HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979_09_27 Conservation Advisory Commission Minutes • of TOWN OF MAMARONECK CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING , A regular meeting of the Town of Mamaroneck Conservation Advisory Com- mission was held at the Weaver Street Firehouse on Thursday, September P 27, 1979. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. Members present : Tom Amlicke, Chairman Mildred Jarne c'�e Orlando Ciraco iIary Anna Johnson, ;meritua Bob Iiohberg Martha Munzer, Emeritus Eileen Mason, Secretary Also present: Tom Leddy - Town Conservationist Cliff Lnanuelson - Conservation Consultant Carol Berry - Director, L..I.F.E. Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on July 11, 1979, were reviewed, corrected, and approved for distribution. Mr. Amlicke presented a letter to the Commission members from James J. 1 C Johnston, Town Attorney to all recording secretaries re "Open Meetings Law Amendment". (See attached copy) Pursuant to this letter, Mr. Ciraco made a motion that the Commission resolve to designate that advance notices of each meeting be displayed on the Town Clerkts Bulletin Board and that copies of the minutes of each meeting be available from the Town Clerk within two weeks following each meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hohberg and carried unanimously. -Ir. Leddy reported that he has complied with the posting of the public notices and Mrs. Mason stated that she will deliver to the Town Clerk an uncorrected copy of the minutes identical to those which are sent to the Commission nerabers for review and correction. Budgets for 198081 ) Town of Mamaroneck Community Environment and Special Services - Appro- priation requests from the General Fund were made and will be submitted as presented ,for review by the commission. WOMAN -2- Town of Mamaroneck' s Home and Community Sa_'yi,;os -- General Environment - Water Quality Control - After review of the appropriation requests presented, an apparent saving of approximately $1.400 appears possible in Items Nod41) 403 and 14.05, Schedule Two. Mr. Leddy and Mr. Emanuelson will discuss these items with Carmine DeLuca, Comptroller. (Schedules attached) Annual Report The Chairman asked that the chairmen of the various subcommittees begin preparation and assembly of their reports for the 1979 Annual Report . He also asked for Commission members to look around for someone with experience to undertake editing the Annual Report as Ifs. Nog has moved away. Fee for this service will be aU600. Community Assistance First quarter vouchers for 1979-80 have been filed with the State . for 50% refunding and have been accepted as presented. Next quarterly report is due at the end of October. Notice of the receipt by the State of the Commission1s 1900/1 budget proposal has been received by Mr. Emanuelson. Mr. Amlicke produced a letter from N.Y.S.D.E.C. offering auto mileage refunding at 17¢ per mile. If this amount is acceptable to the Town, applications can bj made for refunding. Parks, Cemeteries and Conservation Areas Larchmont Reservoir - Erection of the amended sign at the Conservation area has been delayed because of clean-up operations following hurricane , "David" but it will be erected shortly. Mr. Amlicke reported that as Chairman of the C.A. C. he is trying to persuade the County to purchase the Larchmont Reservoir Upper Lake area held by the Village of Larchmont through the County -Parks Acquisition program. His request is presently under consideration but he has no idea how long the community will have to wait for an answer . Mr. Hohberg reported on his water sampling study conducted from early -3- July through early September. His preliminary report follows: Limnological Study - Summer 1979 - Larchmont Reservoir Upper Lake Preliminary Report a) 48 water samples wore taken covering a period from July through September 4, 1979. b) 240 tests were run on the abovementioned samples including Nitrite; Nitrate; Dissolved Oxygen; Emulsified Oil and Coliform bacteria. In addition, the limits of the photic zone were measured. c ) The main thrust of the study was to determine if the concentratiaft of Nitrate was within the 15 mg/1 level, allowable for a body of water to remain useable as a reservoir . Result : N0 sample taken at ANY station or site exceeded the 15 mg/1 concentration level. Therefore, the reservoir re.dains useable as a drinking water