HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_01_03 Town Board Minutes 10172TING OF THE TOWIT WARD
held January 3rd, 1930
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor 3unton,
at 2 :30 P. H.
2resent : Supervisor Burton
justines Boyd , Collins , Leads and Lessersmi4a
ToTn Cisrh Earvin
Counselor Gamble
Upon motion., duly seconded, it Was voted to dispense
7ith the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet approved.
In calling the meeting to order, Supervisor Burton
stated that this Too the organization meettng of the members
of the new TOTn 30? rd. The SupErviFor presented P letter addresad
to the ToTn Do?rd, which he renuest& the ClFrk to read, and in
which he stated that ewould make certain recommendation& per-
taining to the Town governmpnt. at a special meeting of the 'o-n
Board which he reouested be called and held on January 8th.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it -qa
RISOLVTD, that the letter of the Supervisor
be received suread upon the minutes at length,
nipced on file and acted upon at a special
meeting of the ToTn Board which is hereby
cailec for Monesdpy, Jprupry Sth. at 2 :30
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution
-as put to a vote which resulted as follows :
Ayes : 6
Hoes: none
The letter is as follows :
To the To7n Board of the
Town of hamawoneck, Y. Y.
Gentlemen: -
Us are entEring upon P new term of office end this is an
organization meeting not called for the transaction of general
I shpil ask for a specie! mpeting to be held next Wednes-
day, January Sth, and at that time I Mail take the liberty of pres-
enting to you in writing. and for your ocn-iderstion, Certain re-
cnmmendations concerning matters Dnotaining tc the town government.
SM its affair F.
These will include : -
(l) The Police derartment ard the appointment
- . . i
of a Volice commissi =7 ,
Amensments t- the Zoning Ordinance an' the
Po turn ttent of ? Zoning Board of Appeals.-
(3) Revi-Acn of the Builfing Code PrA provision
for con--neption fs- Q- Building CommiTsioners ;
( A) H- ttery wrinpining to our public w-hs an' the
Pp 7k Krzai-POnn;
(5) Notte-s oer+1, 4nJ _W to ou" wnfp- P=57 and to
the extension; Q! ring and foRterinj of the
(6) A consi_'.eration of the re -codification of
the 1T?n i- which will be p=`°B°";ted t0 the I.
coming State Legislature and in that connection
study Of present Article 6-A end the 'possible
application of that article to the government`_,
of our town ana its many diversified interests.
( `) Consideration of improvements in and along
Memar,neck Harbor from the standpoint of the
iofna -
—� REsoectfully sn_bmitted
George 'rum Burton
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED, that the bonds of the following fawn
Officials and members of the following respective
Commissions of the Town of Mamaroneck, be and
the same hereby are fimed at the respect lie
8_monnts set opposite Each respective officer
and/or Coi^1LTi ..=Seonera
Office mount of Bon;t
S�,oel1,; cor
( in respect to the Town Hatters ) 20,000.
Supervisor Amount to be �
( in respect to Highways wa s f ixe.i by High— '.
u 0J dept.
Tor:.r Clerk 24000
Justices of the Peace 1 ,000 each
Receiver of Taxes 25,000
Deputy R ce Taxes 12,500
Superintendent Highways 24.CCO
'own Public ,Zelfare Offi.pe-. 11,000
Perk Commissioners 2„000 each
Se7er Commissioners 5 ,000 each
Building inspector 2fi000
Upon rc l Call the f oli voted in favor or of the
resolution:cn: Boyd, Borten., Coiling , Leeds , lccs6r°'""':.ti'!- Marvin.
Opposed: none°
'i'C._ Supervisor isor eclared thF 'eaclution unanimously
Upon motion, duly seconded, Lt -as
RESOLVED the thet the Town Clerst upon thv
i ut; Qt of the rewoective bonds he inaoove
fixed a.s to amount, refer same to Counsel for
epproT.=al as to quff_ c.�ncv d form. ..
Upon =11 call the resolution -Ps cecianeY unanimously
adopted .
The Torn Cl ___ aresen ed a letter from Santo Lanza , Rec-
eiver of Taxes, asking the approval of the TcTn Board of the 21PO r N
men _ by him of George W Johnson as Deputy Receiver of Taxes.
Upon motion, Aul y' seconded it was
RESOLVED, that the aDpointment of George F.
Tohnacn as y Receiver of Taxes as M USS ted
by i-hp Receiver of Taxes . be en'd the same hereby
i Dqr^veer ..
Upon roll owl the resolution -as decla__^ed unanimously
c ACPte .
The To7m Clerk presented a report from the Building
Commission, vsking the approve! of the Town Board of the aDpoint-
mFnt of Toseph Cowham as Building Inspector.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED, that the appointment of Joseph H.,
Cowham as Building inspector, made by the
Building Commission, be and the same herFby
is approved. under she orovisions as the Milding
Cole of the To-n -rd to serve durinE the pleasure
of the Board,
Monte& Upon roll cell, the resolution was declared unanimously
The Superviso7 asked the approval of the ToTn 73o`& of
th- appointment by him of George McKeand as Clerk to the Supervisor ,
to serve at nhe pleasure of the Supervisor.
Upon motion, duly seconded , it was upon roil call unanim-
ously: -
RESOLVED , that the appointment of George
YcKeend as Cis ^h to the Supe77isor, to 2eouested
by the Supervisor, be an5 the same hereby is
0pPTcVedn to serve at the 11-Psure of the Super-
The Clerk recommenled that Hiss Evelyn G. Accbs be
appointed Cffi-e Assistant under the di7action of the To- n Clerkw
Pnd at the plc?sure of the Town Bc2rdn
Upon motion, duly sEconoen • 7as upon roil call
RESOLVED, that hiss Evelyn G. Jacobs be end she
hereby is appointed Office AssiNent under the
direction of the To7n Clerk, to serve at the
slepoure of the Bair&
Follo7ing the recommendation of the Supervisor, it was ,
upon motion, duly seccKed . unanimously
RESOLVED, that John L. Coles , be and he horeby
is appointed To Sunerintenlent of High7ays ,
for the term beginninu J'arupry !at, 1910.
