HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977_01_27 Conservation Advisory Commission Minutes MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN OF MA.MA.RONECK CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMISSION A regular meeting of the Town of. Mamaroneck Conservation Advisory Commission was held Thursday, Januarv '27, 1977, at the Weaver Street Firehouse. CALLED TO ORDER The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mr. Amlicke Mr. DeSalvo Mr. Hohberg Mrs. Fredston Mr. Gunsalus Mr. Ciraco Mrs. Munzer, Emeritus Also Present: Mrs. Brauman, Garden Club Mr. Leddy, Town Conservationist Mr. Emanuelson, Conservation Consultant Mrs. Amlicke, L.I.F.E. Center Mrs. Hartford, L.I.F.E. Center MINUTES 1. Annual Report The report was only discussed briefly and each member was to review his section and comment on the general report. An editor will be hired to edit the material and prepare it for the printer. _ 2. Conservation Advisory Commission Membership Mrs. Edith Silberstein has resigned from the Commission �..- as she has taken a new position with greater responsibility and would not be able to continue with the C.A.C. Mr. Amlicke asked the recommendations be submitted to him as soon as possible. -1- • A. 3. Solid Waste Management and Recycling 0 A) Mrs. Amlicke and Mrs. Hartford repr^senting L.I.F.E. presented the results to date regarding the weekly paper pickups as per Mr. Kellogg's memorandum of January 24, 1977. As of January 20, 111.6 tons were collected; a three week savings of $5,022. All is going well. Mrs. Hartford has met with Mr. Vandernoot regarding apartment participation. A cooperative survey of apartments is being done by Paul Del Guercio for his Eagle Scout Project to see how paper is being handled in apartments, and what can be done to improve participation in paper recycling. B) Mr. Emanuelson reported that the Poster Meter Ad plate has been ordered and will be put into use as soon as it is delivered by Pitney Bowes. `r•, C) A general Recycling Log was discussed as a possible school art contest. Tabled for discussion. D) Recycling notice stating progress to date was recommended for the April 1 tax bill mailing. Mr. Emanuelson will mail out a suggested notice for consideration at February C.A.C. meeting. Notice and help for stuffing must be ready by March 15. E) Accomodation Awards were discussed. Tabled for consideration as a fall project. F) Glass - Mrs. Hartford introduced the possibility of changing our glass recycling procedure. Having_ our own bins .and not renting the metal bins could double the income. Mrs. Vivian Brauman will check further on the possibilities of changing the paw process and submit her findings. w.., G) Bolander's Letter - Replys will be by letters from Mr. -2- Irwin and Mr. Amlicke, Chairman of C.A.C. , letters directly through Mayors and Supervisor. C 4. Environmental Quality Review Act - SEQR April 1, 1977 - Local Regulations are to be filed by the local government. According to DEC the role of C.A.C. as to above is- strictly advisory. Copies of the sample regulations will be supplied to the Commission members for their review to see if they can recommend suggestions for improvements, etc. We must contact the legal dept. of the Town and tell them Mr. DeSalvo will meet with them regarding the Commissions suggestions on Local Regulation to become effective 6/1/77. Units of local government are to determine whether actions they directly undertake may have significant effect on environment. If significant then a Environmental Impact Study will be needed. A helpful tool for screening will be the environmental assessment form incorporated in local procedures in assessment form indicates impact then "EIS" (Environmental Impact Study) . As of 9/1/77, both State and Local governments will be required to make determinations of significance on actions for which they issue licenses, permits or other certificates or entitlements. Future Reference: Cornell Field Service for Environmental Impact Studies is available. • Workshop: Local implementation of SQRC will be held January 31, 1977, at 85 Court Street, White Plains. Room 81. Mr. Joe DeSalvo will attend. • • • t 1 5. Conservation Board 0 Board designation has not been approved due to concerns regarding Board powers and creating another Bureacratic level in the town. No vote has been taken. The consensus was best not to cause future problems. Majority of the Town Board is opposed to designation of C.A.C. as a Conservation Board. Faith in members of C.A.C. and Town Board seems to be the best approach. v e C 6. Wetlands and Watercourses 11; A) Mrs. Fredston attended 208 meeting, January 19, on areawide waste treatment management planning. Bill Blaser, president of the consulting firm responsible for developing and implementing mechanism plan. Three. interim studies done by this firm are: 1. Who will carry out wastewater management plan - public versus private - who will handle residue waste. 