HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975_02_27 Conservation Advisory Commission Minutes • MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN OF I!IAI!ARONECK • CONSERVATION ADVISORY COPdISSION A regular meeting of the Town of Mamaroneck Conservation Advisory Commis- sion was held on Thursday, February 27, 1975 at the Weaver Street Fire- house, Larchmont, N.Y. CALLED TO ORDER: The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7 :55 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members present: Mr. Amlicke Mr. Irwin Mrs. Fredston Mr. Bijur Mrs. Johnson Also present : Mr. Emanuelson, Environmental Coordinator Mrs. Bars, Planned Parenthood _ Mrs. Brauman, Larchmont Garden Club Mr. Doherty Mrs. Schirmer, Secretary MINUTES: 1 - SUBCOIvILITTEE REPORTS Recycled Paper - See attached copy of report by Mr. Bijur. • 2 - MARCH 19, 1975 PRESENTATION TO TOr,1N There will be a meeting of all CAC members on Wednesday, March 12, 8 p.m. at Mrs. Fredston' s, to organize the presentation to the Town. Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Leddy and Mr. Emanuelson will meet March 4 to select slides to be shown as part of CAC' s presentation. 3 - ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1974 The third draft of the annual report was discussed. Er. Irwin will take final copies of the report to the March 12 meeting. 4 - NATURAL RESOURCES INVENTORY Mr. Emanuelson reported that Mr. Buffi has not yet completed the map of the three municipalities; however, Mr. Emanuelson plans to have ready a presentation on the inventory for the March 12 meeting. • The funds that CAC applied for from CEAC will not be forthcoming because of cuts in CEAC' s budget. 5 - LIFE CENTER LIFE' s February report was accepted and the monthly payment approved. Lifeline - Mrs. Munzer will continue to work with Mrs. Birnbaum on the March flyer. 6. - SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RECYCLING Recycling Publicity - Mr. Leddy is working on signs for garbage truckssand Mr. Irwin will work on posters for supermarkets, churches, etc. Mr. Irwin will contact Mr. Ungaro of the Westchester-Rockland newspapers to request county-wide promotion of local newspaper collection. Mr. Emanuelson will ask Mr. Leddy to add "and magazines" to all signs now saying only "newspapers." Posters concerning glass collection at the recycling depot should be designed for distribution in Mamaroneck Village. Recycled Paper - Mr. Bijur will ask an expert on recycled paper to speak at a CAC meeting. He will also contact EPL to determine whether there is discrimination against use of secondary materials and if there is any new legislation pending. Recycling Depot - Mr. Emanuelson will see what can be done about the truck body, with an open top, used for paper collection at the depot. Leaf Composting cd Flint Park - Mr. Leddy will supervise the rotation of leaf piles, to start next week. 7 - WETLANDS AND WATERCOURSES Tony' s Nursery - Mrs. Johnson will contact Mr. Green from New Paltz, who recently inspected the nursery operation, and report at next CAC meeting. W. es,,. � - -. 2 -- Long Island Sound Regional Study - The Town sent to the New ' England River Basin Commission a letter stating CAC' s recommendations- and ecommendationsand comments on the study. FCIC Feb. 8 Workshop on Implementation of the 1972 Water Pollution Control Act - Mrs..Fredston attended and reported. Coastal Zone Management Survey - Mrs. Fredston will complete a survey sent her by a Texas organization and report at the next meeting. 8 - WATER MONITORING Mr. Emanuelson reported that Yr. Hohberg' s students analysed the first six skimmers collected by Ir. Leddy and found oil contamination only in the one from the town yard. 9 - PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDS Mr. Gunsalus will report at the next meeting. Mrs. Johnson will contact Mr. Gunsalus before the March 12 CAC meeting concerning the question of whether a local law is needed for J impact statements or whether the Tidal Wetlands Act is sufficient. 10 - URBAN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT AND LAND USE AND HOUSING Tabled in the absence of Mrs. Munzer. 11 - PARKS, CEP;ETERIES AND CONSERVATION AREAS Larchmont Reservoir - Larchmont Village has agreed to follow the recommendations of CAC. Cemeteries - Barker and Quaker cemeteries will be cleaned and maintained as funds are available. There seem to be some legal obstacles to cleaning up other cemeteries. . Mrs. Helwig is studying this situation. Palmer Avenue Conservation Area - A sign for the area will be ready, if the area is to be dedicated during National Environmental Awareness Week. 12 - STUDENT REPRESENTATION - 3 - AAA � 4ti vJ/ V Breck Carrow, MHS student, has resigned. Mrs. Kennelley and Mr. Hohberg will consider the appointment of alternates or of a re- 1 placement. 13 - WESTCHESTER COUNTY SYMPOSIUM ON BIKEWAYS AND SAFETY IN BICYCLING, Iv;ARCH 24., AT MARYMOUNT Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Fredston will attend, if possible. 14 - LARCHMOr;T VILLAGE PRESENTATION BY CAC Date set - April 21. 15 - CA C PUBLIC MEETING ON NUCLEAR PLANTS Mr. Amlicke will ask John Lamarsh, nuclear physicist, to speak at the May 1 CAC meeting, which will be open to the public and publi- cized in Lifeline and elsewhere. 4c: MEETING ADJOURNED: .. NEXT MEETINGS: Thursday, April 3, 7 :45 p.m. , Weaver Street Firehouse, Larchmont, N.Y. Thursday, May 1, 7:45 p.m. , Weaver Street Firehouse, Larchmont, N.Y. USE OF RECYCLED PAPER The market for waste materials, particularly paper, has dropped dramatically. However, most Westchester communities continue to collect newspapers so that people will retain their habit of saving it. A major consideration in collecting newspapers and selling it is to avoid trucking it to Croton. There is still a profit in the collection of it, even !It the current depressed sale price. At $11 to $12 a ton, the Vi1•lage' of Mamaroneck breaks even and avoids the costly transfer to Croton. Magazines, corrugated paper and junk mail has recently been added to the monthly collection in the Village of Mamaroneck. After the winter doldrums, the collection has started to recover some of the lost momentum of the past three or four winters. Recycled paper is still more expensive than virgin paper, but the pyschological impact of using it makes the use of recycled paper desirable. The Village of Mamaroneck is instructing all departments to use it if they find that the differential is recyclable. The drop in price of newspapers from $40 a ton to $7 at the low, continues to be the fundamental problem. There seems to be a general consensus that the price will recover substantially in the coming year so that there is every reason for all communities to continue their ., collection programs. I will arrange a presentation of the facts about recycled paper by a paper manufacturer for one of our forthcoming meetings.