HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_02_19 Town Board Minutes 49
11 Oy ii IAR317C_,K� Na Y.
held February '_9th, 197Q
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Bu-to-Lj
st 2:30 A 0
Pre sent Sunervisor Burton
Justices Boyd , Le Me enn Messer9mith
Town Clerk Yarvin
Counselor Gamble
The Supervisor stated that a speciRl meeting of the
Town Board had been called to receive bids for $198, 000, 00 Water
Unon motion. it was v to dispense with the reading
C" the minutes °..f1A the cell , ant that the same be anproved as
of bids. Upon motion. it was voted to proceed with thp opening
examined. BiAR fro six concerns were duly onsned, tabulated aw,
Wbo-pupen, the following resolution was offered
Tuctice Boyd and seconded by Justice Hessernmith.
UMRMS , 190000. Water Works System Bonds and
1100 ,000. Water. Distribution System Bonds of
the Town of Mona rcneck to be datel Jung 1 , 8.927
and February 1, 1932 rest- ^t . vely. hove heret6-
fore been duly authorized to be issued ant have
been duly Pdvertisel for sale , senjad propcspis
to be received until 2 :30 o 'clock P.H. , on the
Mth Hey of Feb r=7 , 1970, at the office of
the To7n Clerk, No. 6 Elm Street in spit Village -
WHITRMAS , the following bids .,are rec r
eived fo
snif bonds at spid time and place , tc -it :
Xnmo of B,_, Fier. Rate of
interesO Price Bia�
MI r ire Tou,t C o. Buf f 2
George B . Gibbons 4� 7n
100. 543
Lehmpn Bros. 4&0 100�27
Roosevelt a son 4.70 100. 539
B. J. An ingen ql_% ioo. V9
Trust Camnany of Laichmont 4970 iocMi
iIHT=AS the lowest rate of interest bid for
spid $198,000 bonds stated in P multiple of
either one-tenth or e ouerter of one per
centum per annum. was 4+ Ver cent; and
tris highest bin at such lowest rate
of interest 7e ; the bit of Arine Trust gompany
of Buffalo who offers& tc Durchpae said 1198,00?0
bonds bearing i^ errs at thE r-te cf 4+ ne-
3entum per annuca and to 7ay therefor pa; OrjuF ,
? ccruee "Ierest MA 2 OrEmivail. of 11 .261 . 26
P rine
,7150L'77D. -h- L- the sffe- of
L' 4
Trust Cot..-r�:�ny be arl_ the s?ml .L, he--,=b7,,
nd, 'hat Sa.1 c,D.198,000 bond- be-..l 4
a.-2+r_ e e t a is %,.h^F i t,_- c -o e r c e n tumi I-c r
, , - lie P- ,.-r!_�d a e Ll n- T-u°_t
Corqfanv a-t tln� -o-i -ce
9'198 , 00✓ bonds Shall
h--l-,e been dlu7V e_,recutec' th= samc, -111�11 be deli-ve-e d
tr) thE- -:)-urch� s r )a--m nt 3f thp -ou,_,chase p-_�_ce
th� Tcr,-n, C -f�k a,r r t-1 h- r 2 c e f t h T
be a f 1 a c c,u i n- t o s� i u c h- e r
sl:all not be oblige6 to see to t1h=
of th- pi:,-�chase _Yrcrl--Y�
T'3, 'o.re.-olng resolu-i
a s C_uu ,
unarlmntcluslly 2Cl0-,tef
i_.ye60 su,-D 77 i c o- B U--t 0 la
Ju-,tines BO'T? Tee an-i We,g s- remith
o C)1.,! rea0 U on
1,,a S c° Fred. by Jun ire Boyd
e c 0-11 f 13-Y Ja: vice Leeds ;
RrSGZVHPD. th- L h' e Tc r Clerk b= a-nf lhe hereby
,h OrIze" P-n-' directe to re-, ur-,,.i tc -he
i , , - I - I
:E° _ -_ ,TE checks
up-In th- prc-_oea receJot-_- be n-
=1 it. J_- further
R-7' -hat Col,,nSplor GP.Lribie for the To-.-,rn
and SIDccial Cor,nse 7 _Tsser for Wate
the i �
L - I __ -D I,-tr
lo e ?-1 ,J1 they ln-ieb7l,,T are auth—_,ized anf,. em-co,.-Tered
Cen -h ` n of c=:. id bc)nds 2n,. 'o
o al to t - prinl .�.
de--' i,-.,e--,., of s; id bonds®
Th- Su-oc_-VJI-or t nlied the
U re scntp :-_7C8 of 5 7,e-12 1 I.
of t'le bidders -i-!ho e _c)-r-sent in -person for their interest
in slbni-ting a bid.
h4cll had been
Coim�:el -o-__senlFd F.
d� -ted bT the for th'`-i
CjJt.T of !,-,e-,Ti Ro-h(- 11e .
