HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019_11_13 Traffic Committee Minutes o� Town of - ,w,• Mnironeck New York Traffic Committee Meeting Minutes A regular meeting of the Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee was held on November 13, 2019 at 7 PM at the Town of Mamaroneck Senior Center, 1288 W. Boston Post Road, Larchmont, NY 10538. MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Doris Shaw Block, Chair Abby Katz, Town Board Member Ben Garcia Connie Green O'Donnell, Deputy Town Administrator Arthur Katz Lindsey Luft, Assistant to the Town Administrator Camille Odierna Lt.James Maher, Mamaroneck Police Department OLD BUSINESS: Traffic Concerns on Country Road: Residents on Country Road appeared before the Committee in response to the letter they each received regarding the proposed no street parking restriction in front of their homes. The residents felt the no parking restriction would not be a resolution to the traffic safety concern. Instead, they were in support of having a stop sign placed on Country Lane at the intersection. In response, Doris Block suggested a yield sign might be a viable alternative so that drivers on Country Lane would slow down when approaching the intersection. After discussion, the Committee and residents were in agreement that a yield sign would be the best option. Doris Block informed the residents that the request will be presented to the Town Board for review and determination. If they were in agreement, there would be a Public Hearing. At the conclusion, the Town Board would make a determination as to whether the yield sign would be placed at the intersection. Request for a No Parking Zone on Forest Avenue: A resident expressed his opinion that street parking was not a traffic safety issue on Forest Avenue. Instead, it was the result of vehicles travelling at high speeds. The resident requested, limited visibility signage, additional road markings or a traffic box that displays a vehicles current speed, be considered. A Committee member suggested lowering the speed limit. Lt. Maher advised the Committee that a speed advisory sign or use of a speed tracking devise could be installed. The Committee agreed to revisit this issue at their next meeting. Referral from Town Planning Board-Site Plan Amendment-Winged Foot Golf Course- US Open: As required,the Planning Board referred the item to the Committee for their review and recommendation. The Committee was asked to review the proposed traffic plans that will be implemented during the 2020 US Open that wall be held at the Winged Foot Golf Course. Although the coordination of off-site parking facilities and shuttle services have yet to be finalized, the Committee agreed that the proposed plans,which are similar to what was done for the 2006 US Open at Wmged Foot,were acceptable. Resident at 3 Washington Square Request Speed Bumps at the Entrance to I-95 Doris Block shared with the Committee that she spoke with the resident and informed him that the Committee would not support the installation of speed bumps. Review-Traffic Committee Review Request Form and Recordkeeping Procedures The Committee reviewed the form and suggested that the name be changed and a question be added as to whether other individuals or property would be impacted by the proposed recommendation. Depending upon the issue being presented, an internal review and determination would be made as to whether neighbors should be notified, accident reports obtained, etc. All relevant information would be included in the Committee's agenda packet in advance of the meeting. Next Traffic Committee Meeting Scheduled for October 30, 2019 NEW BUSINESS: Request for Parking Permits on Plymouth Road for Residents Without Driveways: Residents from the five (5) homes on Plymouth Road who do not have driveways appeared to support their request for residential parking permits on Plymouth Road. They stated residents from Weaver Street and Alden Road are parking on Plymouth Road, thereby, reducing the number of spaces available for them to park. They are requesting parking accommodations for a total of ten (10) vehicles, two per home. Doris Block explained that a residential parking permit is granted by New York State and further explained this process can take years. The residents unanimously requested to begin the application process with the State for the residential parking permits. The Committee suggested the residents consider initiating a discussion with the owners of Stop&Shop's parking lot about allocating spaces for their use. The Committee asked that the Town Administrator and Town Attorney be consulted as to whether they thought there was a strong possibility that the State would approve the permit request. Request for Stop Signs at the Corner of Ridgeway Road and Country Club Drive and at the Corner of York Road and Country Club Drive: Two residents were present to discuss the request for stop signs at the corner of Ridgeway Road and Country Club Drive and at the corner of York Road and Country Club Drive. They feel there are aggressive drivers within the area who travel at high speeds, therefore making it dangerous for their children to play. Doris Block explained that the purpose of a stop sign is to regulate traffic at an intersection and not necessarily slow traffic down, given vehicles accelerate after stopping. The Committee's recommendation is that the residents place a "children at play" sign out while their children are outside playing. Another issue was brought to the Committee's attention. It was stated that there is an overgrown tree at the corner of York Road and Country Club Drive. Lt. Maher stated he will notify the Code Enforcement Officer to evaluate whether the tree needs to be pruned. Review Proposed Traffic Committee Review Request Form The Committee approved the revised form for use. The form will be given to residents for completion who want a traffic or parking concern reviewed by the Traffic Committee. Next Traffic Committee Meeting Scheduled for December 11, 2019 or January 15, 2020.