HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019_11_04 Sustainability Collaborative Minutes Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative
Meeting Notes, November 4, 2019
Attendees: Mitch Green, Sue Odierna, Mark Kramer, Karin Weisburgh,Todd Isberg,,June Wallach,
George Roniger,Arlene Novich, Elana Mass, Wendy Gittings, Chris Hofstedt, Lisa
McDonald (from Larchmont Environmental Committee), Denise Dunn
New volunteers were introduced: Steve and Christina Lefler; Luke Brussels; Nicholas
Zuba. Also County Executive George Latimer joined us for a good portion of the
Minutes of October 1st meeting were accepted.
Reusable Bag Initiative(RBI)
Sue reminded the group (and for the new volunteers) that the law goes into effect on 12/1/2019 and
bans single-use, carry-out plastic bags from Town businesses, and charges 5 cents for paper bags.
Exempt businesses include food establishments such as restaurant, delis, taverns;they may still pack
their"to go"foods in plastic bags. Nancy sent letters to all affected businesses offering a meeting with
merchants. Stop and Shop responded and Nancy and Sue met with the Manager and offered posters and
also cards for their registers. All stores were then emailed and followed up with by phone and most
elected to receive posters, cards and reusable bags. Suggestions were made to hang posters in libraries
and schools but ultimately the decision was made not to, due mostly to the potential confusion since the
Villages do not have the same law.
Update: Posters, cards and almost 2,000 bags were distributed to Town stores in mid-November. Most
retailers have told us they will give to customers once law is in effect on Dec. 1'. Also in-ground signs
are outside of Town Center, Maxwell Avenue Recycling Center and the Trader Joe's and Stop and
Shop parking lots. We've gotten media coverage in at least four local and online newspapers and News
12 as well. Also, residents have been invited to come to the Supervisor's office and pick up a free
reusable bag and several have done so. Reusable bags were also donated to the Community Resource
Center, student artwork design winners, Collaborative volunteers, staff and sponsors of the bags.
Wasted Food Reduction DEC Grant/Food Waste Recycling
Elana explained to the group the specifics of the three-year NYS DEC grant. Kickoff of"Love your Food"
will be at the Larchmont Farmers Market on Saturday, Nov. 16th. The Love your Food website goes live
on Nov. 12th. The insert has been approved and will be mailed out in Nancy's bi-annual newsletter in late
November. The insert will also be used as an individual handout at the Farmers Market at other
Mark K. updated the group on the food waste metrics. Since 2017, approximately 155 tons of food
waste has been collected to be composted. This number includes food waste from the school district.
Starting this past September 28th, there is a breakdown separated by school. However, there was not
sufficient supervision after the first month in the schools so there was some contamination in October.
The "Green Tigers"student environmental groups are helping to supervise so this should be improving.
The only school in the district not contributing is Mam'k High School.
County Executive George Latimer mentioned that the County is completing their food waste study trying
to determine if we have a site in the County for a digester, location in Yonkers being discussed. If Food
Waste Recycling is going to work county-wide, it has to work in cities like Mount Vernon, Yonkers, etc.
George thought it best to start with communities that are already willing like Larch/Mam'k. The County
hopes to announce its next steps this spring.
Healthy Yards
Arlene updated that we now have 135 HY pledgers. The HY group would like to get the program
promoted more through the schools. Arlene worked with the "Green Tigers"students at Green Film
Festival at MAS and they promoted the HY project. They also discussed using only native plants. June
reported that the HY site had gotten about 50 "clicks"in October. Diane will be working on a map of HY
locations(where HY signs are in place). We do know that all schools in the Mam'k School District are
"healthy"as no pesticides or herbicides are used;same for Town parks. Wendy mentioned "Green
Town"certification and suggested we find out what is involved in getting the Town "greened."