,!'I,e Village of L�-_-Cb_,fionr arG ac nt: fo- th= To-Tr 0-
Mam-,=neck< to be -or= site(l to +1 Q-, the o "T
Y,-1 L
�nr �do- h-1 c h �de s fc-_ 'he v.74 -le PI Er, i
4, c n, -o-,.074 4
h o 4
-fo-r arc o=-ozcs -Pine
courses, He s {ham� t 'he offic ' sls
of s F,,,i C 'L h:�P e manic 4 as -he 4
e _. c
i1_:o a' -4 s a u Ft s d G.1;=. I tL e f_Or
some z lim an-� tha t t,vi g Zn°bling _=gin
b -p4d -a J c i -0 1 i t J e a t 0 -j J, n L T make Said i m,_-o v,e ol n,-
He t 3 a -hat Em^bl in, L,_
�c U had been Pr��sen .�O tc
30--l-f- of T-_-us c- � of the -7 Jil ll Flll to the Cl,-_rimsorj
Clorncil -nd. I-Hayo-, c f thCe C, 4L-,Y- C 1 IT77s Roche 17 F , by t1hei-r resi -c iTe
, -,- �)7� L
Cln "-_'Or cition Counsel , and thaz. e,�- ch of cat.,.f, -a a d., i c s p"?r' a a --o t e d I.
r e s c 1.u t ion F,ri rC 7 T.i ?l�Z yj�,,,b7
c e rtr, 'n In-n�LnFnt-�,
o - .f ".,2- TJn of
so that n� -Jons
I sa " - -solut-,
C .Ulu be --s=-nted to t`,�s Le 4 9
D 7 e i- cmneoti.,r
'- ^„
n :_v,_n�. ee
pol- 4-C-roduced end e-_n,� 3te�l into "a-a.
Donn mo 4 ,n Of -Lee:,lc . 7ECn l by
H7, th,
lR7,SOLV"-:D �j.T thp Officials �nf_
1`s�3 c_ ' ve governing bodi-o o ti,e
7e-,-: Rs c h-1' c Vli I 1 �qe o� Lc
T c,.,.,n of Lie
LO 'nu' a pl Or th, d,
,in g 0
ng 0 4 B o c1c a-r,�, i+
-1 CoU_ F-
of Rcch,--, lc ,
211- Of LErch-mont
o r ]�F``la.0 n�c k z
WH=AT in order to cprry oat said plan and
to carry sail imorcvement to completion in is
n� ceqesry that enabling legislation be enacted
into lane by the Legislature of the State c-'
re7 York -ith the Rpyroval of the Go-e7ncr;
WH7REAS, this Board believes that said improve-
ment should be undertaken Fri her corazinted,
-ill be a benefit to the Tonn of Eama7hack,
and is Tilling to Day a propo `ti one tq share ,
to--it, Trenty-five (251) to cent of the
cost of sail improvement anA to approur_are
the necessary funds thTrsfor ; and
WHEREAS, Counsel for the respective municipalities
have prepared an Enabling Aco to be p7esented to
the Legislatu7e cf the State cf Ye7 York
en titled, %n-Ait-to vjjj2jijj_,nF_ enable th-F
City of Te� Roc hell To7n
e , the of Hq_-_,,naro-_nPo`e and]
Phu i7s trioupry 7ster
=Aefj7;7 th! cost th-r of ' " ahich Counsel to this
no7rd has presenf& to this Board for its vpwo-El ,
therefore be it
RESOLVED , that this Board do and it h, r,by does
elyro-e of the eforesqii 7n?b in
lg Act so presented
to it and in the form as drafted by (vounTel for
the City of le'!. Rochelle , t4- Villoge of Larchmont
and the To'. n of Wra -vnnck. an" herein resanctfully
requests the Legislature of the State of Yen York
to Fdoot end to enact the same , anf furth-r respect-
f ul 1v -e ne Rts the Go-,e r-_r.or cf tr,- Stz, -c )�
York t' F7OY07E of the sFme -hen so enacte6 , so
th?t the wid improvement mey be o-rried to completino.
