HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_07_24 Town Board Minutes IfEE'TI_ s 01? TH" TG,,Vji? BO,, D 10`4-IT OF L . Y. held July 24th, 1929 The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 8 :45 P. Present : Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins , Howell and Leeds Town Clerk Sherman Upon motion, duly seconded, it was voted to dis_)ense with the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet approved. The Clerk stated that pursuant to notice duly advertised, the .Board should now consider the various plans and applications for building permits i^rhich had been denied by the Building Cormission as being in viclation of the Zoning Ordinance. After reading of the notice as advertised, and after discussing and considering the various applications and plans for building permits , before the Board, it Maras , upon motion, duly � seconded R SOL-y7Q 171=AS, the Town voard of the Town of i!amaioneck, has duly advertised pursuant to law, a public meeting for the purpose of con- sidering certain applications therein stated,_ made under the Coning Ordinance of the unin- corporated cart of the Tow- of 'LamaronecY. which applications are now pending; and 'ii 4EFAS , the said Town Board having held said and both parties having been granted the privilege of appearing for or against the granting of certain applications as -provided under the said Zoning Ordinance , and after due consideration, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board o_ the Town of Lamaroneck, sitting jointly as a Board of Appeals and as a Town Board, does hereby grant the following applications from the decision of the Building Commission, which decision is hereby reversed and does hereby consent to the granting of the following applications subject in each case to the specific conditions and safeguards therein stated. I. application No. 1378 of :Morgan J. Hickey for the erection of a one family d•rrelling and ;garage on the north side of Valley Stream Woad, 600 feet from Crescent Road, provided that the build- ing is erected not less than 6 feet from the front let line , all in accordance with t e plot plan filed. 2 ap-olication 1o. 1380 of Charles 2p O'Brien for the erection of a. private garage on the south side o{' Dean Place , 200 feet Barest from Oak Avenue , provided that the said garage is erected not less than 20 feet from the front lot line , all in accordance with the plot plan filed. 4 3, Application lo. 1386 of the Good Sound Properties Inc. , for the erection of a one family dwelling and garage ors the south .vest corner of 3dge ood Avenue and 3:iurra.y .''.ve.r .e , p 'ovi ded that the building is erected not less than 25 feet from the front: lot line of Liurray Avenue , as the new -,.urray Avenue is x10111 projected, all in accordance with the plot plan filed. 4. Application 1,1o. 1390 of J. De Santis for the erection -- of a one family dwelling and garage at the corner of Glen Road and Chatsinorth Avenue , provided that the building is erected not less than 20 feet from the front lot line of Chatsrrortn Avenue , 30 feet from the front lot line of Glen Road, except the chiraney which shall be two feet 8 inches in thickness and the garage shall beerected not less than 2 feet from the side lot line, all in accordance with the plot plan filed. 