USGA's 2020 U.S. Open at Winged Foot
The USGA Golf Open to be held at Winged Foot, here in the Town will occur on June 15—21, 2020. Mitch
reported that currently the USGA is working with the Town on the Site Plan Permit Application. The
Collaborative sent a letter to the Planning Board that was signed by 20 "Collabs"suggesting how the
Open could be more environmentally friendly. In a meeting later that month, the Collabs made 25
specific suggestions on how to achieve this goal;the USGA has so far agreed to only six. Wendy G.
mentioned when she attended the USGA's US Open at Pebble Beach, California earlier this year, most of
the waste was due to vendors. One of the concerns is where would all of the waste be taken. County
Executive George Latimer suggested Mitch speak with Pete McCort at the County as he is the
Sustainability Coordinator and could perhaps help. Mitch also suggested Collabs attend the next
Planning Board meeting.
Update: On November 13, 2019,the Planning Board approved the Site Plan Permit for the 2020 US Open
at Winged Foot.The approval Resolution included an Exhibit A,which listed 29 sustainability priorities
that the Planning Board felt important for the Open.The Resolution itself set up a new structure for
Town leadership,the Collaborative and the USGA to work together on advancing sustainability,with
Town leadership as the judge as to whether the USGA's actions on any particular item were going to be
"sufficient".The Collaborative hopes to move forward with the USGA on next steps before the end of
the year.
Larchmont Environmental Committee(LEC) Update
Lisa McDonald updated that the LEC has been in touch with Sound Shore clubs. She and other volunteers
have met with various members of local clubs to set up sustainability groups there. Lisa and Mitch have
worked together to create a "Sound Shore Clubs Sustainability Best Practices"initiative, including a
forum,perhaps each quarter, where club members and staff could share "best practices"and "low-
hanging fruit"program experiences,such as reusable bags, compostable cups/plates,paper recycling
and consider energy audits. Most clubs in our area seemed to have contacts, but they need contacts for
Shore Acres, Orienta and Quaker Ridge clubs. If anyone is a member at one of these clubs or has
contacts there,please contact Lisa at lcbmcd n.aid gmail.com
Update:Working together with the LEC and the VoM Committee for the Environment(CFTE), on behalf
of the Collaborative, Mitch drafted a joint letter of the Collab, LEC and CFTE to introduce the "Healthy
Clubs, Healthy Community(H2C2)" program to Club members and staff.The letter will be used by
members of each club to introduce H2C2 to other members, staff and leadership.
Mobility/Complete Streets/Electric Vehicle (EV)Charging Stations
Sue updated the group that three of the EV Charging stations(Town Center, Myrtle Blvd and Baldwin
Ave.)are installed and running. The Hommocks Ice Rink/Pool parking lot station needs to be re-
engineered due to an electrical issue and they are trying to determine if this can be done or if the station
should be moved elsewhere. Electrical charging is complimentary for the time being;appropriate fees
and dates to implement fees to be determined. June mentioned she saw a non-EV parked in an EV spot
and spoke to a Town police officer about it. He told her he didn't yet have a code or way to write a ticket
for this. Sue to check with Nancy/Steve regarding this issue. Separately, a suggestion was made that a
google map should be embedded in the Town website so that residents could find EV charging stations
and Elana suggested posting notices at the libraries.
Regarding sharrows,Steve is hoping to have the sharrows painted before the end of November, weather
Update: Fees for charging vehicles will be determined and approved by Town Board. In addition, the TB
will consider a local law to specify that spaces are for electric vehicles and will determine the penalties in
effect for not abiding by the law. Fees will probably become effective in January.
Presentation "Restoration of the Sheldrake River Area on Brookside"
Luke Brussel presented his experience and lessons learned on Native Plant Restoration along the
Sheldrake River in Larchmont Gardens. His presentation effectively tied climate changes at the macro
scale to impacts here in the Town. Luke described the adverse impacts of native species and how this has
changed the micro-environment for the worse in a small amount of time. With support of Town
leadership and by active engagement with Town departments, Luke was able to undertake a "pilot
project"this spring and summer along the "brook". The presentation depicted the remarkable results in
one season, giving hope that this effort could be both successful and scalable, with continued
collaboration by Town departments essential to change outdated maintenance practices.
Update: The Collab December meeting will include a "brainstorming session"with Luke,to consider
how the Native Plant, Insect, Pollinator and Wildlife Restoration might be able to expand along the
brook and,with the Town's help, spread to other Town-controlled property over the next two to five
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40PM.
The next Collaborative meeting is Tuesday, December 3rd. We will review the attached "Collab"
meeting dates for 2020 at this meeting.