HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018_03_06 Traffic Committee Minutes 111111111111111111111111111111111100v 1"11 1111111111 .01.00,000000000010,1 „II „Hoy 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111011011CMIIIIMN 1111111 1111111111 0010811111111001 11 0 0111i 110 01, Poo 01 015 00.0000 TOI/VN OF MAM/kRONECK 11;10? «0,01 II 11111111 !Pop ilool 1011111p, Hi, 1111 Hp III ill' 001111111Diii 11'0 11010 wn voldofi moo It4i4oHatil tIocK.00 TRAFFIC COMMITTEE MEETING ono olool00000l oil !Poo 0 00 II 0001 P Ppoo oo 1 I !I 11,0111111 000.0 iH01000000000.0 11101 II 0111111,11,000, MINUTES —MARCIPI 6, 2018 1111111111111111111111111111011111 IP pool 10 1111111 III 1 0 logo 01, 1.11 "" PPolill'ol,00,10;00,0000,1 111101111,11111,111,1111101111011141Sok01011141.610001111!„01,611010,10,000a0000 001*Ilio ,11111400111,11vItylorivilf411 iv A regular meetin of the Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee was held on March 6, 2018, at 7 PM in Conference Room C, 740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543. MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Doris Shaw Block, Chair Abby Katz, Town Board Member Stephen Bartell Connie Green O'Donnell, Assistant Town Administrator Camille Odierna Sgt. James Maher, Mamaroneck Police Department Robyn Nichinsky 1. The Committee approved the Minutes of January 10, 2018. 2, The Committee reviewed Espresso Cafeto's application for a Special Permit Use and the Short Environmental Assessment Form. Based on the information presented, the Committee determined that the proposed use would not adversely impact the adjacent properties due to traffic by said use, that there is no need to install traffic control devices and the existing parking spaces in the Village Square Shopping Center would be sufficient to serve the patrons. 3. The Committee discussed Helen Gurny's concern that the intersection at Carriage House Lane and Griffen Avenue is dangerous due to limited visibility and inadequate street lighting when turning left from Carriage House Lane onto Griffen Avenue. Sgt. Maher reviewed the regulations and it was agreed that the matter should be referred to the Building Department for Zoning Code enforcement due to there being a minimum of 30 feet clearance from the corner house. 4. The Comrnitteeheard from Polina Jordanova regarding the need for a crosswalk or traffic light at the Palmer Avenue and Harrison Drive intersection. Since the location is in the Village of Larchmont, not the Town of Mamaroneck, the Committee did not take any action. 5. The Committee discussed the recent removal of the signage on Garit Lane that prohibited overnight parking. Tom McGuire, who resides at 6 Garit Lane, stated that since the signage was removed cars are parking on the street for extended periods of time and in some cases for several weeks. In researching the parking regulations it was discovered that on May 2, 1984 the overnight parking restriction was eliminated. The Committee suggested that Mr. McGuire petition his neighbors as to whether they would want restricted parking on Garit Lane. 6. Residents from the Murray Avenue and Maple Hill Drive area expressed their concerns about pedestrian safety and drivers not obeying traffic signals. The Committee advised that installing a traffic light or speed bumps were not feasible in the area. However, the Committee thought it appropriate to request that the Police Department increase traffic enforcement and thought the Town should consider placing a traffic device on Murray Avenue that shows how fast the vehicle is travelling. Regarding pedestrian crossings, the Committee requested that the Highway Department in conjunction with the Police, conduct a study of signage that would be appropriate at a crosswalk to improve safety. It could be a sign that lights up when activated by the pedestrian before crossing the street. Examples of such were identified in neighboring municipalities. If this is not feasible,an alternative would be to install pedestrian yield signage similar to what is on Larchmont Avenue near Larchmont Temple and also on Mamaroneck Avenue. The issue of inadequate lighting was also discussed at the intersection of Murray Avenue and Maple Hill Drive. The Committee agreed that this would be placed on next month's agenda and that if more time to research the issues is needed, the residents would be notified and it would be placed on the next month's agenda. 7. The Committee discussed the timing of the traffic signal at Richbell Road and Palmer Avenue. Since Palmer Avenue is a Westchester County road any issues with the light would require County input. 8. Carolyn Lee of the Mamaroneck Schools Foundation presented a proposal to establish a trial period during which the sidewalk on the Pier One side of the Boston Post Road, between Weaver Street and Richbell Road,would be only open to bicyclists for one week(April 30th to May 4th)between the hours of 7:30 am and 8:05 am. Three members of the Committee were reluctant to support the trial period due to traffic conditions on the Boston Post Road. Also, it was questioned whether the Town could restrict sidewalk usage only to bicyclists. Abby Katz stated she would address this matter at a Town Board meeting.