HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_01_28 Town Board Minutes '17
TO-,_1111T OF n,'0,_HRC'_ C'Ki IT. 'y.
held January 28, 1931.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 8 P.TA.
Present : Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, 'Collins , :iessers-.iith
Town Clerk 1,r!arvin
The presence eras also noted of Counselor da_nble.
Supervisor Burton stated that the purpose of the meeting
'uas to receive bids for an issue of ";;425,000.00 : ecrer District l,-;o. 1,
Series H, bonds.
The Clerk presented the call of the .neeting ,.rhich �,,as by
resolution approved as printed and the reading thereof was dispensed
i th.
By resolution the Clerk ura:s directed to o-_en all the
proposals received for the aboveaentioned issue of bonds, said
proposals being as follows.-
George B. Gibbons & Co. , Inc. . . . . . 4..20 ?426,226.98
Dewey Bacon & Co. 7 . . . . . . . s . . . . . ; 4 4 431,715.00
:First Detroit Co. , Inc. , and
Ii.. H. Freeman & Co. , Inc... . . 4.20 4289944.00
Lehman Brothers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.25 427,970..75
Trust Company of La.rchmont. . . 4.25 4269323.25
Larchmont Nat 'l. Bank & Trust Co. . . 4. 20 428,072.75
J'udtice Boyd moved_ the adoption of the folloering resolution
and Justice -�'essersmith seconded the motion..
RESOLVED, that X4259000 Se.�er District c.1 Bonds
of the Town of Kama'ronecv, Series H, the issuance
of which has been duly authorized by a resolution
of the Town Board adopted January 21, 193.1, shall
bear interest at the rate of four and aty one
hundredths per centum (4..20%) per annum• e are 'nere-
by ai:arded to lfess-rs °irst Detroit Com_oany, Inc. 9
and Y. K. Freeman & Go. , Inc. , at the price bid
of ;x428,944..00 and accrued interest at the rate
borne by the bonds from the date of the bonds to
the date of payment of the purchase price , less
interest on the deposited check from the date of
this resolution to the date of delivery.
PLESOL772-D, that the proper officials of the Town �
of Ya_.aroneck are hereby authorized and directed
to e_recute said bonds and to deliver them to the
said purchasers upon receipt of payment therefor
in accordance l;rith this resolution.
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following votes :
,,yes : Burton, Boyd, Collins., Iiessersmith and 1L-a.rvin.
Noes . Ildne
The Clerk was by resolution directed to return to the
unsuccessful bidders their deposit checks upon securing a proper
receipt therefor. The Supervisor thereupon thanked the represent-
atives of the bidders present for their E.ittendance and submlittina:
The Clerk suggested that it would be proper for the oard
to el-,press in the form of a suitable resolution its sympathy l,;ith
LSr. John Y. Haddock, yssessor of the 'i'ov,,, upon the occasion of the
death of Krs. Iladdockm
Upon motion by the Clerk, seconded by Justice Loyd,
it .vas unanimously
RFSOLVTD, that a committee be appointed by the
Supervisor to draft a suitable resolution e_xpress-
ing the sympathy of t' is Loard for "s. John '_j'.
Yadd.ock; that a copy of said resolution be spread
upon the minutes and that a copy thereof be .sent
to L1r. Haddock.
The Supervisor thereupon appointed. to this committee
Justices I'.' essersmith and '3oyd and 'Toxin Clerk Liarvin.
A claim was received from the Larchmont Electric Company ,
Inc. , in the amount of £.105.00 for :Materials and labor furnished for
decorating two Christmas trees in front of the 'J6reaver Street .:'ire
House during the Christmas season.
