HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_05_07 Town Board Minutes (2) 105 ITELT117G OF 71M. TOWN BOARD T,NM OF MAJUATRO-17ECK, N. Y. held I'VE-ay 7th, 1930. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Bu.-ton, at 10t55 P. M. Present: Smervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins, Yesserenith and Leeds To-vm Clerk Ila.-vin The presence was also noted of Counselor GamD,1-1. Upon mot.-Jon duly seconded it lrraS 70ted to /disjoense -,.with the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet ajproved® Tudge Leeds and judge lleszersmith, of the Corm-itt-ee der the repair and rebuilding of appointed by the Board to CorS4-� the �raer-lcan-LaFranc-e -,pumjper staticned at the Weaver Street Fire House reported that the apparatus after delivery at the -i-plant of -"he Amcrican-LaFrance factory at Long long Island City had been taken down and an inspection disclosed that additional repairs should be made to same ; that t-ki-ey had gone into the matte.- Captain Bray and the other officers of the Weaver Street Fire Co:,,,ppny and with the reprzsentatives of the American-LaFranoc Com-,.3any and- that the American-LaFra-noe Company had presented a proposalto compl-tely °b U u4 " d and rioderniZe said piece of fire apparat s at a cost of ''3 ,437.2l an,' that upon the completion of the wor'V --alled for by that - - L said !arcposal the machine :,cold be a completely modern of apparatus in perfect I-lanning condition, and should be capable of performing for a nwifbe-r of years. ,TT-l.dge Leeds stated that the officers of the Weaver Street Fir= Company and the members of the Comittee recoirmiended the'.. said ,�-ork lie done in accordance ,with the said proposal Xr. Donald G. Ho-,-ie , Lieutenant of the Weaver Street Fire Co, many, appeared -Ikn person and spo!be at length on the requirements of the Fire Under-Writers for adequate fire protection in the To-,,,.,-n. He said that in many res-pects the underwriters considered the 'aVeaver Street Fire Company an excellent one but that owin-a to the four stories or presen��e c:� ,,e severai large apartment houses o-, I =-:-e in hei.-h" « certain additions and imorovemen's 7uer= necessary� He referred to a letter from Captain C, B. Bray, which the Torjr Clerk Ydas to -uresert later in the evening, outlining the changes and additions r�ecjuestsd. After di SCUCS40- 'he follo-viing resolution was duly offered and seconded, ? TSOLVET,Dt that the proposal of the AmErican-LaFranoa & Foamite iralust-Jr-es , Inc., to rebuild] , recondition and --modernize the tyle 40 triple oombinaattion fire apparatus at a price cf $3 ,437.21 be acceined; further RYSOL77105 that the Supervizor and Town Clerk be In - I I M-0 -1 a-a t,-o r 4 -7 ed and em owered to the approval of Counsel to execute and deliver a contract covering the same; f,�1 r 1, 1")=-r RFSCLVT,Dg that the Sv.,peiviso.r be and he hereby is authorized, empo:wered and diiected to issue certificates of indebtedness in '.-c amount off $3437.21 to cover the cost and the oe-;mense herein authorized; all said certificates or oerlificate or so roach 'hereof as is necessary to be included in the 1931 'hudget and to be levied, assessed and collected upon Fire, Lighting & Supply District 17 1 a� 1 of the Town of 1 The Clerk read aidter from Captain C. D. Bray of the Weaver Street Fire Company, dated Ely 5tht 1 930, making specific recommendations for the improvement of fire protection services. By resolution the matter was referred to Justices Collins, Leeds and Dessersmith. The Clerk read a letter from Roger Batchelder, Publicity Officer of Larchmont Post 347, American Legion, requesting the use of the Weaver Street Fire Hesse on Memorial Day as a dining place for the 300 bo ys of the Peekskill Military Academy* who will attend the local patriotic exercises and. = lao the use of the Fire House on Saturday, June 7th for the Post 's Monte Carlo party. Justice Leeds reported that the committee on the use of the Fire House recommended granting the request. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was upon roll call unanimousl°; RESOLVED, that the requests of Larah.i nt Pest No. 347 for the use of the Weaver Street Fire House , on Memorial Day and also on June `Zth, be granted and that the :ratter be referred to the speci.Rl committee composed of Justices Collins , Leeds and % essersmi th who are hereby authorized to spend not more than A100.00 for cleaning up the building in preparation for these two affairs. The report of the Town Clerk for the month of April was ordered received and placed on file,. The Clerk presented the inventory of insurance policies covering the Town which at the previous meeting he had been dlrec to make. Upon motion duly .rude and seconded it was ordered received and placed on file. The Clerk reminded the Board that the present garbage contracts expire June 30th and requested that steps be taken to prepare aduertiaements for nag bids. By resolution the matter was referred to the Clerk and Counsel. ]fir. John Bloomer, Commissioner of Public Welfarq, a:ppaaref: in person to report that as directed at a previous meeting, he had made a. search for new quarters for him office