HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990_03_14 Planning Board Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK MARCH 14, 1990, IN THE COURTROOM, TOWN CENTER 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK Present: Sanford A. Bell, Chairman Jerry R. Donatelli Steven R. Goldstein Norma Jacobson Patricia Latona Alan P. Murray James J. Romeo Also Present: Lee A. Hoffman, Jr. , Town Counsel Gary Trachtman, Consulting Engineer Caroline Silverstone, Supervisor Stephen V. Altieri, Administrator Claudia Ng, Environmental Coordinator Shirley Tolley, CZMC Mary Feldtmose, CZMC Bonnie M. Burdick, Recording Secretary CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bell at 8:16 PM. CONSIDERATION OF SITE PLAN APPLICATION - 21 NORTH CHATSWORTH OWNERS CORPORATION 21 North Chatsworth Avenue Block 133 Parcel 514 Vincent Ettari, P.E. , appeared on behalf of the 21 North Chatsworth Corporation. He stated that he had been hired recently to repair a badly designed and poorly built retaining wall in the parking area for the apartment building. Mr. Hoffman stated that the applicant had been before the Zoning Board in February. The ZBA had adjourned the matter as it found the dumpster-holding facility unattractive and poorly located. That Board had asked for further information from the applicant. Mr. Bell stated that the retaining wall had been before this Board at the time of the completion of the Carleton House apartment building. The wall's construction had been of considerable concern then because of its location at the entrance to the Town from the New England Thruway and because of doubts about its durability. Mr. Bell stated that the members of the Planning Board at that time had wanted a stone wall built and had compromised on a wall made of pressure-treated railroad ties. He heatedly stated his concern about the lack of follow-through available to this Board for its determinations. Mr. Ettari stated that the wall had not been built according to plan, inspected during its construction or given a Certificate of Occupancy. He proposed building a gravity concrete wall faced with railroad ties. March 14, 1989 © -2- Mr. Ettari stated that this matter was of some urgency as the wall could collapse at any time and injure or kill a passer-by. Mr. Romeo stated that it would be possible to build the wall so that it would be secure and esthetically satisfying to the Board. He stated that the facia of railroad ties could be placed on the wall on a shelf so that the ties could be replaced at a later date by a stone veneer, brick facing or new ties. He also stated that a planter could be dug out of the top of the concrete wall so that the virginia creeper which the Board had requested in September 1987 could be planted. On motion of Mrs. Jacobson, seconded by Mr. Murray, the Planning Board unanimously directed Mr. Hoffman to transmit the sense of the Board concerning the design and construction of the retaining wall of the parking lot of the building at 21 North Chatsworth to the Building Inspector. Mr. Ettari explained that the Site Plan approved by the Planning Board in September 1987 did not include the dumpster enclosure but that the drawings filed with the Building Inspector in April 1988 show the enclosure. Mrs. Jacobson moved, seconded by Mr. Murray, that the Planning Board declare itself the Lead Agency. This motion was defeated 4 - 3 with Mr. Donatelli, Mr. Goldstein, Mr. Romeo and Mrs. Latona opposed. Discussion about the enclosure continued. Mr. Romeo was extremely critical of the plan submitted. He stated that it was nothing but a tax map and an unimproved survey. On motion of Mrs. Jacobson, seconded by Mr. Murray, the Board voted unanimously to direct Mr. Hoffman to convey to the Zoning Board that it approved of the stockade dumpster enclosure as it is constructed and in its current location with the addition of evergreen plantings around it. The Board and its consultants requested the following additions to the plan submitted to upgrade it to a formal site plan: 1) delineation of ingress and egress; 2) depiction of the relationship of the building to the corner of Chatsworth and Jefferson; 3) demonstration of the relationship between the public streets, the dumpster and the building; and 4) drawings of the additional parking spaces. FURTHER CONSIDERATION OF REFERRAL FROM TOWN BOARD - PETITION FOR REZONING GEORGE HOFFMANN & SONS, INC. 10 Byron Place Block 132 Parcel 410 William Maker, Jr. , attorney, appeared on behalf of the applicant. He stated that the proposed B-MUB zone might be impossible to implement as March 14, 1989 -3- the 80,000 square feet could not be gathered. On the other hand, a change of this parcel to Light Industry would place it next to another LI zone and would be appropriate for this property which is on a dead-end street. Mr. Bell polled the Board for its opinion. Mr. Goldstein stated that he felt that B-MUB was no panacea and that this plan would be an improvement. Everyone else on the Board was against changing the zoning to LI. The reasons were: 1) opposition to enlarging the LI zone which could bring noxious fumes from industry; 2) an industrial zone would move closer to a residential zone; 3) the B-MUB zone would be made meaningless; 4) the land assemblage necessary for a B-MUB use would be impossible; 5) A storage facility could be built with a zoning variance; and 6) this change is inconsistent with the Master Plan. Mr. Bell stated that it was admirable to want to clean up the area. It was pointed out several times that the applicant could request a zoning variance. Mr. Hoffman was directed to prepare a memo for the Town Board reflecting the majority and minority positions. ® REVIEW PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE TO IMPLEMENT MASTER PLAN Mr. Bell had concerns about the language in a clause of Service Business (SB) uses - 3G(3)(c) . He stated that he felt the language implied mandatory installation of oil separators. He suggested using the wording, "Appropriate conditions or measures. . . ". Mr. Hoffman explained 4B(1) and (3) which further clarify the procedures for the designation of the Business-Mixed-Use Business (B-MUB) zone and oversight of its development. The members wanted 2B(7) [multi-family use] removed from the SB District as they had voted previously. Mr. Goldstein again expressed his disapproval of the concept of the B-MUB zone in the area of Byron Place. On motion of Mr. Murray, seconded by Mrs. Latona, the Board, with a vote of 6-1 ( Mr. Goldstein opposed) approved the promulgation of the zoning implementation of the Master Plan with two exceptions. The exceptions were 1) the addition of the words "Appropriate conditions or" at the beginning of 3G(3)(c) and 2) the elimination of 2B(7) - multi-family housing in an SB District. On motion of Mr. Romeo, seconded by Mr. Donatelli, the Board voted unanimously to direct counsel to communicate its determinations to the Town Board. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Mr. Murray, seconded by Mr. Bell, the minutes of the meeting of February 14, 1990 were unanimously approved. March 14, 1969' -4- On motion of Mr. Goldstein, seconded by Mrs. Jacobson, the minutes of the meeting of January 10, 1990 were unanimously approved. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Mr. Romeo, seconded by Mr. Murray, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 PM. i6M410C.:e. 1)7 Bonnie M. Burdick C