source according to this parameter. d ) Dissolved Oxygen results were of good to excellent levels by comparison to distilled water at equal temperatures . e ) Coliform counts ware df low levels and only two stations or sites called for tuba dilution study. At this writing, it would be confident to predict that suitable treatment would bring the lake water well within APHA drinking water standards. f) only ONE of seven samples tested for Emulsified Oil showed a 0.5 part per million concentration on the basic of California Crude Oil. All other tests were negative or 0.0 ppm. g) A more formal and critical report will follow this writing which will allow for more complete data analysis . However, it appears fair to predict that the Larchmont Reservoir will still deserve an "A" rating as a water resource for drinking purposes. I . Mr. Amlicke received a request from Cal Weber, Commissioner of the County Health Department that Bob Hohberg report the results of the 1 water monitoring activities to him. Ms. Berry of L.I.F.E. advised the Commission that on October 27, 1979, at 10 a.m. , L.I.F.E. naturlists will conduct a tour of the area for interested town officials, politicians and concerned residents to show the area's value as a conservation and recreation area. Hommocks Conservation Area The dedication of the new sign and Walk Book was enjoyed in magnificent -4- weather and the Chairman urges all to go and enjoy it . Premium Marsh receiving his letter, The Chairman asked Hr. Leddy if, since / homeowners guilty of encroachment on the Harsh had made any effort to improve the area. Mr. Leddy felt that there had been a little improvement of the area surrounding the Marsh. Mr. Amlicke requested that i:r. Ciraco and Tr. Leddy made a detailed inspection of the area and report back at the next meeting. Dredging - Nothing now to report since July meeting. Tony's Nursery - Mr. Gunsalus will report on his meeting with lir. Rodriguez at the next C.A.C. meeting. Premium Pond - 1966 MastarPlan reference to Beach Lot, Block 730, Lot 151, Larchmont Village adjacent to Premium Point Complex. In response to Mr. Barrett ' s resolution of the July meeting, Mr. Emanuelson conducted a thorough search of local records. He reports that the lands indicated on the C.A.C. Natural Resourccznap do not belong to the Town but to the Premium Point Land Company. (See memo attached ) He further reported that he has notified Mr. Elfraich and the Natural Resources Inventory Map has been amended. The Chairman asked that Mr. Chairman of the well as Barrett „/water Control Commission, be notified as/ Mrs. Phyllis Wittnar, of the Pryer Manor A s s oat i on. Mr. Flood - Mr. Leddy has located three large meta sequioas for about 0 4. 600 each tree but will continue to seek three smaller ones before approaching Mr. FlOod. Quaker Cemetery - Mr. Ciraco reported that Mr. Curnin had been unavailable in August but he and Hr. Leddy intend to roach him shortly. Sheldrake River residents - Mr. Gunsalus delivered the letter signed by from T-ir. Vandernoot requesting these residents to refrainy/piling their loaves or allowing their gardeners to pile the leaves on the banks of the river. Mr. Emanuelson will have the letter copied and sent to Mrs. Johnson and -5- Mrs. :•larnecke for use in the to Villagos. 1. , Leaf Compos, ting Village of Mamaroneck has extended the use of the Taylor Lane site for one more year. Mr. Amlichreported that Mayors Oppenheimer and Noyer, and Mr. Gianunzio all wish to be advised of efforts made to locate new sites and to become involved in these efforts. Mr. Amlicke stated that should the County purchase the Larchmont Reservoir Upper Lake Area a more favorable response to the C.A.C. request to use g portion of Saxon Woods for leaf-composting is possible . Solid Waste Management Paper Recycling - Mrs. Brauman reported that the Village of Vamaroneck has a Wednesday newspaper pick-up only - none other. Glass Recycling - Tha Village of Mamaroneck now has its own glass recycling depot. ( Mixed Metals and Glass - Mr. Amlicke reported that he has located a is the processor in Connecticut called Resource Recovery, Inc. Peter Karter,/owner, and his /telephone number (203) 481-2325. Mr. Emauelson says he will check this out. The Chairman reported that .Westchester .County has received its full community commitments of garbage and that work on the Peekskill plant will go ahead. Even so, the Chairman still