5. Application Ilo. 1392 of Edward P. Edwards for the erectim of a one family dt,,relling and garage on the north east corner of Orsini Drive and Byron Lane , provided that the building is erected not less than 27 feet from the front lot line of Byron Lane , all in accordance with the plot plar filed; and it was further =SOL-=, that the following application be7aid over for further consideration; Application of T. Perciasepe for the erection of a gas- cline station on the east side of fifth Avenue near Valley Place , within a. B District. A communication from Er. G.. uW. lioody together with a copy of a letter from Ex. Henry '4,< Sackett addressed to 3--r. J. R. Ross , Tillage Clerk of the Village of Scarsdale, was received and read in relation to the operation of buses through Fenimore Load.. The communication was ordered received and placed on file. , Hr. u1illiam Lawson appeared before the Board and spoke upon the subject in which he stated that some provision should be ii,.cd.e covering -policc regulation, etc. in the operation of said buses on Fenimore Road. After a full discussion of the entire matter, it was upon motion, duly seconded I 1U?S0LT7)7D5 that a committee be appointed to thoroughly investigate the subject ma-;ter of bus operation throughout the entire Town, and submit its recommendations to this Board at its earliest convenience. The Supervisor teupon appointed the follorvin- committee ; Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collies and Howell Toevn Clerk Sherman Counsellor Gamble Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 10 :25 P. Y. VIK, JX�� c Town Clerk !.T,ET7-: 02 T17H. T 0Y EOA'� TC_,,ET 0-7 J`e 1 d JL11 7T 29th, 1929 1 The ametinl- was called to Order by Su-pervisor. 31.11 �, on at 3 lj�' Present . Supervisor 3urtcn Justices Boyd , Howell and Leeds To-,7n Cl----(,!: Sherman C,-,u.nsell-,r Gamble Uuon _iotion , duly seconded, it .mS 7Dted to dis-pense ,Jith tine reading Of the mllnutes of mce�inss mot- -Yet aj­,�)rcved, 3u.,,crvisor 3urt"Ur r,�quested that 'he -Poard at t1liS time cjnsider increac -ing the present number rjf _'lectiull Districts in t1ne l'o',,m, of T.,amaroneck, statinZ Uh2t the registration of voters in the- Sixth District, at 'U` c la 1, ",lection nccessit2ted a, div- Of tl,p,,t district and the creation of t7,-To districts "Ere- m, which would increase the present 'nuaniber of Election Districts in the 2own of La-_-_iaironeck from 10 to 11. ' -ter sca sion, Luoon - 1 di mo,tion, duly seconded., it -was a7SOLV7D. t1lat the re�­_S =aticn of Voters in the sevca�al Distr-i ctS of to Tr),cm of 7,-aFljar 3n-lc1-. no vs that t-ce con- venience c)f t-,a-_ voters ..ill ;,e p r o 't e d by a 1 t e ring &nd incrcas1 - 7 the -o-resent' dumber U - - L of 'leC'iCjj 4. n roin LC to 11, D* StriC- S n d sai Tow f M7 TH=FC,_R7. B7, !'T Eff131-L7T24D, that -oursuart to SeCticr 64 of the 7 - ction Law of the St3te of 1,T,7iv York, the nLlifcer of 7�lrcticn :Districts in 'Lhe of 11amorcneck be altered and and_ a. new district created by dividin_ the present Sixth District into two (2) districts to be lain )n? as 7lec'ion District Yc .. 6 and,- ]_lcction District 1_1 ; rescribed, and the sa_ic?_ 1,-,7,vn ID-= divided _LnLn Pleven 71cction Districts , each district tc contain Je r e s oe c ve 11-7, a s -_n c arl-, as �j OSS-bl the -ecuisite ntunber _f voters requirEd b-v and U U be it further a7SOLV=, that the sz:zid 1-even Election Districts hereby created in the T--,-,!n of be 'ocunnded a_md described_ rc-sDccti-,7ely as follo-.-,�s ; i3'"!TnT`_,G at ' Lie point of intersection Gf 'he nort-n-rly and ea.-'erl­ bounds,-_--Y the Of T,-,�jjiarncciko theyes 'Lcrly bcu,nC,,_� line of the Tozn �)i Harris,= _� nd the s , ut,-�� _,ly b'undary line -,�f the _1`_v%Tn of E`)carsdale and runniriZ thence southerly along the c-: asterly bo-andoxy line cf -he Tj,,Jn of !uamarcnec,,: and thewesterzr ounflar-.v lines of he To','n of _garrison and 'he of Rye , resject- i-vely, to the po I 1-it Of ,_ 1 of 4__,j)1eSeCiQr I � L I I i said b,lundar-,T line 7,�itn V,,- Center line of the riZI-t Of _,ay of L'he ­­ 7--r-1.