HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976_06_02 Conservation Advisory Commission Minutes MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF TIIE TOWN OF MAMARONECK CONSERVATION 401) ADVISORY COPMMMISSION A regular meeting of the Town of Mamaroneck Conservation Advisory Commission was held on Wednesday, June 2, 1976 in the School-Town Offices . CALLED TO ORDER The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7: S0 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present : Mr. Amlicke Mr. Irwin Mr. Gunsalus Mr . DeSalvo Mrs . Johnson Mrs . Fredston Also Present : Mr. Leddy, Town Conservationist Mrs . Brauman, Garden Club of Larchmont Mr. Emanuelson, Environmental Consultant Mrs . Kypar, Secretary MINUTES: The minutes of the previous meeting were read by each member and corrections made. 1 . Conserving Energy Thru Lighting Conservation Mr. Margolis was contracted by the Board of Education to do an energy survey. Mr. Emanuelson is to contact Mr. Margolis regarding the town billing and recording of electrical energy use. 2 . Annual Report . Copies of the second draft of the Annual Report will he sent to the members by Mr. Irwin. Each member is requested to review his or her specialized area in the Report and let Mr. Irwin know- if there arc any typographical errors or missing information. The subject of how to present the Annual Report to the Town Council Page 2 will be discussed at the next meeting . OMr. Irwin contacted the Da nor PressMamaroneck in and received an estimate well within the budget for the printing of the Annual Report . Mr. Irwin will hire an artist for the cover and map work. • 3. Solid Waste Management r, Recycling . • - - Mr. Amlicke will write a letter to Mr. Hudders inviting him to the • next meeting. Purpose: to get Mr. Hudders involved in spearheading • a program for the recycling of glass in restaurants , bars , etc. • - - It was suggested that a certificate of commendation be approved by • the members at the next meeting . • - - A review should be made of all persons to he commended who have • demonstrated conservation measures . • - - Mr. Amlicke is to write Lilyan Hartley to inform her that waste • paper is now selling for $30. 00 a ton. Tax Savings From Recycling Cliff Pmanuelson is to approach the Town of Mamaroneck, Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck in regard to showing the amount of savings from recycling on the tax bills sent to residents . • Village of Larchmont Leaf Composting at Flint Park • Mr. Leddy reported that there is a water problem. in the composting area, • and it will be corrected. • Part of the green sidewalk has been removed from the Larchnont area • and is being used as fill to help correct the water condition in • the compost area, Page 3 4 . Environmental Quality Review Act . Mr. DeSalvo reported that the Workshop he attended in Albany on April 23- 24 , 1976 shed a certain amount of light on the Act . 5. Natural Resources Inventory. Cliff Emanuelson showed members areas that have been added to the map inventory. Iie suggested that the reprinting of the map be postponed for another year. Mr. Amlicke read the letter that will be sent to the Town Council regarding the index and map, explaining what it is and what the Commission intends to do with it. It was agreed that the letter should be revised, and more descriptive information be included. Mr. Amlicke will mail the revised letter to Mr. Vandernoot , and Mr. Emanuelson will deliver the inventory and index to the Town Osupervisor personally. 6. Wetlands and Watercourses . See Mrs . Fredston's report attached. Mr. Amlicke read a letter. "Ordinance from Kotanche - Wetlands Bulletin on Environmental Conservation Commissions and County Environmental Management Councils in Region 3. Discussion of flood control proposal by the Army Corps of Engineers and the formation of a watershed association will take place at the next meeting. Martha Munzer will be giving a report on the latter. 7. Water t!onitoring Tabled until next meeting. Bob Hohberg to give Tom Leddy a written report. 8. Planning and Zoning Boards . Mr. Gunsalos reported that the Village of Larchmont is still • page 4 treading water on nursery property. Mary Anne Johnson reported the following : "I attended two Village of Larchmont Planning Commission meetings on the subject of the proposed Tennis facility for the Larchmont Nursery Property. See enclosures with the minutes . The dates of the meetings were May 3 and May 10 . I prepared mounted photos and a flip board presentation for the May 10 meeting. In my remarks to the Planning Commission and the Village Board members in favor of condominiums I should have added (and shall do so in a future letter) the factor of lawns having a 75% run- off rate, which might add to the desirability of condominium use, depending of course on the type of plantings used for land- scaping and whether land was left for gardens ." Town of Mamaroneck Appelate Division reversed the case on the Guadagnoli zoning application. The Town has 90 days to appeal . Meeting on Wednesday of the Town Planning Board - they will be looking at the Dandry property. (:) 9. Land Use Planning and housing Martha Munzer will give report at the next meeting on master plan report. 