HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_01_14 Town Board Minutes (2) SPECIAL MEETING OF THE° TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAIVJARONFCK,N.Y. held January 14th, 1930 The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 2:30 P. M. Present- SupervisorBurton Justices Boyd, Leeds and Hessersmith Town Clerk Arvin Counselor Gamble Counselor Gagliardi. The call of the meeting which was to receive bids for $160,000.00 Street Improvement Bonds, was read by the Clerk and upon motion, duly seconded it was approved. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was VOTED, tb proceed with the operaag of the bids. Bids from twelve concerns were duly opened, tabulated and examined. The following resolution was offered by Justice Messer- smith and seconded by Justice Leeds, to wit: WHEREAS, $96,000. Street Improvement Bonds and $64,000 Street Improvement Bonds of the Town of Mamaroneck have heretofore been duly authorized to be issued and have been duly advertised for sale, sealed proposals to be received up to 2;30 o`clock P. B., on the 14th day of January, 1930; and WHEREAS, the following bids were received for said $160,000.00 bonds, to wits 11ame of Bidder Price Bid Rate of Interest Trust Company of Larchmont $160,427.20 4.60 First National Bank & Trust Company of Mamaroneck 160,511.00 4.50 Mamaroneck Trust Company 160,112.00 4.50 Edward Lowber Stokes & Co. 1601382.40 4.50 Kissel Kinnicut & Go. 160,622.00 4.50 A. C. Allyn & Co. , Inc. 160,506.00 4.70 Rutter & Co. 160,320.00 4.50 Roosevelt & Son 160,427.00 4.59 Larchmont National Bank & Trust Company 160,427.84 4.60 Dewey Bacon & Co. 160,736.00 4.70 Batchelder & Co. 160,998.24 4.50 IC. M. Freeman & Go. , Inc. 160,510.40 4.50 and WHEREAS-, the lowest rate of interest bid for said $160,000.00 bonds stated in a multiple of one-quarter or one-tenth of one per cent was 4ea per cent; and WHEREAS, the highest. bid at such lowest rate of interest was the bid of Batchelder- & Co., who offered to purchase said $160,000. 00 bonds at said rate of interest and to pay therefor par value, accrued interest and a premium of $998.24. 43; RESOLD, that the offer of the said Batchelder & Co. , be and the same is hereby accepted and that said $160,000. bonds bearing interest at the rate of 4-p',Y,' per centum per annum be awarded to the said Batchelder & Co. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote which resulted as follows: Ayesc b Noes: none The Chair declared the resolution duly adopted. The following resolution was offered by Justice Boyd and seconded. by Justice Leeds. RESOLVTTD, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to return to the unsuccessful bidders their respective checks upon proper receipts being obtained therefor, and it is further USOLVT'D, that the Supervisor and Special Counsel be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to attend to the printing of the said street improvement bondsx aggregating the sum of $160,000.00 and the Supervisor is further authorized and empowered to pay for same upon receipt of a proper voucher therefor. I The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions was duly put to a voter which resulted as follows: .dyes: 5 Noes: none The Chair declared the resolutions duly adopted. The Supervisor thanked the representatives of several of the bidders who were present in person for their interest in submitting a bid and instructed the Clerk similarly to thank the other bidders when he returned their deposit checks by mail. The Clerk asked the approval of the Board for a new method of preparing the minutes of the meetings. He stated that he did not propose to change at all the official minutes of the Town but that in preparing the working copies for the use of the members of the Town Board he thought it would save a great deal of time and trouble if he could omit a complete teat of certain of the longer and more technical resolutions, giving instead a summary of their contents. The members of the Board agreed that this would be a useful change and approved the Clerkrs suggestion. The Clerk also pointed out that he understood there were perhaps a score of keys to the front door of the Town office at No. 6 Elm Street . in the possession of various individuals whose identities he did not know. For the purpose of safeguarding the Town property, and in order that a correct list might be kept of all possessors of keys to this door, he suggested that a new lock be installed in the door and that he keep a list of all those having keys to it. I His suggestion was approved and he was instructed to act accordingly. :2- 4� Justice Leeds an behalf of the committee appointed to consider the use of the Weaver Street Building, reported that he and the Clerk had visited the Building a few days ago and had found that it had been put in proper condition after a recent meeting of the "leaver Clula. He said he had been previously informed that two closets had been left in a most untidy condition and many empty pop bottles lying around. He brought up a request by the weaver Club for the use of the auditorium for a Biasque and Civic Ball on February 11th. -- Upon motion, by Justice Messersmith= seconded by Justice Boyd, it was RESOLVED, that the Weaver Club be granted the use of the auditorium. for a Masque and Civic Bali on February llth; and it was further RESOLVED, that the weaver Club be temporarily granted the use of the auditorium for the third Thursday in every month until permanent rules for the use of the Building have been drawn up, The Board discussed at some length the question of special constables to be appointed to assist the elected constables in the performance of their duty. I Justice Deeds offered the names of Anthony Trama and Anthony Vidile ; Justice Boyd suggested the names of Arthur Webber and J. Andrew Thomas; and the Clerk suggested the mme of John Welsh for appointment as special constables. The Board took no action on the question of appointments at this time. A communication was received from Morton P. Sarfaty, Vice-President of the Fenimore Players (formerly Players Club) requesting permission to use the auditorium of the Weaver Street Building for the purpose of rehearsals on the nights of January 17th, 20th and 21st. The matter was referred to the special committee on the use of the Building with power to act. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was upon roll tali unanimously RESOLVED, that the action of the Town Board at its meeting on January 3rd, in setting the sum of $2,000. for the surety bond of the Town Clerk be and the same hereby is rescinded and that said bond be set in the sum of $1,000. in accordance with Section 42-a of the Town Law. The Board discussed the question of regular meeting dates and upon motion, by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Messer- smith, it was RESOLVED, that the regular meeting dates of this Board be the first and third Wednesday evenings of each month at &:15 PIM. , beginning Wednesday, February 5th. Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 4:15 F. IL Town Clerk