- T in s- if act contemplated, fu7th--_�
77SCL ,TTIF) '-hot this BoTre conqEnts to such amend-
-=n to the semc be0w Pena thereto by the Leg-
i2lature of the SUN ;f N7 Ycrk , 1,=Zed the sams
4o not substantially or mzteria7lv -Iter the several
respective righ ts . w-ers nN Putins th-roin act
T-rth, or chpnZe or alter the respective Irwor-
tirnFte amounts of the cost of said imi7ovemEnt
to be borne by each respective mnnfnipility�
The oussticn of the Kcaticn of th- foregoing resolutions
was put to P vote with the fillo7ing result -
Ae a : 5
Noyse : none
After discussion it was upon motion, auly seconc&'_
RFULVED. th:' the next meeting of the To 7n Board
be held on Frilpv , February 21st, at 10 A. U.
Supervisor Burton, announcing that he was compelled to
laqve thd m-eting at that tin= for ether business , presented a letter
from Mrs. Keredith B120 Lovelace , Secretary of the Civic and
Public Welfrre Den, rtment of the Woman 's Club of Larchiaont in
regard to E970 !roc ccll_act one
Man motion by Justice jeews , seconded by Justice Lesser-
smilh, Justice Boyt took the chair as presiding officer upon the
departure of SuDerv0or EL on,
CT 091alosse: @q - 0261 D;UL.s
xQ0013wa1 go Ua3l IV; go
qoupuTyno zu;UO2 K; jo QuIddy go pamoL lq�.
03 SaDqMGM aq; go 30TO90 go Spas; 9q; BU;ZT.;
Uc7;njcSa,z ou; go ;and ; 1q; 4aq4
Gj& ;T ipqmoas AM UoTnuz U01-ci
SU0j; 0Sn!AU00 0;0 q;j� 3jp, ,, , M M WT
q 01 eny_
SWOU Me ISK 114L;S Mang aMlAiMnS
,2891 gun no qqTME
6ae'l 0,; jcj sscac
snd, z Spa, jo; aou:ja
SM2A One; aog wo;;0ISGOE
WEAS 9A;j a0j q4nop
'L T
Maca unol sq; go 1S A0 8q; 0 ally ! 120110 .4 j so pq STAR4 21 4 -0 -
; 9sanco go jay;qnG 'pazygnusa jou,
AM T &RA TUE Sinsaw go palog 6 q; ac Sa2qmaw aq; q;TM apv;am aqa
p@ssncsjp pzq aq ;oq; jajujS SH 09TU&NO 22 DOUESUjoao ZUTUD%
VQ 10 A U00036 WT yousp"Good U! 0909 nou pq
psxlj ;aojo;avaq U29q 0. lie qDjq0 Sle9day go palog juaGsn_-
sq; go aoiggo ;c ;won; ;q1 9P US u7aapq je ujQQ9F jc zuw6pulmn
'T as a; ;aInsanc ;eq! papuammoova qaoj ;aDqq. 79sunon,
WOST.A.19anS sq; Q pq;uu;jjsq; aq IlaqG ,-
10 u'RAOTAC 1q; ;SQ IOPIAOad onja UOT;Oag pTaS 40q; fpOCSopoopp,cT
Zonal 10 may; aq; go UcT;UajdxD sq; a Pau poag saa;L aATj go May;
a acy pplujodfy pq 11sq2 0aoSSq3cnS J15q; to Quo IUM;uToade
QK "W1 M Meal MOVE ;ATj go WaQ e aoj @Uo Puy Gan,f ZnCg go
Mae; a log ;U0 Ways qqaq go wig; e 10; sac t2andh am; go Mag;
e aog quo of yuc go Wa9z py; aeg @cTigo ploq 111q, ouc pq;uToade
;SjTj pa-M SW 10 ,a m u_ MIJOW Put 1IL a9WIT10 PINS a! U
SS pp;U101 Uspq pan 2E Micas ' 9,61 go anal sul go ITL aq;cTSYD
10 STROTETACOd Qq q;pu 100S aq; urjCjno0 04 apnW ;6nj @oUWUy;,C
5ulauz aq; 1; ;uWM;u&We v, ppun ley; ;nq Sou nuTpao Suluoz
SO TO 26 110TIOPS Ulm DZURpl000d u! 1 ,n qaTun Y251 11 ling uo
Do; eus 125-L L on; 10261 '1 -Ing UG nuo - lanjazy y1n:0.
palog 9, go pjaquDlY RATj plas go 9DQjo §c GWAD; ED; zTQ Qv; G;G,
PQ UOSTMMS 9q! 'na7 SUIUCZ aqq a9pUh pa;nTodja Upa,
SITIAV jc parog a qojqn id 10261 1puad Roanulf Uo Pjqq pa3oE unoj-.
