HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_01_20 Town Board Minutes M- 3 : 22 : 2 B 0 0 C2 TH7 222 = = = & : = z F T 0 u I B 0 & R- D T 0 IT 0 F IT IT A 7R C E C = 0 T7 y s2 H 7 S T 7 OF IT v 1,7 -Cth, 19 L 0— ADJOL7,= S--�-Ja'CLkl OF li=H TO-WY BOz3D , 7 ,q!'T he Id! T a n u a Sy The -niset- Ing -4,,-85 call--d t :� b-,-- D--r at -'-"--15 2� lls I ° uer re 7U.1 e i`74 Z__j B­2.-3n Justice s Boyd, Le adz ard mesee-r-sr--ith o-wri. Clerk I-Tarvi n S-apervisor Burton :,-e�p�rtE�d that the wo:clf incidental to the cons--r-L;-c lion of 'he streEt int-e-rcect -Jons no-r, o f Pa. -7 ne i, �,7 c n-u e h i ch 4.n t e-r s:e c o n a a r e r--,o a:e ':,a-r- ou F 'I de s c r i i-, th -,au,-1 e z, o f t h p e c i a 1 m,e e r-,_g o-1 t h-�S BO a:�d h e 11 d C,n F Eli rua.r y 21 103,78 at wl'_'i c m e et h-, w0_"_ vas �d,u I y a^th c- z e d_l hazf' -b E C n. o o Tn 1:)±Ie d a n, t + the .c+a o s t thereof had been detel-n-ire-IL anal ascertained; that the cost said C 0 L 'hat- h-- si� c f 13,13 `9b rer,-zescnting the amounz. refunded by the State of the o- s t r-a c J- o s a v t-r-e t ha::.: be a n a p 11 -6 to the cost OF 3a4l -0 as -orov-ided by ieSO 7 C)-C, adcj;t-d a,t a 1y0^e c e.ow' s 6 n- the :noard 'cold_ on Zebl-uiary 2i ! 'av4n.g a ba' ance oi "7 ,3,L6.66 to be or,-v-, 6,e-11 frjra i�- �a - ken '-o �ne sul-2-vi- sor requss-.-d th�-� , +,I s-le-ps lbe za L k, . the end +'rat the said- su-m of ��a7 ,,-,146.66 may be ralsed by 6ne, i s s;uan,c C and Sale of �--m(jc,27-3ry cer" OaTEE 0' indt-bted-ness issuance a-nd saw - of 4 dcsirzz� ,i- -, rn�)-f 0-v c m c n 0 On a S - to s)rovide the a-foresald z�-Lni of by a bond iss-u.-, 3-� in antici-�-,ation of 'he coil--cticn of high -,- taxes if said, az.c,,unt is 'o be added- to zhe -Duags '. amount be by the sal - o.-P --,i.u'mvay bords . that it -oc added z-h- I -- - g re olu,�ions . ne;lIt bond Iseue &rc- offered for ado-,ptlOn the -follc'Fln - s Ghat -u-oe-vis= be and hereon is a-: thorized and erypo-d-veredL to 00=0W u--:)O'r tle6 fai-L-l". and crcoit of the -ov.-n c-- the S 1JEZ c z-c-.6F o -,ga 77 the b a 1 a n c 0f the c 0 3+ of --ors+ruct-inE the etreet intereect ' 0 rl,e along ,leaver Street, in sa ' d Tovv,,n9 north of Pa-' .-,Ic - :C E -Oar3 -4 ned, in the �--,-em;.e , -,,wh-ch are -0 r-ir e s oj e tin?' o f t he l oa z`, ._c ld on 0, the :G L, 7-03C , and tha for that -Lp-u,,1 p05. I-, I -.sue in !-- L-,.e naiae and the seal is of said �07 ,n a a- ind-b- o.r&::v ,c r u,- of edness for a sam o-c in anticii�jation Of ll"E eale of bonas. Z t ca- ernj crar-,' 0 2Z I ca� of I i nu e ,s ,a c-a For not EL-an par, shall b-ar r-e, Cs at a no:. exceeding 6" L e am lum n d s h a , M a, lie a such S-u,yervisor .,2ay CIetermine not - �Xoe -j -t6h One' Year from 4he date Iheisof � and it fu - : F - - - , I --- nc --r C k that ��,c S,,,s�E a, To�.. i lerl be and hereby are authorized and to ee:eCul-e and U deliver, sCL-1 .Caple-' s, an',! d3'�';=oLl7e �Ls �ldy os re--es5a---,,T and ro-,Er Lo eff6cL -ulie Sale and ds- i�" c- ' - -� nd�!,--�e d- V��-y of so, d ar" -E- L ss and it is lurthE-- RFTSOL-77D, +ha. t the 53Up 71,eOr be and hereby ,5 authorized and 4 ­E to -resent to the D,-,ald 01' s,estchestcr Coun-Ly the anne---d i-e t it ion i 0 a 4 '4 on to bond t-= Lo-,rm D-- the amoun' c f ,,7 6 o -me e+ the Cos- :Jf + 2 a 0 c-�e J---YI Z 7- 11 e n t au o.