HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_02_21 Town Board Minutes C) 4,0 A. 11 S_D7CT­L �C ,`T C, -7 " T C-' 1,T Fe b ru- 4� -,11 -, �� I j�1z-_ -, ,0 -fin an' -D-: -T 12 C, r,-_a -V s c c l -IT a, ' � n­ t"n e ln ' c _11e�o - __nut -s The Su­,-vl.�c- ­ t c,a ha c '7c z _Leen 2 r he bcL of 'he _Po 7 1 Cc` C ormai es 7 a rl j-. C-F f=v UOon plot, on; duly s-ccnded . ­ s --or, 1-17, ur!F n 1�1 a'--1E 1-v hz+ t-'-e bDnf,_- off' JB u an--' CZ! Robe_--�- H� Cr�­:vfo:,d e- -� Plilice Crma rw-,n on r i e n d e Co e s -J o-,K e n 01 ii -I ° I e 7,s om poSt t FDA ._.._ r that sum r• ram beea e, ,n-, c,-7 a c- I n c u"r:-e ac, l4 -1 -Ia I 5 5 bal ^nne ol 1 r F',_-1 __ 7 j-,,1Q� �-, T =/C- of 'he Stc ' � �h= c­ns+=l­Eiar, of Anf -P n a J t i,l f,:;.2 th- of -a-cen 7 11S =ln"_Lric i�s -r I), on, _err, pa,� � PLC, Yc:fk an ,, -I-,�- '�� J f I'_ o _n c s : :P a c t. it c, r c e q,n s z e n -7 S f c c c n z re n 11f r II: %-Te,/n-_i- orif. We2-, t e H, -il 1 c t eU_ R n on S e o--n e q & ie F, E r e e t /e C 0-r n- rva J f t c-,-n-- o f e a r r e c t and 65 W=7AS, the Supervisor has -renent1-y/7eCei7a4- from the at Comptroller of the State of Ye7 York, the sum of 113 ,135. 98 being the unex- o9nded balance of the share chargeable to the 7o-- n for the construction a-- Weaver Street : and 773JR71So, incurred u7ting Sala ptreet 11, 500.00 has been the land n2cess2ry 016, 439, 87 has been ex- by th, SuDerviqor for ccnptr- intersections and, the gi-arn, of paid for the acquisitfon of therefor: and WANREAS , the Supe-viisr hag ajolied the said gi,aln of 213 � 135. 98 received from the State CrAl7 trope r, as; stated above , tc7prjs the w7ment of the cost of said street intersections and the cost ?f 2couiring the Said land; and 1HEMAS , the Supervisor and Town S ent of Highway, have reported that sum o' 110,000 in necessary tc pay the cost of said improv2ment ; an-, nperiweno - the additicns', the balance of ,7117P,74.f , this Board desires to raise the said sUln of 210, 000. hoar the purpose stated above : no-,: therefore , it is RESCLVED, that the action of the SumeTvAscr in FollYing Ole said sum of 313 ,135. 98 rewesentLng th- unexpended b=lance of the share chargepble to the Town of 11pniarcreck for the construction of Weaver Strest towards the cost of construtin�-,, the above named street intersections end the - couisition of the land necessary 2 n7 that our;osE , be an? On some hereby is ratified and ionfirmso : Pro i7 is further R]FSOLITF,-D th, " hiZh7vy tcnds in thg sum of 310 ,00000 be sold by this Boord fon the purpose of psying tie cost of conitructing the fcllonfng street intersections , n/N & n/7 CO=r- Of WIMa - AVenUe & 02Ver Street f : cornerg of Myrtle Avenus end WPP77- Sfrppt W 1/2 s/7 corneas ic/W & a A7 Wine re 7 /p 5 F/e corni -9 n/eT &' conns7q n,A,-- ac, cornars n/E s/e corners n/e F s/e ccrnErR ny! & W C07015rs of Adgewosd Avenue & . ep-er Street of Hilicreet Avenue & Teaver Monet -0 Fern7oci Road and �ea-er Street of Colonial Avenue and Weaver Street of Plv moo'tb Road and deF-sr SzTeet of Briarcliff Road an? Usver Street of Wrest A-enuE Rn! WE--er Street of PK= We and Wea7er Streetq Ena econi-ring tyc lande necessary therefor; on? it fF fulther RFS0177D, that Its Superviss: Is an! hereby is Pvthcrized and enjn7ered to bcw7n- uorn the -1- izh Fni c7exit of the T=n of H-azAnsck the sum of $10 , 000 by P temparary ce-tiffcr -s of inislot- edn= Fy 7hich at-!! be due an! jaynblE - t such tim� - - the Save -00= may lete7mine qcnfinZ the issuance ew-'' P-Ig of biah-my .on dq Fne that a- !, to q, cF-tTficP7e of inlebteoness togethsT 7ith the interest to Pccrus th—nn sh-11 be rn' f out of the groceeds , of the sale Of t s nf=eWid Qh-V-y bonds : and it is further