A; go "T"Y'a AS 4a Wo.1 YaME Ioq paaTAPe 19SUMC
*911Z uo ppopla Pun pas.10c9i ;j panap-0 UDQGj puyi
14 MM M JO U: T9 v9s8aaaxw PUME vqL
IA;Sguoq go 40a us aog jc;zSj;uo-C
"WeD 9W 10 S09ROMa 1W 90 .3 TG BUISISad GAYag DUV0VSUe1!
so TOY W 'WE ITH coal 021;21 a Pe3a IONIC Sul
WowcanalK go unol all jo U014092
pp;enoaacouTun all pun ;UoMqoaYq go DKIIIJ,
aq; uaanj;q AlIngaaac ' WTAMS
0; ;Waa UT sju; ajawco oj;joads
visa "A as aq; UT Suoy4usaiGo @, �;Tjjoaj ol
Zap= up - qnlo 1, go Soaquzas qqq ;Sv; qSMOO
Pun 901T@ACq *SZI Mal aq; 10
Wracaa ORYLaOul0s UNTO W ;Q; '99AUDSW
papaw ns gas qpTu,
hinp luclaoW uodn aaa 41 UoTsnnosTp aaq;ang jqqYY p;jgTzou qq
Au"00 SWUM STq 'a0Maqu0D &Z Aq USATS 901114_ G QSQSYM-�
go 9seo UT jQj !D.U"00 Aq appy Som UOT'SaWnG Sul pus SM;4 ;To��
aoj issenosip son ;a ap;q3a; Sq,-
WSOLVED, that pursuant to Section 23 of th--
Oilin2nce of the r k
n of Hamaronec , said
Boar!mac; pli consist of the folloring five members
an! for the respective terms set opposite their
respective names , to wit ; Hr. F. G. Smith for a
term of one year beginning FEbruary l2th, 1930;,
Mr. 0. T. Cross for a term of two ypFrs , bsgi_nn ing
February l9th, 1950 , Mr. C. R. Raynor for a te-ne-I
of three years hoginning February l2th, 123Q,
Hr. J. j. Rossbottom for a term of four yEar,�,
beginnfng Febouary l9th, 1930 , Ent Mr. C. 0. Worth
for a term of five years beginning February 19th,
4-930& further
RESOLVED, that the action of this Board Ent. tta
resolution adcpied January 22nd, 1930, appoint-
ing the efcresail gentleman as members of the
Board of Appeals under the Zoning Ordinance be
Ent the samp hersly in r2tifisd end confirmed.
The Supervisor had previously eiated 0pt pursupnt to
Secti'an 23 of the Zoning Ordinance the Chairman of the Board shall
e designated by the Woervisor an! that he designated pursuant Q
said Section 23 Mr. J. J. nose bcttom an Chairman of the Board of
Upon mozion, fuly 9eccnief . it was
R7SCLo7D that the designsit",on of la.
Tossbottce: by the Surervisor as Chnfrnan C�
the Board of Anne2is be End the spm� Wraw
ratified, confirmed and -2-;1r^--c ..s
of consideration it -Rs uycn mction by Justice Hessen-
smiM seconded by justice Leads unanimously
27SOWID, that tbP Wrh be End he hereby
is autherivel end directed to vubldsh ths
"_Isndnsnts to the Zoning Ordinance as
vrovided by lsw�
A letter from Senator Halter W, Uestall from the 25th
District -ddressed to the Torn Wit Tee reed by the CleZO, The
ictler uige& Pttenlince by wepresenNtivete of the 3oe-rd, , Haarang
cn the Kirklenl Bill , emending the Torn Lp-, to be hFil 3ebruary
26th, in tte Senpte at Albany,
After Uscua
the fact that the Tmo
acti-S innelsst in an7
ugcn mctton. c",u-1- aif «e
3ion, during whicb
Board hat T!EviC�
of the amenamEnts
Put Sect nced, on?
reference Was Made to
sly 7ozod to Uke an
to the To-n 1,7, it vas
unDn roll cell ungnimouFly
27SC171D . zha7 the Soscial Committee of th- Wwr
Board in -elation to the Kirtland Bill be and
it hernbv is a0t40ri7FdQd Kir-CtFP t- =r to,
A communinstinn from the County Trwnn=t, ticn G;mnnqr
"thfra-ing its WTIW , ion fcP 2PEndmentg Tg The consent Nr5tv-
fo7g Ff-en ths 2con, -- as g0jele, Yecgivej end Dlace-,
on file,
AlMnY to ' ttem
y' on February 26M
anWhat the
of th� ommittee
be a
yrcrS7 toon
.,h.:. em
A reonrt by
thE County
Trans Icowtion
Corsuppy, !no. -.
