HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_09_03 Town Board Minutes (2) 12_P T!17G OF =7 TIC"ITIT BOATO
Tc_,Y_W` OF 7_T41L_12C117 Cxt Y.
'Eld Se-Q-Vei-foer 3rd, 1930
The me--ting was called 'Us o�-der by Sumerviscr E-urton
10:10 -P. Y.
Present: Supervisor Buxton
Justices Boyd, Lceds and Hesse.remith
Town Clerk Yarvin
The presence was also noted of Couonseloi Gaible®
In vievi of the presence of Donald C. Hovie , Chief
Captain of the deaver Fire Street Uom-pan w y, , ho wished to be heard.
I __ _
the regular o--der of business was suspended.
Ca-tain Ho;�,e addrFssed the Board and. zai ; that he was
very much plea5ed with and -,,-vish-_d to er:�,-,ress the a-3
_preciatJon of
the Fire CorijDany for the -'eoa *: r -,.,Torl- e_me on th 1:lime r Jcan La
France pumFer. In this connection the Clerk read a letter
from Ca-,otair Howe to the sai-ne effect �_n _,hlLoh the Board was
requez-ted officiall-V to acceci, tne cngine Ln ordei that it may
iram-edia'e1v be placed in serv.,,ce.
The letter +v'as ordered —eCe 4
:ved and referred to the
Fire Committee and Counsel.
Supervisor Burton asked that the utter of an additional
Wea7er Street Fire Cona-,pz.-my tovhicl, he had referred at the meeting
O'h e net t L
o f A u g u s t 2 b b r o u�-,h+ u-o a' this time but be laid over
until t1ae =' t i-ne e tim7 pending a rs1-_-ort b7r him after crnsult--tion
with Ccunsel.
The Clerk read a letter from the 11'eaver Street �M-ire
Company dated Se-,teffbe_- �_-dj 1193C) . informing the Board that apt a
la-_ meeting of the cormanv held or A-a-ust l3th, the re
nation of Chief Captain Bray Yras accept-cd and t!_at Don-aid. C.
HG -uas ellectel -o fill the unc7-f-ired terin as Chief Cajptain.
Th's Su.oFr7_so renues' U� 'h� ' act� cn o 'h4z letter er be
also held up until the next meeting,
Ul)o,a notion by Justices TeFeersmith seconded by the
.Lu ,as unaniniouslY
RFSOIAT-D, that, action on the matter of
additional eaver Street Fire Company and
- V
"he -,,=_ tt-'r of t.CE rmlsiznatior of CaZatal
C. D. Br a,77 be laid over until the next
r-4 by the S2j_Dervisor.
I . L=g as requested I � I
The SlucErvisp= e-aid that the ouestion of liability and
'ire apparatus
- erty damage and other kinds of insurance for the �_ 6
shoulcl be i-cnTesti,7a-_'-ed and this rnatte-_, vvras referred to the
Fire Comnitte'- fo-- inveEliZai--r and re_port.
The C"Iterk rE-_Jorte'ft1 the reCei_ot of an acknc-c,,ied_zera-n' from
Land Bureau, Sec (,eta-fy of State 's Office , Of the ac`io,_, of the
Town Boarn talFen Au.-Ust 20,- 1930 in regard t an a p c a,t J c,r for
a .--an' of land under .-.Tate7. The aclImcvLLaaement was ordered
i�cce_i -ecl and -( laced on -Nie .
The Cler'- O-2csented th- re-port of the Tovin ci--r1k ,S office
lo-, the =nth of July -az rEceive,9 Ed on fi.I.C.
I-- - v�. - ordp I and P' a,c
A claLm by john R. Cahi 4 r the
-m,- n+ of -F*Or
hold trans, _V_-up and t'nez` JJ_ns,!:._-arce in connect th tu- an I tation
of town bonds from t 1 Iola e `r- inn c nle the cf-P '
' 1 E _ C �_ svgn._i_,.; a— tG c :,_.. 1cE C�.
bankers receiving sEuTleg tfi.a.s presented to tide Board by the Cle=^k.
lit¢ Si:ooei"isor rEac_ted that he had ordered this. insurance Ft t11c
ti.:_at .
Upon motion by 'he t:-c _:; seconded 1' rustic P_
_. ;O
,.as uO1n r G'i._ Cc:._ry_
B SO?.�77D F tha u t'ce e'_ . n , = John R . Cahi 11
for insurance "S ier ab^o Fes be 2,-nd :.ne saf"_
hereby i _u_Gi'GTaew and ordered said.
The Clerk _"c-,)o rted 'that in accorCance V:'ith the instrljctionS
h Board a'� a 'trEvicus meeting c d i . T ti d t:he ¢.tatter of
Oi the �0 ii"1 h had p'i El c='-.�. .
a: fire -u7'CY_''f safe for t.r,.e pro Lection Of _valuable town records anu
had secured bids for t..G makes of safes. The Latter vvas crdered
referred to a committee for inrestiga_tion and report, the committee
to consist Of TOVrn Cl..rk>. Justices Justices and Boyd .
Justice IL°essersi:iit'n presented -. written' re-bpoG t or his
attendance at the hearing on Au,�u-t 27/ th before the Service
Co_auis=ion in regard to :he T=_vT York, ,,?!estcheste: and Boston
Railroad schedule. The Su_Ne7_-v1sG_ said that he had requested
J'o.stice Piesse' smith to take his plane at- this hearing and that the
Board had authorized thin action.
T-ustice Leeds presented a request by t'_e Larch-mont Girl
Scouts C.omYIlUiiity Coair_aittee for the use of the •, ^saver Street, Fire
House Cn Zonday afternoons during the ccming- ,yea-^. The matter
as orEd refErrEd to the Fire House CG1Lmlttee>
Justice Leeds also called the Board dIs attention to the
_.. -need for- cleaning and re-varnilhi- -E the chairs in ",he Fire House
in order to ]:ut them into Oro-per shape for service.
Upon Knot* on by Justice Leeds seconded by Tusti CE
I'lesserEonith,- it was upon _.oil call una"l moos-1
R=S01VED, that the llat4:r cl prsilaring tae
chairs in the Ea ter S'.-eet Fire House for
ser?,,ice be referred to he Fire Houle '
Cormni teen with povaErA.
Supervisor Burton ic-oorted that Ile had been Served et'ith
a cory cf an a.p p.li cation of 'dgeSvater Point., Inc.. for a grant. Of Ali
land under ':'atc^- for ,vh_ioh a reynonstraYnce Yf,'.ust- be made on or before
October 9th; 1 Cd in case 'he -tG.un feels it voula be injured by
lLe grant... The matter was ordered referred to Co-C_nsele
Jz7stice T ea erar th infi u—ap � 'the Board uhlt OtY'eL an L
Similar ap'Inlications ,vi.11 O.. served on the Super'Tisor in the _fear
fut.0 Bra Y;r1 " UrtOn it V.-2S upon
motian b„- Justice Boyd eeconded by Justice Leeds
RFSOLVFD, that the Sulerviac'r be and he
hereby is authorized to refer these other
and s S:.ila_r arr,,:lications to Counsel 'Athout
first presenting them to Lnc iov:
n Boa.-d. .
7 pon motliou the meeting adjourned at- 11 .55 R.HI