HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_02_17 Town Board Minutes (2) SPECIAL FETING OF T^ TO 5T BOARD TOi�� OF I AKAROAIECY, N. Y. held February 17th, 1931. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 4:30 P. Y. Present: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Leeds and IT.essersmith Town Clerk Marvin TheSupervisor stated that the meeting had been tailed for the purpose of considering the Town budget for 1931, including the various departmental budgets. He first presented the Police Budget which totaled $72,840.63 and after each item had been considered it was upon motion, duly made and seconded, upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the budget of the Police Department of the Town of Ifamaroneck for the year 1931)- totaling $72,840.63 be approved, adopted and included in the general Tcwn budget.. The Supervisor then presented the budget of the Sewer Commission of Sewer District No. I which totaled 5149511.40 and after each item had been considered it was upon motion duly made and seconded, upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the budget of the Sewer —" Commission of Sewer District Igo. 1, for the year 1931, totaling $14,511.40 be approved, adopted and included in the general Town budget. The Supervisor next presented the budget of the Park Com- mission of Park District Yo. 1 in the sum of $13 ,200.00 which with the sum of $2,200.00 available left a net amount to be raised by taxation of $11,000. 00. after each item had been con- sidered it was upon motion duly made and seconded, upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the budget of the Park Commission of Park District No. I for the year 1931 totaling $130200. 00 , which with the sum of $2,200. 00 available left a net amount to be raised by taxation of $11,000.00, be approved,adopted and in- cluded in the general Town budget. The Supervisor next presented the budget of the Building Commission for the year 1931 in the amount of $ls 500. 00 less $1,000. 00 available leaving a net amount to be raised by taxa- tion of $500. 00. After each item had been considered it was upon motion duly made and seconded, upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the budget of the Build- ing Commission for the year 1931 total- ing $1, 500. 00 less .1,000. 00 available leaving a. net amount tc be raised by taxation of .$500.00 , be approved, adopted and included in the general Town budget. The Supervisor next presented the budget of the Board of Appeals for Zoning for the year 1931 in the amount of 41,000. 00 and after each item had been considered it was upon motion duly made and seconded, upon rcll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the budget of the Board of Appeals for Zoning for the year 1931, total- - ing X31,000.00 be approved, adopted and in- eluded in the general Town budget.. The Supervisor stated that he thought the various depart- ments and commissions of the Town had done their work well dur- ing the year and that each department or commission should be thanked by the Town Board for its work and cooperation. The Police Commission, the Sewer Commission, the Park Commission, the Building Commission and the Board of Appeals for Zoning were thereupon individually voted a resolution of thanks in substantially the -'allowing form; WHF,.RFAS, the Commission of the Town of Mamaroneck has submitted its annual budget for the year 1931 and said budget has been approved by the Town Board after careful consideration, now, therefore, be it .RESOLVED, that the Town, Board of the Town of Mamaroneck take this opportu- nity to commend the Commission for the efficient and courteous manner in which it has con- ducted the affairs of the Department during the past year and to thank the Commission — for the public support and interest in the welfare of the Town which it has shown. The Supervisor stated that the term of Fred G. Smith as a member of the Board of Appeals had expired, Lir. Smith having originally been appointed for a term of one year. He recommended that Mr. Smith be reappointed for a term of five years to succeed himself. Upon motion by Justice Yessersmith, seconded by Justice Boyd, it was upon roll call unanimously RFSOLVFD, that Fred G. Smith be and hereby is appointed a member of the Board of Appeals of the Town o£ Mamaroneck for a term of five years to succeed himself. The Supervisor then presented the general Town budget for the year 1931. after each item had been considered it was upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice 11essersmith, upon roll call unanimously -- ?7SGLIVFD, that the .Budget of the Town of Hamaroneck for the year 1931 as read by the Supervisor and set forth below, be approved; and that the Supervisor present same to the Board of Supervisors for its adoption. 9 B U D G P T OF THE TUWN OF ,_fiJVsROIIECY= AEgu iORK 1 9 3 I FIRST: RESOLVED, that there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Kamaroneck and collected, and when collected paid to the Supervisor, the following amounts for the purposes hereinafter set forth, to wit: A. To pay the salary of the Supervisor under the vlestchester County Tax Act : 4,250. 00 B. To pay the salary of the Clerk to the Super- visor 3 , 600. 00 C. To pay the salary of the Town Clerk 4,250.00 D. To pay the salary of the Receiver of Taxes 6,750. 00 F. To pay the salary of the assessors 8,700. 00 F. To pay the salary of the Commissioner of Welfare and Assistant 3,100.00 G. To pay the salary of Office Assistants 39550. 00 H. To pay the Comper•sation. for Janitor service 1,500.00 I. To pay the rent of Town Offices & Justices Courts 5,340.00 J To pay for the temporary support of the Poor $15,000 less amount available for such purposes 5,000. 00 K. To pay the allowances for Public Health rmrses 2,380.00 L. To pay for Memorial Day appropriation 300. 00 M. To pay the salary of the Superintendent of Highways 4,500.00 i . To pay the salary of the Supervisor under the Highway Law 21000.00 0. To pay for the construction and repairs of bridges 2, 500.00 P. To pay for the removal of snow, cutting weeds, bushes, etc. 52000.00 �. To pay for the purchase and repair of Machinery tools, etc. 19500.00 R. To pay the principal of State Highway Bond r5 -- (Vleaver Street Improvement) 1st Issue 15000. 