Upon motion by Justice Collins , seconded by Justice Boyd
it was upon roll call unanimously
-- RFS0Lti7'D, that the clairi of the Larchmont
Electric Company, in the amount of
;)101.00 for materials and labor furnished for
decorating tvro Christmas trees in front of the
d(eaver Street Fire Mouse during the C1rristrnas
season be and it hereby is approved and ordered
A claim vJas received from the lrestchester Joint ':rater
;forks , Ho _ in the amount of rP418.44 for twenty-one water meters
installed for the account of the Town of 1amaronecko _1t the request
of the Su,�)ervisor the matter o2s ordered referred to him for invest-
A donvinunication was received from Ls. riilliam A. Lawson,
President of Fenimore Cooper 7states , Inc„ thanking the 3oard
for its action taken at the meeting on January 21st in connection
wit'n 4Uhe bridge and street improvement projects on ?ockland _Ivenuee
Tree comLmur_ication was received and -; laced on file.
The .Supervisor re_aorted that he had requested T.O. '.eorge
KcKeand, his Clerk, and Superintendent John L. Coles, to attend
a hearing in Albany on January 29th, 1951, in regard to a proposed
bill which would materially affect the Statefs contribution to the
support of To,nm highways. He requested that his action be approved.
Upon motion by Justice i!iessersrnith and seconded by Justice 3oyd, it
,:^ra s unanimously
RFSOI:,;TD, that the action of the Supervisor in
requesting .w . LcKeand and Lr. Coles to go to
-Ilbany for a hearing on January 29th in connect-
ion ',.,ith high,,-,,ay matters be and the same hereby
is approved and that their expenses be made a
proper town charge,
The Clerk incuired if the =soard ti:aislied at this time to
ta'_te any action on the matter in appointing- a dog enumerator.
AAe the request of the Supervisor tae 'atter -,m s laid over..
claim was received from ls'orton P. Sa-rfa ty in the
amount of X333 .33 as final payment for his vJork in connection with
revising the building code of the Town,
Upon motion by Justice L_essersmith and, seconded by Justice
Boyd, it was upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that the claim of Lorton P. Sarfaty
in the amount of $333.33 as final payment for
his work in connection with revising the build-
ing code of the To:.n, be and it hereby is approved
and ordered paid.
Supervisor Burton and Counsel presented a proposed agree-
rient dated January 24, 1931, between vJilliar7 H. Palmer, the Town of
P.Iamaroneck and_ Pine Brook Drainage Commission, which agreement pro-
vided. for a 50 -Foot right of ,:ray through the Palmer prod,-E�g on
Fifth _'.venue southerly to the Pelham-Port Chester Park��ay,�being
obtained and to be used by line Tsrook Drainage Commission in
connection with the Pine :Erook =Drain, z,,hick agreement also provided
for the construction o£ a rater main and a sewer 'Line to be laid
at the same time as the drain, the 50 foot right of way to be ded-
icated hereafter to the Town for riightuay purposes when requested
by the Town, a consideration of ;5200. to be paid by Pine Brook Drain-
age Commission.
The Supervisor and Counsel explained tine provisions of
the agreement in detail.
4fter discussion upon motion by justice Boyd, seconded
by Justice s_essc- s.-_ tU it was unanimously
=SOl`11=, that this Board do and it hereby does
approve of the agreement presented to this meeting
dated January 24th, 1931, bet.teen '7illiam A. Palmer,
the Town of Ia;maroneck and Pine Brook Drainage
Commission and that the Supervisor and the Town
Clerk be authorized:, empo Fred and directed to
execute in the name of the Torenard on its behalf
and under its corporate seal, and to deliver an
agreement substantially in the form of said proposed
form of agreement, sith such changes therein as the
Supervisor and Counsel shall approve , the execution
of said agreement by said officers to be conclusive
evidence of such approval of any changes therein.