Upon mnffon, duly seconfel . it -as upon rail cell , unsnim-
cue ly
RESOLVED, that Ralph A. Ambis , be and he
he ` by is Pmointed To7n Counsel , to serve
ot the ni,psure of the To-n Board,
Upon '.o"_, on, MY seccn?ed , it Re , upon roil call
RESOLVED. that Sgivotore Hilone be and he her-b-a
is pointed innectcr of Con struction to --form it
such duties in connection with th- sewer constru-
ction as thF To-n mp- determine from time to time .
to the end that tbP interests of the Town may be
Uran motion, Nviv seconds?, it P uron roll call
Q-TSOLV7D. thot & H. SuEvens. Chairman, WilliFm
1. Palmer, an& Henr7 R. HiTchell , be an! they
hereby are appointed Sewer Commissioners of Se-e--
District Yo. 1 of the To- n of liam-rd their
appointments to take effect upon their queli0ying
as provided unFer article Yo, 11 of the Town Law-
and be it further
RE901YED, thnt the term durinq which said commissicn-
ers shell hold office , shall be at the uleasure of
the Board.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
=LdSCL777,D� that Alfred H. Stevens . be and he hereby
is re-sr7ointed Park Commissioner of Park District
-vs. 1 of the Torn of Yamaronsck, tc succeed him-
self for the term beginning Jpnuary 1st, 1930,
nursunnt to the provisions of Chapter 574 of the
Laws of 1920
The cusstion of the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was Dut to a vote which resulted as follo7s :
Ayes : Burton, Boyd. Collins , Msse"snith and Harvir
Nags : Leeds
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was , upon the recommend-
ation of the Supervisor and upon rail call unanimously
RESOLVED, that Gerson Horde, be and he hereby is
appointed Office Assistant to serve at the pleasure
of the 3o=?,
Uron the recommendation of the Suyerviscr, it was upon
roll cell unanimously
RESOLVED, that Clark, _,7gl-:rr R hv. n, Jr.
be and he herpby is PrIcinted Registrar of Vital
Statistics as reouired by Section 373 Article X=
Chapter 619 of the Public Health Law.
Superviecr Burton then stated that the next order of
business was fixing all salaries of the various To7n officials for
their respective term of office or a'ppointmFnt® He asked judge
Boyd to act as Chairman of the Board and he -reti2ed-f-rcon the roon.>
Chairman Boyd stated that the first salary to be fixed
bv the Board was that of the Supervlso-�
After d0cuasion, it -Ps upon motion, duly seconded
RESOLVED, that the salary of the Supervisor under
the pro-istone of the Westchester County fax Act,
for ths term commencing january let, 1930 , be and
the same hereby is fined at the rate of Q4,SO0. 00
rq7 Ynnum, payeble semi-monthly ; and it nan further
RESOLVED, thFt the salary of the Supervisor under
the arovisions of the Highv LeT, for th- term
MmmencinZ January ix t , 1910, be are the some harnby
0 fired at the rate of $2. 500.00 payable semi-monthly.
The ouestipn of the adoption of the foregoing resolution
as nut to P vote which resulted as folloum :
Ayes : Boyd, Coiling . Leads , Prd Tlarvin
-701s : None
• oz voting: Supervisor Burton
The Supervisor then resumed the chair and upon being
advised of the action of the Bocrd, he stated that while he apprec-
iated this action in feeling that he nos entitled to an increase
in salary . he asked for no+hing more than he had received during the
preceding term, an? he further stated that he would not accept the
salary as fined by thn Bo rd, and asked the 3oard to recind its
The Board thereupon, upon motion, duly seacnded,
RESOLVED, Wf the action of th, Board in fining
the salary of the Supervisor under the provisions
of the Westchester County Tax Act, at QQ800.00
and under the Highway Law at $2 ,500. 00 respectively,
be and the same hereby is recinded.
Upon recommendation of the Supervisor, it was , upon roll
call unanimously
RESOLVED, that the salary of the Clerk tTthe
Supervisor, commencing as of January lot , 1930,
be and the same hereby is fixed at the rate of
.13 ,600.00 per year.
The Ealzry of the To—n Clerk 7a s/ 1 order of u siness,
Before discussion began, the Town Clerk retired from the room.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was upon roll call.
RESOLVED, that the salary of the Town Clerk for
the term commencing January let, 1930, be and the
some hereby is fixed, a t the rate of $4,250.00 per
year: Rnd it was further
RESOLVED, that thesalary of the Registrar of Vital,
Statistics , for the term commencing January 1st ,
1930, be and the same hereby in fixed at the rate
of $500. 00 per year.
The Clerk then returned to his seat.
Upon motion, sly seconded , it was , upon rnll call
RESOLVED, that the salary of the Receiver of Taxes
including that of his Deputy, commencing January
lot , 19301 be an! the same hereby is fixed at the
sum of $6, 750.00 per. year.
Upon motion, duly seccn?ed, it was . upon roll cail
RES017FT, that the salaries of John E! Murray,
John F. Haddock and William- F. Mulcahy, as
kembers of the Board of Assessors , for the term
commencing January 1st, 19302 be and the same
hereby are fired at the rate of 029900.00 each,
per year.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it Tax, upon roll call
RESOLVED, that the salary of the Inspector of
Construction, commencing January Ist, 1930, be
and the same hereby is fixed at the rate of
$2,700.00 per year.,
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was, upon roll call
RE'SOLVE'D, that the salary of the Building Inspector
for the term commencing January lst, 1950, be and
the same hereby is fixed at the rate of $2,600
per year.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was, upon roll call
ETT,SOLT , that the salary of the Overseer of the
Poor for the term oomnenci.ng January lst, 1930, be
end the same hereby is fixed at the rate of $2,100
per year®
Upon motion, dtOLy seooMed , it was, upon roll call
RESOLVED, that the salary of Evelyn G. Jacobs,
Office Assistant, for the term commencing January
lst, 1930 ; be end: the same hereby is fixed at the
rate of $1700.00 per years.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was, upon roll call
RESOLVED, that the salary of Gerson Mordo,_
Office Assistant, for the term commencing January
1st, 19301 be and the same hereby is fixed at the
rate of $1850,00 per year.
Leon motion, duly seconded.. it was , upon roll call
27SOLVLD, that the salarti of the Janitress of
the Zoom Hall for the : term commencing January
let, 1930, be and the same hereby is fired at
the rate of $900..00 per years
Upon motion; duly seconded, it urns u_ron roll call
RESOLVED, that the salary of the Janitor for the
Tom Off for the team commencing January lot,
1930 , be an? the saw= hereby in fixed at the rate
of 5600.00 per years
Upon motion duly secnMed ; it -as , upon roil call
RSOLVE'D, hat he salary o a,uhe Health Officer
fo_ the term comnenc ing January ist, 19M, be
and the same hereby is fixed at the rate of ;$1500
het year..
Upon motion, duly seconlod, it was , upon roll call
tin ari..monFly
RESO=T D �?F,? the Supervisor, Town Clerk and the
Ju tines of the Peace , be and they hereby are .,
each of them, _ lloTed the necessary expenses
for stationery, telephone , rent of Offices a-stn_
other expenses allo7ed by law, and that the same
be made proper To7n cha:rges._
Upon motion, duly SECondedl it wee , upon roll call
U Fri F ugl'-tiF
_R7,,3CjL"T7D, Lha t, the +3upervi -or be end he hereby
is -uthori ,ed and eTfl-_p07_!,ed to pp-,r his G-,r,,n salary
nn�: the salary of the fco,.Aln officials and. argointees
semi-monthly, coon the filing of a doul- verifi-d
clla1_,11 t112-refer.
