HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_12_03 Town Board Minutes 13 1 TC '7-0 ', C-<< T, Y. told Decenhey 3rd, 190, The meeting naa saMl to 5vler by Suosr-izar Su2ton 21ceEnt: s__ ion Justices BoyA, ATE11 and LEEK Tonn Mal: Sherman Counsellor Gann--� Uosn motion, c y second w, it vas voind tc dis;ensc wiz! the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet apjrv7n?� The Clerk statea that pursuant to notice duly✓ alvertised, the Boazu should now consider the 7azious, 7lans and plications for building p-nnice nhich had been fen is! hy the AvilfInE Rm-Assico as ning in violation of the Zoning CrRinavie . Af'sr reading of the ncv! 2E as sd7ertis��f , an� after discussing and considering the _aria us applications and Ilan? fv: bvi7dinv nv=itE , ISTAPE the Board, it was , u0on mDzicn, nul-, so cc nas -� 77=-7D H7777AS, ths Town Board of ths T5a---, cf Mmorvn-ch, Val Gal: KvErtiled jUIZUant lav , a pablic mentirZ for the jurloze of c3n- sibErinE contain thsigim gtavEl, Lands und= the Zoning Ordinance of th- unin- ocilcrated art of the Town of VanavonEcl,- nhich apolications are roa lending; an--- he oaf hearing and both zhz jlivil2gs of Board having held said parties ho-oing been grantea alpeazing for or Fgainst the granting of contain applications as jr:-IdEf Under the Zoning CrMnEnce , and after due consideration; therefore be it RNSCLMD , tia-z the Town Board of the Town of XhmanvzzQ, sittin& jointly as a Board of AIDEals and as a Town Boart, GOES MrEby the fol pilfcations from the -ncLsior of the Building Comminsicn . MiR iscAi3n is honsby rz-ei, Ed ana does hsrEb-,,T conzent to the granting of the follc� Q-� 111licaticn2 eubjEct in each case to the 5�gcjfjc conditions an& sofpEunyas thereir, statew. 1. Application tin srsctinn :f E zna YoinayQ Road and HUE inE be erzctea not lE Tcrowndy Scan, aM A Fc . 1419 of the GMIEco Reelt faaLly insilinz and gals,Es on snot DA7S , jrO-10d tS�WM, e than 22. 5 feet from the fro ras fUlthEr ..at the folloninE aDplicaTLans is laid 07or Ay further Ca=yanj fon Lie norner of that the buila- t let !ins of 1. Alylloation Ec, E31 of Harry B. Rogers for the alono-vi cf constructed L:all in connection with completed ho=G z1vu, -ef- on t e Vast Side of MOROZY G10 7E Drive , 125 fee � from Cocleo Lane , said zail 7jtj arch enco-.p1oments he -, ng lEss than 5 fSEt from the side line . 3 1131, _m 7362 c, -� L ._�_j, C�" L._ -�C, 3—in, c---C FG': _ the _ c. _.c _-,n -yj rie 5 �..�..1't __,I- t :�_ e^t .-n^ R- �epo �e -cam c,_ etc _r _rte= d. _._ ^lce-e_ la zn �i.zt 'cp O? i1 '1G� r �'Ie'-fir i' "_` the rinon !h o f 0c _ P, . _mac __ __.:..0 - __ - � YJe +T^ 1cIT CncC'`- Jc1 t be __ in a s a i� m et rM� � Ce1- c... _ .��• P i _r= --.E 0 _.., i3 i is c. _ C_ t. S 0 o t n CCt1 C-ce _ ',CeCt n nor, _ th s _-- Gam '_ u2 tre c 5 LL rT t-'I- C I - - - _vo:- _— 1D -e 13 ILI Cc rye_ --,n _ ac: 'been re cu.c,_+ec 17J the h _ th t r te ii eC , L;P. C _C 7929 , OT 7ti 1777) :.h-- ;,. '17 D `..__ .;C�::)1? ��.� 71GS fare La-- J'CYY-2. Je 13?OC1�^R '�C nd 'ie h..°= J 0 ' ._per 0- the '!'C .