HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_01_07 Town Board Minutes (2) 249 =HYG OF T__P TO�i:Y BOARD helot January "d IS3 I In tl­ absence of the Du Ervisjr, he meeting was ca-lied to order by jurt-ice C317-ins at 8s50 F. Present - JTU,S+-, c e �G 1, n Z- 0-S -ess- 4 _h C' Upo-c mcz,ion dul j 'made and SC.c.C''1d.eCis 4 -1- was T'o'ted to dispense v'iith -,he reading, of the m-_Int ..Es of meet inbge not yet. appro-led I-Licllacl Doh�-rl y of D)_-', llcn r' :n. add-rEsFed the 3oard and presen-ued a petition signed by resident tla,<t,-ayeis of _'ire District !%,o. 2, which petition, he said , -v,,Tas si.gyieu by -_=ore -. an a onaJorii -Ly of the resident -a:,_,jayers in tla . district, and ohi ch , a 4 '1 c C aI - - 1 � to SEE---ion 31460, of the lcvm La-w, urged the '-Pown to make a contract IfOr f-1,2e -J.-I-L,utection to b e fur n 11 sln e a j r i-L h in = 1rE I-)- - - S 2 Upon duly made and seconded the petiticn ,,,,as re- fe-rl'e + f' , 4 d ro thc '3oard of ­�ssessors for `Ieir cer 'l. �_a � on a-- to the 'neCessa7_,y n�,ufober of signatures and also, to I`ou= l for his re-oo_-z the re Okl: led a co=unication from Counselor Gamble in rege.rd lo -_c c-Ilai 'm ci ar--ay--- 'elen "Dur-ne!7 for Ye�­ I g � I " I I -1 1.nc� o f fee paid to t h e 3 u i 1 d_J n C o mra i s s ii a r f0_. b- I d 4inE 7e rrf i" t w h i c via s not issued. -The co municatulor. stated phe a can ' Vvhe n fnak ing --he a,, i ca tJ o, kne",,,r -,hF-'- she jDpl 4 L for something cor-Crary to 'Uhe orLlinance. Wa 6 CL Sk Zon 4 had a, i1CC ng before +h 3uildin,-, � o ..:- Issicn ctrd -went before the Zoning Comm-isslon and it wou' d appear to me that under the _ cum,stancea , boll-h. o=is_,Ions hal=ing p,�rforr -I i� d their duties., and the Zoning -',Gar hp.71ng been under Uh- of adver'ising __ G -2. 00 fc-( -ach Co=' ssJon Js Jnadequate to r a -ng , that Ever cover Un,e expense which they -,a-lrel und e r. The rrere fact `-a` the claim is denied does riot seem to me to be sufficient basis for returning L-hc fee . The purpose of the fee is to compensate in pai^T to,wa,rQs the c o s t of L li E C o i-mm i s s_J o n an be C a u s-1 an 4 apj�l ica tr On is denied rEnde-rs no lesz to be done by the Co=_,lizZions. icon rcotilon, dalj, made . and seconded, it vi,,as R -�ns u -- nr rEoort of Counsel De received and that hi' s be adopted and thatu the clai=i c--- !,_arzaret - Fn O 'Donnell be and the same hereby is denied. the Teoort of the Receiver of Taxes -for the 1=tlh of Dece-imber ordered iecei-ved and lace.._ fil- . 7Le - ­--r- -,-- -�­ -oiwn C1,_rk for 'll-le '.r on of Deceiubez On �4 ,ua s or cj- Ji s�c c e 1'72'..1 nd �31- a c,I=It 93U The annual re-port of ZIDI o-v­„n -,Jerk f-r the year 3 C vih` -h, fnE Clerl: :p3i--n+Fd Gat . �hoiwed increases olle-- the rdered receJved and -�placed io,o_sin.Ess done in previous years, ,,,,as c, on file . 251 The Town Clerk reported that he had been requested by Hr. Charles K. Bamter, jr. , of on behalf of the Lamaronech Relief Committee for kid to the Unemployed to ask the Town Board to request Ky ishn J. Bloomer, Town Velfare Officer, to cooperate with the ismaroneck Committee to the end that duplications in the relief to the unemployed might be avoided. The Clerk oucted Mr. Baxzsr as saying that at the zime of a recent distribution of baskets of food, several persons received more than one basket owing to the lack of cooperation. The matter was referred to the Supervisor. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Ward unanimously resolved to adjourn at 9 : 15 P. M.