and recommended.q G 0_.:._.. C2 .a. %hat they be located in the North End Republican Club on Mamaroneck Avenue at the rental of $50.00 per month. A place on the ground floor is absolutely necessary, he said.. Upon, motion by Justice Leeds seconded Justice esser® T�i b;,�� smith, it was upon roll call unanimously RESOLVED, that the matter of ne-z quarters for the Commissioner of Public Welfare be referred. to Counsel and a special committee to be appointed by the Supervisor with pose_= to act. The Supervisor appointed to this committee ; Justices Boyd, i"essersmitn and Leeds. The Clerk asked the Board what it wished to do about the application of the Blue Club Coach Lines, Inc. , for permission to stcp in the Town to pick up and drop passengers. The matter was referred to Counselor Gamble. Mr.. Frederick ii.. Shermans Clerk of the Westchester Joint Water Works , No. It appeared before, the Board and stated that certah of the reservoirs and other property of the Westchester Joint Water Works, YoT 1, had been assessed heretofore on the Assessment Roll of the Town of I4-ama-rnneck, and also stated that the property was owned by said Westchester Joint Water Works, No. It which was water district creatdd by a special act of the Legislature ana consisted of the Torun of lomaroneck, the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town of Harrison. 109 That said property was in fact-, municipally Owned and devoted to a municipal purpose , to-wit, a ',rater works property serving the three aforesaid municipalities and run by them jointly, and that as such, said property should be marked egempt. He stated that there had been a question since the acquirement of said property from the old privately* owned ':Water Company, as to the specific boundary lines of the property within the Town of Mamaroneck, which he and the Assessors of the Town of Mamaroneck had recently settled, and that it had therefore been impossible heretofore for the Water District to pay certain taxes which had accrued on said property, although they were ready, able and willing to do so, with the result that said taxes had been unpaid and penalties had azarued thereon through no fault of either municipality or the Water board® He stated that the Ea� e Board has at this time ready to pay the same and in his opinion the penalties and interest should be cancelled. After discussion, upon motion, duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and Receiver of Taxes be and they hereby are authorized and evpowered and directed to cancel all penalties and interest which have heretofore accrued on the property* owned by Westchester joint rater Works, No. 1, ant to a ccept in payment of said taxes the flat amount thereof due and tendered by Mr. Sherman, Clerk of the :cater Board at this meeting, to--,wit, : 940.23 in full payment of such taxes for the year 1929 for school taxes. Supervisor Burton advised the Board that the Special Act heretofore approved by this Board, "Te Authorize and Enable the - City of Near Rodhelle , the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont to jointly widen, deepen, straighten, and otherwise improve for drainage purposes Pine Brook and its tributary water -- courses, all in said City, Town and Village it Westchester County, State of New York, and to severally issue bonds or other obligations to defray the cost thereof" , had been passed by the Legislature and. signed by the Governor on April 6 . 1930 , and became Chapter 260 of the Laws of 1930. He further stated that the Mayors of said City and Village respectively and he as Supervisor of the Town had met in accordance with said act and Organized at a meeting of said 'Fine Brook Da page Commission held at Mayor Otto 's office on April 22nd, 1930; had duly elected Mayor Otto of the City of New Rochelle , Chairman of the Said Commission; Munroe Stiner< Mayor of the Village of Larchmont, SecretarZ, and Supervisor Burton of the Town of TMAmaroneck, 'Treasurer, that said Commission had appointed 7ngine:r the were working on plans, and the Commissionn had ordered them to take soundings and borings , etc. ; that a preliminary planhad been presented and discussed, and that the Commission .,-ere going fo'_G;c.-ad. Tiit the +..'ork as rapidly as possible, that he would keel' the Board informed on the matter from time to time. He stated that at the meeting of the Board held on May 6th a resolution had been adopted that each o e-.f the three '1'?:xnicipalities _- immediately contribute five per cent-. (5%) of their proportionate share of 5100 ,000..00 provided in the Act to be jointly provided by said municipalities, and it was necessary to pay for engineeking wrok, tests, etc. . The AG.'t pr0vided that the Town of Mamaroneck would contribute ; 25 ,OOO. and that 55 thereof would be $1250.00; t' r 'g e therefore that he authorized to issue the Supervisor sUegest„d, , be a.� a certificate or certificates of indebtedness in the amount of not J0 sx_Qeed 15•,QOO.00$ and to a the same over to the Commission n . �.