- _ !L.._ »_ ,;i FCC', :, .:C: �0 f.T:rn..p nl-yC7 __ch t;__ lot;!7 Bc.__...s, �:. D t T a_ __? _ _ -- _ b' the Di?lcn r's , _"_ _' e u v C c'^.to r c. - �1i _ -n C.Cr n __ Ct1p ? _ 1SC ,1te =Y'_ Err". '_rTE °__. .:h_.. - On_ of the rig' _ _..2 _ i �Uh _ r _.�.�C c: _vu + a_'nC=S "= ..._ L0 O1° _I TD, i' '.';1 _ Cher t - __ 1.:=1'1.^'ui Y'_ on .?c e 2 7-- - ,^,Ji Y1 C I 'c.Z,7_. =e C> L6 � __ �.i�OGh E° ';Y1 '"'0 -nc :. he t L., ar_ gnu- 0 G 0 1.. ,C�' la 0 _ _ 2 'r._ _1Zc tRS'C ._t[,t� e-::ch : ccecd..i,n s-- :Fn c lae _ -_ r �;�_ �� ;'n T -„_ T--^ -r� LJ ^_Cir _ ^_ _ _C� 7 -, r 3 ,E.e_� f + - t � l v�-•_= cI 17� th.�. Lr ,uch _ A _ C= � �, .....__,.__— _ „_ 7 0� �;1c. a 1. _ L 0 . _ _L - z. cl- I h an. mrsua _. _hE :i�cti __ - ; 2s o= _ . Lc. .s _C c_ o-�� ; cti � -- - - - - -- _ t'- - - �u CEr r Ga.7� _ ,._ . _•__ rUG j C_ r'..L1 tJ . s i p C L Ue`e .,ch . . _ =>a'C 5'2. � a a 0? in 1f.°_BSi,S G f 1oJ2r f TT L._ _aEC?n t0 - - t °� _ - - ._c _ C11 _ ,._PUr. _ _. 1C:,. .,c 11C1 1 I i -_ 1,h S )_ _. t_f'n ac,; _O . i_ `^^.. .,. ... _- •,, - 1 .. '1,c-1": _ r r_ ^_E C _r�-!°, ^ .tee �cL' r_ _ _ �_-'h iGUI' 1'JB _ .. .,.c,.,, rE ^, � idE p . �..nicn n Dce b-1 7 ,_ a 1C, 0 _t _ce �v o_ th, _._C_ w u 3at or - u v au _ _w_ cn any 10 a.uCir_ iZE ?I I 5 ._ SU iCr t.0 r�C ' ., _ rlic' -. of f r t E^'1_._.. 0_ the _ .,:1 1'?r _� _ :!� ; b Ll not _ 1n �: c__� _ alU t rore , �ccsc ' '° " E or �E -° CE_tL? a±E n Uer � _licatea ci in ,c C..- ' r `h , ��Q -_c LUs �.!,. ntE _ _ c.C .,-uE G'' i^ "; }I s - Q r.,a -ct a6 OrU°� t.7.E e C'f_ -2:r7t LO cc - c*e _ „h-_ Sr _D� _-n_ _ sue i_ic OL. CErt C.2.tEa of k^_c not _.,e >1G CCtrCC 3 U L u _scu 1 tc in no e:=cEec ' ert -L `a,5 ?:11 n _, 1^ � t'^' C CE,' 1'... ! S U'-, r'•0n01i1i Cal al f10 t. 1 the � itP rEc ,.,, Oi l ^v tv'r b^pus i1r :�rF _ vd o r r. sell J P1c LC_ _ at -C .:cc 0_ i 1^ .:e_ _.._ 1_.. l U'.E !J :n^ _ �.. ' .IEr _ _ i8. '�E .,l C .1=r_CC:_�.e8 c1 Indc b P„__...ti !Z1E a^ _ ..,o t __ .c ! EC lc uJEy a nd, S __ . sol- Ce _. 1:_C! .:.11 t,. 'erg o ISSUE n­- „_ Orf CC -., DES I'1..- 6.�„ ., t0 'J1,0 fAr ? 5 'OT' Ti1F, m7,1 Of ..,UC12 CE-='-_- -..0 Or CE r`-i T:_32C :es 2.S Ln.a.J 'OECv'�ilE C1UE from ti-le T..0 .-11c!rr- 9 anC. r T- ',TIT,; , 'naceS .. is _ ":R 'L:10na.L. af--un .;. 1 ccyr ' 1 E ifltErea+ hich has ac „c. a.nC!_ '7l_l1_ oCC.. 0'^ ., ' u C - _:.f4 _3taS r1 "a.feb+cdne SB I-6ret,of'0= u au,+'r!O-^i Zed: t'!-e-ef=, ha 1 ;,. 7'77 0177D tha the Su D rv_:3r” ba a n,d he Ii eb-,, _„ , a �n� En aeo_ c�nC L'.thC. !_eta __ cls a^ _ U o .isir � _ _c la..r_'. SECT C:_ T T h .. C{ .. Gr,y _ c_ JOr .. 'Llp�i. 1..11.E r,.._ L an _ crEC i, _ ,_ t Trc 0f" 17a._ 2_0 n tnE S'1�_' 0_ amo--n r '3lCC ,^'CCU ° St%Cil „_.D'a. 1 _. _ .'a. vE ¢ _ dE Cr.. Ci :a :ec. „lC-_'_ c.CCr1.1C C-7 a..0 CC'.,..2_ 0 E .. J.E r= r a _. � r i 1i0_ CG .. _ .1 .:. P .._ fir' 00 5 4' Ja,. l - 1 c anc. h rcaf ei, acc-L _ "i.herEon; v,hil Gt2 shall bear I'nze_-est no.