HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991_05_02 Conservation Advisory Commission Minutes 10 XX lt‘ C(d � � C co RECEIVED 1991 © PATRICIA A.DiCI0CC10 Town of Mamaroneck rewty c�I RK 1. , pRANfAOttECI( Conservation Advisory Commission .v. 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, N.Y. 10543 914-381-6133 MINUTES MAY 2, 1991 A regular meeting of the Conversation Advisory Commission (CAC) was held on Thursday, May 2, 1991, in Conference Room A of the Town Center, 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York. The meeting commenced at 8:15 P.M. Members Present: Kevin G. Ryan, Chairman Susan Cavalieri Edward M. Hindin Martha Kaufman Michael Scheffler Others Present: William Bruce, League of Woman Voters Mary Farrell, Recording Secretary Bob Hohberg, Emeritus Mary Anne Johnson, Emeritus Claudia Ng, Environmental Coordinator Maureen Kenney Nobile, Observer Gene Tashoff, Larchmont Garden Association ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Approval of Minutes - The minutes of April 11, 1991 were approved as submitted. Next. Meeting - The first Thursday of the month -- June 6, 1991. INTRODUCTION OF OBSERVERS Mr. Gene Tashoff of the Larchmont Gardens Association introduced himself and stated that he represents a community group which covers approximately 200-300 homes and 200 families are members. He said they were interested in the development of the following - (1) Bonnie Briar impact, (2) Thruway Sound barrier, (3) Gardens Lake, (4) Security. Maureen Kenney Nobile is an observer tonite but would like to become a member. © CAC Minutes 5/2/91 Page 2 CONSULTANT/LIAISON REPORTS Mr. Hohberg reported that he is very pleased with his summer research students. He showed the CAC a display of the student's project that was entered into a contest at Manhattanville College and won third place. They will be receiving a plaque that will be on display in the Superintendent's boardroom. He further stated that he will be getting four more research students this summer. He also explained he had a distant goal and that is he was looking into the possibility of establishing a certified lab. He said that the Larchmont Water Company will guide him and let him know what the New York State requirement is. He also inquired into getting some space in the building from the Town if possible. TASKFORCE REPORTS Conservation Areas/Work Plan - Mr. Scheffler reported that the follow-up walk of the Leatherstocking Trail was scheduled for Sunday, May 5, 1991, weather permitting. The purpose is to complete the loop, review what was done last time and make any additional recommendations. Ms. Ng was asked to follow up on the last memo to the Town Council on the other trails recommendations. He stated that the Taskforce would not be needed for the follow-up and he did not know of any other projects for the Taskforce. If the CAC had no other suggestions, then he suggested disbanding the Taskforce and moving on to other matters. Ms. Claudia Ng spoke of the encroachment issue for a possible Taskforce assignment. She reported that the Administration had asked her to investigate properties adjacent to conservation areas for possible overstepping of boundaries. For example - one owner has had a "victory" garden on public property since WWII. This is an issue which may come up in the very near future. Mr. Hindin made a suggestion to put together a directory or informational brochure to list and map where the conservation areas are. Newcomers Club as will as Libraries, etc. , could distribute them. Mr. Ryan said that once the survey of the Conservation Area is done and recommendations are in CAC should not walk away. Once a year there should be a check to make sure these things are being done. Mr. Hindin brought up the subject of signs. Mr. Scheffler said there had been a school project for students to make the signs and he said they had drafted very nice designs. He told them to go ahead with the project, but that was one and a half years ago. He tried to contact them recently, but no one has returned his calls. C CAG Minutes 5/2/91 Page 3 Environmental Education Curriculum - Mr. Scheffler spoke of a new Taskforce involving the State mandate for environmental study in curriculum. There are three areas in which we would need cooperation: (1) Support at administrative level, (2) Science Coordinator, (3) a teacher who is willing. Mr. Scheffler suggested starting a small project, possibly a directory from a kids-eye view on the conservation areas. Mr. Ryan suggested that the CAC sponsor a fundraiser once a year to give to children for their participation, or, perhaps, gather gifts, such as through a mailing to people listing what projects have been done by the CAC and to advise them they are only funded by private donations. Mr. Hindin cautioned the need to identify sepcific projects versus soliciting a general collection. Deadlines for both the CAG budget as well as School planning is September. The CAC voted to replace the Conservation Areas/Work Plan Taskforce upon its completion with a taskforce on developing a children's guide to the conservation areas. Taskforce members will be Charles Bernstein, Martha, Kaufman, Michael Scheffler, and Maureen Nobile. Martha Kaufman will chair. Sandy Feldman was reassigned to the Landscaping Pamphlet Taskforce. Landscaping/Maintenance Pamphlet - Mr. Hindin spoke about the pamphlet which in this year's budget could only be printed once because it would take the entire budget to pay for this. Then we would have to convince the Town to pay for a second printing this year. The entire series as planned consists of 4 - 6 individual brochures. The following questions came up by Mr. Hindin: (1) Do we want to produce a series?, (2) Where do we get the money? (3) Where do we get the Manpower? Then if all this was resolved the other things to consider are: (1) set up time frame and (2) make realistic projections. One of the main problems was the postage which was very costly. Mr. Tashoff suggested a general newsletter. Ms. Cavalieri asked if it was possible to be incorporated into the ON THE TOWN NEWSLETTER mailing. There would have to be a symbol and a particular section and that it must be in every issue. Mr. Ryan asked whether it should it go to apartment buildings. Mr. Hindin responded that one of its purposes is to bring a general awareness of town care to the residents and that they would know that environmental issues are important, that they can do something about it and that there is a CAC. Mr. Ryan then broke it down to two plans: Plan A - devote whole kitty to projects - bulk will go for mailing, Plan B - to go on town newsletter. Mr. Scheffler suggested putting short articles in the town newsletter for 5 or 6 times and then combining all the information into one final booklet the following year. The Commission unanimously voted in favor of printing series as a part of the ON THE TOWN NEWSLETTER for next 2 years and combining them into a booklet at the end. HILLTOP ROAD CONSERVATION AREA ® Mr. Ryan read his revised draft of letter. After discussion final changes were made and CAC approved letter to be sent to the Town Board. % CAC Minutes 5/2/91 Page 4 C ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR REPORTS Annual Report - A reminder that the Annual Report is due. Garden Dumping - Tabled to next meeting. NEW OR OTHER BUSINESS Village of Mamaroneck - This is a follow-up that the CAC is still not fully recognized by the Village of Mamaroneck. Ms. Ng could rot find any reference to the CAC in the Village's Lawbooks. At one time die Village Board was actively involved with CAC, but now they do not consider the CAC a Village Commission. It is probably best to re-establish ties by formally requesting the Village Board to address the CAC. Resignation - Mr. Kevin Ryan announced that this would be his last meeting as the Chairman of the CAC. He is resigning this position to assume responsibilities on the Board of Trustees for the Village of Larchmont. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. 0