HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992_07_09 Conservation Advisory Commission Minutes Yhft, 11 t1 C C 4 f.fel,s Town of Mamaroneck 001 41; Conservation Advisory Commission 'JAiei 0 .r,�,n2 Die 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, N.Y. 10543 914-381-6133 APPROVED MINUTES JULY 9, 1992 A regular meeting of the Conservation Advisory Commission (CAC) was held on Thursday, July 9, 1992 in Conference Room A of the Town Center, 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York. The meeting commenced at 8:10 p.m. Members Present: Susan Cavaliers, Acting Chairwoman Charles Bernstein Sandy Feldman Edward M. Hindin Martha Kaufman Others Present: Ralph Gutmann, New Rochelle CAC Mary Anne Johnson, Emeritus Angel Martin, CZMC Kathleen Tracy O'Flinn, Liaison, Town Council Claudia Ng, Environmental Coordinator Ellen Morse, Recorder ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Minutes - The minutes of June 4, 1992 were approved after minor changes to pages 2, 3 and 4. Next Meeting - It was decided to cancel next months' August 6 meeting unless an important issue arises in the meantime. If so, the members will be apprised of the meeting. OLD BUSINESS Long Island Sound Water Monitoring - Mr. Bernstein reported that the monitoring is at a dead stop because the person who has the monitoring equipment was away on vacation and could not be contacted. Also, this equipment is being shared with Rye Harbor who have not done any testing as yet. Also, the L.I. Sound Task Force people are waiting for the registration of the boat. It was decided to have Mr. Bernstein write a letter to the President of the L.I. Sound Task Force expressing CAC's concern about the start-up delay and the timing of the testing as this is a critical time of the year when there is depletion of the oxygen in the water. CAC Minutes July 9, 1992 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCES Outgoing: June 17, 1992 - Letter to County Executive O'Rourke re: Cranberry Lake. June 18, 1992 - Letter to local dry cleaner businesses on Recycling of Dry Cleaner Bags. June 1992 - Letter to local homeowners in TOM explaining how to care for newly planted street trees. CONSULTANT/LIAISON REPORTS Street Trees - Councilwoman O'Flinn reported that the Town will initiate a tree inventory program this Fall with the help of the DEC. Tree information to be gathered: total amount, types, condition, and age of the trees. This program will help in maintaining the trees and in budgeting for future plantings and removals. At present, the Town does not know if they are planting the best variety of species and if planting enough. The trees will not be mapped out as this would require setting up a data base and maintaining a current inventory. The Town will have residential volunteers do the survey who will receive brief training in identifying and tallying the trees. Depending upon when volunteers are available, it is hoped to do the survey in early Fall or late next Spring. The Town hopes to complete the survey within a weeks time requiring 3-5 hrs. each day. Councilwoman O'Flinn asked the members if they know of any people who might be interested in doing the survey. TASK FORCE REPORTS Landscaping/Maintenance Articles - As the Town is planning to mail out a newsletter in early September, it was discussed how much space would be available for CAC's report. They are planning to write an article on winter preparation. Golf Course Rezoning Study - Councilwoman O'Flinn reported that there will probably be a public hearing in early Fall. Storm Drain Stenciling - The project is on hold for the summer. Susan Cavalieri reported that she has the names of two boy scouts whom she hopes will help in the Fall when stenciling resumes. CAC Minutes July 9, 1992 Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR REPORTS Summer Conservation Program - Ms. Ng reported that three students were hired, two of whom are being sponsored by The Friends of the Reservoir who is reimbursing the Town. They have done pruning in the trails, started wood chipping and did more work on the Reservoir in terms of new projects. They will work with a Highway person to fix broken boardwalks. CAC had requested that the Premium boardwalk be rebuilt, but since dredging will be going on in that area this winter, Ms. Ng suggested that the boardwalk repair work not begin until the dredging work is completed. She asked for CAC's approval to use the allocated funds to repair the Hammocks boardwalk. It was requested by Mrs. Johnson that trees along the Hammocks wall by the marsh area be removed. Ms. Ng will request that a Town Engineer examine the area. Trap Shooting - Ms. Ng reported that Steve Goldstein former CAC Chair said that trap shooting with lead shot is still going on in the Village of Mamaroneck at the Orienta Beach Club at Flagler Drive. He requested a letter be written by CAC stating that CAC urge the Village to ban lead shot. Ms. Ng drafted the letter to Mayor Noto with revisions from Mr. Goldstein. She then read the letter to the Commission. She is awaiting additional information to enclose with the letter. It was discussed whether steel shot is a viable alternative because it rusts in the water. As more information is needed on the effects of steel shot, it was suggested that Ms. Ng and