HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976_04_22 Conservation Advisory Commission Minutes MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE TO ;: OF IMAM!RO.!ECK CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMISSION A regular meeting of the Town of Mamaroneck Conservation Advisory Commission was held on Thursday, April 22 , 1976 at the Weaver Street Firehouse. CALLED TO ORDER: The Chairman, Mr. Amlicke, called the "meeting to order at 7:30 .�:. ROLL CALL: Members present : Mr. Amlicke Mrs. Silberstein Mr. Ciraco Mr. DeSalvo Mrs. 1 Iunzer Mrs . Johnson Mr. Hohberg Also present : Mr. Leddy, Ranger C'zstodian Mr. Emanuelson, Enviromental Consultant Mr. Margolis, Guest Speaker Mr. McElhi aney, H.S. Student Mrs. Bers , Planned Parenthood MINUTES: •. 1 . The commission guest, Mr. Eugene Margolis, Executive Director of N.Y.C. Municipal Ener,y Conservation Program, gave a presentation on conservation of energy by controlling kilowatt usage and equalizing power demand. 2. Mr. Margolis stressed the need for department and facility responsibility and accountability for energy use in order to ' encourage conservation of energy. O Mr. Emanuelson and ?:r. Leddy were askedto check on what records are kept by the town ,.;nd schools concerning the electrical consumption history. -1 - ' I 2. ANNUAL REPORT Mr. Emanuelson has forwarded the first draft to ':r. Irwin for Biting. Ur. Irwin will locate a designer and printer and obtain quotes for printing of the annual report. 3 . SOLID UA3TE MAN 11TMiT NT Mrs. Johnson reported on Paper Recycling in Schools. Miss Joan Haggerty at Hommocks will be glad to confer with teachers from elementary schools about her program. She uses students from her classes and does lockercleanup. Results : every two weeks, 20-30 cartons. Total to date, 291 . Last collection, three weeks worth, 79 cartons. Chatsworth and :Murray have started but no count yet. �+. ENVIRO ENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT Mr. Joe DeSalvo, a lawyer, was introduced as the new member of the Commission representing the Village of Mamaroneck. Mr. DeSalvo Will be attending a program entitled "Enviromental and Planning Law Briefing" , sponsored by the college of general studies, State University of New York in Albany. He will attend the afternoon workshops covering the State Enviromental Quality Review Law which will be his immediate responsibility on the Commission. 5. NATURAL RESCTTRSES INVENTORY Mr. Emanuelson presented an update map with the additions of the following beach clubs : Mamaroneck, Shore Acrea, T3each Point and Orienta. Also, added in green were the Badger Day Camp, Warren Ave. Park. and the • Taylors Lane Leaf Composting Area. Quotes from the printers were no • available but will be sent along with the minutes if possible. Mr. Emanuelson will acid the missing areas to the open space index. 6. WETLANDS AND .,'AT'ERCOTTRSES • Mr. Amlicke read a letter from :•r. Vandernoot regarding the Town. - 2- . Board's request of the 7.S. Army corp . of Encineers to proceed with the study of the flume and tunnel plans for flood protection of the Sheldrake River, Ch consideration of the Town Engineer ' s and Conservation Advisory Committee suggestions. Copy of Town Engineer ' s and C.A.C. ' s letters attached. There was a brief discussion regarding the stimulation of the Water Shed Association for the Sheldrake and Mamaroneck Rivers. Mrs. 'unzer will contact Mrs . Donaldson of Federal Conservationist and the County Officials regarding need and procedure. 7. WATER MONITORING Bob Hohberg reported the following: 1 . John De Quina, Polution Engineer, for the Dept. of Health in Westchester County, reports that the coliform problem in East Creek was due to an open low water cut off valve in the sewer system north of Myrtle Blvd. Fred Kellog has corrected the situation. ® East Creek has displayed an early algae bloom which was brought to his attention by Sue. Anlicke. Initial analysis shows the growth to be Wothrid-a fresh water algae. This is a good indication of a change for the better in East Creek. 2. On April 4th, an oil analysis of the Sheldrake north of the Larchmont Reservoir shoved a 22 parts per million of Texas Crude oil. On April 7th, 3/4ths of a mile north of the April 4th site, a sample anayled out at 12 parts per mi-_lion of oil. 3. '3eachnont Lake in New Rochelle samples of April 19, . 1976, show 16 p.p.m. oil. Three coliform tests are presumption positive. 4. We have purchased further coliform anaylsis equipment and hope to move to a quantitation level soon. _3_ 8. PLAN':ING MW ZONING BOARDS Mrs . Johnson attended the Village of Larchmont Planning Board April 0• The new Gallagher plan for the nursery property with tennis and condominuims 10 units, plus house in previous undesirable locations was turned down 5-1 . TT ,� AND LAND T'ST; PLAN:•ING AND HO SING Mrs. I-unzer reported that the Master Plan Committee Report is in typint stage and will be ready in a few weeks. The C.A. C. should review it and make recommendation to Town Council. The League of Women Voters have been working on a policy statement as to the most effective levels of government control, local, regional, and federal. There is a gre::t need for regional (county) control which is only advisory at this time. 10. PARKS, Cr' ETMIT S AND CC:' SERV I TIO?' Hr. Ciraco reported on the County Open Space session which he attended `Mating that there are 14+ acres per 1 ,000 people in the county. They stated a need for open space and encourged local acquisition of lands in the urban areas . They stressed the need for recreational use of water shed areas, and a need to be watchful regarding large holdings such as golf courses. Er. Amlicke reported that he would meet with Town and Village official: at the Larchmont Reservoir area to discuss recommended uses of the area. 11 . ENVIRCI-TT.TT iL EDUCATION Mrs. Hunzer, high school students, elementary teachers , and a few 6th grade students will be attending a Iiabitate Conrerence in Vancover, Washington this summer. An adult educatic': course was proposed for C.A.C. cosponsorship with L. I.^.E. and the League of Women Voters . Called "Cur Envirorlent", it would consist of ten (10) session with 2 and 3 field trips to explore the enviromental situations in the immediate area . An outline was presented. The Commission 4- r . agreed to cosponsor the course. :•:rs. Johnson +.'ill "olio\.' through on submitting the outline to the Adult Education Committee. : 0 MEETING ADJOURNED: 10:10 P.r. ITTXT 1"SET 'G: ".:ay 27, 1975, 7 :30 P. . , Weaver Street Firehouse. 0 0 -5-