HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992_12_03 Conservation Advisory Commission Minutes (AL -- P I creaM e t ctffc.-G'te,"' cc RECD ED P Town of Mamaroneck 13 1993 AIRICIq q,piGIOCClO Conservation Advisory Commission Mo+��"CLEx 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, N.Y. 10543 914-381-6133 APPROVED MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 1992 A regular meeting of the Conservation Advisory Commission (CAC) was held on Thursday, December 3, 1992 in Conference Roam A of the Town Center, 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York. The meeting commenced at 8:13 p.m. Members Present: Louise E. Perez, Chairwoman Sandy Feldman Martha L. Gershun Edward M. Hindin Martha Kaufman Others Present: Mary Anne Johnson, Emeritus Kathleen Tracy O'Flinn, Liaison, Town Council Alan Steinhorn, Observer Claudia Ng, Environmental Coordinator Bonnie Burdick, Recorder ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Minutes - The minutes of September and October were approved with minor changes to both. The minutes of November were approved. Next meeting - January 7, 1993. Councilwoman O'Flinn reported that there are two openings for CAC in the Village of Mamaroneck. Sandy Feldman will be replaced by a Village of Mamaroneck person. The Village of Larchmont now has four members. CdN REPORTS Greenway Trail - Chairwoman Perez stated that previously, it had been decided to ask the NYS Thruway Authority to move the fence in the area by Saxon Woods Park for access to the Leatherstocking Trail. They are against this. Ms. Ng reported that she, Ron Tocci and a representative of the NYS Thruway Authority visited this site earlier this week. Mr. Barry Samuel, head of County Parks, will get a surveyor to survey the area to see how much is owned by the County. The NYS Thruway Authority will also have a survey done. This work is not expected to be completed soon. Ms. Ng will follow up with the various people involved. CAC Minutes December 3, 1992 Page 2 Environmental Management Council - Chairwoman Perez reported that she received a phone call from the Environmental Management Council stating that they have not had a representative frau the Town of Mamaroneck's CAC attend their meetings for the past one and a half years. It was suggested that the Commission members take turns attending these meetings. Mary Anne Johnson volunteered to attend their next meeting which they are sponsoring in White Plains on Monday, December 7 and is a roundtable discussion on the New York City watershed rules and regulations. Westchester County - Chairwoman Perez reported that she received the Board of Legislators's agenda for the Committee on the Environment. OLD BUSINESS Hilltop Road Entrance to Trails - Chairwoman Perez and Councilwoman O'Flinn will visit this site next week and speak with Mr. Flood. Councilwoman O'Flinn reported that she spoke to Town Administrator Steve Altieri about having this area staked and he thinks it had recently been surveyed and he will look for the file on this. If he cannot located it, Councilwoman O'Flinn will then ask that a new survey be done. She will follow up on this. Jason Lane Town Property - It was agreed that since resources are absent for developing and maintaining this property as a recreation facility, and since it serves no purpose as a conservation area, it should be sold and turned into revenue. It was resolved that CAC recommend that the property be sold and further recommends the Town use sane of the proceeds from the sale to enhance the existing recreational (and conservation) areas. In addition, CAC recommends that the Town continue to recognize the need to maintain adequate recreation and conservation areas. All were in agreement. Westchester County Planning - The Commission members have not received their copies on this subject. Ms. Ng briefly reported that Westchester County is updating their maps and doing long-range planning on zoning, sewage and facilities. They are requesting comments from the Town on the County's polices and objectives. Ms. Ng will get copies to same of the members for review at the next meeting. Dedication of Conservation Areas - Update - Ms. Ng has reviewed the old deeds and found it very difficult reading the old map descriptions. She has updated the list and made references that she can look no CAC Minutes December 3, 1992 Page 3 further. It is now up to the Town Attorney or someone with expertise in the proper wording for dedication of the properties. A memo will also be necessary frau CAC at that time. Councilwoman O'Flinn explained that Steve Altieri told her that a lot of the properties which are now part of the Sheldrake and Leatherstocking were transferred several times and at same point in time the identification for the lots was changed. It was decided to turn this matter over to Steve Silverberg for further direction. CORRESPONDENCE'S Inaominq: 11/3/92 - Fran NYS DEC re: 2nd quarter voucher reminder. 11/3/92 - Fran Stephen Altieri re: Jason Lane, Excess Town Owned Land. 11/4/92 - From Westchester County Department of Planning re: Municipal Tree Regulations and Programs. 11/12/92 - Fran U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service re: National Gypsy Moth EIS Team's Request for Comments. Outgoing 11/30/92 - To William Schneider, Westchester county Department of Health re: Mr. Hohberg's Water Monitoring Report noting Station 10 and la. Copies: 11/24/92 - Memo fram C. Ng to Stephen Altieri re: Request for Hammocks Conservation Area Survey. ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR REPORTS 1993-94 WORK PLAN AND BUDGET FOR LEAP - This is the Local Environmental Assistance Program for the goals and plans of CAC for April 1993 through March 1994. For the work plan under "Storm Drain Stenciling" it was suggested to indicate that some of this work has been done and more work will be done. Under "Recycling", public awareness should be elaborated. Ms. Ng reported that CZMC has received three proposals frau Naturalist Consultant Steve Coleman: (a) 1993 Wintering Bird Survey of the Premium Complex (cost $900) . CAC Minutes December 3, 1992 Page 4 (b) Summer 1993 Breeding Bird Survey of the Premium - continuation of gathering baseline data (cost $1,000) . (c) Management Plan for the Hammocks Salt Marsh Complex (cost $4,500) . CZMC is requesting CAC to consider undertaking the Hammocks project since it is within CAC's purview. CZMC would help budgeting it, if needed. Also, there would be about 15% reimbursement from the DEC. Councilwoman O'Flinn suggested seeing the proposal first and Mr. Hindin asked about the importance of this project. It was the general consensus that no decision be made this evening whether to pursue this project since none of the members have reviewed the proposal. Also, it was suggested that CZMC have Mr. Coleman breakdown the Hammocks Marsh project into parts so that the remaining CZMC budget could be encumbered to do part of it. After CAC decides on an agenda for the caning year they will review this proposal again. Mr. Hindin suggested setting up CAC's agendas with more educational input. In conclusion, Chairwoman Perez suggested that the members review the work plan and let either she or Ms. Ng know if additional information is needed to finalize their plans at the next meeting. TASRCE REPORTS Golf Course Rezoning Study - SEIS - Ed Hindin, Martha Gershun and Bob Hohberg reviewed this study. It was proposed to write a short letter to the Town Council stating sane outstanding concerns of CAC. Ms. Gershun would like it reiterated that there are still concerns about cumulative impacts and upstream development from Bonnie Briar and the watershed. There are a few areas that need more discussion, e.g., about possible year round operation of the public golf club and questioning the purchase price. Also to be added is the concern about the inadequacy of the traffic study. Mr. Hindin feels it is necessary to help people remember there may be sane reevaluation necessary of fiscal considerations. Councilwoman O'Flinn suggested that a CAC member read their statement at the public hearing on December 9. Mr. Hindin will prepare the statement and Chairwoman Perez will read it. Stora Drain Stenciling - Martha Kaufman met with Mr. Cal Chang, an advisor at Hammocks School. He has 150 very motivated seventh and eighth grader students who can work on stenciling and on the maintenance of cemeteries or any other projects as needed. There is also a smaller community club at the high school which could also be utilized. NEW OR OTHER BUSINESS Councilwoman O'Flinn announced that Martin Luskin's appointment to the CAC was approved. The meeting adjourned at 10:23 p.m.