PURTHFR RESOLVED,_ that the Supervisor and Counsel be
and they hereby are authorized, empowered and directed
to do any and all things necessary or in their judgment
necessary or desirable to effedtuate the foregoing
resolution and to accomplish the _performance by the
Town of Kamaroneck o£ its obligations under said
'L7RTSTIR RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby
ts authorized, empowered and_ directed to execute and
deliver any other or further documents which may be
necessary or in his judgment or the judgment of the
Counsel desirable to accomplish the performance by
the 'Torn of 1.�amaroneck of its obligations under said
ceilliuunication was received from ia.r.. _�. K. -,llerton,
Treasurer of the police pension Fund of the 'o,-.,n of iari roneck,
containing, as 'required by lair, a. -report on the condition-of the
Police Pension_ Fund, how increased and its items , and their
disbursements of and on account of the sai.e. The corm.?utiication
vtas received and placed on file and referred to the Supervisor at
his _-west.
Y claim s✓a° received from the r.r_L,)rrnec= . ard.,are Corp o,
anon in the sum of ;'i3 . 50 for seven eartncnaraie cuspidors for use
at the Town offices. ,_fter a brief report thereon by the Clerk the
claim �„as by resolution upon roll call unanimously ordered paid.
The annual report for the year 1930 of the Bcard of Park
Commissioners , Park :District Slo. 1, Torn of L":amaroneck, was presented
to the Board and ordered received and placed on file and referred
to the =Supervisor at his request.
T-,-,,o claims vier-, -received from Thomas B. Buhler in the total
amount of «170.50 as the cost of premiums on two fire insurance
policies covering the 'leaver Street Fire House and machines and
machinery v;hile contained therein. The Clerk pointed out that this
increase of .;:49.80 over the cost of fire insurance protection
for the previous year and said he thought the Tovm should pay
less. The claims veers ordered referred to the Clerk to take up ;rith
lfr. Buhler for a. re-survey in an effect to secure lower rates.
The Clerk requested that action be taken on the report of
a special committee for fire protection in Dillon Park, vahich -report
eras presented at the meeting of the Joint Town Board onDecember
1:4th and rcco ,r!nended the aiaandonrient of the present Dillon Park
Fire house. At the request of the Supervisor the matter r�'as laid
The Supervisor requested the Board to set a per diem salary
for Yr. Arthur Paschen, oho on December 9th, 1930, ,was appointed a
special constable for the ,pur-pose of Selling unlicensed dogs , for
done in distributin g notices concerning such dogs.
Upon motion by Justice Collins , and seconded_ by Justice
Boyd, it was upon roll call unanimously
ESOLVFD, that the salary of not more than
p7. 50 per diem for i10t more than 10 days be
and it hereby is ordered paid to Arthur Poschen
for his work in distributing notices concerning
unlicensed dogs. j
The Clerk presented a report from the ' eceive-r of Taxes in
which he certified that on January 15th, 1931, the sum of c5,339.00
in aesessments levied and assessed to defray the cost of iraproving
Homer Avenue , Orsini Drive and 1'laple frill Drive was outstanding and
unpaid. The Supervisor r.,equested that appropriate steps be taken by
this Board to provide the aforesaid sum of ='15,389.00 by issuing a
temporary certificate of indebtedness for said amount as provided
by the , cstchestsr County Tan Lour.
