HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_07_29 Town Board Minutes (2) l/ SPECIAL Ie"_FFTTNG OF TH7 TOWN BOARD TOWN OF T•;La,K ROYECK, N. Y. held July 29th, 1930. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 11>20 A. Y. Present : Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins, Leeds and Hessersmith Town Clerk Marvin The Clerk reported that he had received two communic- ations from the Receiver of Taxes certifying that the amount of unpaid 1928 school taxes, School District No. 1, Town of Mamaron- eck, is $26,872.32 and that the amount of the unpaid 1929 school. taxes, School District No. 1, Town of Mamaroneck, is 147, 750.51, both amounts as of July 1st, 1930. The Clerk said that the meeting had been called at the request of the Board of Education to authorize the issuance of certificates of indebtedness for these amounts. The communic= aticns from the Receiver of Taxes were ordered received and placed on file. After discussion it was upon motion by Justice Messer- smith, seconded by Justice Leeds, upon roll call unanimously RESOLVEDJEFREAS, this Board has received from the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck a. statement under the provisions of Section 28 of the Westchester County Tax Act from which it appears that on July 1, 1930 the sum of $25,872..32 was outstanding and unpaid for school taxes which were levied on September 1, 1928 ; and WHEREAS, the Supervisor has requested that approp- riate steps be taken to raise and provide the afore- said sum of $26,872.32 by the issuance and sale of a temporary* certificate of indebtedness against said uncollected school taxes as provided by the West- Chester County Tax Act; Now, therefore , it is RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the Westchester County Tax Act the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and empowered to borrow upon the faith and credit of the Town of Mamaroneck the said sum of '126,872.32 for which sum_ he shall issue in the name and under the seal of said Town against u1- collected school taxes levied on September 1, 19281 against the taxable real property within Union Free School D'is'trict No. 1 , one or more certificates of indebtedness each in such denomination as the Super- visor may determine , not exceeding in the aggregate the said suss of $2.69872.32, which shall bear interest at a "::ate of not more than 6% per annum and shall be — made payable at such time as the Supervisor may determine , but not later than July 1, 1931. Said certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the Supervisor and countersigned by the Town Clerk; and it is further 115 RE'S03,VT'DR that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and erpow-aced to dispose of said certificates of indebtedness for not less than the par value thereof; and it is farther IRT'SOLIVFTD, that the Supervisor and Town Clerk be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to sign and execute such papers as may be nec- essary* to effect the sale of said certificates. Upon a vote being taken upor. the foregoing resolutions , the same ,,ere declared urarinously adopted by the following vote.. Ayes4 6 Foe a none: Upon notion by Justice Yessersmith, seconded by Justice Leeds, it waa upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED. WFEPEAS, this Board has received from the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of I1amaroneck a statement under the provisions of `geetion 28 of the 'Westchester County Tax Act from vinich it appears that on July 1, 1930 , the sum: of 5''47,750..51 ,ias cutstarding and unpaired for school taxes which were levied on Septem'oer 12 1929 ;and k,''_H'REAS, the Supervisor has recuested that a.p=prop- ria.te steps be taken to raise and provide the afore- said sum of 647, 750.51 by the issuance and sale of a teaipora.ry certificate of indebtedness against said uncollected school taxes as provided by the West- chester County Tax Act; Uo s therefore , it is RESC .VED, that pursuant to the provisions of the 'Jestcheater County `Tax Act the Super;riser be ancd hereby is authorized and empov.ered to bn-rre;a upgn the faith and credit of the Tom of Manaroneck tie said sum of 547 ,250®51 for v.Ihioh sun.. he shall issue in the name and under the seal of saiul Tcvk,n against uncollected school taxes levied on September 1, 1929 , against the taxable real property within Union. Free School District Io. It one or more certificates of indebtedness each in such denomination as the Super- visor may determine, not exceeding in the aggregate the said sum. of ;;,'.47 ,750.51, ;rhich small bear interest at a rate of not more than 6', per annum and shall be made payable at such time as the Supervisor may determine, but not later than July 1. 1931. Said certificates of indebtedness shall be signed by the Supervisor and countersigned by the Town Clerk; aad it is further REOOLVEDs that the Supervisor be and he hereby i$ authorized and erpocaered to dispose of said cert- ificates of indebtedness for not less than the par value thereof; and it is further 155 RESOLVED. that the Supervisor and Towr Clerk be and they hereby are authorized .and empowered to sign and execute such rapers as may be nec- essary to effect the sale of said certificates. Upon a vote being taken upon u'h-- foregoing resolutions the same aere declared unanimously adopted by the following vote - Ayes- 6 ?Ioe s ; none Justice Leeds reporting for the Fire ?louse Conmittee said that nev;,r curtains and shades were needed for the building and re-nested authorization to secure estimates for this work. Upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Leeds it was upon roll call Unanimously EFSOLVED, that the Fire- House Committee be and it hereby is authorized and directed to secure estimates of the cost of installing new curtains and shades for the Weaver Street