10. Parks , Cerictarics ; Conservation Areas Mr. Amlicke, Town Council and Village of Larchmont officials walked the reservoir and discussed its use in the future. A sign and walk book is to be prepared. 11 . Environmental Education There are 6 scholarships to Cornell available For a summer program in Leadership Training in Environmental Management . Mrs . S. Kennelley submitted the following report : Projects of Environmental Studies "1 . Last paper pick up for recyclable paper was conductbd May 26 Cat the H.S. It is hoped that the program will be resumed in the fall . 2. The bicentennial program on energy was held in a three- part series : Energy of the past - present - future. Movies depicting these topics and guest spedcers contributed to the success of the program. Page S 3. A bicentennial flag was planted on the slope near the library. It consists of a planting of flower seeds on IC: a plot 3 ' by 5 ' and at maturity the flowers should bloom in the form of the American flag. 4 . There will he a high schoolclean up week June 7-11 . Competition between Palmer and Post units will provide a contest for unit collecting the most litter. There will be a king and queen and other activities . 5. Mamaroneck Village Recreation Dept . has invited us to participate in the Village clean-up on June 12 at 10 a.m. Students have agreed to work on cleaning the Mamaroneck River. 6. Aluminum collection will continue until the end of the school year. " Miscellaneous Agenda: Discussion of Christine Helwig 's tree nursery. Sign for nursery will be ready by then. Fund raising for tree nursery August 4 - Town Council meeting - Mrs . Johnson and Mrs . Munzer to become Members Emeritus of Conservation Advisory Commission. $25. 00 dues to F.C.W. to be paid by Tom Leddy Tom Leddy to send for three books . Environmental Conservation 6-day workshop at White Face Mountain in Wilmington, N.Y. , July 18- 23 - No one can attend. Life Center Program - Importance of Beverage Control Bill in New York ' The Meeting was adjourned at 11 : 00 p .m. Next Meeting - August 4 , 1976 I • C Y. • 1 6. Wetlands and Watercourses . Ir: Mrs . Fredston reported the following : "Waste Treatment Management I was unable to attend any of the meetings during April or May. Do know, however, that the contracts to study the county ' s waste treatment needs have finally been set. Charles R. Velz Associates will be paid 00 , 000 to study the northern Hart of the county, and Berger, Lehman will receive :;144 , 000 for the southern Westchester study. Also the County Planning Office plus S. P. Clark have a land-use study. begunpopulationprojectionY Wetlands Workshop, April 10 , under the auspices of FCWC. Attended by Mary Ann Johnson, Larry Lowy and Ellie Fredston . The 1975 State Freshwater Wetlands Act protects areas 12 .4 acres or larger. However , each community has different concerns and needs and the state has provided an opportunity for each municipality to adopt its own local legistlation. IF such legislation is not adopted by Sept . 1 , 1976, the responsibility devolves to the County, where if no action takes place within 90 days , responsibility is then transferred to the DEC. Tlier e are many questions - definition of Wetlands is subject to controversy (vegetation versus soil) . Which local agency is responsible, (Planning Board, Building Inspector , Engineer) ? Must municipality have itsownmap or inventory? For our area, which has both fresh- water and tidal wetlands , there is a divided responsibility in implementing the two programs . The tidal policing is in the hands of the State, whereas freshwater responsibility is at the local level . We were able to discuss this conflict during; :he intermission with several experts who suggested wording for our local ordinances . Larry Lowy' s presence was really a help as , at his urging , George Forbes , the attorney for the Village of Larchmont , is charged with drawing up a joint local ordinance. I provided him with model ordinances from other communities (Pound Ridge, Briarcliff, , etc. ) and have followed up by contacting communities for their experience with their legislation. Pound Ridge has its own Water @141a4 —Do2r. d which is in the process of revising its Wetlands laws an - r-1--- extremely helpful with specific suggestions . " p Attended the afternoon session of the Tidal Wetlands hearings today at SUNY, Purchase . We thought that the hearing would he mostly builders objecting to the regulations , but the opposite was the case. Less than 8 people read statements - all in favor of the law offering constructive criticism regarding language and some areas of overlap , etc. The inventory, as mandated, is complete and can be seen at DEC offices 202 Mamaroneck Avenue. Suggest that CAC send statement to the DEC commending the rules and regulations , urging prompt adoption. July 27th will he the Inventory hearings . "