Thereupon Tustice 3oyd offered for adoption the fol7o+ainga
on Yoverifaer 27 , 1929 , this Board
assessed_ the such of `;;95 ,972.55• a ainct the
lots or plots fronting on Homer Avenue , Orsini
Drive and Laple Hill Drive , vrithin the LTaple
Hill Subdivision, first section, in the TovJn
of Li2maroneck, 1Tew York., in a ccordance with the
provisions of Chaptcr 549 of the Laws of 1920, as
amended., and
jH"71FAS , this Board has received from the
Receiver of Taxes of said To':an a statement
under the -provisions of Section 30 of the
C' estc'nester County Tam Law from r:hich it
appears that on January 15 , 1931, the sum
of : 5,389. 00 in assessments which were due and -pay-
during the month of April, 1:.30 , srasoutstand-
�__ ing and unpaid; and
1r—AS , the Supervisor has requdsted. that approp-
riate steps be taken to raise and provide the
aforesaid sum of ;;5,.389.00 by the issuance and
sale of temporary certificates of indebtedness
against said unpaid assessment as provided by
Section 31, of the Westchester County Ta± Lava
to t'ac end that the proceeds thereof may be
applied in payment of the principal and interest
accrued on the bonds issued and sold to pay the
cost of improving the aforesaid streets or highifays ;
J O'iIq =fir,. ORF, it is
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of
Section 31 of the ` estchester, County Tax Lana,
the Supervisor be and '_hereby is authorized and
enaowered to borroza upon the faith and credit of
the To;en of 11amaronecs the sum of ,;;15,309.00 for
,,shich sum he shall issue in the name and under
the sea:! of said Town a temporary certificate of
indebtedness for the stun of not exceeding ;`5 ,389.00,
which shall bear interest at a rate of not 'mc-re than
six per centum per annual and shall be made payable
at such time as the Supervisor -may determine not
later than July lst , 1931. Said certificate of
indebtedness shall be signed by the Supervisor and
countersigned by the Tol,,n Clerk of said 'Town; and
it is further
RESCLV_D, that the Supervisof be and he hereby
iseuthorized and directed to apply the proceeds of
Said te=:lporary certificate of indebtedness in payment
of the principal and interest accrued on the 'nigh=,iay
improvement_ bond_s issued and sold for the purpose of
paying the cost of ir.�proving the aforesaid streets ;
and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and the Town Clerk
be and they hereby are authorized and empo,,iered
to sign, execute and deliver such papers aa may be
necessary and_ proper to effect the sale and delivery
of sm id temporary certificate of indebtedness.
U-_oon a vote being ta'�cn upon the foregoing resolutions
the same ;7ere declared unanimously adopted by the folloti%ing -votes
Ayes : 5
ITCes . ror_e
The Chair declared the resolutions unanimously adopted.
The Supervisor reported that he had negotiated the
sale of the aforesaid certificate of indebtedness kith Trust
Company o'_ Larchmont and th-,t said 'Trust Company of Larc'hmont
offered to purchase the same at its par value at a rate of interest
of five per centurn per annum and -requezted that his action in
disposing of said certificate of indebtedness upon the terms above
outlined be approved.
'�Pnereupon, on motion duly trade and seconded, it was
...._-_ - __... . .. ._. .
IES01VETD, that the action of the T3upe_visor in
disposing of said 3ertificate of Indebtedness for
j5,-389.00 to Trust Company of Larclmriont at par and
to bear interest at the rate of five per certimi per
annum, be and the same hereby is in all respects
ITpon a vote being taken u-,-Don the foregoing -resolution
the same was declared Lmanimously adopted by the following vote -
Ayes : 5 (Five)
Noes : Drone
The Chair declared the resolution unanimously adopted.
The Clerk presented a report from the -Receiver of Taxes
in which he certifies that on January 15th, 1931 the sum of 41-1,'6J85. 82
in assessments levied- and assessed to defray the cost of imr3roving
Iy'rtle .I' venue and Madison .'avenue to Kax -ell Street, in the 'loom
of I aaroneck, 15e-o- York, pursuant to the -provisions of Chapter 549
of the La*.°ors of 1926 , as amended, was outstanding and unpaid. The .
Supervisor reouested that appropriate steps be ta'sen by this board
to provide the afores-.id sum of 6 ,185 .82 by issuing a temporary
certificate of indebtedness for said amount as provided by the
Westchester County Tax Law..