F= WWI Ra&TLVTD, that the Suporviso- and Tov-n Clerk execute such DFners and documente as may be necessary an! groper to effect V// the gala C.T. spit bonds by P temnorary cert - ' ficate of indebtedness, The ouEstion of thE PAc-pticri of the foregoing resclutio-nflB 77s rut to - vite rhich resulted Pz follo7s - Aven : 5 Fogs : none The A02 declared th7 resolutions unanimously atowed. Supervisor Burton presents' hi, annual r­oho I,- be fiacal year ending DEcem-oEs, 3,let , 1922 and rEc-u e a t e d/p On 0-1 C' On of the eFme as re-Ared by K- be authorized. Ujon motion, duly male and seconded, it was ujon roll. Coll, unanimonsl- RESOLVED, that the annual revort of the Suner- visor for the fisc-I year enhing December list . 2_929 be accepted and publighed one time in the Doily Times according to in-. The Clerk pre acting County 7nginee - c ion' on a mpg shun ing snce with Section 320-3 3ented making "propo of tie Y communication from a second rEcuest to Bed system of County Hkh-ay Ls-. 31 Hc-ard P. Bsrnes- the Boa. d for Roads in acco7d- Mr. Barnes stated ihat the uano had Peen submitted to Ag ZoTn Board for its consideration and ajoroval and that he had not yet heard -hat action had been taken. The Supervisor reouested that no action be taken at thQ tm and upon motion, duly lode and seconled the matter vas ordered laid over. The Supervisor rpKcrted in connection wLth the budget for the year 1930 , -hi eh he said he -isbed disposed N Tmmediately� that it .as in order for the Ta7n Board to request th Board of Supervisors to estimate for the Town the orobabiq revenue -hich -oulf be credited to the To-n by reason of the income tax, in order that such estimated amount might be deducteA from the Fmoundf County tax levied against the To7n. He saif that Is, considered the Prount of 132 . 500. 00 to be the amount -4ich should be so credit- ed and asked the v1pro7al of t Board for thiSum. k resolution appro7ing this sun, duly mate and seconded, was upon rcil call unanimously 2K27ed: ant upon motinn, dulv mate an! seconded, the fK10'aing resolution -Fs also unanimcusly ado pted - WHRREAS, by Charter thirtv-cne of the Z- 's of nineteen hundred and twenty, vrovision has been madebIn the Westchester County Tax L-- for estim- P7ingYths Board of Surervisore of the arobable revenue from the state incoe tax cwher-nine CTFd- ' table to the different m to7us ; on-' 1HYRFAS, egia act pro7ileg that if a Sup Erviscr of any town files -iih the Boar! of Sumerviso7q q certified co -y of a resolution Pd-cpted bv the T= Board of any such town, requestinp; the Ba�rd of Sung-visors to estim-te for SAO to in the prob- oble revenue which it be cretited to w7ch tc7n by reason of the ncome tax, that the Board of Surer- Visors Shall eStiWtE such DrCbRble re7enue and direct the Clerk of said Bo zy' to deduct such est- 4 amount from th- Fmount of county NX levied Pq- inst each of the towns recuestinn such deduction, YET, therefore , be it 69 RESOLVED, that the Board of Superviaors be recuested to 2„ t„; for the Toyn of Mamaroneck thl arnb9ble rs-enue which would be credited to such tc by renscu. of the income tax, and be it furth5--, RESOLVEI), th t the Suoerviss:e be Ent hs hereby in authorized end directed tc flip vith the Board of Supervisors of Westchester County a certified enn- of this resolution, The Supervi5or reau, sted that befone the To7n Budget be sqDro-ed , the fcard should first Fyrrave the PolicE Bulget, The Clerk rend the Police Budget and upon motion, duly nEds and seccnded . it was upon roll call , unanimously aspro-ed vq read and set forth be iv- :- STATE OF N74 YORK OOTTZfY 07 7STCI 577RISS- TC71-j 07, TC THE HOPORABLE MORG7 W. BUITOX, SUPFRVIqOR and the T07Y BO APT) OT TH7 T 07 TNIF,_Y_ -,17= , IT. Ya Ennorable and Dear Sirs . PurEusnt to the tut. c in such instance made aMl qTovifeA, ths Police Commissioners of the T07n of Uhm7ronpch, DO H"TIBY CERTIFY, the following as -n estimate of ths amount -hick it -ill be necessary to raise for As payment of the exDEnses of maintaining such police force for the ysP7 195% Per vreFr 1 Attain - Chief of Police $3soowc $M00. 