--ovided by Chapter 17 of the Lasers of 190,!0 , as amended bir Cha-ctcr 3d' 0f the La-is of 1918 an-7 acts amendatory th8-.-eof and he o a Clues Lion of + -e adoi:,-,- c-n, D f he �- ore Z�-,-'Lrg i -111-It ions 1K z put t o a vote iirnicll i-E sul-t-c d as -Gl'_cVI-- - i;.j e --: 6 The chair declared I he res3l U�4 on E duly adc,` � The Supervisor reported that In's had ne-gotiated the sale of the aforesaid Certificate of indebtcdness with Truet I-ompany of .a rch-.-cnt anl. ha- said -Yus C;c--T,,any offered to purciaa sE `,E safne at its par value at a rate z)f -J-nter-&- cf 'Er Cent-O-M, pe-" annum and that Yis action In c'1s-fjoSJ,--ng of Sa'-- a cer-11- -1 -,Dj)r ove d. __cats o' indeotEdrcss or, Vnc term's above outlinEd be a, WhereulDon, on motion duly rcaae and seconded, was R-C S 0=7D, that --he acilion of th�� in di-sp o sing of s a i6 t erL-,,ocra ry c-e lr-L i f i o a to c f i n- d e b t e dne s s -c r �7 v Z,46,.6h L0 T, rust -1 OM-Ira MT 0f he C 1-.Lm 0 n, - t at ,Iar and to bear interest at the :rate Of 5 Per cen—um- -oe:r- annum,, be a-nd, the same hereby Is in res-oeot- n a v c LE being -La -n up On -U-h e floreg.,4 ng I,e So I U,.'4 On tho same was declared u-namillpously adc--ptEd by the foilowlng 7--O-0F Lye s . ii Th (-halr declared t'!E i:zsolution unaniricusly ado-.pted. the a.-- a ---Ie-,Zn.- on �,Uly is-,, 1-9�50 , o the Board had au-tho-fized L-kne 3ale of a tsmjDorary - -, i f i ca to of i--ndebtedness in t'ne su,, of under., the Oicv n 3 , o n 31 o t ;'t c h e s e u- -lax La-a r e -lating to !In- C 0 e d S ,a'-e is our,.t own and D s i 0 t& xe vjhi- i auth za- �y ia S, -1 or� -ion should 32 Of the ion should have been under the irro-�Tisirn of ,I� Coanty lax no- -�Io the ttr-ancfers �,,,Iestclreste- 0 f tax la,.�-ns r.Paxes , and sa- -' d tha'- for unfaid state , 00 j,-nty lo,�,m and District a :,-e s-0 t o z h i e f f c t w 2.s in c,r d-e r ju,s+4cc Boyd 3f f-r I I - e d. -'or ado-O-:..7-On the foll3winz: WHTREARI, at a meeting held on •-Toly 1� 193C , th 4 B "ID �oard authoiizedl the rrt risor to GOr=c'r open 1e 10�,Vn the and credJ + - 1 Of 1 a! the q�,r of fl-7, e,d issue --n i t h e -f i a r,e- I a n U- under the sea! o� said -o-wr a Lem-�orary ce!" O1 indebtedness for said a-,,n,olan _ aga --, ns-, Ca Lc o� -IO-Vln _ ,nd uncollected State , �Ioun Str41 CtS CI(I -VQ-E r s iIC.T%Ae d, or 122-9 ana -aid edi - au-- zat 4 on should he �Te bEen. pr- - cated, on the zransfe-Ts Of ax =fells for un. )a Z a "C, State U,n t y , 1:0-IJ-n c t s I axc s Owned and -eld by 'he of said Town 36 Of -Ir)r cv ti i.7 by — L-- 34 and Cha le:: "r-wr ip :- IC - 51 'n,E a` S w 0 f a 5 a,r"e 1 as t h-- :t-, s "c h e St el Co L7.n Z T a'x 1�-Vv; a Y'd eFZ v;AS, this 3oard no-,.-! de S. _ s to a-Ilmend the aU .ed Uv L' hi B•._iarol a the me e irz, held o r. 1, 1930 , au8ho-:.."iZ- ing -the issuance and sale of said temporary u tiflCate of indebtedness So a8 -to _GV4de for the issaancE tl,eieof under the _D_ ov.Jz-_ cn`. of Section 32 of ',-he .iestoheSter Count-_ "al, L.a.vv insteaG'_ of Section ZI theY'Eof; lv Oea , 1 tI r.,_'-"•M7; IT is _._ RESO_v^ID, LCat _n e es ' resoluti ona tnE Nr.,a�o1C., and adopted by LG:i,.. Boa id'. on July is .0,3C' .'