Upor notion. duly seco:,idsd
was u-oon --all c?13-
R7 SOI�,JD t
, U ths al' tlne above men-' oned relsolu-U2' ons
4n -fPrence to t�,,e 2rociyit ents an- sal- rtes be
referred to Counsel for a0_�-007Tal as to sufficiency
ann,, forria end th��,t 9 fesol U 4 on C,
t he sp,,InF
be brou�_-ht in cat th= ne,,7, -L r1cet _'n'g,
A cmrz_nunic- t * cn rsc -,Teri I eo g Kohloff o-
- ,I r E?
t In- L -7-c h m on o 0 -_-4 Cp th?nk 4 1 C)-,r,,rl
L '_3O?: for eZ
-T, -s n g-a� cd th I
-er Count-� , f= the
o �Postsl CIE
ue of the
1C--a v er Street Fi-e House On S u n d_ y�, Janina---v 19th',1✓30.
Upon mat, n duly seconded, the ccnmaun-c t � -
n -�as
-eceiTed Frol"cen-
on file.
A ca,-Tnunica. ticr taS received 1rom the Count 2rans-oo1-t-
CO-'ij2ny. reoucsting cer air chEmes in the c- ;' Ent hers ofom
_' ven br the Town of
e 'Oro-oa 4 n fo 11 o-w i n��
L- ,h 'ny. the
_9a 3�t i c Ul a r a.
1. .-bi1c nCi he deacrlctio-n of iio-oLte y,
.0. 2 imcrn as the
L?:rc'=, ont 'T�?ro - T J ne , -0-JIT etriking., out the entire
decor L o on C;' c21r -a u tE an7 s e rt 4 ng 1Il 1 s u the : eGf t c f c 11 ow
Fo. 2 Larchmon+ anon L:a1na .^nECk Line Fr r m
the northerly "oundar,-, line bet-_eer t"ne 'I o-,n
0 "E m r o no c 1i Frd the Vi 1 71 a_=e o f Lra r ohaon On'
sw o-rt h Ave nu.F
, ths-nce along Ch tron
Avenue to Rockdng tome _�-,.Tenue .. along
--ocIlin—tone i�venue to e ence
n bore s v F--nu 0 _a T'__- Et U n c e
e yj a
p __e ' Harmon Dr ' ve , rmLu1-n 'n,,
vi e s a-rn g route
S riE be ing- s -I,ert of th�-�-,u_gh oLz''- -oct-reen +hs
TillpaE of La:'ch :cnt nd the int9r0°C If-.n Of
S D_ 1 1 - 1.'"F_ r,nOT'n, ()T_
L-'p Ti2 r n-cI, ❑
Jr A a -1 c I I- g-° 1'h T _4 -+h 0< sa l ,onse=' the fol
"Bev en, -.1h- Ist oi Cotfiber in any Car Pr�
th- 76_� Of JU-fla -�,ae-p:t -Coll olj ---jnc
thP C o ,Pn 7T
9-ton ' h--c sue -LI,e/c o'e-'a t -on of b-s-es over
-DF1 -'t of :R.oute flo. I 'Imo-m es Da-Clqmon'-R,TE
Be c',, Line ,. ��s lies be ',`7pen t1a- i-n+-_-- sect-_' cn of
lios I-n Fr,- RaTild, In Villa�?e
an11aYl,-nd in I,De Vi"_Ia ,,, DF _�te
Or O"Oe-Pte Over such i')art of sain. route on such
sche:',,ule eu-ing: such 4 ad of time as i.
Cc- ay
aec, CIV4 s2bl-_
IM -n
U--n not ion r'_uly sec r^ the - --=ur-* -J,)n a s o e r e d.
1'e ce -1 ve�,,, -ul_aceld Cn 1-1 1 e F--!,,- -e f e r fe
p 00=4 tee s- at i C n
lo- con b�ck to the 13 0 a-d- F,s e a r 1 y a s -ooss ible.
T he Su-c C -,--7 0 C,
t.0 tI q CO mm' e e ju-' ,
1 ,es
Collins , _-� 138e-rsmith and Col�.n el or
A commanic-tion was received from Henry Harl;ch , Chair-
mar of the Venver Club , requesting permission to use the Weyer
Street 317e House for every Thursday evening during the coming yea_
an? also permission to use ths hall on the night of Tupsday, Teb-
ruaTy ilth for the purlose of holding a civic and mosque ball®
The communication was ordered received, pieced on file
and referred to a sP7cial committee with power to act.
The Supervisor Fmcinted to this committee ; justices
Boyd . Leeds and Messer9mith,
The report of the To-n Clerk for the month of December 192S,
was read, ordered received , noted in the minutes and Placed on file,
A communication was received from Mrs. Nlen A. Salmon,
Secretary of the Larchmont Public Library, in regard to a ccntrib-
ution from th- Town for the expenses of the Library, _
The communication -as ordered received, placed on file
and referred to the Supervisor,
r. communiaptfon was receive from th- Building Commission
in regard to a refund of deposit submitted Tith plans Lo®. 1250 an-1
filed with th- Building Gommisginn. claimed by Mrs. Joseph Vitro
of 93 Myrtle Boulevard,
The Commission declared it had no authority to refund
fEas for olans filed,
TIE matter was refeopsd to qounsrL, ,-, C_ In e
a G
communicrtion placed on filp,
Ulan mot on, lKly esccn�el . it nos unanimously
R7SCL77D� to au-nend th- regular order of business
in order to hear Mrs, John F. Bo7man in regard to
her property sftuated at the corner of Murray
and Forest Avenues,
Mrs- BOvmfn was advised to file an application for re-
zoning in order that her claim might be presented in due form and
rFce!E prorpr consideration.
justice Messersorith submitted the leave on property at
fo. 2 Forth Cholsworth Avenue , Lerchmant, to be used by him as a
lustire of the Pepce Court.ropm, and Court Clerk's desk room.
Gamb!7 . The lease 7as orders& received, and referred to Counselor
JuFtAce Leeds offered for adoption the fnilo7inw
resolutions -
!H3RFAS, by an order dated January 23 , 1929 , the
Tonn Baird of the To7n of Wmarcn5ck, Westchester
CountY, Yew York, ouly authorized the improvement
Of Myrtle Avenue , vest of Chatsworth Avenue on_f
Ma" Onn Avenue from its intersection with Myrtle
Avenue to Koxrell Street in the Town of Mamarwnsck,
ye- York. Pursuant to the provisions of Charter
549 of thF Laws of 1926 , as am-nied ! pr _
3H7R3AS, such o To-eeting- were VprEafter had and
taken that said streets were paved Fni othErwise
improve? at a cost of 563 , 50902 : and
9 09
4I77R7AS, upon notice duly rubliFhed occord "ng to
Lan a public hearing as duly held by and before
this Town Board on Nove-zliber 27 , 1929 at 3 :30 o 'clock
P. I. , for the purDo&e of apportioning an assessing
the coTt of said improvement against the property
fronting or abutting upon the streets so imyro-ed
as nro• iled by law, anl
WWREAS, this Board did cn said No-ember 27th, 1929 ,
apportion ant assess the colt of soil improvement
in ohs earner and form reouired by La7; and
;Ire aTks, more thpn 15 days have elapsed since the
making of said apportionment ant assessment W
no Wrt cf sail total assessment hzF been Paid aK
the sum of U63 , 502. 12 , is still uncollected and out-
it is estimated by this Board that the
-dditHnsl surun Of ,,-.'-490. 88 -ill be recuired to pay
for the edverti- In7, printing of bonds , interest
charges On temporary Certificates of indebtedness
neneing the recsfot of the vroceedq of sale of street
impro-ennnt bonds hp-pin a-ovided for and the
necesepry exqpnses3 eM
WRIPWAS , this Board desire; to pro vile for the
issuance PW sale of street imy rove mpnt bonfe in the
mmount of 160000, 00 tc meet the cost of sp , d imnTove_
ment end exnenges incidental ther-to-,
YOV T=7=7 , it is
RES01VED, thTt this Board borrow uron its 0111n
and crAit the sum of 04,000, 00 anj i -sus its
bonds th=refcr for the ourpoge of w-7ing t4p cost
of grndinF, Deving and Other—iSe WArWing Myrtle I.