�, 1- 1 Haven Hart- o�, , -A-U- i- ford Railroad ComIjany; running u1nence southwesterly along t!-le acid ceziter lin-e of oaia ri.---t of 7..ray -c its -o-int of intersect on -uith the cen ,' e-,, lire Of T72jja—,,,j-jeCj_ ' Venue , 'hence i- = Lherly al:DnL,, the cEnze-_­ line -,f said -'--,,-enue to its -,-)o-inj' of intersection 'I,ith the center line of old -,,jjjjte ?1`R-ins Road thence n=thefly the cent-_r line --i Old 21ains `Rcad as it -vfinds and turns to the iDol-nt of intersecti,,.,.a 'the nort-l-le-11-.- 10,_mndary liie -)f t',I-C of the ci -Zamaroziec., -md -l','Je southerly D-unwary line of uri e a s te Tay foTes _ � the To-In Of Ecarsdale, thence nor-' 21 ng the a� sal boundary line -6 U iocint oz- iJlace of beginning- ­ =T'CTI01i DISTTI-ILCT :70. 2> BEGII-i-IT-G at -he n _point of Intersectio of the center line of Old ',-,,hitc Plains R-ad. p j1e northerl, , oda_r�y line Of the .a Ll Io I un Town of 7daTiaruneck and the s­uti-erly boundiaTy 11_.e .3f 4 o C, f L �e Scarsdale , runnin.- tlnence southerly al on, the center line Of said. Old '6Tnite Plains Road as it %,Ti-ds and turns uo fts point of in-LGr- section the center line : f 1armro-i-iecl, Avenue , thel-,cc c01tin- uing along 'the center li-nE of AvcnuE tG its ­pDiJ-_-_, t uf in- tersection wit_. 'the center line Of the ight of of the Ve-w York IT ­a - ai D and ',-I i-ce scut'mlest��r'77 ew Haven HFrtford = ilroad Cori-, ny, ae � u u -1 alons, the center line cf said 1 cf Ta:,- 'bc its Doint if in. tersecticn '.pith the westerl-Ir b=dary, lino -f the VillaEe of L'a=-roneck, Fiad trie boundary line of the thence nort'nerly and northeasterly said bounff_ary line to its 1D(lint- _)f intersection wit'a -b-ne center line of Zen4Thore thence -northuesterly along the center line of j'eni.aore �,,Dad to its --point of intersection vilth northerly boundary line If the T­�,-n of 6carsdale , --thence n';rth- eavteily along the afDresaid boundary lines tC, 'the -point Or place of beginning. -21=0= DDISTRTCT IT0. at 'he roint of intersectiGn of the center line Jf the ri,,-�'ht cif .if trig York, 1.�ew '!Qver C. Ha' ticrd railroad (niDay vith tnc cas tprly boundary line L the -Dian of and the v,,'esterly b.,Du,_ndary line of the iDWI- 01 _.ye running thence southerly along the said line to, -the s'L-ores of 3-amaroneck Harbnr , thencccontinuing, in a scuth-rl-,­ direction, alonL,, the W said ,,,est-rly boundas-y line of t'L,le 2o n of R� e to the -point f -' n t-e­S.Ct4on of sale -[,,T'i " the center line of the pier at Shore Acres if 7rolonl—ed, running 'thence a stzoairht line tI 'I-he -_o 0-n t of in'ersecI ion of the center line oi the Boston Post Road a_d -U is center line if Fenilsore "Road; runn-Ln' -thence iiorth,, -szcily along the aforesaid cantcr line r'-f Fe-ni=re Road to its -_ooint of intcrsection .he center line Of tne right CI VT y of t he _ Or'-, _� V'n 1 H,-T r­, ord R ailroad om- 1,atiy therce ricrtheaEt-.r1" along the said center line -' said, ri,Znt of way t-, the or -,olace of be.airming. j _ 1- . !, , �� .C)- BEGII-.ITI G at the point of intersection t'e�_ ten _cr line cf -'eniraor- Road and ti'le cen ler line of the r-J&;ht I f .-.,ay cf the _Le ,i Yor__I�E, ___,e,,f Haven & Hart-fcrd Ccm,:any, thence sJuth- rlT the center lirz of Fenim,.,re_ '--:'car l to its i'Do-irt of inter- section -ulth the center line ot the _30stor Poet _.cad;, thence sou-theasteTly in a straight line to its -point of intcrse.ctilon nth L the -�re terl- boundar-,,.r Li-ne of the T ,,,in Of _Qye and the ce-iaLcr line Of the .tier at Sarre -I, c r e s , if -�n r o lO ng e d- thence c On+i-nu i nS --cutli-asterly along said -,!estc-_,-ly buundayy line of the T-,un of 13;,'e ; th e-ce westerly 2nd nor alon.