_"e-laing �.0 the po' er c^.3;d a.ULi%ors.t � _"ant-G. t0 --he 1-up•er Tisor for the issuance^and Sale - a temprjrary cea't- .1icate of indebtedness in -he amount of 433 , So s54 against Un.Daid BtatE , County , 1'ovin and ,i°Y_ x. s axes ti'ihich beca_ e a lien on 1pr'ii 1 , 1922 , 'field by the -fov-in of ' amaronecl�: be and she Sa!1ie ne'i: 1bly a-'c am--nd--d to read. aS fo_10 s: ss iii ^r'?Sg a sale � '..a__ 'liens _`or ur-ca d ':Mate , C oun-�y , iOo n and D_1 str.L c T_S '_.ants of 1929 vias duly held by .tic _0',:ln 7-Z J-a L_,._ one ok on „ee 4th Wednesday of _-ay, 1930, as providEd by '3E 40,S 34 and 06 of C -aie e�. 105 of the Laws of 1r16g as amended, kncvm, as ,_ ,.tst_,hester -.our: 5' fax •':w; a Lid I 31='aS, at said sale th_E S?.-perriso , act--mg on be'nalf cf the ' ov)n of _-..'.Ilia'Y'Onc C'.{, Jrchased a nuiilber of tai: liens based la -pon Sa 1(7.. uii;Na ld ta te , Comfy, 1-cwn and Dl Etr-Lo Ls !axes of 1929 , and hTOf ' r Of p Gtafall- of -a^ YOYE C'i; ..2' e _0vdia t.: �_:.c tlia'!1:lEr pi G�Ti d2 CC by .'.C1o.�0 i,."-,L uca of the c1stcnesteir i;ou.aty 'Lax _;am ; and !!=TR7'' S, 11nis Board has -'eceiv d _rG'f ',he T CG :er Oi -al..: > uY Said -OFi'n a a cu.e't1a under the proSv'iSions of .iection 32 of the Westchester County Tax Lace, from wiaich it appears that on rune 1st, 1930, the sum of ;33 ,886,54 in trans- fers of tax liens based upon the 1929 State , "0 un ty, Town and District =axes was ours fan ing and unpaid and that none of said transfers of tax liens had been 'redeemed; and n;, VH7R'Zn3, the Supervisor has requested tnat. appropriate steps be taken to raise and provide the aforesaid sari of $33' , 886® 54 by the issuance and sale of a veniporary cer ificat- of ir_d_eb ,ed- ness a;airst said unpaid and imi:_-deemed transfers of tax liens as prc7l _8' Se Lion 32 of the dEStc. _ 0oant✓ Te h the, -Orc coeds tne_ cof -.Jay be aj?p"'_J e in, payment of ..e':L'- por_ ,y° cei i i ca t= of inn otc i ss 1Y o« S o_ tine '."ral I9G9 iaY` jS S,wc�'S0« �'PC kSSUa a on Dci:eGlb E= l. G:g _9-29 aga!ns`z unpaid Saute , r,an-vq oT=a: a,, d !�1 SL.r iCtS !axCB -'cr elei. yEciYAU.9- TOW, Tea., , -; ,r i,. is o, WY �'FGn a i'0-L,. being .,,:.'.e?? L'.p On the for=goin.; ""E Sv.iU'..10Y1S t.Y.E Sa"fi8 vdE""i'G C_C___ U.f'a.=1i.1::)U S1;�' B.- "PC't __ �'iCE `cl_.-. Tne Chair declared the resolutions Una;imc U5 17 a A C p-EJd. The =rvisc'r report a „ha _ ha.- negot a _d ' he sale o- the aI'ere sa_J d' Govt 'if_Ca to of incdebt....C_ne S s 1rL Cona,:alt_y' -_f L' al-ch- ' :ii,C`n and ,:i?a2 .".aid. i:r L.., .,. orn,a.ny o.r{'ered v _-b.:. ...lc W, o. _— i"4s par value at a rate o.: in v„ 2St. C- eJ ce centum Tic " annum a n d uesL- . `.ho.t his acts or _- alspc . ng __� SaiC C.'Ei 1i ' , Cf indebtedness on the terms abo-ie outlined be approved. -.ihEreLl.O3n, cn YIlO"�10n d_il1% 'di�,de and Seconded, St vvras R S`uDg ' a t the action c? the C, pe'r•, isur in disposing o said einporary certificate o in- uchi.cdnESSfO:i is J?. _ ..'lo -9 TO _ii1SU 'Corapan4' Ci �archn_'vn'� at yoar and, to Fear ii+�r rest at tee rate ol v pE_ ce CitLlt _del an.':?uia, be and the Sam(,- ._ere�i,`y' lS in al._ ap--Dro`—d. l.Tpon a vCLe bei.n;' Ua�Lvn Upon .,hc 0i Gin esoI-util cn the same -,,,,.,as declared unanimous adoj, ed` bill the Jf'oll C'i-ing vote ; ..y e s a Six Eoes . None The `"hair" declared the resclution Unanimr,usl'y' adcp•te The �upervi SGr r'e�dorted_ that InE had ne�'otia.ted with 'Trust CC-- pa ,, of mareC cnt tnE Sale o .s=rPorarST CErt2fiCc.t.. CI ini»e d'tcCl.