HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992_10_08 Conservation Advisory Commission Minutes i Town of Mamaroneck Conservation Advisory Commission 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, N.Y. 10543 914-381-7845 APPROVED MINUTES OCTOBER 8, 1992 A regular meeting of the Conservation Advisory Commission (CAC) was held on Thursday, October 8, 1992 in Conference Room A of the Town Center, 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York. The meeting commenced at 8:20 p.m. Members Present: Louise Perez, Chairwoman REC VE Sandy Feldman Lynn Reichgott DEC 19 1992 PA WMM A.TODiCI0CC10 Others Present: Robert P. Hohberg, Water Monitoring Consultant MAMAROONECK Mary Anne Johnson, Emeritus • N.Y. Kathleen Tracy O'Flinn, Liaison, Town Council Claudia Ng, Environmental Coordinator Ellen Morse, Recorder ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Minutes - Approval of the minutes of September 10, 1992 were tabled until next month because of a lack of a quorum. Next Meeting - November 5, 1992. Chairman Reports 1. Premium Entranceway - Ceremony today, October 8 at the entranceway to the Premium River. The Town will mulch the site and will put gravel on the road. Mrs. Wittner mentioned that signs are needed for the shrubs and a sign put at the back that states you are entering the trails which will include prohibitions for the salt marsh area. Chairwoman Perez said the commission needs to determine what should be put on the sign. This will be put on the agenda for next month's CAC meeting when more members are present. 2. CAC Reports - Chairwoman Perez will attend a LEAP (Local Environmental Assistance Program) meeting for CAC chairs and members and she will give a report in order for CAC to receive reimbursement. She will also make a report in November to the Village of Larchmont Board of Trustees and needs to submit a Q list of projects CAC did last year. Those present along with Chairwoman Perez made up the list. • Village of Mamaroneck �� Village of Larchmont • Unincorporated area of the Town of Mamaroneck it age Printed on Recycled Paper CAC Minutes October 8, 1992 Page 2 OLD BUSINESS Long Island Sound Water Monitoring - Chairwoman Perez spoke to Mr. Bernstein who reported that he has finished all the testing in the Long Island Sound. He will now compile all his data and submit to the Long Island Sound Task Force. He should have a report for the next meeting. Hilltop Road Entrance to Trails - Ms. Ng and Liaison O'Flinn visited the site this afternoon. It is a cul-de-sac with a bridge going over the River. Liaison O'Flinn displayed a map of the site and explained how the property lines run and the difficulty in determining where the Town property begins and ends as there are no stakes in the ground and a survey would have to be done to determine boundary lines. Previously one side was undeveloped and that side had been used as access to the Conservation Area. People cannot use it now because the lot has been developed and has shrubs up to the property line making it difficult for people to get through. The other lot has the lawn mowed right up to the edge giving the appearance of private property. Liaison O'Flinn asked if CAC wants to make it look like a valid access way to the trail as the Town owns it. Mr. Flood, one of the owners, does not want a sign put up but is willing to let people walk through. A sign may not be needed if the trail is marked with mulch or cut poles are laid which will not be expensive. Liaison O'Flinn recommended that CAC look at the site and determine if they want to have the Town property surveyed and staked out before CAC has mulch or anything else put down. It was decided that Chairwoman Perez and Lynn Reichgott would visit the site on Saturday, October 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Saturday, October 24, 1992 from 9:00-4:00 p.m. Westchester County's Household Chemical Cleanup Day at Rye Playland. 2. Thursday, November 5, 1992 from 8:30-2:00 p.m. Seminars and Workshops given by Westchester Land Trust "Partners in Open Space Preservation" for County and local governments, and conservationists. 3. Friday, November 6, 7, and 8, 1992 N.Y. State Conference on the Environment at the Holiday Inn at SUNY Oneonta for CAC members - tours, biological field station of SUNY, walking tour of Coopers Town, etc. 4. Thursday, November 12, 1992 from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Annual Meeting on Wetlands Regulation - Changing Perspectives on Public Concern, at the Hudson River Environmental Society at Harriman Hall, Orange County Community College, Middletown, NY. CAC Minutes October 8, 1992 Page 3 5. Public Notice on an Application for a special permit for a dry cleaner establishment at 120 Chatsworth Avenue from the Zoning Board. 6. Letter and Notice frau the Village of Scarsdale of a public hearing re: 25 Grand Park Avenue - side yard garage. Mrs. Johnson made the following announcements: 1. Wednesday, October 14 at 11:00 a.m. hearing and oral testimony by invitation only on Environmental Trust Fund bill at New Rochelle City Hall, Council Chambers frau the Standing Committee on Ways and Means on Environmental Conservation. 2. Sunday, October 25, 1992 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. the PPPA Coast Week Program at Trinity Retreat sponsoring Steve Coleman slide presentation on birds. Also, there will be a bird walk in the morning. 3. Thursday, October 29, 1992 at 12 p.m. Mianus River Gorge walk. 4. Legislator George Latimer sent list of meetings from the Committee on the Environment which meets on Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. Liaison O'Flinn announced: 1. Wednesday, October 21 a public hearing on the sanitation law. Also, the Recycling Program has not been scheduled yet for review. CORRESPONDENCES Outgoing: 1. Susan Cavalieri wrote a note to be inserted in the Larchmont Notes. CONSULTANT/LIAISON REPORTS Tree Survey Update - Liaison O'Flinn reported the tree survey was completed within seven days and covered 48 miles of Town streets. They had 26 volunteers and Ms. Ng went out several times. This was at no cost to the tax payer. The DEC loaned one of their foresters who will assist in the final report. It was discovered that there is a greater variety of species than thought and a lot of trees need a lot of attention. Water Monitoring Update - Bob Hohberg went with Ms. Ng one morning and visited the Jantile Company site which is a point source pollution. He pointed out the drain, and in the afternoon of the same day, they returned and found pollution flowing into the stream of which they took pictures. Ms. Ng then sent a letter to the Village of Mamaroneck Manager's Office and to Village Trustee Virginia Neumeister. She has not had any response from either. Mr. Hohberg also mentioned that the huge CAC Minutes October 8, 1992 Page 4 tank by Station 10 needs to be inspected and tested for integrity. Mr. Hohberg reported that he and Dr. Thomas are doing research instruction at Mamaroneck High School and are trying to get a grant so they can get more students involved in the water monitoring program. TASKFORCE REPORTS Landscaping/Maintenance Articles - Nothing to report. Golf Course Rezoning Study - Liaison O'Flinn reported that on Wednesday, October 21 the final SEIS will be released. There will then be a month before scheduling a hearing which will likely be the end of November for one night only. The public will be asked to restrict their continents to the supplemental only (which is information not covered in the original) and not to the original. The Town Clerk will have several copies and she will conduct a lending library. There will be no summary provided this time. There will also be copies at the public library and CAC will provided with one copy. Liaison O'Flinn requested written comments from CAC. After the hearing it will go back to the consultant for a final report. Storm Drain Stenciling - Nothing to report. Community Recycling Awards - Tabled until next month. ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR REPORTS Premium Breeding Bird Survey by Steve Coleman - There's a question as to whether to expand the use of the Premium Marsh as it might affect the breeding birds. 1993 Budget - Martha Kaufman's request for $6,000 for the LIFE Center was not approved unless she writes a letter of explanation. The Consultant Service line item was also cut to $2,000. Ms. Ng reported that if they wish the other $2,000, Mr. Altieri said they must itemize. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.