HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_01_20 Town Board Minutes (2) 253
SP7CIAL 1,77111'G OF TH7 TO�,,T',_ BOARD
TOW'-,,-f OF' _',% Ys
held january 20, 1931.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 3 P. M.
Presenti Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Collins, Leeds and Hessersmitt
Town Clark Earvin
Hr. Gagliardi, Special Counsel , hr. Coles , Town Suparin-
zendant of Higbways and Hr. Foote , Wginser, sere also present.
The Supervisor smated that the Board had convened for
the purpose of holding a hearing on the matter of the cost of
improving Dante Avenue , %,.m 1i fl ace and Byron Lane , in the
Maple Hill 3ubdivision, becond Tection) , pursuant to notice, to
the end zhat the cost thereof might be assessed as required by
The Clerk reported that the notice of hearing had been
published and posted as required by law and that Mr. GagliardL
had filed with him affidavits evidencing that fact,
On motion d-aly --,,lade and seconded, it was
27SOLVED, that the affidavits of publica-
tion and posting of notice of hearing
be received and filed with the ilerk,
The motion was put to a vote and carried,
blor further motion duly made and seconded, it was
-4- be approved
V 1 11,
. ea. Y tTi
a"u of hearing be dispensed
-a 1 t It.
The motion was put to a vote and carried.
The Supervisor thereupon stated that the Board would be
glad to hear any of those present regarding the determination
and appozzionmznt of the cost of said improvement and stated
hat far the purpose of convenience the Board would hear those
opposed to ;he apportionmens first and then those who were in
favor thereof.
t"lerk rsporzEd that he had received a letter froea
Mr. Harry D. Mcuahie , dated january 19 , 1931, addressed to the
Town Board in which he stated that nhen the petition to improve
said streets was being circulated it was represented to him
that the cost of the iMprGV2MEnt in cuestion would not exceed
Qoo, 00 per lot (Each lot having a frontage of 20 feet) , and
that the assessment would be distributed over a period of
15 years in equal insialments. Yr. McGahie also stated that
it was likewise represented to him that the cost of inECalling
water and electric light conduits would be borne by the former
owners of the property and that if the conditions above out-
lined were to be met , he would have no objection to the assess-
ment proposed to be made by the Board, otherwise to please
enter his protest.
Elan motion duly made and seconded, Y . y"_oGa"tiels letter
was ordered received and placed on file .
Phe Clerk announced that the engineer in charge oI he
work had filed with him a revised statement allocating the
ap4.o*°ti0n3}':g for the C'OS'`L of !he various items that vent into
the improvement and deterning?ng the iota! cost thereof at
+ y. 5 s _ -�a-
upon tis asiS of said total cost the front
foot assEss i.cn _ . 6avuld be U20. 106. 5 and that the e gineei ..
report could be inspected by anyone who desired toexamine the
— same .
As no one uaivhed to address the Board in regard to said
improvement or the amount Lo be assessed therefor , justice
-. Essersmitlh offered for adoption the following'.
TT7� nn�'i3OLVI����rrrr
�lL, that the hearing he and the
same hereby is closed; and it is further
'7tiOLV7D, that the report of the engineer
allocating and apportioning the cost of
Ilpr v_n,Z De _.venue , D m_tri Place and
Byron Lane (wiz^.in the second section of
the Maple Hill Subdivision) ,, in the Own
of Mamaroneck, Yew York, which has been
determined at the s,,4 of . 97 , 505. 47 , be
and the same hereby is approved; and it
is further
RESGLIAD, that the raid surf of $97 , 505. 47
be and hereby is levied and assessed against
the property fronting or abutting on Dante '.
Avenue , Dimiari Place and Byro^, lane as 'I
apporzion2d by the engineer in accordance with
his report filed with this Load as provided
by Chapter 5.49 of tee Laws of 1929 ; as
amended; and it is further
RESOL•VT'D, that the Board of sssiessors be
and hereby is authorized irizetd and directed to
extend and assess said cost accordingly.
The question being oaken Ripon Lne -Foregoing resolutions ,
sons rde e upon _ ,_._ call duly ad3ptzd by the following vote :
Ayes ; Burton, Boyd, Collins, Red ,
Aessersmith and Marvin.
Does; _done
hr. Gagliardi suggested that the Board fix the amount
which she Town Superintendent of Highways should receive by way
of compensation for its services ices in supervising the improvement
of Dante Avenue , DimiGri Place and Byron Lane , under the provi-
sions o chap �.,e 549 o he Laws of 1926 , as amended.
Whereupon justice !Boyd offered for adoption the
RESGHUD, that the Town Superintendent
of Vi i.'t,::'c?'y$ be and 7c-_..-by i5 allowed the
seam of :6500.00 for supervising the im-
provement of Dania Avenue , Dimi Gri Place
ad Byron Lane , and that the Supervisor
be authorized and empowered to pa'y' the
same upon the filing with him of a prope=r
voucher therefor.
the question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was "put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Ayes : O
foes : None
The ^hamr declared the resolution adopted.
On Motion duly made and SCOoadecd the Board unanimously
resolved to adjourn at 3 ;30 A H.