Avenue test of Chatsworth Avenue ant Hadison Avenue .
from its intersection with Hyrtle Avenue to Man-ell
Street. in the Ta7m of Ksmsroneck, F5w York] and it
is further
R-IFTS01,77DI , ohat sail b -nds be sold_ at public sale
on Pro-ry 14th, 1950 et 2 :30 o 'clock P.
at the office of the To-n Clerk, No. 6 Alm Stree,
in the Vil_[ Fgc of L-a-,naroneck , TEP York. and that
a notice of eais sale be published in re Daily
Times 1 ne"spaper publish;d within sail To of
Memercnech, Tew York, and in Q= Bond Buyer,
finnnoial newsueper jublishsd in the City of Fe-c,
York, rhich n--Fopperp Pre hereby de Sign- ted fc--
that purpoge , at least ones , no+ less than five
days before the date Of soil sale ; a 1 is further
RESCLUD, th- t spil bonds shell be issued in the
nvmp and under the seal of sail `To os-r of 109mPr-neck
in denominations of 11,000. 00 each, numbered 1 to
64 inclusive . dpfed December 1. 1929 , and shall be
payable in annu?l ins menu as follows : she sum of
15.000 on December 1 of eRch of the liars 1930 to
1933 , both inclusive . and the sum of Q4,000, 00
on December 1 of each of the y . -._.'c 1934 to 194Q
both inclusive . "Ith interest thereon at a rete net
exceeding 6% per annum p,7-bn an the first day of
Tune after the daze thereof and semi-annupily there-
after until the principal sum is fully pFid, Said,
bonds shall be signed by the Supervisor and attested_
by the Town Clerk of said Po-n under the seal thereof
and shall Is coupon bonds with the privilege of
registrPtIon in accordance with the provisions of
the General hunicipel LP-.
^h..: e-est c o u-o o n s sh.a 11 b e 7 n-_cl, -,v_4 t h
_1 n - , J. �, I
u-1- fac-simile si-g ?tu-re of 'he S-a-cerviec-
Rn�� both i0rincioal and interes t of --aid
bonds be -rjay�bi- in gold co-in of th-
Upi+ed States Of , e-joa of the _,gsen, stanr;,L,d
"Teiah' and f4neness , or its eo 'a. Joral ept in I Iuful
'n e ,r of the lmiited States , in TTE,r York exchange ,
2-U -,he "'rust Ccra-cany of Larchz_ion� , Larchi-no-nt,
or�. th- B2-nkars True' Co-iijany,
7, o rk w i t y He York a t ',;fie c-ptlion of the holdEr ,,
a i;r'h e
h a t said b o n'•,s steal' be o 11 d o t L,e
ne-son -Tho -':'ill take thpirn, 8 t -Uh- 10--es' T of
in _erect n9 no--, 1e se -h-on z -os-r va 1 u e olne---of
hall be in f o-,m subs t a r t i a 117 as follows .
the b iFnks t'n rein being ng rly Filled. v'
UI=717 '31AZ75 OF 1ik771IC_A
OF 111',j Yc=
Od" OF L;,I, -'_ROT7P1CK
STR72T I-=011171,77YT BOID - 1929
(11T�tlle Avena= P,n,,9 _'Tadi.- On -`ivenue �
K_11 07J = 2,171' BY T117'S7 2P17S717TS. that the of L,amF-ro—uck
a rnin ci-opi -_=-oorpL' ion J*Ln tll�p County ff -.7es-ch-�ster an' ste 'e C'
1Te7r York« he-_rFby ackno-r.,-1 ,(J.ges its Ln ebtednFss and for value
r-c e Te d promises to �?,y to be a Or -, 1f- t da v of D-1 c_=-_rAber, l9
the surf: o.-P ON"t T:LT0U.Si_=,D oon DOLLARS oge th-r 'In i1 t e re
thereon from the date hereof e.+ the rate of -per cen`iun pe_ a-n-,Tn.
-P-I-able serf i -2-nnuall on the is days of Tun �-nif December' L,,.-,)on
---Pse-n-ati on and surrender of to annxed, coupons as the S?Z--
r e 1oeo t ive ly _:1a.`,urea.. Both 0 0 pal and IJ r ,ere-t o Jhi,, bond a r e
in coin of the United. • ta+ea, of _Americ=n of the present
of -7,arO --eight and fJnepess . or il-s ecuivalen 1 4 n a7_,IUI �n
L _C).fle C.,
the United Statcs , i n 77a7, at the Trutt Cc,.,yo,.yn, of
LFrc?,Eon+ . La-ch-mul-It . 17jew Yo_-, H or at t h
Teur Yc,-,k Cit , Ne 0-r�� 4
�y Ycrk, at 'he Get{ of the holde,`.
This 1D-nd is one Of ar 4 1 ssue of bonds of like dat- an^
tenor except as -0 6 1,)_rl ZY aggregating the Sum of
I _�_t- of ma,t
thr- ,_)sand
Dollars , an ' iF issued
for the 1.=oo�e of -ppYing the cost of i_,rjoro7r,rsT IIDIr-zl- _��venuF ,est
+s �' verue frojr, 4 -L-s in°er�,ection srrith
Of 0 t 1-1 L7,�en u 7 an d
LyrTle Avenue an J29 z pll Street in the Ton o' H m-lr`meck, IT.Y.
suT,nt -0 and in sari .:, corfm ,h- Ccnqtitu inn ar- Stptu -esz
U -I i a,-a c e -�j-, th
0 t':_? S e Te,-,, Yo r k -i no 1 ud i r g among o-h-r s 11 hp,-o t e r 1.G, 0 f-
a rs of 929 and t h c t s a n,e n di,a o-v to- o -" n F s v,-e d oursuFnt
to -rjrr nPe6 ngs of the rOFTn Board Of saJ cl To,rin riij_-Lv had and taken in
ail. -es-oectic aiithcri7ing the same, taken
It is nereby Cer-tified recited an�. declared that all eats ,
condJtions and thirgs reo-J zred to exi7t, t^ h2,--cen and to be iDer-
formed, orecedent t® and in the issuance of *his bond, exist, have
ve happened and have been performed in due time , form and nne- as
required by La,,,.,, that the issue of bonds of ,,L7hich this is one ,
together udith all other indebtedness of said lor,,Ir
je r, 4--thin every
deb " and other limit -prescribed by the Constitution qn�,_ L97Ts Of the
State of Xe�7, York. an
- a that due provision has been Taad�, for jP_ i sing
annually by tax on the taxable or- O-rsrty of said Yo= n n. szuT suflic-
I-C-n-L to pay the principal and interest of this bond as the same
res-Pectively become due arf,, Opy--ble. The full faith and credit of
sai-I To,-.,n are hereby irrevocably- pled Ed to the -ounctual pa,,msnb z. of
the principal and interest of t'n ' 5 bond I according to _' is terms.