Fire House and also the cost of 'having any draperies still usab'_e cleaned and that this matter be referred to the Fire House Committee with power. The Clerk reported that he had been requested to ask what t'n.e Board would like to do in regard to having prepared a compilation of the amount of taxes in arrears and due to the Town as shorn on the tax book since 18 75. The Supervisor said that the present was a good time to have this work done and at his recormendation the matter was ordered referred to a committee to be appointed by the SaaperviMor to get estimates on this -work to have a proper system installed for the continuance of this T.oik and to. obtain the necessary recommendations thereon. The Supervisor thereupon appointed to this committee Justices Kessersmi_th, Collins and Town Clerk la rvin. The Clerk presented a claim from i'rs. Charlotte G. YcVickcr owner of block 50 , section. 4 on the torn assessment map for a refund in the sum of ,33%30 for 1930 tax erroneously paid by her. He said this dlaim had been approved by the Receiver- of Taxes, the Board of Assessors a:nd Counselor Gamble. Upon motion by Justice Boyd,aeconded by Justice Leeds it was upon roll call unanimously RESOI,VFD; IIIHFRFAS, Charlotte G. YcVicker, the owner of Lot No.--Block 50, Section 4 on the Assessment Llap of the Toir,,n of Ziamaro-neck has resented a claim for a, refund in the sum of y337.30 for 1930 tax erroneously paid by her; and 'I?iTPJ'AS, upon examination the Assessors and the Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Tamaroneck s Late that the aforesaid property was erroneously included in Se-, er District Yo. 1 of he Town of Kra ma.roneckg and WIER AS, said ,orcperty is not within the boundary lines f Se'ier District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaron- eck and should. net have been included, therefore upon the recommendation of the Receiver of Taxes and the Board of Assessors, be it 15 RESCINED, that the claim of Charlotte G. KcVicker for a refund in the sum of 1337..30 for a 1030 sewer tax erroneously paid by her, said property not being in said Sewer District No. I, be and the same hereby is approved and allowed; further - RESCZVEL, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to make payment of said refund, and the Supervisor, Receiver of Taxes and Board of Assessors be and they hereby are authorized and directed to mark their books of record accordingly and to eliminate the aforesaid property from the Assessment books and Tax books. The Report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of June was received and ordered placed an file. The Town Clerk reported that he had received from the New York State Department of Education a copy of a decision and order in the matter of the ajroeal from the orde r altering the boundaries of Union Free School District No. 1 of the 'Town of Eam roneck and Common School District No.. 2 of the Town of Scarsdale-, Westchester County. The papers cited that the appeal was sustained and that it was ordered that the order of the District Superintendent altering the boundaries of Union Free School District No. 1 Torun of Damaroneck and Common School District No. 2 of the Torun of Scarsdale , be Set aside and vacated. The communication was ordered received and placed on file. A petition was received from Carmine and Louise Tortorella owners of the property at 175 Myrtle Boulevard, Larchmont, known as Lot #17A, in block 86; section 1, on the town assessment rolls , --- applying for a rezoning of this property from a Class C district to a Chss D district. After discussion the petition was ordered received and laid over until the meeting of September 17th, unless something should turn up in the meanwhile , to make its advisable to consider the matter at an earlier date. A communication was received. from Hr. Leon C. James 38 Hillcrest Avenue , dated July 28th, suggesting that the Town construct public tennis cou'r'ts on the town property lying to the rear of the !}Deaver StreetFire House. After discussion the matter was referred to Counsel for an opinion az to the legality of the expenditure by the Town of public monies for this purpose. The Clerk read to the Board a letter addressed to the Supervisor from the committee in charge of the "200th Anniversary Celebration /of the Settlement of Chappaiue in which participation by the Torn was requested. The Supervisor said he thought Mamaroneck should be represented officially or unofficially and declared he would take the ratter up with the Clerk indetail. Supervisor Burton said that he had been looking into the question of an oil burner for the '.:leaver Street Police Station and after discussion, the ratter ': as, by resolution and upon roll call unanimously referred to him with power. Mr. H. J. Bre,rer, Chairman of the Building Commission, addressed the Beard and said he had several matters to call to its attention.. (a) He said there was a violation of the _ onirg ordinance in the use of the former Height garage on Bo;ron Post Road Larehmont, where produce is now being Stored. After discussion the matter 'eva.s referred to the Building Commission and Special Counsel J. Henry Esser. fh) He inquired ,.That vias being done in the case of the Drhert? 'liner at the corner of -boston Peat Road and Weaver Street and he was referred to Counselor Gamble. (c} He said 'hare ,as some misunderstanding with the Board of Education in regard to the payment of the fee for the building permit for the addition to the Hurray ?venue School® Contractors on ]previous school jobs had paid for permits, he said, and then read a letter from the Clerk of the Board of n:ducatior_ which denied that the Board had ever paid for such permits. After discussion the matter was referred to the Building Commission and Counselor Gamble® Uvon motion "the meeting adjourned at 12 :15 P. Y. Tevrn Clerk