HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992_02_06 Conservation Advisory Commission Minutes C C 3 APPROVED Town of Mamaroneck Conservation Advisory Commission 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, N.Y. 10543 RECEIVED 914-381-7845 AFR T %1992 PATRicm AD. M NUIES TOWN btkri CC10 /VA IMARONECIC Ny, FEBRUARY 6, 1992 A regular meeting of the Conservation Advisory Commission (CAC) was held on Thursday, February 6, 1992 in Conference Room A of the Town Center, 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York. The meeting commenced at 8:10 p.m. Members Present: Louise Perez, Chairwoman Charles Bernstein Susan Cavalieri Sandy Feldman Edward M. Hindin Martha Kaufman Michael A. Scheffler Others Present: Angel Martin, CZMC Claudia Ng, Environmental Coordinator Maureen Nobile, Village of Mamaroneck Observer Kate Weingarten, Village of Mamaroneck Trustee Phyllis Wittner, CZMC Chair John Varvayanis, Westchester Greenway Coordinator ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Minutes - The minutes of January 9, 1992 were approved with one correction. Next Meeting - March 5, 1992 OLD BUSINESS Greenway Trail - Kate Weingarten, Mamaroneck Village Trustee, stated that she spoke with Chairwoman Perez and read memos from the last meeting in which it was thought that perhaps the Robertsons could be persuaded to change their minds or that the Village should insist that the driveway be made a public thoroughfare again. After speaking with the Village Attorney who attended some meetings and reviewed the maps, she reported that neither she as an elected official nor the Village were in a position to convince the Robertsons to give an easement. Also, even though they support CAC in this matter, the issue is between the AMC and Village of Larchmont • Unincorporated arca of the Town of Mamaroneck • Village of Mamaroneck Printed on Recycled Paper CAC Minutes February 6, 1992 Page 2 a private individual. Therefore, the Village Attorney was not responsible in either rendering a decision or doing research into the easement matter. She suggested an attorney from the AMC be consulted. Mr. Varvayanis, Mr. Hindin, and other members of CAC disagreed noting that this is a community issue, and that they are seeking a permanent public solution to establishing a trail system that would be a recreational benefit to the Village of Mamaroneck as well. Mr. Bernstein reported that Mr. Lipton has now retracted his permission to use his half of the road. Mrs. Weingarten suggested trying to find out why he changed his mind, and Mr. Bernstein said that he would try again with Mr. Lipton. He suggested perhaps the Village give a small property tax relief to both the Robertsons and Mr. Lipton as an inducement. Mrs. Weingarten said she would think about it. She will also attend the on-site meeting this Saturday with Mr. Varvayanis, County Legislator George Latimer, and possibly other key figures. Mr. Varvayanis announced that on Sunday, March 29, 1992 at 9:15 a.m. , the AMC is going on an 8 mile hike starting at the Weinberg Nature Center. L.I. Sound Water Monitoring - Mr. Bernstein reported that the Long Island Sound Task Force will be teaching how to operate the water monitoring equipment in March. He plans to attend along with someone from the Orienta Yacht Club. Bob Hohberg also wants to attend. He will be called when the class is ready to start. Recycling of Nursery and Landscape Plastics - Mr. Hindin drafted a letter to be sent to the local nurseries encouraging recycling of plastics and listing the address and phone number of a recycling company. Ms. Ng distributed copies to the members. It was suggested to add a sentence asking the nurseries to accept plastic pots from their patrons for recycling. The Commission were in agreement to send the letter. Hammocks & Premium Conservation Areas - Mr. Scheffler suggested that his letter to the neighbors in the Premium Conservation Area be kept to one page as anything longer might discourage people frau reading the entire letter. He then read the letter to the Commission. Mrs. Wittner said that she will give Mr. Scheffler a list of residents for mailing. Mr. Scheffler wants to start with a small mailing to accomplish one task and then do a larger mailing. When the lists are received, prioritizing will be done to mail out the most important ones first. Letters to Ad Hoc Members - Chairwoman Perez wrote a letter to Dr. Gillman which she read to the Commission. They agreed on sending the letter. Letters were also written to Irma Volk, Jackie Plumez, CAC Minutes February 6, 1992 Page 3 Gene Tashoff, and Shirleyan Price. It was decided to add an acknowledgment in Irma Volk's letter on her past membership in CAC. Mr. Scheffler felt that only people who would be available to attend meetings should be asked to join as ad hoc members. It was suggested that the wording in the letters be changed to state that CAC needs them to attend the meetings instead of whenever the ad hoc member felt it was necessary. Also, stress the fact that all members are volunteers and CAC needs their help. Chairwoman Perez agreed to change the letters. FMC Water Policy - The committee on the County's Environmental Management Council asked the Town Board for comments and suggestions who in turn asked the CAC for comments. It was asked if there were any critical environmental areas. Four areas were mentioned: Hammocks, Premium, Country Clubs and the Sheldrake Watershed. Mr. Scheffler suggested that Bob Hohberg look over the policy as he is CAC's expert on water quality. CORRESPONDENCE (1) Letter from Martha Kaufman to George Latimer regarding the Jay Property/Bald Mt. Mrs. Kaufman received a reply from him which she read to the members in which he offered to moot with the CAC. (2) Letter dated January 21, 1992 twin Councilwoman O'Flinn to NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation regarding the draft on the Open Space Conservation Plan. (3) Letter dated January 24, 1992 front Charles Bernstein to No. (2) above. (4) Letter ftoxu Claudia Ng dated January 10, 1992 to NYS DEC regarding LEAP funding application. CONSULTANT/LIAISON REPORTS Chairwoman Perez reported for Councilwoman O'Flinn that the Golf Course Study Scoping document by Ferrandino & Associates has been approved by the Town Board. The cost is down considerably to about one half the original estimate because of local experts who will take over researching part of the study. The scoping document is available at the Town Center for anyone interested in reading it. Chairwoman Perez mentioned that at the Town Board it was suggested by Phyllis Wittner that the Board contract with a company, Blasland and Bouck, to put in and maintain an oil and sediment screen to catch pollutants from going into the Hammocks Marsh. This company will clean the boom four times a year. Councilwoman O'Flinn reported to Chairwoman Perez that she needs a third person to cochair Beautification Day to be held near the end of April, preferably from the Village of Mamaroneck. CAC Minutes February 6, 1992 Page 4 ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR REPORTS Annual Report 1990-'91 - Claudia Ng asked for the rest of the members' continents or changes on the draft articles for CAC's annual report. No one had any additional comments or changes. Ms. Ng passed around the list of CAC Membership Appointments to update the list. She asked that each member check their dates. List of Conservation Properties - Ms. Ng reported that the property cards do not always agree with what is shown on the maps. She tried to list all the lots and properties and if one was combined into three, she listed all three. Ms. Ng asked if anyone wanted to see the tax lot maps. If not, she would pass it on to the Tawn Board and notify them that CAC would like to designate as conservation areas the Leatherstocking Trail, Hammocks, and the Premium areas. Ms. Ng was directed to send the list with a memo to Kathleen O'Flinn and ask for its review by the proper officials. As for the Hammocks Conservation Area boundary, MS. Ng reported that there is an agreement with Hammocks school for use of the adjoining fields. In addition, the Soccer Teague was allowed use of the soccer field by the Town's Recreation Commission. Town Administrator S. Altieri suggested establishing the boundary where the soccer field currently ends. The CAC agreed. TASK FORCE REPORTS Landscaping/Maintenance Articles - Mr. Hindin announced that the next article was ready for publication. MS. Ng reported that it was announced at the Staff Meeting that the Town hopes to send out the next newsletter in March. Golf Course Rezoning Study - There have not been any meetings. Chairperson Perez asked if someone wanted to read the scoping report. Several members agreed to read it. Ms. Ng will bring several copies to the next meeting. Storm Drain Stenciling - Mrs. Cavalieri reported that the stenciling is on hold because of the cold weather. As there are not many stencils, the stenciling will have to be staggered. Mrs. Cavalieri thought that the schools could do stenciling during the week and Hammocks during Beautification Day. OTHER BUSINESS Phyllis Wittner, CZMC Chair, attended the meeting and reported on a grant she read about in the NY State Speaker of the Assembly Newsletter from the Federal Small Business Administration administered through DEC for tree plantings. It is required that the tree plantings be bought CAC Minutes February 6, 1992 Page 5 from local nurseries and that they do the planting. They have extended the date for applying for the grant frcan March 1st to March 10th. There are certain stipulations that rust be met including a 3 yr. maintenance plan and matching funds frcxn the Town. The maximum grant that the Town could receive is $5,000. The entranceway to the Premium Conservation Area looks 100% better now that the Highway Department removed and then replaced the telephone poles and wood chips. In order to decide what should be planted in that area which periodically floods, Mrs. Wittner tried to think of the different criteria one would need for plantings in that area. Some areas are sunny, others are in partial shade, and plants should be able to withstand dry periods. The main consideration is that they should be indigenous to this upland marsh area and also that they attract birds and wildlife. She met with Jo Ann Grossman from Larchmont Nurseries today and prepared a rough draft of a planting plan based on extensive reading. Ms. Ng measured the site which is about 200 feet with Mrs. Wittner on Monday. Clean up and preparation of the site would be done by the Town. Mrs. Wittner asked for CAC's opinion as to whether they agree with the types of plantings and if they're in agreement to submit the grant to the Town Council. Chairwoman Perez made a motion to support Mrs. Wittner's plan and all members were in agreement. The plan could be presented as a two-phase project. ANNOUNCEMENTS Development Rights and Water Body Protection Conference - Notice in the January 16th EMC Bulletin about a conference sponsored by Pace University School of Law and the Real Estate Law Society on February 19th. Originally, Steve Silverberg was going to attend but felt it was geared for lay people so is not attending now. Irene Saltzberg from LIFE Center is attending. Chairwoman Perez asked if anyone would be interested in attending. Ms. Ng said she would see if she could attend and if anyone else from the Town plans to attend. Recycling Meeting - League of Women Voters is giving an informational meeting on recycling in conjunction with the LIFE Center. Meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m.