This bond. may be registered as to principal only as
Tare_l -s to both principal and. interest in accordance with the
provisions of the General Hunici.pal Law.. if this bond be regist-
ered as to both prinipal and interest, the interest hereon at
the reaueat of the registered owner will be remitted by mail in
New York exchange.
WITNESS WH7REOk9 The said Torn of Mamaroneck has
caused this bond to be signed by its Supervisor and sealer with
the corpo-e to seal of the said Town, attested by its Town Clerk,
and VE interest coupons hereto annexed to be Signed with the
fac-s imile gna.tu-e of its Supervisor^, and this bond to be
dated as of the l°t day of December, 1929.
BV _
Tani Clerk
On the lot riati of December,, 19 the To7m of I Rm _e^!c
Westchester County , New York, will Day to bearer the sum of
( ` ) Dollars , in Yew York
Exchange , at Trust Company many of laichmort, Darcrmont per;' York, or at
Bankers Trust- Com la y, New York City , New York, at the option of
she holder, being six months ' interest then due on its Street.
im roT/ement. Bon! - 1929, issue_ to lay he cost of i .n .o ing it
^tle ove ue west of iha s crth Avenue and ,..Cii17on -vEnue from
.—. its intersection with i`?rtle Avenue to 1i .7C'+el ? .street, in the
Town of Uamarsneck New Yorks sated DecFmbEr 1, 1929 , No.
SL's:J e rli i S or _.�...
Certificate of gis -Sion as to vrin.cilal Only
Thin bona may be re-gi cer °d. by the owner in his nacre
^s to oriaina_t Unle r th h^ c . . nature of the Town Clerk of�the Town
of !Amnroneck, County of QstchnFteT, i.e- Yorke, or other Registrar
below. and shall thirsafter be transfer able only upon the written
assignment of the registered _-ner or his attorney, ,.'iy ,e. n,,,,0d.=
d or p_�ovec , such egis Lra tion and transfer to be n �_, on the _.
b00{g Or sail nl °r'S or other Registrar, and a notation thereof to
be .-%_GE i2nsn..,, Such transfer may be to bet. . 2 •`, after which this '.
bond shall be subje Ct. to ,sub:se.^-Lenu reg Si.wF .hon and transfers as
before. The coupons will remain payable to bearer notwithstanding
such registration unless this bond shall be converted into a fully
r =i^tered bond by the surrender and which cancellation lati•on of coupons
s cancellation and shat. beenoted on gait books and
Dnn this bond. The tsrincl 7a_1 of this bond, if reg _terer , will be
Payable to the egi te_:°. 'ner or his legel
OIt P_" -.,t<i 4ES , Suc-
cessors or assigns.
Date r ,
i�Cg_ ..ry g. Time of Roka.,^ :,eL'CC;. DuY:.Ei" q Sign-i bul'E G"r' Reg 1.^.trar ;
Upon the written recuest of the ownrr of the within Ali
bond for its conversion into a fully registered bond, I have this
day cut off end destroyed coupons annexed to this bond amouht,' 'fig
in the aggregate to (0
dollc -s , 2M ths intere4t on this bond Pt ths rpte of and on W
6pfes as -as provided by the coupons as -ell as the principal there-
of -ill hereofter be opid to
reWMEnzavi -es , successors or assigns . at -.he piece of ppyment, I.
snecified th9rein, or, st thF request of the registered owner. the
iYerest will be remitted by mail in Na- York exchaDge. This bond
hereafter will be transferable on the books of the To-n Clark of the
TnTn of Kam9rnneck. County of Jestchester , Few York, or other
Registrar only on uresentetiGC_ of the s-ms with a written assign-
ment Nuiv ackno7ledged or proved.
DateS , 19
Toil cis 7_7 ) ----------
Date of Regi:try : None of Registered Owner: Signature of Registrar:
And it is furthn�_,
RESOLVED, that the notice of sale of said
bonds shall be substantially in the f011OWing
T ., OF y7-.7 YORK
S`ER772 1,_lt1R0_V_.Ft7L7FT B01,T_)S - 10,29
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that the Town Board of the To7n
of 11amarneck, Xe7 Yor'�� _, T ii receive sealed proposals at the office
of the To 7n Clark, No. 6 Elm Street, in the Village of Eamaroneck,
Few York, until 2 :30 o ' clock P. M. January 14. 1930 , for the pur-
chess of the following described bonns of said Town, to-wit -,
(a) QSavO0000 atreet Improvement Bonds of
said lo7n of Yen York, numbered
1 to 96 inclusive , in denominations of 81,000.
each dated December 1, 1929 bearing interest
at a rate of not exceeding 65 per •nnum payabl=
on the first toy of June after the date thereof
an? semi rue thFr-pfter and moturing as
folio—S : $7 ,000, on December I of each of the
yeErs 1930 to 1935, both inclusive , and the sus.
of X6,000® on December 1 of each of the yeare
1936 tc 1941, Wth inclusi7E ; an---
A ) W &M. 00 StreEt imr-ovEment Bonaz of spir
fown of Mamaronock, Far York, numbered 1 to 64,
inclu&ve , in net omiuntfons o 119000. 00 sachi,
dated December 1, 192P , bepring interest at a rate
of not exceeding 6% per annum payable on the first
del of June after the date thereof and semi-annually
thereafter PnQ maturing as follmvs : $5 ,000.00 on
Decembbr I of each of the vears 1930 to 1933 ,
both incluei-e , PM the sum of 04,000. 00 an December
of each of the years 191A to 1944, both inclusive,
Both principal Prd interest will be payable in gold ocin
of the United States a,-' 2-merica of the present weight an? fineness
or its eauivolent in lawful money of the United States or Ameri2a
in Ya- York Exchange at Trust Comppny of Derchmont, Larchmont, New
York, or at Bankers Trust Company, Kew York City. Kew York, at the
alzion of the HoMre
Sala $160 ,000. 00 bonds -ill be counon bonds FM oill be
registerpble as to princival only or as to both arincipal and int-
erest in accordance with the provisions of the General Municip2l'
M=ch bid must be accompanied by a certified check for
85,000.00 draTn uoon an incorporated bank or trust company in the
State of re- York; or P 09hisr's or other official ' s check of said
bank or trust company and payable to the order of the TO= of
T=nyonsck. Checks of the unsuccessful boniders will be retumned
Gil the Pwarding of the bonds. • o interest will be allo-ed an the
check of the successful bidder and said check rill be retained
to applied in wrt payment of the bon as or to secure the Tc7--,--
against any lose resulting from the fsilure of the bidder to comply
with the terms of his bid�
The right in reserved to reject any Pod Pil bids.