- to eu_cc.C. 6iy Jc , c^;Y-'vUS1v y0aj 2.b I SUCI'1 .11E 0 ' Zin'1. a E_q the jti;_c1`ti.SOT anf_ G.1v DOSE Oi said Certifica-te or Certificates Cf' Inc_ebiedness Por nrt lE s -ns.n J-: r -__ G'1c an T 7,77, 4 C)f L o T­ C e ca+e s Tnd-7b-e�l- ng of C,--+ ' � �cate + e 4 11, C _ES� T r -r e c n o-r .-T n c n Z-, __lzL_7 h-2rea f e22 a cc rue h c-r t o fc.i2 c a ut E2-idl resolutior of 25th, IS"2"L', C -1 4 � -1 --- L, C,- , I - _1 J_C a STA__7 177,1 C)i -ic.at�� cf I Tr t'r, T n r 'ar:=(,.ecl jp r1=E L 2010- 'f,c. L-2 „C,C J, Jo T�l C -',E 3-_a-a- of Vc- c"-.n S n -r r C li se z h cc f f t te, St f s J. I-c,c 1,.a1 an-11 i n ET_ L 'TE-in.- I E in la-�-J C'n C-7 ,7 v11 a e a C TT 1,T�, -:T Y 11"n�is C,_�r f i CJ t 2 c f D: 6-'b t F d1la�_a E i s, 0 n e cf an 4 -Ul ' r.G', t j e cl u th o - 0 0 o e _in-_C S I F -2 7 n a Z-� t t G I'c L Sul- C,__ res.,-Eictively, ha-.-_'nq lo-E-_n 1-2--r--tofore is, uec , "his ,D - Tndeb :,-di-(_ s 2 ssu--7 ou,-, p�s= -f5 un n e - "=- s Jd CE rt --i h�_+_- t I" �su,--1 1 r Sr -1,1 1-J2.1 '10 LLlll t hE ='n i E + �iz 2 La'.,:, cns �U- C! '�,o C= f I'Ll.r e Y Q JL I e L:-� o- S ­ _ 5 c f he L of 1^ 8 Q a of '17— Y0­1- jC- C-r, 4 C 4 - �h U, E S yo--l- a-, !T� IT 0' C-TIS v,'r C 2 f To I -.-j,7' T Y i� F rj 7,c c eill 1D c s Z,n d, t h 4=s -- c-i —c t',, Corstitu ,n and S 2,tul of S 6C ITe-Y VC-rIr L C -o hE,-,7, '-,P_p­n°r' to n� _l_l-D-,-JI-nl-_ lain L e 121 o a' .J. -ha a t'Ji- s 2 u e f CE f -a- f - s s a L- 4 1- _'..'- -d is 'i "`'_^ . ± e ''u �.n of � �u �iri:°_ ..g vi'1 'r. _^^ i -yjc, Y '_� - .y. _i _ C 2" _G t to l ','� r. nC= Sc. r.'Or t:. �� _ _ _r_C. ..e5 of � ':1%.e rt in t'i,_ a r i, - 'n s. �JdC OJT"0 bL-f olr - by c., c 0 bi" �1.= _x0_ OY' ��,/ ✓'7 " S.P_en��,_ on of of the n� o. T� ,r t c1c ii, r D ti-aes, in sl. __ T � 1 CX' n Vi ' 'J1g I, - ' C..._ ij­ _ r } �1^.. __ - r 1130' f'r'T i_._af Ol' s=s 51 _'1C�_P_u r r .. Lh -__ �. '_''-_ �e ng pes o= - n e u ti_ __. _ JOr L act — - - - - :=e' 1.3O-1 ... _iiC eC� 'l^..:.�_ � _.._anti- 2.rr 1 L rD,y n, .L—� C.o _ iC-F? - __ n Gi h, vn3st _o Z __ n � 2 a ec1. ��� E,i L Sr -ie w o _,S S'' '^ - 143 _71 ___ �CCD n _yJ __ c ra-or ,mac. ?r G o _ C _ TndE� bt ,7r= I r dill t ��%r� ...: _J tilt Jc'I„ TI_�C _a 'ir..r _ _ aaTae � _ 71 7^ T l ---^j�f;y r _s .T _C'_C Sc' r1�5 _7 -w T�=_ .cTLc lir^.� i&IT _ ��' '1�_ _ � _ 1" _ SL. I itr- F t to 'Inc -- ln .a�ig CC.�' g c-O'z "a :C n J. __l_�:`} bov"1.^ 1 ^' .i_,.. JlC � i:"'V_ l!I C-Cq C-y _1 q�i c iy - i n c� TI U_ UYO._F'a „7y T . v' � i1 , n G� = -" V "_ Oi Tn dBLLpa-n- S l_ c f'.� n. fl._^_. °5 T. v '."',.- o _..ioic .. _ ..n.�__�.,c.,.. 1 J jrr -�._'lc. J. ruU.dYl 0 ?J , 1;;101`1 S' OI ' � 1�i i,'__ T�.. ;'; n� � �i, l ULu �= 51 of is Ccn_cL, .l_. _ L::�., ., �,,, o _ 'T1 D _ _ _ _ La., o_ ?9 __ Ca 7 as T,_ s ti '..l on a utio_ ^_ �_� �. 0_° !"•.. rvt-- -_}10 b 7 _� `LU ol= Ci . u-Lo T_.1n B 6_i CC FC ^ 1. e l t ic a a C,n -n in -'S_ __ - _l_:.1 on _ u ,.. c t1 T{ �. CI-S _�. r8 _t. i.__ _ nis. - CC rr f _ nG. 1a �'�� C -_ ., .1_ __.,_ _u� aC Lc ,C L(1C_ _,n_ .,._T i1.,L _41 v _lJ��... J _ o-,_, =;i .tia = _1 r T_ L_ '� c: ne Ceram �u.tion and L_ s ,7 S u p TT ',,p4❑ rS� ,T,�h — n'ie' ^ r — - J u' _ c' - - n _- - na: C :.a _._, ,;"ri__, Cc7'G_i'_ c=. .e of T. ,,�eb Le wness _o be 0l �rtE z ,_ _ . _��:. r '1: _t i_ pe l== n' - 10--h o" D c . o.c._ CL _1.. 