HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_02_05 Town Board Minutes (2) 19
117=11G 07 TH7 TC-T'IT DO_' _RD
I= OF 71!QLL,.RO-_,7TCK, 17. Y.
hel,, Feb_u_-1-1-Y 0
1 _7 .
ra,etf_-na: lTos called to 3-,(der by gu1Je2vi°--_- Bu:7ton
P r B e t- SU0Er71-o-_ Bu_-tm
Leeds °arcd Yesse-rs-:mith
Counselor : amble
The mim:.-,es o' the zirie-_tLn„ of J= nu----T 31=t', ,-ere read
-t Schimi,�,t AeseSeo- 0-F the Vj I 11.so o-P T-a-chmont.,
r r-'a il n -0--_,5 o'n o -or e e e-it p 1 F e r frnoi Guv Vr c7nan, La. "c Z_,n r,
77 i I a�'e 77 n i-,e G--+'g 1 . . 1nz a p J t "_On t o f u r n-4, 5h S To w n - a
4 �.-
cn-,-,i-s ei,ch of ^, ?4 n=,-,, ta sh�p�� 1'-� the
V'.-111-1��e of L�, , ch=-n To- t-�e surf, of fo-r eaCh t7FO sheets.
Ivir. Schmir'.tu ex-,plai' nled ire? t +,hii , lo- -pi J-e v--s (ju2 only
to th that the Vill_=_ge of La --c'nroont was PI-so malring a simiia_r
- - _`:i Er.L
Vrrmpn. The m tier was referreo. to Lhe Bc-a-2d 3f
ASeessorE fo,-, re-co--t Pn" _-eco=Lendation.
Af e_- d cussion it as u:cnn motiona by J i-e Bo-vd,
conded loll ju.stice ?n`1 upon roll call =-inaollsl_v
TT.s r)L�27 D 11.1n,se-1 be and he !-,=-,sby 7.^u-_pr=! Ter P.n,-, d..-ecte6 to follor,, the
t- 'ele-chone rete Ca.Se a-'a to
pt"e;rid airy hearinge if n,Fnoe?s,,ry,
Th- -re-port of the Clerlt f or the month o`' JF,.=Ii.-,17 -was
-cresen'ed e)nd o-_r1,eTd pia-e., on file .
The Clc rk sn'-� tel t`,39 +1 he `n� o_ -eCe4- e, th� fcllr,)' ng
L �- , -1 �, -1 -
notice from 'he Boston Pest Rood --nd Assc,-, i�.tion. Inca effD-+ is being = de to get the Ye"Y Yc,-,,k. Ye' Haven.,
A__. f-)--�i ' I ME
L t- rieke Ee-T R(he _, _1e ar stop for s-f
--P -Vnu c_ n ne loo by 7.uriting in f-�-:7rr- of this
to Br,SIon Po iff :Pa-klr
T-.(Ic 32 17o,_-th
AvP 2-!U- YE Roc-el le
Unon duly made and sec=,ed i-
RFSCU,77D h_�t the be and 1.1le be--eb-'y is
-u'hccrize , di-_,Pct art_ +0 info:= tl � Bj tam
Pis+ Rc rd Inc 'hat
the Ilo—n Bol-:re of tl_ Tcn - P J ),ma-rneck
he,-�)rt 11tr r)
4,.n f2-or of i+- eff -fn to get the
Ne T 'Y'o---k.- Ye- Haven & HFrti-OTd +0
Rochelle an e:,:p:-ess star for --,np
,iake IT-, a,,
of its Boston ti3in=.
11 _,,: a _,�m from Mrs. C. 3. Fen. r
,T , I I __ - , I,Cat4
_ _ read
P n t - Yama-cneck 'Vlo rrr '- Clu,o , on behalf of
th� Club, she su_cgestpd the _cos * ' 7
4 1-
th�- 6'oT.3n1s Club
L - r,,, "If
s s
ab-in� c, vit ay
'he T-.-,-,rn Fall for i acme
to this effect con be Tn'.de , tU Club :'rill
cL' -_ crate bct�, the ja'L4,oicr the extr--! o:,7 anf in c-onsid-_r-e +4_on
of euch re-decor�tior Pnd h2_7E 'he uoe o-P the
b j_ (71ing f its
4 I
- - ,
After discussion, it was upon motion by Justice Boyd
seconded by the Clerk
RESOLVED, that the Su-sr vi:or Pfpcint a
Soe�ci=;`_ Comm_J7tee to consider the propos-
iticn of the hamaranack Woman 's Club and to
confer with reprEsentptives of the Club to
see what agreements can be made arl to
report back to the Bcarj®
The Surerviaor thereupon appointed the following
committee ;
Jus gees Boyd, Leeds' an? Heasersmith, Counselor Gamble
and himself.
