HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_02_18 Town Board Minutes (3) 27
P t 2 P. 0
3PIVCI",7L 1177TI-luG '37' __H7 TO',,,n-'T BOAFFI)
held Tebruary 18th, 1930.
The meeting --s called to order by Supervisor Burton
Present : Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd , Leeds and Messeramith
Tonn 01-rk Marvin
Counselor Gamble
Moan motion, duly seconded . 1 ' -as voted to dispense
-ith the re=: ing of the minutes of meetings not vet approved,
The SuDerviaor stated thut the Hepring was called to
net on a retition heretofore received by the Board to amend the
Zcning Ordinance by removing and transferring certain D-operty
fr= Class F UnclassifisR District, in 7hich the property is no-.-.-
classified as show-n on the man -hich - ccompsniFs said Ordinance .
to Class C Business District.
The ToTn Clerk repo the notice of the Hearing on stated
that the same had been published as required by !a-.
Thi Sunervi-or - sked if there was Posy person present -hc
desired tc speak in opposition to the petition. There being none
C e asked if there Yea Pnv person present 2yrnpring in favor of
the petition. Mr. John Torbtella, appeared in favor of said 2etition�
Upon mcTlon, duly sEccnned , it was
17SO17 D, Unat the Hearing be closed.
On motion, duly seconded , it TFs
RESOLV7D, that whereas an anylicetion has
been heretofore made by CF01ne and Louisa
Tertorella to rezone and reclassify the
follc71ng described property on the southerl-:T
sit.e of Myrtle Avenue in th- Town of UFmaroneck
now zoned as Class F Unclassified Di3trict to
Class C Business Districti and
WH=AS, a public hearing had been held on slid
petition and due notice thereof given as required,
by law; an,..
4HAREAS, no one having wipsFred in opposition to
said petition, new therefore be it
RFSOLV7D, thRt there be transferred upon the Zoning
Map . 7hich together with the designations shown;
thereon, occomlaniEs the Zoning Ordin@nce of the
unincorperated portion of the Town of Mamaroneck,
Westchester County , New York, to wit : Mh crain-
once ado-oted by the Ts-n Board of the To 7n nf
Unmaroneck at a meeting held June 21, 1922, by
virtue of the noTers vested in swil Coon Board
under the provisions of Chapter 322 of the LP-a
a , 1922, etc, from OlEss F Unclassified Distri=
?it CSC. said p p n
roerty is u- classifiPA as shown
on said mapi to Class C Business District, the
follo7ing descrited vroporty to �11 '
ALL that certain piece or parcel of land in the
Own of Mamaroneck, Uestchester County , New
York, situated on the scuth,71y side of Myrtle
-L-venus , more particularly bounded and described
as foliovs :-
BZG11IIITG at a point on the south�.il,-,- si _e of
Avenue distant one huddred end fifty feet from a corner formed
by the intersection of the southerly side of F and
the Testeriy side of Chatsworth Avenue ; running thence south
500 371 30" east ons hundred and twenty-eight ant eighty-threE
hundredths feet to a joint; thence south 501 341 36" . es t along
the lines of the property of the New Yo _h, We-tchestsr and Boston
Railway one hundred and one and ninety-four one hundredths feet
to a pointj thence North 50C 371 34" Wenz one hundred and nine
and in e_ hundredths feet to the eoutherly side of Hyrtle Avenue ,
thence along the southerly side of HIrtle Avnue North 390 221 3011
Wet one hundred feet, to the point or Ilaoe of BEGINNING.
Fur the:..
RESCLUD, that this a=rff-ment cf che Zo'ning
OrRinanne ant the map accompanying the sam,�
shpli be made effective upon the publication
thersof as required by MT.
ThF quention of the adoption of the foregoing resolution
-Es out to a Kle with the following result :
x3es ; ncns
The Clerk innuired what disjo-inio ,uld be made of the
renuest of John 7. Boghn in _"e_ _d to an mece-pticrito tho Zoning
Ordinance for his property, at th- south-est corner of Murray
end Horest Avenues.
After discu9sicn, it wasr tonon motion, duly seconde-5
RESOLVED, that the To7n Clerk return the
papers in thig case to the Board of A7poPP7
for ill determination end nctifv the Board
of AppealE that the Town will take pert of
the Boiman land in connection with the widen-
ing of Nuvrov Avenue.
Unon motion, the meeting s?'Jouinej at ? :44 P H.
LOW abt%aww"'
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