00 3 Sergeants 19 2800.00 8400.00 3 Patrolmen 2500. 00 7500. 00 1 A tr c ?200. 00 MAO. 00 1 Potonim-n (M M0. 00 21MOO 5 Pvtrolmsn 2120. 00 (x! MOO &O 1 An!to i,200. 00 1200.00 Q46 ' FVO.Oo N077 : (y) Part year only estimated. HAIFTEYATC7 & 007RATTON: Cool MOM,, Gasoline sni Oil 180000 Car and Ko-ozcycls Repairs 1000. 00 Telenhone Trunk Lines and Axtension- 200C. 00 TAE-Type Traffic Signals MMO Stationary Y7! Reference Toole 20%00 Insurance 2000.00 Petty Routine Exacnset 3oo. n.n 8392. 00 YK 3 to wage 71 83000.00 1 NeT Ca-� 510. 0c, 1 EeT motorcycle 275, 00 Waswo C0--TTI--,-,G71TT FTj'i-,7—)t 3600.00 3600, 00 TOTAL ESTIMATE J2597.00 Q7F97. 010 Dyted: This 11th day of Februpry, 1230, POLICE C=ISSIONTR3 0 THE 70-,-tT, Cl� M�J.I-ROi7Cii by Enrl. J. Gorey C Q i rMa TE S tE . R. 4. Crawford Secretary The Supervisor then said he 7as ready to consider the Tc-n Budget and stated that unNer the qrEsaure of other busines� he regretted he could nmt give it Re much time as h: liked and reounsted immediste Poproval. The Clerk thereupon read of the items in the buAget. Uton motion. by juptice Bove, seconded by to Wqp7qmith, it -Ps upon roll on!! unanimous!yr RESOLVED, thpt the budget of t"a Town of Hamaron- ok fny the yEar 1970 as rep d bv the Clerk nnd set forth Win-, be �prrcved and thot the Supervisor present the same to the Board of Sur—vizors _ or their adoption. B U D G 7 T 07 THE TO-7-N OF -v,1-A,-,a-',RU7CK,17W YORK lq30, Firstr-RITSOLVNI), that there be levied on? assessed upon the tonsbie prone-t` of the Town n-F' byFroneck and collected. and ashen collected n0d to the SuTerviRoz . the following vmcunts- for the purpose he natter set forth, to WN A. Me pay the salary of the SupervNcr under the Vpstchnsier County &Y Act 4, 250.00 B, To of the sal2ry of the Clerh to the Suservicri 3 ,600. 00 C To opy 1 saiar7 of tic To7n Clerk 4.250a o D, To ppy the splary of the Recei-er of Tones 6 ,750.00 E. To OP7 tic s?lnry of the Ansessoys 8,700. 00 V, To ppy the salary of the Overseer of the Poo-,- 2 ,100. 00 G. To .pry the splary of the Office AssisYnts 3050.00 H. 7c, Day the con?ens5ticn for janitor service 1,500. 00 U To p27 the rent of Tn7n Offices L Juctices Courts 5,160. 0c J. To pay for the te7noT?ry support of the POcra 012tcoc. inns eyount ovoil-blF for sych purposes K. To may the QlcTences for Public 4 ealth Yurses P,380, 0c ,77 he page 75 L To pay for lie mo7isi Day Appropriation and rent American Legion Quarters U. Tc pay for the punchase of Voting HachinEs E. To pay the saary of the Superinten"ent of High-ays AI!o7arnea . etc. 4, 50O. Co 0 To nay the ssl, r7 of the Suqn-viFow , under the HighrEy Lar, 2 'ocono & To Day for the ccnotruction an? repairs o' brilgeF 5, 000. 0c Q. To pay for the remcvaD of snow, cutting weeds ., bushes , stc, 71500no To pay for the purchase and repair of machinery, tools , etc. 3 ,000.0c) K ToAny the principal of State Highway Bo Nc . 16 Q� & R. Irepro"emente) 2'000ac T. To pav the interest of State Highway Bon,- (B. P. R. improvements ) 45w0 U. To pay the principal of State High7oy Bond , Yo. 4 Er Street Tm-p-ovea,--nt) ls000wo V. To nay the interest of State Hiqh7ay Bonds (Weaver Street Imorc7ement) let issue 525. 00 7. To -opy the in'orest of State Highway Bonds (Weaver Street imago 7ement) 2nd issue. 1,557.00- X. To pay the in-e •eEt of State Highway Bonds (Weaver Street Wrovement) W jesue 40C. 50 Total 77SS7. 