HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980_01_24 Conservation Advisory Commission Minutes Uncorrected Minutes of • THE TOWN OF M".AMARONECK OuNSERVATION ADVISORY COiMIMISSION A regular meeting of the Town of Mamaroneck Conservation Advisory Commission was held on January 24, 1980, at the Weaver Street Firehouse . The meeting was cal led to order at 7:35 p.m. • Members present : Robert Chairman C.A.C. and W. C.C. Elinor Fredston C.A.C. and W.C.C. Mildred Warnecke C.A.C. Orlando Ciraco C.A.C . Mary Anne Johnson W.C.C. and C.A.C.Emeritus Robert Hohberg Jacques DuBouchet W.C.C. , Hydrik1ic Engineer Eileen Mason, Recording Secretary Also present: Tom Leddy, Town Conservationist Cliff Emanuelson, Conservation Consultant Tom Amlicke, Town Councilman and Liaison to Town Council Merle Ohlinger, C.A.C. , New Rochelle Elizabeth Stern, L.I .F.E. Center Margie Strauss, Joan Heilman, Village of Mamaroneck, Recycling Coordinator Phyllis Wittner ) Le Sueur G. Smith ) Pryer Manor Association Alex Buchman Robert E. White, Engineer ) Manuelore Merz )Village of Larchriont Randle Carpenter ) Premium River Residents Other members of the Public Minutes The minutes for the meeting held on November 29, 1979, were reviewed, corrected and approved for distribution. Members of the C .A. C. The Chairman reported that Commission members Vivienne Brauman and Joseph De Salvo had advised the Corimission that they would be unabls to continue as members beyond the expiration of the two year term on December 31, 1979. Other expiring terms were Mrs. Fredston, Mr. Gunsalus and Mr. Barrett. The Town Council approved two year extensions ' for Mrs . Fredston, Mr. Gunsalus and Mr. Barrett (December 31, 1981); it also approved the appointment of Mr. Barrett as Chairman to Gucceed Mr. Amlicke now Town Councilman and Liaison with the Town CGuncil for the C.A.C. 2. Budget Mr. Emanuelson reported that only $1,500 of the L.I .F.E. Center41114, budget amount of $2,500 qualifies for 50% matching funds. He ex- plained further that things that did not relate to envirnmental advice to the Town could not be funded by matching funds either. Annual Report Duke Schirmer is still missing some final reports . Deadline for all reports is February 1. Budget information relating to the C.A. C. and the W.C.C . will be presented in combined form in the 1979 Annual Report. New Format for C.A.C. Regular Meetings Proposed Mr. Barrett suggested to the Commission members that since members of the Water Control Commission are, with the exception of M. DuBouchet, also members of the C.A.C . and in many instances the business of both Commissions overlap, that it would be expedient to combine meetings of ,Th the two Commissions wherever possible. For this reason he suggests that notices of all C.A.C. meetings be sent to M. DuBouchet and asked that his name be included on the C.A.C . mailing list for notices of meetings and minutes. The Chairman also put forward for consideration a change in the start of the meeting from 7 :30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Therefore, the next meeting will take place on Thursday, February 28, 1980, at 8:00 p.m. at the Weaver Street Firehouse. The next suggestion put forward by the Chairman was that a portion of each meeting be set aside for topics of specific interest be discussed in general and that interested parties also be invited to attend the C.A.C . meetings for these general discussions. Commission members agreed to these changes and Mrs. Fredston suggested that, in the interests of ending the meetings no later than 11 p.m. , reports on other agenda items be submitted in writing and discussion of 3. New Format (continued ) the topic only when warranted. General Tonics for Discussion: Premium Marsh - Pryer Manor Association Siltation in Premium River Disposition of Remaining Marshland Premium Point Pryer Manor Association -- Mrs. Wittner stated that the major concern for all the Manor residents is that in times of rising flood waters access to the area by emergency services is not possible over any of the normal access routes. The remaining access is by boat. Another handicap to a solution appears to be the different munici- palities that deal with taxes, maintenance, fire , ambulance and police, etc. In 1968, a recommendation was made by the Town Engineer Widulski that Dillon Road should be raised and widened. Other residents present ay'\26.4,gkYs cs+k.h 9 ,i.. anrPPd that the road bed would need to be raised approximately two feet. The flooding situation has been aggravated by the filling in of wet areas on the New Rochelle side of the Road and a house has been built there in spite of strong opposition by Pryer Manor residents at the time 1 because of the flooding problem at that point. The New Rochelle border is very close to Dillon Road and run-off froal New Rochelle property indicates that for a long term solution, the City of New Rochelle should be included in the planning. A motion was made by Mr. Ciraco and seconded by Mrs. Fredston to urge the Town tind the Town Engineer to inspect the Dillon Road area and report to the C.A. C. its findings and suggestions for raising the mously. road bed to permit access to the area at all times