Thereupon, Justice Boyd offered fo-r adoption the following -
sU'HER.YiS, on 3.ovember 27 , 1929, this Board assessed
the sum of --j'63 ,509.12 against the lots or plots
fronting on myrtle Avenue and h�adison :venue to
uax-�,ell Street, in tine Town of hama.-roneck, Ilew
York, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter
549 of the laws of 1926., as amended and
WLTFH_T .S, this Board has received from the `eceiver
of Taxes of said 'Town a statement br report under
the -orovisions of Section 30 of the 'restcnester
County `i'ax Lavr from which it appears that on
Jane.ary 15 , 1931, the sun of %16 ,,185.82 in assess-
ments which vrere due and payable during the month
of pril, 19309 was still outstanding and unpaid; and
JE_72EAS, the Supervisor has requested that approp-
riate steps be taken to raise and provi_ie the afore-
said sum of :;;6,.185.02 by the issuance and sale of a
temporary certificate of indebtedness for said amount
against said unpaid assessment as provided by Section
31 of the Westchester County Tax Law to the end that
the proceeds thereof may be applied in payment of the
principal and interest accrued on the bonds issued and
sold to pay the cost of improving the aforesaid streets;
170%N,T �RETO , it is
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Section
31 of the Westcheater County Tax Law the Supervisor
be and hereby is authorized and empowered to -borrovf
upon the faith and credit of the Town of Iamaroncck
the sum of 36,185. 82 for vrhich sure he shall issue in
-- the name and under the seal of said Town a temporary
certificate of indebtedness for the sum of not exceed-
ing :;;)6 ,185.82 which shall bear interest at a rate of
not more than six aer centun per annum and shall be
made payable at such time as the Supervisor my det-
ermine not later than July lst, 1931® Said certific-
ate/ of indebtedness shall be signed by the Supervisor
and countersigned by the Town Clerk of said '_'own; and
it is fur°ther
R"S;LG D, that t'se S'upErvisor be and he
hereby is authorized and directed to apply
the proceeds of said- temporary certificate,
of indebtedness in paviiicnt of the principal
and interest accrued on the said bonds issued
and sold for the purpose of paying the cost of
improving said streets , and it is further
RLSOI,VTD, that the Supervisor and the " otirn
Clerk be and they hereby are authorized and
ermpoT;:Tered to sign, Execute and deliver such
papers as 7 be necessary and proper to effect
the sale and delivery of said temporary certif-
icate of indebtedness.
L?oon a vote beinJ taken upon the foregoing resolutions
tike same were declared unanimously adopted by the follo-wing vote .
ayes ; 5 (five)
Noes ; none
The Chair declared the resolutions unanimously a.do , ted.
The Supervisor reported that he had negotiated the sale
of the aforesaid certificate of indebtedness with the gust Company
of Larchmont and that said Trust Coiupany of Larchmont offered to
purchase the same at its par value at a rate of interest of five
-per eentum per annum and requested that hiz action in disposing
of said certificate of indebtedness upon the terms above outlined
be approved.
'dhereupon, on motion made and seconded, it was
R=SOLVED, that the action o_' tLI. ;_upErvisor in
disposing of said certificate of indebtedness for
-- 6,185. 82 to ?rust Company of Larchmont at par
,11 and-,to bear interest at the rate of five per
cer_tum per annum, be and the same hereby is in
all -respects approved.
iJpon a vote being taken upon the foregoing resolution the
same was declared unanimously adopted by the follo,r,.ing vote :
Byes 5 (five '
ET none
lne Ciialr. declared ' he resolution unanimously adopted.
At the request of the Supervisor it rras u�oon iaotion by
Tuot.- ce ;:ie SSe TS iii G'_2 and, seconded by Justice 3oyd, upon roll call.
RESOLVED, that the aestchester. Joint Water Works, No.l
be and it h�rebyr is authorized.. and directed to submit
to the To,rrh 3oard of the To-%:m of _.L2maroneck an estimate
of the cost of installing a ld inch j,,,rater main from
T'ift'n Avenue through and under the: N. Y. , Y.H. H. R.R.
tracks to the south side of Palmer Avenue extension
(County Road 67-2) , (to follow the Zinc Rrook Drain
to the south side of the ruil-r-ead tracks they-ice ,^est
to the line of "cho Drive as projected to the railroad
tracks thence to a point on the south side of Palmer
r_venue extension (County l=oad 67-2) , -which point is
w1thin the unincorporated section of the To7n of lariaron-
e o11.)
U_;Don motion duly made and seconded, the Board unanimously
resolved to adjourn at 10 :20 . Y.
Town Clerk