HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989_09_21 Conservation Advisory Commission Minutes • C C Town of Mamaroneck Conservation Advisory Commission 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY. 10543 914-381-6133 MINUTES SEPTEMBER 21, 1989 A regular meeting of the Conservation Advisory Commission (CAC) was held on Thursday, September 21, 1989 in Conference Room A of the Town Center, 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York. The meeting commenced at 8:10 P.M. Members Present: Steven Goldstein, Acting Chairman Charles Bernstein Herbert Calman Susan Cavalieri Kevin Ryan Irma Volk Mary Anne Johnson, Emeritus Others Present: James Johnson Stephen Tomecek, Consultant Robert Hohberg, Consultant Claudia Ng, Environmental Coordinator Rene' Rathschmidt, Recording Secretary ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Approval of Minutes - The minutes of August 17, 1989 were approved. Next Meeting - The next meeting was scheduled for October 19, 1989. CHAIRMAN REPORTS Correspondence - Steven Goldstein, Acting Chairman, distributed the following correspondence: Division of Water Report - received from the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) . Emblem - several samples of the proposed emblem for recycling from the DEC. CAC Minutes - 9/21/89 New Members - Steven Goldstein welcomed new members Irma Volk and Herbert Calman. Mr. Goldstein also expressed the hope that the members who were asked to chair the CAC would reconsider so that the Chairmanship could be filled with a current member already familiar with the concerns of the CAC. ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR Sheldrake Watershed Study/Natural Resource Inventories - Claudia Ng recapped reasons for needing a topographical map. Stephen Tomecek, an Consultant to the CAC, was on hand to answer the members questions regarding the map. Once the definitions of scale and intervals were presented by Mr. Tomecek a discussion ensued which is summarized in the following paragraph Mr. Tomecek assured the members that since most of the information needed has already been documented and is accessible the project will not be as involved as previously thought. Claudia Ng expressed the need for a decision of the part of the CAC regarding what they need to see and how they will use the map since that will determine what scale will be used. Mr. Tomecek explained that a 200 foot scaled map at 2 foot intervals will put you into 1/8 acre accuracy rate while a 400 foot scaled map at 500 foot intervals will only give you a 1/4 to 1/2 acre accuracy. He also went on to explain that if the CAC chose the 400 foot map they would be able to see small wetlands but, would lose slopes, flood zones, and wetland boundaries. He also said that on the other hand, a smaller scaled map would escalate costs. Mr. Goldstein interjected and suggested that the members consider all the factors mentioned by Mr. Tomecek before coming to a decision and if cost was the final determining factor he suggested contacting the Planning Board and asking for their input and possible support stating the reason that a map like this could also be helpful in their decision making. He noted that support from other groups might make the high cost factor more justifiable. After considering all factors and emphasizing that it was the small areas that the Commission needed to see more defined they voted to stride towards obtaining a 200 foot scaled map at 2 foot intervals. Ms. Ng will draft a memo to the Planning Board asking for their input 1990 BUDGET - Ms. Ng informed the Commission that it's 1990 proposed budget is due by September 27, 1989. After minor adjustments and additions to the draft budget, which was mailed in the last minutes packet, the Commission passed the draft. Letter to residents near conservation areas - item tabled. Historical Background Pamphlet of the CAC - Mr. Goldstein again stressed the need for members to begin preparations on the pamphlet. Hazardous Waste in Hudson Valley - Ms. Ng reminded the Commission that hearings on this subject have been scheduled to take place in Tuxedo, New York. -2- CAC Minutes - 9/21/89 EDUCATION/LEGISLATION SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS School Project - Rene' Rathschmidt, reporting on behalf of Michael Scheffler, stated that a meeting with Mr. Chang, of the Hommocks School, had taken place. During this meeting Mr. Chang informed Mr. Scheffler that the school had a Community Service Group made up of 7th and 8th graders for whom this project would be ideal. Mr. Chang requested that all pertinent information on the project be forwarded to him as soon as possible. Tree Preservation Law - Claudia Ng reported that after consultation with the Engineer, Mr. Jakubowski, he had informed her that the CAC's suggestion of lowering the square foot limit to 10,000 feet would increase the number of permits his department already handles and would in turn be unworkable at present. In order to make the 10,000 square feet proposal more workable he when on to suggest that dead trees and persons wanting to cut down less than 10% of the trees on their property be exempt so that the number of increased permits would be lessen. Mr. Goldstein responded that dead trees in a non hazard setting, such as woods, should not be removed because other species of life exist on and in the dead wood. Kevin Ryan suggested incorporating provisions for diameter and such to protect large mature trees. The commission voted to consider exemptions in order to keep the 10,000 square feet limit. OPEN SPACE SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Work Plan Update - No Update. RECYCLING SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Publicity - No Update. Recycling Program for Apartments - Ms. Ng informed the Commission that a Meeting has been scheduled, with an EAC consultant invited, for September 23 at 10:00 a.m. in the Town Court Room. CONSULTANT/LIAISON REPORTS Reservoir - Robert Hohberg reported that the nitrate level in the Reservoir is very good (double A) at present and that the alkaline levels are also fine. He also noted that the oxygen levels have been flucuating which, he feels, is cause for concern. He went on to report that the lower level and both arms have been completed. Mr. Hohberg also said that he is now equipped to test for lead content in water. He noted that drinking water should be a top priority and that he will be available to test individual homes for a fee. -3- CAC Minutes - 9/21/89 ONGOING Jay Property - Claudia Ng reported she had received a letter from County Executive, Andrew O'Rourke, stating that new monies have been obtained and maintaining the assurance that the County will continue to work with the Jay Coalition in restoring and maintaining the property. Golfball Ocean Litter - No Update. Trapping - No Update. Livingston/Hilltop Road - No Update. Inventory of Streamside Properties - No Update. Pesticides - Steven Goldstein informed the Commission that he had noticed that a herbicide had been sprayed along Con Rail's railroad tracks but, did not see any signs posting the application. Kevin Ryan responded that he will investigate the law as it pertains to the railroad. Ms. Ng will draft a letter to Con Rail noting this issue. NEW OR OTHER BUSINESS Bonnie Briar - Irma Volk informed the Commission that she had been walking and notice that the little ponds in the area were in the process of being filled in. Steven Goldstein suggested for Ms. Ng to follow up. Meeting Commenced at 10:45 P.M. -4-