It was carried unani- Mr. Barrett will prepare the letter and send it out over his signature with a copy to the Engineer, City of New Rochelle. Mrs. Ohlinger of the City of New Rochelle C.A.C. told the Commission that there will be a meeting of that C.A. C. on February 9. She also 4. Pryer Manor Association (continued ) reported that the report by Mr. Raymond of Raymond, Parish, Pine and Weiner, Inc. , concerning recomendations for the coastal area of New on Rochelle based his firm' s report will be presented at a public meeting in New Rochelle at the end of February. Mrs . Fredston will try to attend the meeting and so will Mr. Barrett Siltation of Premium River - Premium River empties into Echo Bay through Premium Pond and Premium Point Weir. Excessive siltation in Premium Pond is evident at low tide and it extends up river and into the Marsh. Water from Pinebrook River area, Post Road commercial and residential development in Town of Mamazoneck, City of New Rochelle and Village of Larchmont finds its way into the Premium Marsh and River complex. The Marsh has been designated as a G .A.P.C. The siltation accumulation also aggravates flooding conditions along the waterways leading to the Marsh and the roads nearby. The Chairman suggested that Itr. Rayiiond be invited to atttend a C .A.C. meeting following his report to the City of New Rochelle to discuss his findings and recommendations for the Premium Marsh complex and the New Rochelle shoreline. Remaining Marshlands - Mr. Emanuelson stated that the Town of Mama- roneck has acquired all the marshland within its boundaries. The City of New Rochelle owns Pryer Manor Marsh. The Commission would like to know the exact boundaries of the area or areas that constitute the G. A. 1'. C . . Mr. Emanuelson can supply the maps showing boundaries for the next meeting. Premium Point - It was reported to the Commission that duck shooting from boats has been observed along the Premium Point shoreline. The Commission will make informal inquiry as to the legal status and maintenance of hunting regulations along the shore . It was also reported that a broken water line on Premium Point led to - 5. Premium Point (continued) excessive sand removal both by the actual break and a repair crew. The repair has been made and the sand replaced,, Parks, Cemeteries and Conservation Areas. Larchmont Reservoir - a not-for-profit corporation is being formed called, " Friends of the Reservoir. " Approximately $1, 000 has been donated to it so far. Several tasx force groups have been started : Dr. William Gay - Stewardship; Dr. Alan Mason and Mr. Whitehorn - Water rianagement ; James Johnson and Robert Barrett- Acquisition; Liz Stern and Carol Berry - Publicity; Elizabeth Lehman - Research; and Phyllis Schwartz - Fundraising. Other possibilities for the area might be through an application for an experimental hydroelectric plant under grant provisions from N.Y.E .R.D.A. The "No Trespassing" signs will be amended by painting them out and temporary welcoming signs erected until permanent signs are ready. The Chairman plans to invite State and County officials to the next C.A. C. meeting to discuss the reservoir property. Hommocks Marsh - Mrs. Fredston reported that the Little Harbor Sound group responsible for underwritin' the cost of silt removal last year has reported that silt is returning to the dredged area in large quantities. Periods of heavy rainfall aggravate the condition and they would be in- terested in having a retaining wall and catch basin constructed. Mr. Emanuelson stated that the C.A.C. went on record many years ago as re- commending both a catch basin and retaining wall to alleviate scouring and soil movement. Presently it has not been determined where financial responsibility might lie . Mr. Johnston, the Town Attorney, will advise Mr. Elfreich of the Town' s responsibility before the Engineer responds to the communication he received from the Little Harbor Sound Group. Mrs. Fredston made a motion that the C .A.C. confirm the need for a retaining wall and catch basin and add its support to a movement to construct them. Mr. Ciraco seconaed the motion which was carried unanimously. 6. Parks, etc. (continued ) Sheldrake, Leatherstocking Trail - Mr. Ernanuelson and Mr. Leddy reported that the Eagle Scout project to build a new catwalk has been completed and that it turned out very well. Quaker Cemetery - The Commission received another letter from Mr. Curnin dated January 8, 1980, respecting the condition of the crypt. The nametery itself is continuously maintained and the cost of the repair is estimated to be $1.,500. Mr. Barrett will write to Mr. Curnin advising him of this and suggesting the possibility that he or a group -Pry+o of Quakers raise the money for the repairs. Premium Marsh - Mr. Emanuelson presented the design for the replace- ment sign for the Premium Marsh conservation area to the Commission. Mrs. Warnecke made the motion to accept the design as rendered with one minor change, Mrs. Fredston seconded the motion which was carried unanimously. ::) V/ Huguenot Cemetery - Mrs. Wohnson reported that a resident of Moran Place, Mrs. Katz, is concerned with the loss of a small Huguenot family cemtery