2. Possible legislation needed - voluntary compliance 7_ cannot be assume d Ex. -Rest management procedures for non-point - who regulates. 3. Financial Studies - where the dollars come from. Above information will be available before April 15. !--- Coastal Zone Management Conference - February 12. B) Appointments to the ,dater Resources Board were made ' ID by the Town Board of Supervisors. (See attached appointments) C) The Commission reviewed the recommendations by 'fr. Emanuelson regarding the Sheldrake River in memo of January 24 and recommended that they be forwarded to Mr. Vandernoot, Town Supervisor by Mr. Emanuelson for the Commission. J)) Mrs. Ellie Fredston will report at the February meeting on proposed legislation regarding Long Island Sound. • 7. ?-later Monitoring; • . 1• Cooperation by retic ers at the high school. is very lo;.� due to the sensitivity of ccr:__a..L negotiations. 2. As an outgrowth of this, Mr. Hohberg is attempting to change his room for an older laboratory which will entail greater work on his part but hold a more promising future. 3. Chlorine testing has progressed on both the Sheldrake and Pinebrook-Premium rivers as a test. Readings were less I. than .05 mg/1 which sets the stage for further testing. Pi-ne 6 rod 4. Oil testing at the mouth of the Premium has shown 4.5 mg/i California Crude contamination. Sheldrake oil testing has shown 2.5 mg/l. 5. Additional water testing is hampered by extreme cold weather. 6. A December 3, 1976 order through the Hack Chemical Company was handled erroneously (wrong items shipped) and has caused the loss of the $200 balance of Water Monitoring budget. 7. Recent orders from Hack have improved and we will attempt coupling a H2S (hydrogen sulfide) test along with our bacterial testing in order to pinpoint sewer line breaks. 8. In addition to the Chemical Science students, he has been able to add one Oceanography student to the Water Montitoring team. 9. Land Use Planning and Housing Mrs. Munzer reviewed briefly the details of the Master Plan • Review Committee Report as they applied particularly to the work of C.A.C. She emphasized r.ecor^*iendations of the report that dealt with various phases of ]and use. Mrs. Munzer urged that the report _._..._he c`a$efullV. studied ;Pr.''h C ..h 1 . g t 7J.1 -4b w1 3 various Commission me .r:;. - 64id.,dQd . Mrs. Munzer '?1!:n};^_?' of Floi-i Control meetings A relating to the Brookside problem. The latest one, held in • Vandernoot's office reviewed plans of the Army Engineers. Since these plans deal only with selected sections of the Sheldrake River, one wonders whether an entire watershed plan wouldn't make far more ecological sense. Should the C.A.C. take IMP 111MMEMMEMMEMOMMEMMION • the lead in investigating the possibility of the formation of a Watershed Association Mr. Amlicke requested that Mr. Emanuelson and Mrs. Munzer explore what interest there might be in a Watershed Association • with adjoining C.A.C. , the County and the Westchester. Federated Conservationists. 10. Parks, Cemeteries and Conservation Areas A) Mr. Ciraco reported on the December 8 County Park meeting which stressed the need to save open space. Local Commissions should do everything they can and if they need help to call on -car County assistance. A B) Parks and Recreation under Act 17.05 (5) - By definition pursuant to statute would fall under definition of a Park or Forest Recreation Proiect. 1 . Undertaken pursuant to PRL 17.05 (5) until approved by the Commission. Project must be recommended by governing Board of funic ipali.t fes and ov°- .approved 4.t ay- be undertaken by :duct c i pal it_es pursuant to any annlicant nrOvided • •.. - .. .. - Stat ': 50i; of rh2. re:C;7irdo - 3- . i PaJifii L`'' by local fundin,,.- „� se•`��.�..-:.:�-c.�ia:^ . :s� 'Y-'." -.:`_,..r=i,'..., r.. .c,. ... ._.. '�,y�''r"�"���y"' ��Y" � 4�-�'��Y r' Mr. DeSalvo• willseriire ."tai.e arc'. lederal fortr:;`rr'apo�.4�Qi::ion C) Flint Park - Leaf Conmostin proje�is in coopc:rai:ion with the Village or'. Larchmont is underway under the supervision of Mr. Leddy. 11. Miscellaneous A) Mr. Emanuelson reported on the Youth Conservation Corp. All 1977 applications were submitted November 1976. Twenty percent local matching funds are needed. The program is limited to a 30 hour work week and 90 day limit duration. It was recommended to find out what local projects have been funded in order to observe the procedure and effectiveness. Mr. Emanuelson will secure the information. B) Mr. Amlicke requested that Mr. Emanuelson check into the New York State Wildlife Shrubs and Seedling program. New5clipping was submitted for reference. 4 C