HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_04_03 Town Board Minutes SPECIAL I t.T=G Or THE' 'Wj'PIT BOARD TOV4hT 02 KAMnROLZCKv N. Y. held April 3xd, 1931• In the absence of Supervisor Burton the meeting was called to order by Justice Boyd at S P. IL Present- Justices Boyd, Leeds and Iiessersmith Town Clerk Marvin Upon motion duly made and seconded Justice Boyd was unanimously elected to serve as Chairman. Justice Boyd announced that the meeting had been called as a public hearing duly advertised to consider the application of the Blue Club Coach lines, Inc. , for permission to pick up and drop passengers in the Town of Mamaroneck. The Clerk presented the call of the meeting and affidavit of publication of same. The call was ordered approved as printed. Justice Boyd declared the hearing was open and inquired if there was anyone present who desired to 'speak in favor of the applica- tion. 1jr. Charles A. Sheehan, President of the Blue Club Coach Lines, Inc. , addressed the Board and explained his application. He said that his Company desired the formal consent of the Town to pick up and drop passengers in the town in order that the company might establish a rata between Iamaroneck and Nevi York City, which rate would be 65)Z one way and $1.25 round trip. At present, he said, the company is picking up and dropping passengers in Mamaroneck traveling to and from Few York City but is compelled to sell them a ticket to and from jersey City to which the consent of the Town Board is not necessary because this travel is inter-state. He explained that the price of the ticket from Mamaroneck to Jersey City is 85fi9l,' or $1.55 round trig, or 20XG for one way fare and 3.0 for a round trip fare in excess of what his com- pany would charge for a. trip to New 'fork City if the Town Board granted its consent to the application. He urged the Board not to penalize Mamaroneck residents to this extent, by withholding its consent. Mr. Sheehan recited the merits of his company including the heavy liability insurance which it carries, the flex-ability of its method of transportation and the convenient and dependable hourly ser- vice which, he said, it affords, but criticised the rates of the Flew York., New Haven and Hartford Railroad as being excessive and spoke of the heavy taxes his company pays for the privilege his company has of operating buses on public highways. In response to a question by Justice Leeds he replied that his company pays no direct tax to the Town of Mamaroneck but said that the Town receives money from the State Highway fund which includes tax contributions from his company. lifter Mr. Sheehan had concluded his remarks, Justice Boyd inquired if there was anyone present who wished to speak in opposition to the application. lir. IL L. F°eiler, representing the Few York, Few Haven & Hartford Railroad Company and the New York, Westchester and Boston Hailrcad Company, said that on behalf of these companies he wished to oppose the application.. He declared that the two companies are heavy taxpayers in the town thereby contributing materially to the support of the local government, that the applicant paid no direct taxes in the town and is in competition withthe Railroads and that the town should not encourage competition of this kind. Mr. Feiler asked Yr. Sheehan if it was not a fact that the Blue Club Coach Lines, Inc. , or its parent company, is in the hands of a Receiver and if this fact would not affect the Company 's ability to pay damages in case of an accident. Yx. Sheehan replied that the Company was in the hands of a Receiver but that the step had been taken for certain technical and legal reasons whic'r, did not seriously affect, he alleged, the integrity of the company and furthermore, the company was amply covered by liability insurance and in any event, the company had never had a serious: accident. Mr.. Sheehan declared he would like to answer Mr. Feilerts objections by pointing out that the TSew England Transportation Company, a subsidiary of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Rail- road Company was running buses from Few Haven to New York in competi- tion with the Blue Club Coach Linesz thus doing the very thing that Mr. Fe ler objected to, namely, operating buses on public highways without paying taxes to local communities and that furthermore the Blue Club Coach Lines were started prior to the New England 'Trans- portation Company service and thus have a prior right to favorable consideration. There being no other persons present who desired to address the Board in connection with this application, upon motion duly made and seconded; the hearing was declared closed and the matter taken under advisement. The Board then proceeded to take up various matters which were awaiting its attention. Justice Leeds on behalf of the Fire House Committee pre- sented a bid in the amount of $85.00 from the Advanced Auto Painting Company, Inc. , for nickelplating various parts of the Hook and Ladder truck which that company is at present repainting. He said the committee recommended having this work done. Upon motion by Justice Leeds, seconded by .Justice Messer- smith, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the bid of the Advanced Auto Painting Company, Inc. , in the amount of $85.00 for nickelplating various parts of the Hook and Ladder truck be and the same hereby is approved and accepted on the re- commendation of the Fire House Committee, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Clerk be directed to notify the Advanced auto Painting Company to have this work done at once. The Clerk reminded the Board that the printing of the audited town accounts for the year 1930 as required by lass had not yet been authorized. Upon motion by the Clerk, seconded by Justice i1- essersmith it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the printing of the audited town accounts for the year 1930 be and it hereby is authorized; and be it further P.ESOLVFD, that these accounts be printed in pamphlet form similiar to the form employed for the 1929 accounts; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Clerkk, be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to have this work accomplished and that the cost of same be made a proper town charge; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to attend to the publication of the usual public notice of this work and that the cost of same be made a proper town charge. A communication dated March 23rd was received from the County Transportation Company requesting permission to discontinue temporarily a portion of its bus line running over the Post Road. The communication was ordered laid over and the Clerk was directed to write the company requesting verification of a rumor- that the service had already been discontinued. A communication dated I4tarch 20th was -received from larchmont Gardens Association making a number of serious complaints in regard to the collection of garbage. A communication from Charles G. Rapp of 95 Garden Road, dated March 14th, was also received complaining of the garbage collection. After considerable discussion the Clerk was directed to notify the Garbage Contractor to appear before the Board at its meeting on April 15th to answer the complaints in these two letters and he was likewise directed to send copies of these letters to the Garbage Contractor and Counselor Gamble and to request the com- plainants to appear at the meeting on April 15th in order that a full discussion on the matter may be had. A communication was received from 11 - S. B. Clifford dated March 24th, expressing appreciation for the work being done for im- proving the parking area in the rear of the Fire rouse. The letter was ordered received and placed on file. A petition was received from sundry owners of property on Myrtle Avenue, from Baldwin Avenue to Thompson Street, requesting that this property be rezoned from an A residential district to a C business district. The matter was ordered laid over and the petition was re- ferred to the Board of Assessors for verification as to property ownership of the signers. Upon motion duly seconded, the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn at 9 .40 P. Y. Town Clerk. I