the Chair after reviewing the information received decide what position CAC will take. If steel shot is found to be a significant environmental hazard, suggest no permits be issued; but if steel shot is not a hazard, request using the steel instead of lead shot. Ms. Ng stated that if she receives information according to the former, she will present it to CAC for a vote and a revized letter. Westchester Land Trust - Phyllis Wittner and Ms. Ng met with representatives of the Westchester Land Trust, based in Bedford, who would like to work with lower Westchester coiiuuunitiPs. Mrs. Wittner and Ms. Ng were informed of work they have done, e.g. , the Mianus River Watershed project. They would like to know if CAC has any specific project they can assist with: research, planning, watershed, etc. CZMC would be interested if CAC would have a joint session with them and the Land Trust representatives. It was suggested that before deciding if there is any interest, the Commission should spend time in the Fall to plan next years' projects and budget by looking over last year's list which Ms. Ng will distribute. Recycling Update - Ms. Ng reported that there will be a public hearing on Monday, July 20 on the proposed County Recycling Law. CAC Minutes July 9, 1992 Page 4 Ms. Ng reported that it is still undecided whether recyclables will be picked up at curbside or at the back door. There's a loud contingent who prefer back door pickup. The Town is in the process of reworking the routes and schedules to add one additional pickup for recycling. Glass, metal and plastic will be commingled. Corrugated cardboard could be added to the newspaper pickup. It is undecided whether to use special plastic bags or labels. The Commission members felt if plastic bags are used it would be sending the wrong message and defeating the purpose. Leaves will still be picked up separately and garden/yard waste will be prohibited from going to the County materials recovery facility. Mrs. Johnson questioned why schools are not on the list for recycling. Ms. Ng said she would look into the matter. Ms. Ng said there will be a public hearing on July 22 for the proposed local recycling law which does not include the pickup procedure. It sets out a mandate that the Town and residents will be required to separate garbage but leaves procedural details to the discretion of the Sanitation Commission. Councilwoman O'Flinn reported that because the County law needs revisions, penalties will not be imposed for two years after the effective September 1 date. This should provide the Town with enough time to develop an effective recycling system. Town Planning Board Update - The DiForio's have not responded yet to comments for the DEIS. The Town has submitted a site plan for the Hammocks Park apartments to the Planning Board who are looking at the parking issues and CZMC who are looking at drainage issues. These apartments will be composed of 54 units, three stories high in a "U" shape with grassy walkways in between. This site plan will come up again before the Planning Board in August. The architect has suggested privatization as opposed to more common areas to discourage undesirable gatherings. NEW OR OTHER BUSINESS Community Recycling Awards - Acting Chairwoman Cavalieri suggested discussing this when CAC does their overall planning in September. She spoke with three people from the Citizens to Promote Recycling who are from the Village of Tarchmont about working on the Community Recycling Awards. All are too busy at the moment. She did not speak to Lynn Reichgott. Town Surplus Lands - Councilwoman O'Flinn reported that the Town is putting together a property list comprised of 30 properties - some large, some slivers. She asked Steve Altieri to get the market values. The Town Board thought the Chairs of both CAC and CZMC should go through the list and determine what properties they are interested in. Upon Chairwoman Perez's return from vacation, Steve Altieri will meet with her. CAC Minutes July 9, 1992 Page 5 School Program - Martha Kaufman showed the reusable, three piece "litter-less" lunch kit and canvas bag to be sold to students in the four schools in September for $4.00. They have enough for 125 per school and hope to purchase more with the proceeds. They would like to eventually sell to the Hommocks Middle School were all the students must stay for lunch. New parents in the community will receive a flyer on this, and all students will receive a notice in the August mail included with their class assignments. Representatives will be at the schools on the first day to explain the contract, and they will also present it to the PTA (day and evening) meetings. Two teachers will be recording the quantities of garbage to track its decline. Organic Gardening - Mary Anne Johnson showed a news article on chemical free lawns from a company called "Organic Solutions." This company is presently working along the Mianus River making sure the properties there are as chemically free as possible. They estimate that it takes three years to restore a lawn. If someone signs a contract for one year with them, they send bulletins for each step of lawn care with information on watering, seeding, and information on seasonal changes in the lawn. 4r The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.