Leases on property use& by justices Boyd an? Collins
for Justices Count rooms were presented and referre? to Connsel.
The Clerk oresented to the Board a letter from the
Board of Sewer Commissioners of Sauter District Yo. I of the M7.n
of Mmaronsch. advising the Boaro that the Commission had opened
bids for the construction of Ccntract 19 , an? that the cost of
construction of said contract , inaluling Engineer 's fees and other
necessary expenses , will be 850 ,000,00, and requosting the Board
to anthoriae the issuance an! sale of Certificates of Indebtedness
foam time to time as pavm-nts become due under said contract in
the said sum of 850 , 500.00. all of said certificates to be insurd
by the Supervisor SS Sr07i?ed unler the provisions of the Tc7n Law�
Counsel advised the Board that he was familiar with the
recuest and had discussed the same with the Board of Sewer Com-
mAsioners , and that it was in proper form, and that the Town
wss in a position to authcriie the issuance of Ma Certificate,-
so that the work under said Contract could proceed.
After discussion, upon motion arly seconfel , it -as ,
ulon rail call unanimously
RESOLVED, WH7REAS, the Board of Sewer Com-
fissioners of Sewer District No. 1 of the
Town of Hamaroneck have estimated 4nd repc7ted
to tbia Board_ the estimated cost of construction
C f Conyrvct 19 , determinec as required by lay,
a nrl.
WH7REAS, pursuant to law the To7n Board shall
cause Certificates of indebtedness to be iesuEd.
the same to be a To7n charge , the proceeds of
whidh Certificates svpll be applied in payment
of the coot of construction of said part on
nor ion of such SeTer District as in so requested
by said Se7er Commissioners ; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Suservisor be and he hereby
is authorized on empowered, in ecccrdance vi 'a
the law. to borrow upon the faith and credit of
the Town of Namaroneck. the sum of not to exceed
%50 ,000,00 plus interest which may from time to time
accrue thereon and to issue a temporary certificate
Of CETK ifs of indebtedness in the amount of
I -WL isr-e
nct to exceed Q50 , 000,00 plus interest --ihis`n maY
_rom time to time accrue thereon, which shall bear
interest at the rate of nut to exceed six per cent
annum, payable at such time or times as the
Supervizor may fix, not eyceeding , however, eight-
een months from the date MrscfT art to sell 022
Wispose of said Certificates of Indebtedness fos-
noz less than the pro value thereof; and further
RESOLVED, that sPiA certificate or certificates Of
infebtedness shall be in substantially the following
2 3
Cerlil +'J_Pp,'es of Indebtedness Issuer-J,
Pu-slj_^n' to Sec' -)n P177 of 'h- To-;7n
L - of the State of -,,Te,.-- Yo-k, fo-_-
D iszr4 + IT^ 1 of she To-v-,T-n of
llafP a=e ck - 3 Is r i Ie s 19 50 ,000.00
lh- To-:-n of L_r.r=-cnrck in the Count-�- of )._sstchcster ,
Un C 4 C Co '_D o_�<
t'_on 01° the. ' te of Ycy:ct 1,C-eby ac-
knovledoec itself irebed fo- 77 jU J 7 E'1 Jr Ora i to
-e ��e c e e s
O py t-c b c re- I)--2 n of ., o- i -1 +11- sajrc be re g i*-s t-, re"i, t- th=
_alg_i _-'e-_-ed, hclde.-. on
h� s 1- _rr o_
Do' -s . ls-ful monev, o? t'n• Unitled State of c-ic`l y1- ,
inn t e r el thereon f r e 2i, 'h r: -o 3 e laulr!