" submitted
in ecccrdannE
to= of franchise
granted Ya7 26th
1927 " Fs
described in
thg Wth
pareg-vah 9 ordered
recsi-ed anr_
file ,.
placed on
A communinstinn from the County Trwnn=t, ticn G;mnnqr
"thfra-ing its WTIW , ion fcP 2PEndmentg Tg The consent Nr5tv-
fo7g Ff-en ths 2con, -- as g0jele, Yecgivej end Dlace-,
on file,
n ryounst
ho_ ti. if the
for the TDon Tan ma;
seconded it 7as upon
ram x of Assessors requesting the
Town Boaia for an eider for ne- an shests
, -Fs receAved . an! upon motion. Aily
roll call unanims=ly granted.
A Mote: from 1cuis D'Urrloc erd Cc. , 1442 Olmstead
Avenue , Bronn, T. Y. , in -egard to the conlrect far garbngo
7enDv- 1 - Se cwcref leceiveo and placed on file , and t12 clar'n,
firseted to inform him -hen the present contract expires,
The report of the Receiver of Tares for the mcntln
of February , 1930, 1 as ordered received and >laced on file �
The Clerk rnises the cussticn of destroying mature,,:,
and said un bonds of ths Tcnn. AS? he Wil, -7e FCCUMUIS 'ia.7
and coonlying a lot
The matter vaq referred to Counsel.
Counsel advised the Board that in connection vith the
acaulTemant of certain osr .el s of !ana end easements and rights-
cf-way by tho Ss-er C. = in ecrrection 7ith the installation
of covers in Dillon Park, Mrs Te-e t7o items of taxes outstand-
ing vhich affected those of thg parcels tc -kich easements 7Ere
halng - cjuirm , an! vere v lisr th-zacn. TV - nciV tavEs Er�-
,F ?vss& in 1210 , unler the old tan lar under F brisf 09crintior,
of Piet A 3. 282 acres , Hap of Pryer ystate , and zero assessed
against Te9pie V. Bro7n ant Hils Hansen ant others. That the saia
File Hansen AM not o7n the Vroperty and never has owned it ,
thF7 so far as the records disclose , the EFmE facts apply to
Jessis V. Mora. He stated that he had gone into the matter Tith,
the Receiver of W=o an! rFccnmended that said Assessments and
Tax Wife be cancelled, as in his ovinicr thev 7erE uncolisct-
able and erroneous.
EFIEM110 to the
n2y1e= of z om
'0tUMIlY FffECtSd
fur,VE7 sty tod
3sver commi?Fic
cont , on thsre
the yarosin of
thst the oerpons granting the
n lid not feel justified in making
was no -vy of telling ohether ths -
!in" in ounsti= or not.
Won the reco=neeticn of the Receiver of Tames , in -w5
upcn motion, 1717 secondea
RNSOLVWD, than the Pecs ''e' of Taxes
and Board of Assessors be and the- hereby are
sul col ized! emonwared and dirEctst to cores! on.
their books of -sc=?, the taxes Mrstofore ossessef
against Evil Jessie V. Brc-n ant File Hansen unfmc
thz Se9crinlion "Pion A8. 282 sores , Han of 2rvny-
Astate , " th 1911 Fl- in the pmount of 110,60, and
the 191? 9FIe in tte amonnt of J19 83 2 3l of jr �
and mark their respective books of recoil noconi-
Angly, Fod issue cErtific? ie or certifivyiEa in
ccnnaction therewith as may be necessary to cancel,
the afore,71 ? sales �
The cuention of the MoDtIon of the foregoing resolurtcr,
7S9 put to a Vote ThUh resulted as fo!M S '-
Foes : non ,
A communisstion -a - - eceived from Har3ld A. Knight , 2G,
WnEys!Le Dri-e , Larchmcnt , Enclosing P bill far "hauling zo-
surDaanctis t7ice ouT of the mud on Stonevside Drive in front of M17
house . ,,
Ur on motion, duly seconded, in was or roll call
'LTSCI-,/T:Ds that since the conAticn of the
street - t this moint had been due to se—er
construction, the matter should be referr&'.
to the Be-er Commissirn "without ery liabiliry
or prejudice. '
Won mczinn_ thF meeting Ajournsd at 4 :45 A K.