145 f V -f D a 1 c -F T d 1 I C, n' 4-11 ---I C _CC --:1 ''J q -cl 7i C' f C I llo,6 f- n- r� -i T i�17 r 77 i Ic— t - cl C, n if n T 7r- 'I _­7 s 147 111 WHEREAS, it is the sense of this Board that the sum of $28,509.12t be raised (the sum of $35,000) haying already been raised by a tempor- ary certificate of Indebtedness) by a temparary certificate of indebtedness in the manner provided by said Chapter 549 of the Laws of 1926 as amended, in order to place the Supervisor in funds with which to pay the entire cost of said improvement, pend- ing the collection of the assessment and/or the issuance and sale of street improvement bonds as provided by law; now therefore it is RESOLVND, that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and empowered to borrow upon the faith and credit of the Town of Mamaroneck a sum of not exceeding $28-r,509.12 for which he shall issue in the name and under the seal of said Town one or more certificates of indebtedness in anticipation of the collection of the assessment made and levied against- the lots or plots fronting on Myrtle Avenue west of Chatsworth Avenue and along Madison Avenue from Myrtle Avenue to Maxwell Street, in the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, and/or the sale of street improvement bonds to pay the entire cost of im- proving said streets as provided by Chapter 549 of the Laws of 192c as amended. Said certificates shall be sold for not less than the par value thereof, shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding dj per annum and shall mature at such time as the Super- visor may determine,. not exceeding however, one year from the date here6fe Said certificates shall be paid by the proceeds of the assessment as levied, as above stated, or by the bonds to be sold as provided by law; and it is further RESOLVER, that the Supervisor and Town Clerk be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to sign, execute and deliver such papers and documents as may be necessary and proper to effect the sale and delivery of said certificates. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions was put to a vote which resulted as follows: Ayes: Burton, Boyd, Howell and Leeds Noes- Town Clerk Sherman. The Clerk in voting !a upon the adoption of the resolution gave his reasons for so voting, stating that he was opposed to the exorbitant prices that were paid for Special Counsel fees which according to his information, was approximately 25*000 to $35,000. per year, and also stating that Ys was opposed to the employment of Special Counsel, wherein said Counsel approves the legality of the Town Boardts proceedings in adopting resolutions, bond issues, certificates of Indebtedness, etc. ,. and also acts as approving attorney for the banks or interests to which said bonds or certif- icates are sold. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at U.-SO F. M. Town 9rLk