Unless all bids __ "e reject-en saif 0160 ,000,00 bonds will
by a7arded to th7 bin ter complying with the terms of sale ?nQ offer-
ing tc )urcbase the soon at ohs loves t rate of interest not exceed-
ing 5% stated in the multiple of 1/10th or 1/4th of 1% Is- P .nu_, ,
Te, rdless of irpmium, a-o-ided honever. that if too or more bidderli
bid for ths ssms ic-est rate of interes t. then sat 1160 ,000. 00
bonas -ill be assrds? to the bidder offering the highest orfre
thgrefor at 5 c lo-est rate Of inlereet. No bid foi !see than par
value and accrued interest will be c2nsilersd. Bidders must bit
for all of sold 3150 ,000. 00 bows Prd must state F single __ate of
interest therefor. Any bid not complying with the terms of tbi9
notice will be rejected.
The -1-o7oving opinion of WesFrs Clay, Dilinn & Venle-Fter,
PtTncn-yy , qf Ye- T_,_. 0 City , will be furnished to the Durchaser with-
out charge.
D-01 Drurry 3 , 191M
B. order V th- To-n Bonna
To7n Clerk
The -uTstfo e -Wtion of Me fcreg-Ing resclutions
was put tc a vote ich rest tee so fQ107s .
Ayes : 6
Yoss; ncn=
Suosruicor Burton -Svised the mgmbers of the Bo-75 t1st
thE Recodif`020011 Of the To--n La- -ith a number of emenements W
choTges from the Act as nromosed last year. had been Printed and I.
0011 be aregEntV t- tn LeginlatuTE on' he understood hearings -ouW.,
be bpi? thereon. He Motel that h- world be glad to have the B6 2rf
stvdv the vre2ent proposer Act , art make any suggest3ons or recam-
meniptions that might occur to them in connection with the effect
on the government of t'rep -2c-,en Of 11amaronEck. He recommended thst a,
committee of the Boam be Proointed to study the matter in detail
era to e { ten l Myrings which My be bell on she bill when and as
introduce? in the Legislature,
Eton motion, duly sec ej, in"Ps , upon roll cell unan-
2 1 �
R7 SlIV7D, _. _„ e ,St JE , or be and he hereby
.:J-thc ,.i Zee qrff- ern:oc-e-.ed „0 s,D-3oint a. ComrritT..ee -
o- e o----d t", study the pr _iJoe cd ?EGiG^-'a. '.t �.Cn
o u,'he '10''n La about to be o_'es 1 ed t.r. ChE _
-ie'-p.t.U'"E sc t']at this �3Oa'rd. rr be eavieed Ps LC
i to effete v_oon , he G he 'o .n. of
7' 1 '^eel_ 2af. O ta_ - such cz` on 'n Conn ectlOn
h er. _-'C, irclu..:_ng '-.he atIcn,'l.e°. e _.t hc%_"_rgs
t el°;�_ on b5.i4 Bill Cone-rerc ?. Albany and the
or ?'"c'`_'a t- 0� Of nd, ° 11r G� O ,. 1Clc rir-?le nts T,'C1ErE tC ,
ga `;�1d CCYC t Lee e°C!
S erviSO 2u-tcn ..her J??3on :ooin ' ed t^ said ccLr,,,,ii.tt.Ees
l st9 c, s Es c_smi Lila Leeds— G rn Clete ' ?- :- ir_ 2nd ;owns-, Ioi, Ga.io&
GoL. sel -e-o.-,ted on behalf of the -7�L de n-Endent of hi_7'e>-
_ -Gd h i'f ,z 1 'i.n re- . n r- I Ll ric
_ e-ae ,_Cn Of '_=c 1 r -i,1 .
'e U.E , 4C
in;.r1 1 : c :° .73frino X7.5 7rr-ce _y -ncesF t-,7 tNerE _
4�"'G be -.E r,F L3Ed r? _iLE ,G i.;'E G. �o^e _.r^E Col, 5 r'E^Oi Li1EYn r + t
e r r n j.
L -l -, sta ',E En LO 2."DJ 15e +he value o - C1C- .a ^ F ^t,T
Ue . oui _'C-d. H I?l . th. tit:`,^C thF°t d.UE i_n GC_ :.3'n ^l.
_ _' o-O , _i, -,T^.UI � '(p--c abI_y }1 neocssa2:'; to 3cCL._ 'e the Ort'r t v lJV �i
.-ti021 ^n!i t %'lo CeSj-ed. t0 C �f7 i"F.C' :.° r,,:"iP� "th E Cr,1.1=. sst 'Oi7
J „7.6 sOYia COr' t7, it ore orey en, L`-. T c-c
cl -eras off-reo U_oon roll ea Z7
=7SOL1,77,D tha C'oDnEEly= an
they here -IT are at, Geri n an,,
ei rn -Fred -anC. _rected t0 obtain several eio_ sisals
on '.- 'p"rt-y necessary L , be a.G"?U1red bar ih 1.^,--Tn ,
0- 1r_1 rrCieCCh ir, cormer`.i o"f_ d:1tn `hec ._C0 '-i'J-Ct2Gi% Gf
t_ ,
J-DIF r 7 r r.s ion. ..C'U-n' V (' ; :l ";7 f> ^ f U"'"h E_
t COn?Er' th Iv7.1 Devi Cl.SOn, COL?._"_tv
_ttto"'ne7 ano 11 ' i;ra.0 Don'ld., Coun 7 -Tng ne a r, ''-cam -,.".'d.-
Ln.; '.inE �P_e ti:'od 2-CC" _ '.nom CI 52 � ,' i. '.0'iJEr`�: ii' i;YlE l7
iY 1'7cir rl.lgC;<E Ui Vn drEv? th So u'1E d77—able..
JU:-:tiCe 7EE�°_ C'-feJ"e G. i'0:. d:'J'.,:r,C,n, t C _ 17.0'. =.-np =csol '?Y_GkS;
-T-LS. by er ordt-er f- - e6 T-2-v 11 10`8,
ie Do-r1f. of r v,n o
Co n . Io t C,-U v 2atho i _, d L_a ro , ,m_rt
L ;ei'lU" Crq 'ni Dr-IL I - C...Yid T12plE i11 Dr it ve +
in t.,8 Hill Sub c,
Yc— York, Pwrllsluent to -c oi%i S? Cr,
Of Ch -D±er JL_Q of the r2.'FS of 19"o . astir. n^eCg an^'.
