receiveda copy of a poem
1In Memorial" by Lorton P. Sarfaty, a member of the Building Commission
-- of the Torn, and suggested that a copy be sent to each member of the
Board and that it be entered in the minutes. The Clerk was directed
to do and the poem follows:
I Td Y F 0 R I A L
Forever we shall remember
Our duty on this day,
To gather here and commemorate ,
All who gave their lives in the fray.
Time will not cause us to forget
The valor of the deed,
Nor you, who answered the call to arms ,
When our country was in need.
7e who were there to cheer you,
Uhen you marched away to war,
Are here to-day in devotion,
Praying for you evermore.
This is the least that we can do,
But if there be -raced for mores,
- - We 'll a:^mower "ready", to preserve
All you died fighting for.
Within our hearts, there , are confined
Despite the years gone by,
love and respect for Y our memory;
• memorial, ne 'er to die.
• communication was received from the Westchester County
Department of ?health suggesting that the Town take joint action
with neighboring communities in regard to the erection of an Incin-
erator for the disposal of refuse. The Clerk was directed to reply
pointing out that the torn had already acted on this matter.
1- 29
A communication dated Hay 15th was received from the
Village of Mamaroneck notifying the h=oard that the Village had appointed
a committee consisting of T_:,sanager Richards and Mayor Cedney to confer
with the committee appointed by the Town and that appointed by the
Village of Larchmont regarding the proposed joint Incinerator. The
communication was ordered received, placed on file and the Clerk
directed to arrange for a meeting.
The Clerk reported that he had not been able to get together
with Counsel in time to have the necessary papers prepared for the
special meeting heretofore set for fray 26th for a hearing on the
application of Frederic Poffet for permission to establish a dog
kennel on Weaver Street. He said he had set the date of June 3rd
for this proposed meeting. He suggested that the Board meet on
May 26th to take up th6" ma.ttef of the new zoning mqp which had been
After discussion it was upon motion by Justice Leeds
seconded by Justice Collins, unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board meet on Tuesday, May
26th at 800 to consider the new zoning map
and that a representative of the Board of
Appeals be present.
The Supervisor said he was glad at this time to welcome
the return to this Board of Justice Collins who had been absent
for several months. The other members of the Board concurred with
the Supervisor in expressing to Justice Collins their pleasure on
hix return..
Tjon motion duly made and seconded the Board unanimously
resolved to adjourn. at 5:45 P.M.
yV I
Town Clerk