HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986_12_18 Conservation Advisory Commission Minutes Cot reefed TOWN OF MAMARONECK CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting of the Conservation Advisory Commission (CAC) was held on Thursday, December 18, 1986, at the Town Center, 740 West Boston Post Road. The meeting commenced at 7:55 P.M. Members present: Charles Bernstein, acting chairman Suzanne Carpenter Elinor Fredston Steven Goldstein Mary Anne Johnson, Emeritus Also present: Clifford Emanuelson, Conservation Consultant P. Thomas Leddy, Beautification Director Jane Moss, Director, L.I.F.E. Center Irma Volk, liaison, Environmental Management Council Claudia Ng, recorder Administrative Matters Approval of Minutes - The minutes of the previous CAC meeting--November 20, 1986--was approved. Next Meeting - The first meeting of the new year was scheduled for Thursday, January 15, 1987. Environment Premium Oil Spill - The oil spill from the MacLeay Housing Project in New Rochelle is now well under control. However, the contamination may have been behind the disappearance of some herons and bitterns from one resident's shoreline, Mrs. Johnson reported. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has been analyzing the soil around the immediate area of the spill. Mrs. Fredston reported that some county water resource agencies expressed interest in assisting us with the spill problem. In addition, Mrs. Fredston will obtain a list of the people in the home-owners association on the New Rochelle side of the Premium and provide it to Mrs. Johnson. A letter has already been sent to the mayor of New Rochelle from the Town Supervisor and the chairmans of the CAC and CZMC (Coastal Zone Management Commission) recommending that funds be set aside to help clean up the impacts of the spill and to repair the problem sources. Diane Negvesky, a resident of New Rochelle, has also written a letter of concern to Mayor Paduano regarding the oil spill. Premium Gas Spill - It was reported that another spill had just occurred on Tuesday, December 16, 1986, in which 200 gallons of gasoline overflowed from an Amoco storage tank in Larchmont, flowing down Boston Post Road and eventually into Premium River. The Coast Guard directed firemen to flush out the stream to avert a fire hazard. Mr. Leddy will contact the Coast Guard to obtain an update. CAC minutes - 12/18/86 Development Projects Golden Horseshoe Shopping Center - Mr. Emanuelson reported that he had visited the site and noticed that a tributary of the west branch of the Sheldrake River comes out from under a culvert along one of the open sides of the L-shaped shopping center. He noticed that there were many large pipes lying beside the tributary where the culvert had been discontinued during the original construction of the shopping center. The proposal to extend one end of the store building along with the extension of the parking lot will result in increased runoff as well as sedimentation during construction. In its Draft Environmental Impact Statement (D.E.I.S. ) and Stormwater Management Plan, a provision for a large detention basin was made to reduce the rate of runoff for as much as a 100-year-storm and barriers were proposed to deter erosion from the stream during construction. Provisions were even made for hosing down trucks before leaving the construction site and the replanting of evergreens to screen the shopping center from the stream. Mr. Emanuelson cautions against the lack of a maintenance provision for the detention basins. Increased traffic and oil deposition may also be a problem. Mr. Emanuelson will confer with C. Alan Mason from CZMC, who has attended the hearings on this proposal. Mrs. Fredston suggested that the CAC send a letter to the Village of Scarsdale to make them aware of the Town's concerns and to encourage careful supervision during construction. Fenbrook Subdivision - Mr. Goldstein inquired as to the status of the erosion protective measures for the Fenbrook Subdivision construction, because upon visiting the site, he found the area to be quite puddled. Mr. Leddy told him that two of three soil detention basins have been completed and that he had checked on them today. He believed that the derelict appearance may be the result of the excessive rainfall. Larchmont Professional Center - Mr. Emanuelson reiterated his recommendations of having oil separation traps installed in the retention system and provisions for maintenance of these basins. Aesthetically, the proposed landscaping would be a substantial improvement to the site, because many different trees and shrubs will be emplaced on the presently barren land. Some concern arose regarding the lighting situation. Some feared that the- proposed street lamps may be too bright and would disturb nearby residents. Mrs. Johnson informed the Commission of the upcoming Town Planning Board meeting during which this proposal will be considered and of CZMC's special meeting scheduled for January 6, 1987, to draft comments for submission to the Planning Board. She, also, reminded them that the East Creek borders both the Village of Larchmont as well as the Town of Mamaroneck, so both municipalities must jointly work to protect the creek. Water Courses and Water Bodies Gardens Lake Dredging - Mr. Leddy reported that Gary Trachtman, Town engineering consultant, will be receiving the results of the sediment analysis very soon. Construction of a permanent catch basin just upstream of the pond, which would reduce the siltation rate, is being considered as a more cost-effective method for future maintenance of Gardens Lake. -2- CAC minutes - 12/18/86 EMC Water Resources Workshop - Mrs. Volk relayed to the CAC the interests of the County Water Resources Committee regarding the stream/basin management workshop to be held in Mamaroneck. The Committee hopes to schedule the workshop for a Saturday in mid- to late April. It will need CAC assistance to better understand the local geography, to develop a tour route, to locate a convenient meeting facility, and, in general, to provide background information. The seminar will consist of an in-house presentation/discussion on problems and techniques, a luncheon, and then an afternoon field review of example areas of the Mamaroneck-Sheldrake drainage basin that need to be, have been, or are in the process of being improved. A county representative will be comming to Mamaroneck to make a preliminary siting. The Beaver Swamp Brook Project was mentioned as an example of a stream management plan that is in the implementation phase. Riverwatch - Robert Hohberg, water quality consultant to the Town, will be meeting with Dr. Barbara Dexter of Riverwatch, an organization aimed at aiding local residents in monitoring water courses in their area, on January 12, 1987 at Mamaroneck High School to discuss what further coordination can be established. Mr. Bernstein will also confer with Ms. Dexter. Solid Waste Disposal Leaf Composting - Mr. Leddy reported that the leaves for this year have been taken care of. There is still a possibility of working out a future arrangement with Scarsdale, which Mr. Emanuelson and Mr. Leddy will follow up on. Historic Preservation Quaker Historian - Mrs. Johnson commented about a Quaker historian from Scarsdale who spoke at a meeting of the Historic Society. She noted the woman's impressive knowledge of the history of the Larchmont Reservoir. Jay Property - Mr. Bernstein mentioned that he had visited the Jay property and noticed that the area had been quite developed in the past. Communications to Commission CZMC - Mr. Schoenberger and Mr. Komitor met and it was decided that it would be best for CZMC to work separately, at least initially. New or Other Business Annual Report - Mr. Goldstein made several suggestions for this year's annual report (refer to attached memo). Ann Tannen was recommended as a person who could assist in making the graphics for the anuual report. Mr. Goldstein will confer with Mr. Emanuelson and Ms. Ng to work out the details and will try to contact Ms. Taylor. -3- CAC minutes - 12/18/86 Astrove Property at Larchmont Reservoir - Jim Johnson, of the Friends of the Reservoir, and Mr. Emanuelson visited the property of George Astrove and reported that the owner's deck has been removed. Removal of the electrical wiring is also planned. They found Mr. Astrove very cooperative. He is willing to pay for the cost of the plants to create a live hedge to separate his property from Reservoir land. The tenant, however, appears to be a little wary of having a trail along the edge of the property and may want a chain-link fence erected. Details have yet to be established with Mr. Astrove. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. -4-