50 Less amount available i. _al amount, Town at large 60'j8% 5O A x x :K OUTSIDE OF THE VILLAGES 07 1ARCHMONT AY7 InInROY70, SECOJD: -RI3SOL7EDj that there be levied and assessed upon the tP=b1c -o-rre7ty of the T,nn a' Wnprcn tic's , lying outxite the cow-norats limits of the Villages of Wnchmont app:. E-amarcreck, and collected , and when collected paid to the Supervisor, the following amounts for the pur2oees hereinafter set forth, t: wit - k. To nay for the reD2ir and improvement of HiZhwsys 45 .000. 00 B. To pay tn principal of the EurrFy Avenue Completion Bonds Yo. 15 17000.00 Q To pay the intEre050f the Murray Avenue Comnletion Bonds 45. 00 D. To pay the principal of the Murray Avenue Wening Bonds Nos. 1 and 2 2,000 00 !a qnv the in7Fre;t of the Hurroy Avenue Wiiening Boni-, 2 ,11NOO To pay tK principal of the Chats7orth Avenue improvement Bonds To. 8 1,000.00 G. To pay the interest of the Chatsworth Avenue Improvement Bonds 15O. 00 H, To pay the principal of Highway and Sto-Irl Water droin 3onis Yos, 11 va 20 inclusive 107000ao I, To ley the interest of High =,I and Stor,,n Water Drain Bond-, 10 , 575. 00 J, To pay No the oreservation of Peace d2,507.00 K. To pay thq salary of the Health Officer 1 ,500. 0c 11. To rav tbF salTry of the Reg0trer of Vital statihims 500. 00 hi To pay tis s8' -y of the incPactor of Construction 2 ,700. 00, Y o pay the spYry of the Building MIEN= 2 ,600. 00 0. To pay the re^tn! of street lizhts l5j(lnoo P. To -o-v the Interest on HiQ7Fy improvement Bonis (1929 Issue ) 10025. 00 Total orno�,ji-it , Outside District 0166,907, 00 I DIRTRICT NO. 1 THIRM-RESOLVAD, th? t there be isvi2d pr_. vs9essed uron t": 07mbir prope-fy of the Town of Hemaron-zck, lying within District Fc. 1 and collected, end when collected, paid to the Supervi soz , the f ollowing amounts f co., the purpose hereinafter Est forth, to win - A. To pqv the princip-1 of Fire House Bonds Yog. 50 to 56 inclusive a .500. 00 B. To pay the in'srest of Fire House Bon0 97ZOO C. To spu the ryincimp! of Fire Apparatus Bonds, Not: i to 3 inniulive 3 ,000.0c D. To pay M interest of Fire Arperatus Bonds 830.00 F. To pay for the rental of Fire Hydrants 7,100.00 F. To pay the compensation of Special Officers 7 , 740. 00 G. To pay for supplies, eo,.-,.ipment, =intenence of Mae Apparatus 5 ,000so H. To pay for maintenance and operation of Mrs House 3 '500zo is To 7pv for the collection Fnd dinnosal of ashes , garbage , r°fuse , etc. 12,500.00 J. To pay the principal of Park District Bonne, Mo. 1 to 5 inclusive 5,00mo K. To pay the interest on Park District Bonds 23 .872. 50 L. To pay for the maintenance of Mks 9 '00mo M Eneple Hill Drain, Supreme Court Order, December 13 , 1929 1,436. 59 Total anount, District yo. 1, 81 707 RTH:-HTSOL7EDq that there be levied an? assessed upon the taxable property of the To7n of Mamaroneck, lying within District Yo. 2 and collected, and when collected, paid to the Supervivor, the following amounts for the purpose hereinafter set forth, to wit : K To pay for the rental of Fire Hydrants 120.00 B, To pay for the -EntFi of Fire House 350A0 A To pay for the cn7l-ction of GaTbagey etcP 1.50400 Total amount, District, No! ? 8170700,0 7 SEWER DISTRICT th- t th7re be letisO ans aggy—M r7on th- t7-nbls --orp7tv V ths Tn7n of EamaronEck , lying -Abin Sewer District No. 1 and collected , -K -hon coll?ctel. told to the Supervimor the follo7ing amount, for th,7 ju7j,Fe herFinafter set forth, t- -U - A. To pay he princiaql en! interest on Bonds 165 ,700. 00 B. To pay for the operp4ion, m-intenance , etcs of the Dispooal Plant 100MOO Total amount, Sewer District No® 1 575 ,070.00 Total $391ina. 59 Upon motion, the meeting ad1"cqrnx? 5t 11 :50 A. H.