HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018_12_12 Traffic Committee Minutes - -yury) u
Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee Meeting
Wednesday December 12, 2018
Present: Doris Shaw Block, Chair, Camille Odeirna, Ben Garcia, Robert Herbst, Lt.James Maher,Abby
Item 1—New Jefferson St. The committee approved adding a crosswalk at the intersection of New
Jefferson and North Chatsworth Ave with corresponding signage, Residents present also suggested
removing one parking space at the end to improve visibility for cars turning left from New Jefferson onto
N. Chatsworth. ,ThcQmajt4ee deferred, as they had not looked at the
if intersection with that suggestion in mind.
Item 2 Old White Plains Rd—No residents were present. The committee approved all the road and
signage improvements outlined in Lt. Maher's memo dated 12/9 with the exception of the rumble strips,
Lt Maher reported that the police conducted a 10 hour observation period and minimal amounts of
large trucks were observed.
Item 3—Residents were not present(they had notified board they were unable to attend) but neighbors
supported this effort. Lt. Maher indicated that Steve Altieri approved the painting of these markings for
all the driveways from Richbell to Blossom on the North side of the street.%This needs to be confirmed,
Item 4—The main issue was the difficulty of turning left from Edgewood onto North Chatsworth and the
danger this intersection poses to pedestrians. This was raised as an issue distinct from the commuter
parking on this street. The residents provided a diagram of the changes they would like in this area to
enhance safety and traffic calming. The main ideas are:stop signs on North Chatsworth in both
direction at the intersection of Edgewood, narrow or change grade of North Chatsworth on the right as
you head north from town towards Edgewood to slow traffic, move the telephone pole just South of
Edgewood away from the street and remove or reduce shrubbery in same area, reorient sidewalk that
ends at Edgewood to direct pedestrians to cross at new crosswalk, add crosswalks across North
Chatsworth and Edgewood. While it was explained that stops signs cannot be used to control speed, the
residents stated that it is control traffic and making turning easier for cars and safer for pedestrian
crossing. The committee asked for a review of the accident data at this intersection. Abby indicated
that the town board was also concerned with this intersection. Next steps would be for the town
engineer or a traffic expert to determine if this intersection would meet necessary criteria for stop signs.
Residents were advised that pis would be placed on February rneetinq as there was work to be done
that would not be completed by January.
Item 5— No action taken, resident not present. This street will be covered by the commuter parking
study which be undertaken in the near future by a traffic consultant.
Item 6—The committee informed the resident that there are already two signs posted for the garage.
The committee did not recommend painting on the road. It was also discussed that there may be
improved traffic flow when the Madison Avenue light is installed which may help alleviate traffic backing
up near the parking deck. Regarding the request to make one lane of Myrtle right turn only onto North
Chatsworth, resident was informed that the traffic design was based on a traffic experts'
recommendation but that it may be reviewed in the future comprehensive plan as others have made
this request as well.
Item 7— Residents presented photos which showed cars often partially blocki their driveway and
presented ample evidence that a difficult condition exists for them due to people parking in close
proximity to their driveways. There currently in a no parking in one direction to a bus stop. The
recommendation was to extend the no parking zone to the other side of the driveway for 5 ft(at 1011
Palmer). I cannot find the current no parking zone in the town code but was told there is currently a no
parking sign to the right of this driveway. Resident was also in favor of painting lines around driveway as
an alternative.
te # $;uoieolts from Planning—These documents were not included In :Met ON were n9t
Next Meeting Wednesday January 23 at 7:00. February meeting potentially Feb 27 dependent on town
board meeting dates.
From:Doris Block<doris.block@gmall.com>
Sent:Tuesday, December 18,2018 3:13:12 PM
To:Altieri,Stephen 12Q__ 17-e /a tro-r-e
Subject: Re: Last Traffic Committee Package
„ Ca was in my packyt,A;, said,inprior email it was my fault we .*. 't go to it
Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 18, 2018, at 10:14 AM, Alden, Stephen <SAllierilafl'ownoft\l:inthioneckNY‘iq.1 > wrote:
There seems to be some confusion as to whether your packets included the information on the
special permits. Was this information in your packet?
S ph flJ V. itieri
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