HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_11_19 Town Board Minutes (2) 223 OF THT 30_AZ-_,',D TO did OF iLAIrC 0117CK2 Z. HELD N07711BER 19th, 1930 The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 10 :45; P. 'K. Present.- Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins , heeds and Yessersmith Town Clerk 1.1arvin. The presence was also noted of Counselor Gaable. The minutes of the meetings of September 17th, 24th, October ist. and 15th were read by the Clerk and upon motion ap-proved as read. In view of the -act that there were several persons present who -wished to address the board, the regular order of business was suspended in order to 'near those present. Jo§eph idancus-1 of New Rochelle , attorney for Joseph J. Vaccaro requested the Board to set a date for a hearing on his application to rezone premises or Valley Place known as section 1, block 65A lots 2 and 3 on the Town assessment map, in accordance with his request presented at a previous meeting. After discussion it -+,Ta s Justice 1.1essersith upon ro1 oon motion by the Clerk seconded by J .-m -1 call unanimously S07 V-P D, that the date of Friday, December 15th, at 8-.30 P. 'IvT. be set as the time fora public hearing on -.he application of Joseph J. Vaccaro to re-zone h-4 property on Valley Place known as section 1$ block Q_5A, lots 2 and 3 on the town assessment -map from F unclassified district , its present classification, to C business district. aeorge VcClclland, Larchmont Insurance Agent, addressed the Board as a representative of the Weaver Street -Fire Com,any to inquire into the advisability of insurance coverage of the fire trucks against personal liability and property damage. Counselor Gamble informed the Board in this connection that he had been advised by Frank A. !�annen of T arc'mraont , a leading Insurance favor of such insurarce. upon authority , that he , -IL-,r. lZanneni, was in f I motion by Justice Liessersimith, seconded by the Clerk, the matter was referred to the Committee and Counsel for report and recommenda- tion. There being no ouher _persons present who wished to address the Board the regular order of business was resumed. n 0 A communication was received from -,,,_�oody, President f '-Rouken Cilen, in regard to taxes levied against the strip of land ­- known on the -own assessment map as section 1, block 11, lot 2. ne matter was ordered referred to (jounsel. Re_oorts of the Town Clerk for the m n-chs of SePteiaiber and October were ordered received and placed on file. A coT,,zroaaication wa5 received from Ilvin'g B la u ve It Rochelle Real Estate agent , on behalf of Mrs. T, x. (margaret, Helen) O 'Dcnneil for return of fee paid for building permit which was not issued. The matter was ordered referred to Coullscl* 12215 A communication v s received from the Board of Assessors recommending that , owing to the fact that there are a large number of duplications of house numbers on Forest Avenue because the numbering In the 'Town of 'hamaroneck conflicts with the numbering in New Rochelle , the Town Board pass a resolution directing them to renumber Forest Avenue by taking the last number in few Rochelle and proceeding numerically along Forest Avenue from the New Rochelle line to the end of Forest Avenue at Rockland Avenue. -- The report was ordered received and placed on file and upon motion by justice Boyd and seconded by the Clerk it was unanimously RESOLVED, WHEREAS, the Board of ::assessors of the Town of uamaroneck have requested this Board to pass a resolution directing said Board of Assessors to renumber Forest Avenue because there are a large number of duplications of house numbers on sorest Avenue owing to the fact that the numbering in Iiamaroneck conflicts with the numbering in pew Rochelle ; and WH R AS, this condition frequently causes the wrong delivery of mail, merchandise , etc. ; and JH -F:TAS, there have been several complaints made of this condition; therefore be it RESOLVED, that t is Town Board directs the Board of Assessors to renumber Forest Avenue by taking the last number of New Rochelle and proceeding numerically along Forest Avenue from the New Rochelle line to thse end of Forest Avenue at Rockland - Avenue ; and be it further- RESOLVED, that each resident on Forest Avenue be duly notified of tis change when the numbering is completed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk notify the Larchmont Post Office when the numbering is completed. The Clerk reported on 'be'half of the committee heretofore appointed to investigate the advisability of purchasing a fire- proof safe for protection of town records that the committee has discussed the matter and unanimously favored the purchase of a safe bearing the class A label approved by the underwriters Laboratories as offering adequate fire protection and that the lowest bid sub- mitted for this kind of safe , said bid including installation of a new .safe and transportation to the town hall of the old safe was in the amount of not to exceed $420.00. Upon motion by the Clerk seconded by justice Yessersmith, it was upon roil call unanimously RESOLVED, WHEREAS the Supervisor of Public Records of the university of the State of Sew York has re- peatedly called to the attention of the Town of I'iamar:oneck the necessity of providing adequate fire protection for valuable town records; and EREAS, the safe at present in the town office in which are stored the most valuable town records does not meet the requirements of the Underwriters laboratories for adequate fire protection; and WHEREAS , a siecial committee of this Board hereto- fore appointed to investigate and report on the matter of protection of said records unanimously recommend the purchase of an adequate safe; and 227 AREAS, competitive bids have been received from manufacturers of safes which meet the requirements of the Underwriters Laboratories; therefore be it RESOMD, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to negotiate the purchase of a safe offered by the lowest bidder at the price not to exceed $420. 00, said price to include the removing of the present safe to the town hall and installing new safe in the town office at o Elm --- Street, and be it further D.ESOINED, that the cost of said safe be paid out of the 1931 budget. Two communications were received from the Parent Teachers Association of the hurray Avenue School thanking the Town Board for the use of the Weaver Street Fire s=ouse auditorium for the October and i<ovember meetings of the Association. Tht letters were ordered received with thanks and placed on file. A communication from the Parent Teachers Associations of the Hurray Avenue School inquired if some official action in reference to dogs running loose during the school hours which congregated in the school yard and frightened the children, would be taken. The communication was ordered received and referred to the Committee on Ordinances. A communication was received from L. C. James, 38 Hillcrest Avenue , Larchmont, in reference to his inquiry of an earlier date with -respect to establishing tennis courts on the plot of ground behind the ',heaver Street Fire House. the matter was ordered referred to Counsel. A claim, was received from David loses of the law office of John J. Hughes, White :Mains , in regard to back pay amounting to $90.83. The matter was ordered referred to Counsel. This amount of :90.83 is alleged due to Police Officer john Grenman. Upon motion the meeting adjourned at llrl5 PIN. To-rr? Clerk. i