00 S. To pay the interest of State Highway Bonds (vleaver Street Improvement.) 1st Issue 475.00 T. To pay the interest of State lighway Bonds (Weaver Street Improvement) 2nd Issue 1$ 57. 00 U. To pay the interest of State Highway Bonds ("leaver Street Improvement) 3rd Issue 400.50 Total T67,652.550 Less amount available 17,500.00 Total amount, Town at large $50,152.50 x x x x 7 OUTSIDE OF THE VILLAGES OF LARCEYONT AND EAEAROLECd. SECOND: RESOLVED, that there be Levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Mamaroneck, lying outside the corporate limits of the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck, and collected, and when collected paid to the Supervisor, the following amounts for the purpose hereinafter set forth, to wit; A. To pay for the repair and improvements of Highways 845,000.00 B. To pay the principal of the ;aurray Avenue Widening Bonds #3 & 4 22000.00 C. To pay the interest on the Rur-ray Avenue Widening Bonds 2,025.40 D. To pay the principal of the Chatsworth Avenue Improvement Bond`#9 1,000.00 E. To pay the interest of the Chatsworth Avenue Improvement. Bonds 100.00 F. To pay the principal of Highway and Storm Water Drain Bonds- #21 to 30 10,000. 00 G. To pay the interest of Highway and Storm Water Bonds 10,125. 00 H. To pay for the preservation of Peace 72,840. 63 I. To pay the salary of the Registrar of Vital Statistics 500. 00 J. To pay the salary of the Inspector of Construction 2,700. 00 K-. To pay the salary of the Building Inspector 2,600.00 L. To pay the expenses of the Building Commission $1, 500.00 less amount available X1,000. 00 500. 00 M. To pay the rental of Street bights 19 ,500. 00 N. To pay the interest an Highway Improvement Bonds (1929) Issue 10,125.00 0. To pay Town of Mamaroneck share of Larchmont Library 31500.00 P. To pay the expenses of the Board of Appeals 1,000. 00 Total amount, Outside District 0183,515.63 x x x x x DISTRICT YO. L THIRD:—RESOLVED, that there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Mamaroneck, lying within District loo. 1 and collected, and when collected, paid to the Supervisor, the following ama-unts for the purpose hereinafter set forth, to wit. A. To pay the principal of Fire House Bonds #57 to 63 inclusive 6,500.00 B. To pay the interest for Fire House Bonds 650. 00 C. To pay the principal of Fire Apparatus Bonds #4 to 6 inclusive 432000.00 D. To pay the interest of fire Apparatus Bonds 472.50 E. To pay for the rental of Fire Hydrants 11,460.00 F. To pay the compenvation of Fire Dept. Employees 79920.00 G. To pay for supplies, eouipmert, maintenance of Fire Apparatus 49131. 78 H. To pay for maintenance and operation of Fire House and for the premium of Volunteer Firemen' s Insurance 20500. 00 I. To pay for the collection and disposal of ashes, garbage, refuse, etc. 16,455. 00 j. To pay the principal of Park District Bonds #6 to 10 inclusive (2nd Issue ) and #1 (3rd Issue) 6,000.00 K: To pay the interest on Park District Bonds 19,711.00 I To pay for the maintenance of Parks13 ;2Q4. less available 20200.00 112000.00 To pay for the costs of repairing Fire Apparatus 3 ,437.21 Y. To pay for painting and repairing Community house 40688..78 0. To pay for the purchase of new fire hose 1L300.00 Total 990226.27 Less amount to be received from Fire District #a. . . 1,63 L 78 Total amount, District. No. 1 979,594.49 x x x x x DISTEiICT 7U._ 2 FOURTH:-RESOLVED, that there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of TVamaroneck, lying within District No.. l- and collected, and when collected, paid to the Supervisor, the following amounts for the purpose hereinafter set forth, to wit: A. To pay far the rental of Fire Hydrants 120. 00 B. To pay for Fire Protection as per agreement 1,631.87 C. To pay for the collection of Garbage , etc. 1.400.00 Total amount, District No. 2 3,151.87 x x x x x m.a SEa` kM DISTRICT EIl:TIi:- RESOLVED, that there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Mamaroneck, lying within Sevier District No. I and collected, and when collected, paid to the Supervisor the following amounts, for the purpose hereinafter set forth, to wit; A. To pay the principal and interest on bonds 66II230. 00 B. To pay for the operation, maintenance , etc. , of the disposal plant and expense 142511.40 Total amount, Sewer District No. 1. . . . .. . . ., 80, 741.40 x x x x x The Supervisor stated that it was customary for the Town Board to request the Board of Supervisors to estimate the probable revenue from the State Income Tax creditable to the Town by reason of the Income Tax and have such estimated amount deducted from the amounts of the County tax levied against the Town. Upon motion by Justice lsessers-with, seconded by Justice Boyd, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOTWFD, WJUP"TAS, by Chapter thirty-one of the Laws of nineteen hundred and twenty, orovisicn has been wade in the Westchester County TazAeotl� estimating by the Board of Supervisors, of the probable revenue from the state income tax otherwise creditable to the different towns; and uVHEP•.EaS, said act provides that if a Supervisor of any to=m files with the Board of Supervisors a certified copy of a resolution adopted by the `Town Board of any such torn, requesting the Board of Supervisors to estimate for said town the probable revenue which would be credited to such town by reason of the income tax, that the Board of Supervisors shall estimate such probable revenue and direct the Clerk of said Board to deduct such estimated amount from the amount of county tax levied against each of the towns requesting such deduction, NOU TFTRFrO tT, BE ST RFSOLIRD, that the Board of Supervisors be requested to estimate for the Town of Mamaroneck the probable revenue which would be credited to such town by reason of the income tax, and be it further RE SOB rD, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to file with the Board of Supervisors of Westchester County, a certified copy of this resolution. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was resolved that the Board recess until February 18th at 3 :30 P. Y. a. Town Clerk.