.._" r i'`,_ti. S L'.n In -p rr 0^_e e r - _5 'i E "E tY.S_ E"r Rs:C:
U21r n th said, s --. were -ea�'EC a:r r'.. Rte? S SE
1L1 ^o?red .0 t. e Cost Of � 95,.97�a55g ;P_r a
,=7=,118,1iJa L?._on nGt.ir.e dUljr _Oubli,Thed aCCO . .I._n-- to
l . ?.-:oubli_c 'C1"c_ '_n held- by be-lo-re
•na__rte on 2GR -r b i" in _.9 '9 c.t G. O r cl oc L I.
?-_. _ _ the - ui.--poee Of a._OfJort-10nrng a,nC!.
Ci. CGS CI Sa 1'� tlil_Iar OTTEme'L: ga ln0`. t'C1E C-^01JE"e'G!
frCYi± '_n Ci a:oU .Tln� U_COn tir c,tr e S, SO iii•^C rEJ
'O ti 1 a, a n C.
?bT,)0 `-`.0... .nd 2 S°eSS th- CO t cf� 8 :Il -
ir1 2U r'n eI[ nt� -
,-^ the fernier and 1 nrmfl re Ci U_1 Te cS, by ^'rrF &n,. '..
T - more t'��-n 15 d_Ftvs hove el -r sed since 'he
o1 c2 i .1, ':oo ti nnLn en t . n''_ acgpgcrr, _nt stn'' no
t0 SsASSment has been 1-)a i a ^ the
7.'. _ l_il1_ A i;licCren' er'. Cut° - nd-
_ng 2 n..
ITEMS, it is esttmoted by this Board that the
additional sum of ;;_27M will be reouired to po r
fan advertising, printing of bcnds . interest
charges on temporary cErtificates of indebtedness
pending the receipt of the proceads of the sale of
street improvement bonds herein p7oviled for and
other necessary expenses ! and
WH7REAS, this Board desires to provide for the
issuance and gale of street imm-o-ement bonds in
the smount of Y96 ,000. 00 to meet the cost of said
imp rovem-nt and the eHn-nses incidental thereto ,
no- therefore , it is
RESOLVED, ultnt this Board borro- uzon its faith
and credit the sum of J96 ,000. 00 aid issue its bonds
tb---for for the purpose of paying the cost of grad-
ing. oaving and otherwise improving Homer Avenue ,
Orsini Dri-a P71 K-Dis Hill Drive , in the Wit
Hill Subahvision, Town of Eamarcnec , NeW
York, and it is further
RESOLVED, that said bonds be sold at public sale
on JhnuFry 14th, 1930 , at 2 :10 o ' clock F. H. at
the office of the Tcvm Clerk, Ec. & Elm Street
in the Village of UpmoronEca, Ye- York, onn that
t nolice of seid sale be published in the Daily
Times v nnnspaper published Within fail T _n'of
Kamarcn-ck, Yen York, end in the Bond Buyer, ?
financial ne ,go rpsnpublished in the City of
New York, nhich newspapers are hereby designated
for that purpose , at least once , not less than
five 37vs before the date of spit s-le : P-d it is
RISCLVID, u4pt said bonds shell be iseM in the
name of Pod 11^..^_ er the sea! of Fait To-n of
Idam,roneck in denominations of al .000. 00 each,
numbered 1 t: go inclusive , dated December 1.
1919 and shall be jRy2ble in annual instal-
ments FF folio-0 : the m of 07 .000, on December
1 of each of tho years 1010 to 1935 . bomb inclunive ,
and the sum of 15 ,000. 00 on DEcembsr 1 of each of
the years 1936 to 1944 , both inclusive , Tith in-
terest thereon at a rate not exceeding 65 per
-nnum payable on the lot day of lune after
the date thereof and semi-annuolly thereaftes,
untiT the grincippl sum is fully y7Q. So ' ! bonds
shall be signed by the Supervisor and attested by
the To7n Clerk of said Town under the see ! thereof
Pn1 shall be couron bonds with the privilege of
res0tration in occordance with the -provisions
of the General Municiorl Law. The fn0rest cappons
shall be signed witl he f- c-simile siEnature of
the SunErvicor and both orinci-tal and interest of
sain binds shall be psynhir in- gols' coin of the
Uniten States of america of the -ore sent Fi-mard
"eiEht and fineness , or its e-uivP1 ;nAn lq-ful
mynew a, Z4, 01+0 States of AMSTic- . in De-_
YcrIs exchange . st Tru� : Commany of Larchmont, Larch-
or I
Mons , 0ey . 310, or at the Bankers Trust Comopry . he-
York City. DO- York. at the cotton of the holder�
and it i- fu-ther
RESMED, th-7 soil bonds shpli be soln tv the
norgon -ho -' 11 taks them pt th- to Est rate of
An,erpst end noO lEss thpn the 17r 79!Ue thereof
and she!! be in form s7bst2nti?llv ?s fnllo
-v �
the bl2nm th-rein being Drooerly filled , 1 iz .
UNIT= ST?_'27?C_ 01' Al2R-C-A
T _y Os' Y u'.L_K_71CK
STR37T 1TJFP'Mf7T_`7oJl B3= — 19219
Women AvEnus . Orsini Drive anr',,
Ma:lk Hill Drive )
$1, 000. 00
KYON ALL QY BY T77S7 P37SUrTS , ter' the Town of Eamaron-
the County of destchester ani State
eck. P municipal coqpcle
of re- 7-rh, her-by acknowledges its indebtedness and for value
received n-omises to uay to bearer on the !at lay of December, 19
the sum of CRY THOUSAND ( $1 ,000. 00 ) DOLLARS together with interest
the7son from the date hn-Tof Ft the rave of pen centun per
Ennum, payable semi-ornually on the Pt Qvs: of lung and December
upon presentation '.End surrender of the Pnnpned interest coupons
is the same respectively mature. Both principal arK interest of
this bond are peypbls in gold coin of the United States of America
of the present stwnlerd weight and finen pFp . or its eouivalent in
W-ful money of the United States , in Yew York exchange , at Trust
Company of Larchmont , Larchmont , New York or at Bankers Trust
Cony any, hen York Cizy, York, at the option of the holder,
This bond is one of an issue of bonf, of like date aV
tenor excent up to dete of maturitv. aggregating the siim of
six thousand and 00/100 ( $96,000.066 dollars, and in issued for �p
the purpose Of Paving the Mst of imp7o-ing Home, Aveous , OrELM
Drive snf H- le Hill Drive , in the Town of Kamaroneck, New York,
pursuant to and in strict compliance with the Constitution and
Statutes of the State of Yen Yotk, 7nn2rding among oOhe7q , Chnjtes'
549 of the M of 1926 , Fro thp acts a.meneEtory thereof, and is
issued pursuant to proceedings of the. Yawn Board of said To-n duly
had and taken in Ell respects authorizing tas saws,
0srely cErllfiEd , reciT& end declared tvpt all actt-'.
conditions or things require? to exint, t- Wjpen and to be vq -fo-m
ee , 1pr ecedent t- end in the i7su- nce of thi - Bond, exist. hive heypen-
at End ha7s been performed in due time , form and ms net as rtzouiral
by 07; thal the An-ue of bonds of 7hi2h this is on togethel Mth
all other indebtedness of sail To-n. W within every debt and other
limit nreecribsd by the Constitution end La-,T-s of th Sts --e of TlE--
York, End that due provision has been made for raising annually by
tan on the te-xvlols n-onerV of said To7n q sum sufficien- to pay the
principal End interest of this bond eE the same resnEctivelv become
due aml nexable. The full faith end cre&it of Fail Town ore harpOv
irrevocably MAW to the ounctuel spyment of the prin:ippl sM,
interest of this bond according to its terms.