�_�ae �.o Milner_' pay �s resolutions are adopted by said Commission requesting additional payments, X11 The Supervisor ad0ed the Board that Counsel to the Town of Mamaroneck had been appointed one of the Counsel to the Pine Brook Drainage Commission, and that he was familiar with the request and with the provisions of the Special Act. Counsel stated that it was proper for the Town Board to authorize the Supervisor to issue a certificate of indebt- edness, the same to be paid out of the proceeds of bonds which _...- . would be hereafter issued. --- After discussion, upon motion duly seconded it was RESOLVED, that the report of Ir Supervisor and the Counsel beg and the same is hereby approved; and further RESOLVED, that whereas the Pine Brack Drainage Commission authorized under the -provisions of Chapter 260 of the Laws of 193Os have requested the Town of iamaroneck to pay over to said Commission for the purposes of the said Com- mission as provided in said Chapter 260 of the Laws of 1930, a. Dortion of its contribution and will require further funds: in the near future for said purposes; and WHZRFASg pursuant to said Chapter 260 of the laws of 1930 of the Town Laws of the State of Yew York, the Torn Board may cause certificates of indebtedness to be issued, the same to be a Toxin charge , the proceeds of which certificates shall be applied in payment of the cost of construction as in said Special Act provided; therefore be it RESOLVEDt that the Supervisor be and he hereby ,iqs authorized and empowered in accordance with ',. lihapter 264 of the Lawns of 1930 and the Lag=s of '.. the State of New York to borrow upon the faith and credit of the Town of Eamaroneck the svm of not to e xceed five t=04Sand dollars ($5,004m 00) p and to issue a temporary certificate or certificates of indebtedness in said amount, which shall bear interest at a rate of not to exceed 6% per annum payable at such time or times as the Supervisor may fix, not exceeding, however, fifteen (15) months from the date hereof and to sell or dispose of said certificate or certificates of 'indebtedness for not less than the par value thereof; and further RESOLVE'D, that said certificate or certificates of indebtedness shall be in substantially the following form:: UNKED STATES OF 1SLTRICA STATE OF N7W YORK COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER TOWN OF EAM RO`ECTE: Certificate of Indebtedness Issued Putsuant to Chapter 260 of the Laws of 19301 of the State of New York, far the Pine Brook Drainage Commission, - Series 1- The Tov n of Namaro'f'eck, in the Count " of Westchester, a hunicipal Corporation of the State of New York, hereby acknow- ledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to 1" bearer hereof, or if it be registered, to the registered holder, on the aum of lawful money of the United States of America with interest thereon from late at the rate of per centum per annum, both principal and interest being payable in lawful money of the United States at This Certificate of Indebtedness is one of an issue of $5,000>00, of Certificates of Indebtedness heretofore authorized in the sums of having been heretofore issued, being issued pursuant to the provisions of the ToTown Iaw constituting Chapter C% of the Consolidated Laws of the Slate of ',.. Neer York, A 9xfx3 �vx _ r and and Chanter 260 of the Lairs of 1930 df the State of DDew Yorl b an in strict compliance with the Constitution and Statutes of the State of New York and by virtue of a resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Hanaraneck regularly and lawfully adopted May 7th, 1930. It is hereby certified and recited that all the condition:, acts and things required by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of New York to exist, to have happened and to be performed. _ ^ecedent to and in the issuance of this, Certificate of Indebtedness enistt have happened and hale been performed, and that the issue of Certificates of indebtedness of which this i one, together with all other indebtedness of said Town of Yararoneck is within its debt and other limits prescribed by the and Laws of Constitution » this State. IN WITNESS V!HFRFOF, the Town of Mamaroneck, through its Town Board, has caused this Certificate of Indebtedness to be signed by its Supervisor and the corporate seal of said Town to be hereunto -__ affixed and attested by its Town C erk g and this Certificate of Indebtedness to be dated this day of 193 Supervisor i Attest ; Town -Cle r.�. Further RESOLVED, that the Town of h imaroneck hereby covenants to - r the Drincipal and interes ., of said certificate or certificates of indebtedness of the amount he-eiiabove provided as the same shaa.l.l, become due by levying assessments upon property in the Town of Ha?'a roneck at such time or times and in such amounts as may be necessaryI to _ay said principal and interests further RESOLVED, that he Town of Yamaroneck hereby covenants further, in case of default `v 1 a in carrying out the foregoing covenant's, the said Town else by taxing all taxable property in said To rn of Hamarnneck from time to the sun or sums sufficient to pay the principal and ti interest of said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness as the same shall become due. There being no further business, upon motion the meeting adJourned_ at midnight®. Town Clerk V