HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_04_15 Town Board Minutes (2) TMETING OF TIE TOWN BOARD
held April 15th2 1931.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at
10015 P. M.
Present: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Leeds and Kessersmith
Town Clerk Marvin
The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble.
Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to dispense
with the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet approved.
Mrs-. Esther Vitro of IZyrtle Avenue addressed the Board in
regard to the petition for rezoning that part of Myrtle Avenue on
both sides of the street lying between Baldwin Avenue and Thompson
Street from an A Residential District in which it is now classified
to Class C Business District, which petition had been presented to
the Board at its meeting on April 3rd and referred to the Board of
Assessors for certification as to names of property owners.
The Clerk presented the petition together with the certifi-
cation of the Board of Assessors, which certification indicated
that some of the signers own property not on Eyyrtle Avenue but in
the immediate vicinity.
After discussion the matter was ordered taken under advise-
lEr. James C. Webster, 61 Fernwood Rcad, Chairman of the
legal committee of the Larchmont Gardens rzssocia.tion, addressed the
Board on the matter of garbage collection in accordance with the
resolution passed- at the meeting of the Town Board on April 3rd.
Mm, ',Ylebster cited specific instances in which the collection had
proved unsatisfactory to residents of the Gardens because of one or
more of the following reasons-
(a)Carelessness in handlings (b) noise in handling; (c) un-
timely hours of collection; (d) unwillingness to remove various
bulky or unusual objects; (e) requests for extra payments by the
He urged the Board to see to it that the terms of the con-
tract were rigidly adhered to. In this connection Counselor Gamble
read to the Board the portions of the contract applicable to s.tate-
m_ents of Mr. =lebster.
Lr. +dwin S. Dimond, Garbage Contractor, addressed the Board
in reply to Mr. Webster. He cited the difficulties under which the
collectors work; declared that it would be a real hardship to him
if he were compelled to colleot "bulky or unusual objects® regularly
which are not provided for in the contract, told the Board of his
efforts to maintain a high standard of service , and asserted he was
doing his best to carry out the terms of his contract exactly.
The Clerk declared that in justice to 11r. Dimond he was glad
to say that the Contractor 's office was very obliging in receiving
complaints and had on several occasions made special trips where
a householder had been overlooked.
The Clerk presented to the Board complaints by Rufus K.
Allerton, 11orga_n J. Hickey, Charles G. Rapp and William F. Stratton
concerning garbage collection.
The Supervisor urged upon T_Sr. Dimond the necessity of specific
and careful performance of the contract and reminded him that he was
being paid_ for just that.
Mr. Dimond assured the Board he would do his best to comply
with its wishes.
Mr. Henry C. Frohne , 184 Palmer Avenue , addressed the Board
saying that he had been sent to it by the Building Commission in
connection with his application to move a garage in the rear of his
property so as to secure access to the garage over the access road
leading to the sewage disposal plant. The matter was ordered re-
ferred to the Sewer Commission with the .request that it do the best
it can to comply with the application of ? ._ Frohne , without making
the matter one of record.
Chief Captain Donald C. Howe of the &leaver Street '_,ire
Company Ho. 1, addressed the Board in connection with three communi-
cations which the Clerk thereupon read.
(a) Communication dated March 30th, 1931, referring to the re®
organization of the Fire Company as the Levan of ifamaroneck Fire De-
partment. Upon motion by Justice Sulessersmith, seconded by Justice
Boyd, it was unanimously
RrSOINED, that the Supervisor appoint a Special
Comiittee to take up this ;natter with the
— officers of the Weaver Street lore Company IT 1
and work out the necessary details.
(b) Communication dated April 15, 1931 , requesting the Town
Board to set a date "for an official and detailed inspection by the
Town Board of all apparatus and fire equipment at Fire Headquarters"
after April 29th at :which date the newly painted Hook and Ladder truck
is expected back at the Fire House.
The matter was referred to the committee mentioned above
for the setting of a date for this inspection.
( c) Communication dated April 15, 1931, informing the Board of
the action of the Fire Company in obtaining, equi_oping and making
ready for service an up-to-date patrol and emergency wagon, the entire
cost of :.hich has been borne solely by the ,leaver Street Fire Company,
The communication formally presented the wagon to fire
District STo. I and requested inspection of the apparatus which was at
that moment standing outside the door.
On motion by the Clerk, seconded by Justice Idessersmith it
;was upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, fJHEREAS, cleaver Street Tire Company
Yo. 1 has at its awn cost and expense obtained
and fully equipped, ready for fire service , a Fire
Patrol and "mergency Pile Apparatus , and
SLFRF-AS, said ':heaver Street Fire Company i' o. 1
has formally presented the aforesaid fire appara-
tus through this Board to Firs , Lighting & ,stater
;supply District No. I of the Tovrz of ?=iamaroneck,
"i'HEREFORF, BY IT RESOLVED, that t'r_is Board
formally accept on behalf of Fire , Lighting and
Water Supply District Xos 1, the Fire Patrol and
Fmergency Fire Apparatus so generously presented
by Weaver Street Eire Company No. 1 to said Fire,
Lighting and Water Supply District 1,To. 1.
FURTh`?R _3ESO!,ITTD, that said apparatus be turned
over to _Weaver Street Fire Company No. 1 to be
maintained and operated by it until further action
of this Board.
FURTH^R IR SOYVID, that the Clerk be and he hereby
is authorized, empowered and directed to duly
certify and forward to the 71eaver Street Fire Con-
- pang 1<o. 1 a copy of these resolutions.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
RESNU ED, that the Clerk be and he hereby is auth-
orized, empei«ercd and directed to have said appara-
tus properly covered by insurance; and be it further
RESOZV D, that this Board recess for five minutes
to inspect the apparatus.
The Board thereupon recessed for five -.;inutes and inspected
the apparatus.
Chief Captain Hoge and the officers of the Company who were
present were warmly praised by the members of the Board for their
;public spirited action.
Upon reconvening the Board received a communication dated
April 11th, addressed to the Clerk by the Department of Agricul-
ture and markets, containing a peremptory demand that the Board
take action in appointing a Dog Enumerator.
The Supervisor requested that the matter be referred to him
with poster so t':-,at he might consult a certain person whom he had in
mind for the position.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously
RESOIVTD, that the matter of appointing a Dog
Enumerator be referred to the Supervisor with
A claim was received from Domenick Samela in the amount of
$70.00 for planting two hemlocks and taro Colorado spruce trees at
the cleaver Street Fire House as hitherto decided upon by this Board.
Upon roll call the claim was unanimously approved and ordered
Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board unanimously re-
solved to adjourn at midnight.
Town Clerk.