wishes to pursue the search for a processor , - and would welcome any infor- mation. • Energy - Tabled. Ms. Berry reports that L.I .F.E. is hoping to set up a "Solar Energy House Tour" later this year. to Mr. Barrett Mr. ,teddy will forward/a letter and: newsletter which we'e received, by Mr. - Amlicke .from the Solar Information Center, Inc. Mr. Elfreich is working on the preliminary survey of local public buil dings which will enable the Town to make application for a 50% matching fund grant from the New York State Matching Fund Program for Energy Conservation. -6- "tvircnmental Legislation - Tabled. (_ ' Mr. Ciraco, Mr. DeSalvo and Mr. Gunsalus will report on ap resentati on to be made to the Town Council for changes in the litter ordinances and how • to enforce the changes. Failing a favorable response from the Town Council, the C.A.C. will hold a public hearing. Wetlands and Watercourses - Tabled. Water Monitoring Mr. Hohberg has started to train the members of thm Chemistry classes \/ at NHS in water testing. In addition, two students in the Advanced Place- ment ment Biology class will assist in the work of anaysis. A school bus transports the students and Mr. Hohberg to the sampling stations. However, the return of the last period students has to be made by Mr. Hohberg and whatever other private vehicles are available. To date we have sampled the Larchmont Reservoir. East and West brandxsof the Sheldrake River and Garden Lake. Tests were run for Hardness, Carbon alas Dioxide, Chloride; Alkalinity, and Dissolved Oxygen. Zoning and Planning Boards-Tabled. lam. Amlicke would like Mr. Gunsalus to follow-up on the zoning requirements on Taylor ' s Lane sites particularly with respect to Mrs. Millstein's proposal for cluster housing near the "man-made" pond. Land Use Planning and Acquisition Mrs. Warnecke reported that she has prepared and submitted a letter to the'"Daily Times" detailing Otter Cree-k as a G.A.P.C. in response to a the State coastal Management program ; request flim the pgper for a "news" item relating to/(conservation) which will probably appear shortly. In August Mrs. Warnecke met with Er. Gianunzio to discuss several topics. Among them they discussed Village of Mamaroneck plans for the Taylor's Lane Sites. She told the Commission members that Mrs. Millstein has . V proposed that cluster housing bo constructed on the property which con- tains a "man-made" pond which she feels does not qualify as true wetlands. s , -7- /, , Land Use (continued ) jl Other housing is planned for adjacent sites . All the areas in question will need to have environmental impact studies because of the nature of land. Pers. Warnecke will continue to monitor these activities. Oa September 26 she accompanied five persons from the L .71:. C. and two others from the Nature Conservancy on a field trip to Otter Creek. She reported that there is a new D.E.';. appointee . Larchmont Reservoir - Mrs . darnecke reported that she had telephoned Mr. Whitehorn, 801 Weaver Street, Larchmont, who has been involved in the Larchmont VillageBoard Meeting activities surrounding the Larchmont Reservoir. At the ie �carnean he was promised access to the deeds for the reservoir . They are probably Village only available on the/premises since he has not received anything. fir. Amlicka will see if he can get more information from the County concerning its purchase of the Larchmont Reservoir ( /before Mr. Hohberg goes to the next meeting of the Village of Larehmont '.Trustees to present the preliminary report of his limnological study. The meeting is to be held on October 2, 1979, at 8 p.m. Mr. Amlicke will try to attend the meeting but failing this will talk to Mr. Hohberg beforethe Trustees ' meeting. Coastal Zone Management -- Mr. Emanuelson reports nothing new to date . Iie also stated that the N.Y.S. Natural Resources Inventory Map needs a lot of since revision /there are many inaccuracies and omissions. Miscellaneous 1. F.C .W.C. dues have been paid. 2. Larchmont gravity sewer-New Rochelle Sanitary Sewer District- nothing now. 3. October 19-21 Grossingers - Conference of N.Y. Association of C.A.C.s. �. , Bob Hohberg will attend. C{.. Carmine DeLuca sent Mr. Amlicke a notice r© Young Adult Conservation Program. Ur. Teddy says no funding is available . There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned. Dated : September 27. 1979 Next Meeting: November 1, 1979, Weaver Street Firehouse.