- tilE shores of Crienta :Poinc and the low 7.,iatc_- marlo of '.on's island Sound to the -I,)o_in'u o� iioterEection 'dfith the _brea'iavatcr a a ' Flagl_r '�ojnt in 7 aychMonI H rbor; thence --northerly a lon,- -LL-i e VillaSe of 1-ani, neci 't a '�C Lr-C z ste 1V boundary line the F 1)jDosi e t hc center line ' Delancey aovc i f orol-nged soutL rly to said iOO int thence n-r1herl\r --.md alcng t_,.�s Center Ler line of Delancey C•)ve to a point op-pos-i 'Le the entrance of Prickley Pear Tilley, t1lcnce 1,-,r:=h the -�D-ints Of entrance to Pric'kley Pear Inlet and. to a point 200 feet cast of the -v,,-esulerly shore -�f rricLley L-ear Inlet; thence s_-uthvtesterly to the point of inters6ction of the center line Of the Ho_=.(iocks Road7way and the wc -sterly boundary line of -the Village of -.-.am&_-cnEc1k, and the 2own 1 7- oiaroneck thence n:;rtherly along the al-Ore Said boundary line to the center line _f the rid'nt of -aay of t e "fork, Haven L Hartford a_� ilroad Coi-jlpany ; thence northeasterly- along the center line of said right of to the -coint or -place of beginning. =E ,DTIG,--p,! -DDSTRICT 10. 5 -. 37GII 17G at the -pCint of intersection of the I Lill- of the FEI-Ii --re -'uad -with 'he northerly boundary line ',31- the of I-ama rme ck a'_1 C: 'I I E s -.%uthe r I y b Jun d-a line of the � .),wn of Scarsdale and running thence southerly along the center line Of said 13ad to its -3oint of intersection with the northerly boundary line c-f the Village of lzamarcwnech- and the boundaTv line r,f the 'I'vvia of KaraarJ)neck, thence soutInurest-crly and soutcacrly along said boundary line to the g o 4 r,- 11 _ 11 of inter- section o, said boundar,',, line oiith the center line of the H000no cks Road,vay Bence n---:,-thEasterl-,,r to a _pcint, 2,00 feet easterly from re the said. line ,.vouid intersect a lil-1 e dra,�,,n fro=; the ucs -berly Shore Of IPr--Lc'-I-le-\T rear Iniet . 'U'Irni:gh and bet,-Yeen the - Ints G -'I the -ool of entrance '- ,' Pilicliley Pear -Inlet-, t-Inence =.astE,,-ly the said -joints of entrance t,) "Pricl-ley 2`-ar irl-St to 'he 14 e -If Delance,T CC;ve ,. th--nce s,)ut -rif and alcu- -he cen .' er -!ine 3-1 Del'--ncen '.�,'vvE to its )Oiyit of lo, i tErsection if Jr-)l?nc-ed .:e west=rIv boundary iirle of L' he V' 11 -ge 1-aznar,�n--cl, , t-1-1cl-ce s:uthL-,estcrly along said boundary line 'tC) the bre---Li:-water at -Flao�ler -POIn't, '�Ic(Ice thrulag I U T gh Larcl=jjnt Harbo-- and in a stra J..-ht 'line to t joroint -,,,,,hcrF S .id lil'Ic 11-1t(:rSects the b,,.,urd,-r,r line of of and e o boundary line ti, Y Ie Tiwn ol La::,chm,.I-lt in Hunroe TI'llet or "The Gut" (between Cedar Island and The Horfmiocks) ; henc sutlmvest�rjv -,I I T, esterlY, northeasterly and. northerly te - ,- along the easterlY -uu�`=r line of the Ville ge -c the 10- int ion -1� C 11 L e, I i r,e o'I t h Ie :3 s tuG n Post, Road; ' 12nc-- paste l,7 a-, long said center line of the 133stcn Post 'z- ,)ad to i's -o int. Df ln !to rsectic�- line o-°t. U'waver Sure et, hence or -n ' ey F hrlI and alont-h 0- Center line of C a.vee r :.street as it ."T' nos arid. `,.---,-ns tP Ohe -ooij,,t inters ecti, 7.Sith the northerly boundary line of the of ayjmroneck and Tun elf Scarsdale , thence northeast_rl-,,,, along said. boundary Mine t- the POii'lt or L -pla.ce Of beginnin,�. 71L=10-" -jDTST.-R--LCT 170. 