° ._c . ., for $97 , _K5. ,117, dated Dezember 2'c` , 1930 , issued in antici-pa- tiO3 of CO.L i' c. ion of t-h8 a see. Es,."_..._ t to be rids and levied aca .iS _ c }'.5 o _Plot_ f-on _g on Daan^ e . ;r P_. E, Di 1Trl ace and :Syrot bane , in 4hF Tovn of ar!o.10 = CSy 2Yd } or':cy an ' o th8 i Ss'',aance and Sale ; f bonds to ;Jay the cost of _r-rprl OT%in'g said St-r ei.S a5 iDrovidEd by Chapter 649 of Jhe iavvs of 192a. as amended, and that. Said. Trust Co72"pai^xJ CffEred i.0 -_JUrchaeE the came at ' - a par va_':rE at a rate O.f il.'i''J Gl ee, or ,�. yer cen�i.UYP e a,Ttf.L21T. aiiCt requested. n That i2:.s act ' oY! in C` Sposing ,._ Said t.^.iiip: ary CE-U iCa tc ct indebtedness on the ter':r.s above outlined be approved. 'daefeUpon, on 2'iO Ci on du' y ij e an0. S°CO's?u::��.p it was .)y,so:.-,=, thav t:1E action t)f the "u- rvl SOr in $• „r disi;esf��. of l tE�perarl ecr%it ate _ irdebtc..rne S,9 d2scrlibed abJUe 70.t `✓7g �05. 7 dated Decer:.bEr 27-1h, 1930 to Trust Company Of march_^lent at par and to bear interest at t'ne r E of, 3 aEr center per annum be and the Same to in all re Oy°C" 1p hE te�."T c a,0- rOi<ro C.'c j:pcn a vo vt. be nz taken ujDon 101 -going resolution the sci?° was declared unani-,00 U„ y by the fo1_•c-ri ing votom iiy e s - 'The ,Clair dEClared the -_ esoluti•cn unanirI3usly adoppteC .. !'ne SuiGEr :tSOr " eported that he :clad_ :legotiat-d vii ti? lr'°u.SL CC:Il1Jany of Lard C"_ont, t,i E Sale of -che � E'.iL �r r�1'*' Cc_'T,i i'i OatC Of debL -'d'.ESS Ilo y^�C3�i, Cl9a is i5suled in a.a-1-rJ .ipa Gi J1 cf the ainount, to 'JE -Eali Zed from ih_— S1de"oval=r aSecss--tent to be levi--d and/or the Sa1c of Sidi-wa.l'.._ district bon is tC -Cagy +'he cost of _-i adiCto and 15 and constructing sidewalks along weavEr Strenz and of acquiring prope2ty necessary for that purpose in the Town of hamaroneck under the provisions of Article !!-a of the Town Law, dated December 24, 1930 and that said Trust Company offered to purchase said certificate at its par value at a rate of interest of 5 per nzntum 1EY annum and requEsted that his action in disposing of said certificate of indebtedness on tie terms above outlined. be approved. J'he-e-n-por , on motion duly made and seconded, it vas R73OLVED, that the action of the Supervisor in disposing of temporaro certificate of indebted- ness for 600,01072, dated December 24, 1930 , above descri0d, to Trust Company of Larchmont at par and to bear interest at the rate of 5 per centum per annum be and the same hereby is in all respects approved. Upon a vcze being oaken upon Me foregoing resolution the same was declared unanimously adopted by the following vote -. Ayes: Six Noes ; Yon-, The Chair VEclared the resolution Unanimously adoytEd. Upon motion, duly seconded, the Board unanimously resolved tm adjourn at 5 P. MIL iV --- A. - Town dleh'—. V