This bond may be registered as to grincim! only as well
os to both ;rinKyaliond interest in acco-Knee Pith the arc-isions
of fKF General MKninlrol L . If this bond be registeree as to both
princf-c- 1 - na interest, the interest hereon at ths re 7c ,. of the
registered otner oil! be remitted by mail in Ne- York exchorge ,
TY 11177SS W77HROF, the soil,_ __�,:-:-n cf 'nes
caused this bond tc be signed b; its Surerwsor and sealed with
the corporate FEE1 of sail Tc `.w sttested by its TcTn C1,70, End
ths interest coupons hereto PrnEyed to be siSned with the fac-
simile signature of its Supervisor, and this bond to be dated Ra of
ths let day of Decembe-, 1929.
0--f lei. Y.
AtteEt '
Tc7n Cinrh
On th� fJ -u+ rf-E-, of 111-n tr
County, y e c 1 7
o be
4 r
R 1,17 C)
c r-, o n t L c Imm r n
r u-
yor1r r�4
C I h�� C-"' on f th a 1 d e �in r._C'.1-_251°
. .er . `l^-en Jq-le S"n it-s S�r=- - I-
CO cos "I of i =ro-'Tin-,'° He e-' n j-_ 7
n of -n
191 2
-'I F DT A R
17�T 71�j 0- R7:CL S-22-- 7 10 S To 7-
"o-7. C-� ne '
j1rl_f!C D U nr e-r- 'n -7 c_ _;2. .. �_ l"i'^ _f_ ol* h- � T0 7y!
r-'n p c--- C c 1-in t-,v o e s c h Y c---k 0 o e Lz rca
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c-- nc--,, "17, 1- - --- - -zt 1-ill -b-- --eL -,-Led by -m-Eil i',n
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CY --:7I-II-9TPY- 7"'- - -, , - GID -� :
''-,.Y:G. it is further
RESCLV7D, that the notice cf sale of ss &,
bonds shyll be substnntisily in the foi7o--
ina fcrm :
TCZ7 07
YOTICE TS H7REBY GIVEFt thet the TO o-m Board of the Turn of
11marcneck, Ye7 York, 7fil receive Sec'lsd proposals at thn office of
the To-n Clark , Do. Din Street , in the Vil"Lage of L-,emarvnqck, Ye-
York, until 2:30 o 'clock 2, K, January l4th, 1930 for the juvchFae
of the follooing descrfbed ds bon of said Tw�n, & -1t ;
(P ) AdJO0.00 Street improvement Eonds of
sail To-n of New Y:7k, numbered
to 96 inclusive , indenominp-tions of 11,000. 00
each dated December 1 , 1929, bearfng interest at
P rate of not enceeding 6% per FMUM pRy7ble on li
the first day of juns after thF late thereof. Pnd
semi-Pnnurlly there after end me turf no as f oil o7s .-
11 ,00000 on December 1 of each of the years 1930
to 1935 , both incln- ive , an! the sum Off',,
f Id, nO0, 0C
on December 1 of each of the years 1035 to lqdn.
both inclusive : PK,
(1)864,000.00 Street Improvement Bonds of
said To-n of Hamor-nEck, Ye- York, numbered
7 to 64 inclusive , in denominations of 11 ,000.00
each, dated Aecember 1, 1929 bepring interest el.-
0 Wte Of nOtEXCeedinj 65 per annum, payable on
the first dpy - of WE after the date thereof and
semi-arnually thereafter Fro maturing PF folio-r-.
$5 , 000- 00 on December 1 of eech of the years of
1930 to AW , both inclu-ive , and th? sum of
04,00ONG on December 1 of each of the ysprs 1934
to 1941. both inclusive.
Both princippl and interest will be payable in g-ld ccin.
of the United States of Am ^a of the present stan&r? weight aW
fineness or Q9 ecuivplent in 1--ful money of the United States
of AmE-tc- , in Te- York exchanEe at Truzz, Cczerpry of La---c-111aacni-I , La7och
mont, New York, o- at the Bankers 1--r-upt Com-�,any , Few York City,
Ye- York, Pt the onion of the holder.
Wif $160,000.00 bonds will be co7-ruon bonds and -J-11 be
regi-terable as tc principal only or ; a to both arincipp! and is Brest
in acco7dqnce with the prc7isions of the General Municipal La-,
Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for
55,000. 00 drp7n upon an incorporated bank or trust company in the
State of Ye- York, Or 2 Cashier 's or other official 's check of
sail bank or trust company and payable to the order of the To-n of
Hhmarcneck� Checks of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned on
the awarding of the bonds® No interest 7ill be allowed on the check
of the successful bidder and said check will be retained to be applied
fn part payment of the bonds or to secure the Town against any loss
resulting from the failure of the bidder to comply with the terms
of his bid.
The right in reserved to reject any ont all bids.
Unless oil bits ore rEjectei oaiA Onoyonoao bonds
-ill be F-YrOed to the bidder comnlying WM the tenn- of saw.�
- PSI-
offering Wourch7ge the S _. ., thF 10-eSt rpte of interest
not exceeding Q ste-ed in a multiole of 1/i0th or 1/4th of 1'='
Per annum, regardless of Dremium, brovi0ed, however, that if two
or acre bidders bid for ths same to t __.rote of interest, then
said 0150,000.00 bonds oil! be a-nraw to the bidder OffET'Ing
the highest unice therefor rt such lopERt rate of interest. No
bid for loss zhan Par value and accrued interest will be consitepl.
Bidders most bid for oil of s9 $160 , 000. 00 bonds and must state
a single rate of interest Thsr6for, Any bid not compiving 71th
zsrmq of this no7i-s -ill be rejected.,
THE emproving ovinion of Yessrs, Clay , Dillon L V�n--,s-uot=r ,
attornevs . of Te� Yo7k City, Ye- York. 7ill be furnished V the pur-
Meer without nrngea
Daied, JanuFry 3 , ls3r,
By order of the To-n 2o5T-_
Tonn MAIIo
The oussVon of the adonvion of the foregoing resolutions
T20 UUt W 2 vole -hi-h resul-ei as folly,s .
Foes : none
Von actfon, the meeting adjourned at 5 :30 T. IT,
To 7n Cl -?__