ne- nnni=, bc'-h. and. irterest bein ''Jl = in -
raone�'T of t'✓ Un 4- e'i Sty: s 9
Tli,i- C'c f' if ate c f In,,Ie b I--e dri e a s is c ile of an i su° of
�P.50 'OCO. 00 o-P Cf—tificaes of Indebtealness her--lofo--e Itho-lzed,
in the s-Lums
of hevinU been hereto-
f_-,,p 4SSueO , being j_-,suzd_ -oursuFnt to ths -Oro7jSjolac. C+' the
Tm,.-n Ia,,-r -nnsti. Lutin� Ch)tc_--- 62 Of the Ccn--)_i rl e T rc Of
the of Ye-,,r- York, Chn-oter 594- Of th LF---_ o ;- 1926
Cha-o4e_r 4177 of 7h,-_ La""Ts f 1928 of the Stft.tec of T�e Yo�-k, aj,�o
in ^tri-. t ccm-✓li-nce --r' th the Ccnc�titut '_on eanr� S'.a tu-tee; O'� tie
Stst-P !Tevr Yo-- , ��-nd by vi-�ue of ? resolution of +,hp Town Board
o-F' the 1o7m of ll maroneck -eIgul,37-7-ly an. aao-Qted, Febra= -ry
5 t 10 19___C)
1 is :1e r o b y c e r Ulf i ec 3!2 Jt r e_c e d t h P,I Cca_ jt I 4
-ons , arts and d-
thincs -re-uj.-er.). by th= Constitution Rr Statutes c' th-- S'ate of
N-e- _Y,n 7l< '12 exlst, to have haonened „mdl to be oe-flcrrm�d. -C-_--oEslent
In c2n0. in the ^c,R^hGE
0 1'_7_S leflif4 _,q °e x S
Of Tndebte-,, e S e e i t
h-l-,Tc h� Io-ned -nd h-. ve been arna- `rat the issue of
r t I
of Tnaeb'ean--s , of vhich this 1- one , t getl7 vi' th
11 in _-_btled--]ess of 7. Tjoe.-rn, of is 7- h in i+S
-'Dt 3rff oih-- I imil s
o-e ScLbed b,r tf - C cns t -u-ion arff. 1a�-s 0`
th i - S t e
J7 =Sg WTETR707
the Tovrn of hle)izia=^ck. thro,gh i
Tm-,n has ca-9-1 this Ce -l-thifi -p' e cf In-2.ebtedmess be, F-2"Tnea
'Cl3u-,.)ervi I-or Pl-l- +I-- -um--0
cppi cf Tom to lon here I,
Pn�l P ', 'estes by, is T—n C j -J,
to be r-d 'hi gs-, O�'
PtF.SCj U-0
-IVED, -h7 °he Tc-,:.,n o ' lll�,m�•Oneck he-:t7bv
C07Terants -02 th- -c,,-- oal. anrl il n-_-g_7_-e
e"i n s 4 C)-,r j e a,S
th -1 n th- ;,7miount i� n 9.b o v e 31
a m- s h a"!I b e cc)ja d--a e by 1e 7 Y i YI�V 2S. s S e M e n t i s
on oro-02tv o� Se7 Ter D! No. 1 o' To,-zn of
lurrn m',r o n_-c + s-a-_h I irn^ oT ' imes 2nf suc-'P -a-moun's
as _m-l-,,r be neces-sp ---v uh e-r e f o:,
The To' n of lfamaroneclk fanther covenants in case
of a default in corrying out the foregoing uoven-
Pnt7 the said Town will raise by t9s7-ng all tam-
Pbl; property in sail Town of Mamaroneck from time
to time the sum or sums sufficient to ppy the Orin
cipel and interest of said Certificate or certific-
ates of indebtedness as the same shzil become due .,
Justice QsBersmith at the reouest of the signFrs, sub-
mitted to the Board for its Pp-orcupi th? text of a specin! act
to inco7voT- te the Weaver Street Exempt Firemen 's Benevolent
Asposiation, Town of Kamoroneck, signed by 21 names.
seconded ,
After discussion. it was upon motion, duly mFde qw,
EESOIVED, that the Sups7viscr appoint a special
committee of the lo7n Board to meet with reTrss-
entatives of the signers and with representatives
of the leaver Street Fire Coo any to consider
further this junstion and to report back to the
Town Boa rd.
The Supervisor appointed to this committee . Clerk
harvin, Justices Nees , hessersmith ane Counselor Gamble.
UVon motion, the meetina adjourned at 11 :05 2. Q
To-rn Clork