located near the New Rochelle border. Leaf Composting Mr. Leddy stated and Councilman Amlicke agreed, tnat need for an alternative leaf composting sight is a priority in view of the impending sale of the Taylor ' s Lane property. Mr. Amlicke reminded the Commission that Mrs. Oppenheimer and Mr. Gianunzio of the Village of Mamaroneck along with Mayor Noyer of the Village of Larchmont had all expressed a desire to be included in negotiations' for a new site. Mr. Amlicke feels that a unitea effort would produce favorable results. Solid Waste Management and RecyclinAmilbtg Notices stating tax benefits from Re-cycling are to be sent out by Larchmont Savings and Loan Assn. soon. A small number went out with an error of approximately $?5,000. Solid Waste Management (continued ) 70 After discussion, Mrs. Fredston moved that notice of the error and the corrected and updated amounts be sent to the "Daily Times" for publication. Mr. Ciraco seconded the motion which was passed unanimously. Wetlands and datercourses Mrs. Fredston reported that on December 1, 1979, she attended the L.I. Sound Envir mental Leaders Conference in Stamford, Conn. This shorelines. conference related to the Souno, Connecticut and New York State ! Topics covered were: dredging; water pollution; the Rye-Oyster Bay bridge pro- posal; N.Y. State ' s Water Management Plan - 208; nuclear management and CZM. Connecticut has approved a Coastal Zone Management Plan but the NRDC threatens a suit against it on the basis that it might not be adequate to meet federal standards. 1980 has been designated as the"Year of the Coast . " A consortium of environmental groups will push for the enaction of overdue coastal zone managemtint legislation; other goals are focus and concentration of effort and a recognition by officials of the need for concern and action to improve and protect coastlines. Water management - the League of Woman Voters sponsored a tri-state conference of C.A. C. ' s which Mrs . Fredston attended. It was agreed that a minimum of 10% of program funds be allocated for public participation in Water Resource Management; also funding for support staff, technical advice and travel. Public participation funds should also be used to support staff already at work in the area of water Management otherwise E.p.A. would rather deal with consultants than independent local groups. Development of a public participation program was deemed essential, particularly in the budget process. First B.M.P. manual completed and a seminar held. No representation from either the Village of Larchmont or the Town of Mamaroneck. on Larchmont Harbor The article written by Mrs. Fredston/appeared in the "Daily Times. " a 8. Water Monitoring Mr. Hohberg presented various charts and reports compiled by him on the basis of the sampling of the waters of the Larchmont Reservoir ,40111 upper lake during July, August and part of September, 1979. These are all included in the limnological report which he prepared based on the tests made. Now that the report is complete the Commission recommended that a copy be shown to the Town Council and a copy sent to Cal Weber. Mr. Barrett requested that4xtra copies be made available for the "Friends of the Reservoir." Land Use planning and Acquisition Ginsberg Property - Mrs. Warnecke reported that the home on this hecSd property has been put up for sale but has/nothing about further plans for the property. Mrs. Warnecke intends to ask Larry Wintere about this . The C.A.C. would like a copy of the Environmental Impact Statement because of its interest in the property. Magid Property - nothing further has been learned. Mrs. Warnecke also reported that changes have been made in the membership of the Village of Larchmont Harbor Commission. An encroachment on Otter Creek Marsh was made by the Mamaroneck Beach and Cabana Club to enlarge a parking lot and the event has been reported to the D.E.C. whose legal department is now working on remedying it. Also an E.I.S. is due for Otter Creek. Mrs. Warnecke has been arranging and publicizing walks at the week- ends in the Otter Creek area. One has already taken place . Miscellaneous Mr. Hohberg reported that the Conference held by the N.Y. Association of C .A. C. is at Grossinger' s last October focussed on toxic substances. Included was investigation of chemical company landfills and frequency and amount of petroleum entering the environment through spillage. • 9. - Miscellaneous (continued ) • He reported that our community is well ahead of other areas with respect to the Local Resource Inventory. Many localities are just starting. The Commission discussed the presentation to the Town Council of . names of residents for consideration to fill the vacancies in Solid Waste Management, Environmental Legislation and E.M.C. representation. A number of names were propsed but it was agreed that M. Jacques DuBouchet would be a good choice for a position on the C.A.C. since meetings of the C.A.C. and W.C.C. will be combined wherever*_ possible. M. DuBouchet is already a member of the W.3 . C. and his expertise as an hydraulic engineer would serve the 7, .A. C. well. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned. Dated : Jam ua y 211., 1980