6 - 237GII1YII-G FLU I n' of o intcrsecticn,, of the center line I Uf -,Ieave Street and the Boston )Ost Road, LIIIencp n" rth-vves 'gerly alo--,,�. t-ne center line of said I(2aver L U as it ., inds and 'L.,-e _point of In'Lersec ' -ici-1 ---f the said. center line of ieaver S t -ee t U ---t-U L c c-n t e r 1 in e o f - - ur-a,,r Avenue *, to shoe sou-Lh vj-stprl.v along the center line ?f --urrao Avenue to the -point ��f intersection of "Line r e said cente lin� C of iurrau Ave f ue itn the center line �f -,,Yrtle nvenue 1, thence along the center 1 in e- o f :IL V r t 2.e v e u e to i'L s Poil't of intcrscc '-ncn with the cent--r line u--F' ILatsviorth -,renue ., t-hIGnce suuth-c.-esterly along the center line of Chats-w--,rth .vein-ae I•--, the point �f inzersec- - 4 Jf same vvith the centg--- line of -,Iae rigit ."f -,f the 1'e-U 'for'1, Haven C', Hzrtford R- il----ad CC)rn-,,, , thence e,&-sterl-,T above 'he said center line of the right of Voay UI -1 ev.r Haven, C'I� Hartl -Di-d Rails lad Ocro-pany to its -ocinj. �-f i-nt-rsec 'on 4 -'- I I,_ � I L,,, - Y r sterl) boundary line c-f the -. Illage --f LarcT=.,-nu- and the T,nm z-,--ru.--'a-ffastcrly and along z'I-e easterly b --U YI d a T r l J ne of t-Ie of -'-amarrnecl� and 'ne easter"T line �.-f --he J- - I - U Uo Village �f Larch.mont to the tai uf intcrsecti,m Of the said b.-und- ar-Y li'nc the center line cf the 3 :)str-,n Post -ID ad; they -as�erly along center line of the said :3--,s t(: n Pont Road. to. its it t rs e c U' wi Uh tine c er- U e 2 in e f v er S t- e e L vfi'icn is Unc DOLt or place -,f beginning. 7=CTI0,-',T -3IST=-T YO. 7 : at the i)3i'nt Hof tin I. c of o-er, ect-J f c b, 'I u,, -, -re of the T :-,-I,ii --,f 'H2-.2aronac'l and the eastFrl-,- boundary 14 r� of LLe Village of larch-j-i-nt the ILht of -,,-,,ay of the Yew York e-c,i Haven J Haf tfDrd Rai 7-:ltd Cr-m-,ianv- the nee scuthcrl, and along saI6 ­03unal,--,ry line between said 2owri and Village to the -o i-_,-it of in 'L e rz e c t i,-,,n of Said boundary line 7i th the cell ter Line of the 13oston -' s R adl- 'C-,enc-- r U 1, along the I I - Cei7t21^ line Sand BrStOn PDst RD�,a- ' (D its pe- Jnt of i,-t ', 4 ey-secti ,-n C.--.h the 57 center line of Larchm n t" Ave-_nue ; thence n::rtherly along the line of Larchmont . venue to its -oOintu of int�lrsl-c �uiorl -,'Yith the center line of :Nast Place - thence alo-zi -- tae center line of 7ast Place and 'beyond to the cenl-er line Jf the rin'ht c.- -,'aY of the York, Haven " Klartlrd �ailroad ComjDany, thence easterly along the center line of said f-JE"t of way to U''ne -.,)oint or ',31ace of beginning. 71LECTILIDY D-18-fRIC2 ..1!010 a , at 'Cnc -Joint of intersection of -'the c-Inte-', line of L77,- ✓cston Poet '-! ,ad Y✓_ith the boundary line of the of 13a_narorec'� and the easterly boundary line uf the 'Tillage 'v'f Larcmnont ; running thence sout'nerly along said line -to a i.Doint inLo=)e Irlet or "The GuO and 'I'le-nce southeasterly In a. lire I L11r: u�;h Larc.�Lr.aontb Harbor to U'le brcaR:7L.,,F to r at loin G. t",,cnc-- s -uuhwesterlyacross, Larc','L-a=t HarloJ2 and along the low :eater mark shore of Licn Island Sound to the -o o in t of 1ntersecti ,r of said low water i7i-iark with the center line of each _,>7e-nlue , if )ro1=-ed,-, unance nn.-t-nefly -along the center line C-f 3each A-12nue to its intersection with yore center line of t1nc- :3 )ston P-stu T1,-1_-d:,, thence =.asterlv alon- 6 the center line of the 3cston Post R0ad to the jcoiftu cr place beginning,ins, 7 CT '1)-,7 D STT I CT ITO .-..t one po in L'- of int rs e ct i0r, 2f tae r -Tay of th-- - ew Ze... Haven Hartford aJ '-,-.-,ac] Coru'-'any and a'-a'-the center line of 7-a-st Place , if Dra C n'o lcn" d rt_"1Crlv; thcncee sout"'_erly , l: le c e r t LE r 7 ine -.�f 7ast -'lace to its -:;;in`_ of intersecti-n 7i-11 -1`11- cent'-r line o-" Larc'n1_iic)n1C �vcnac th--nce -1 C in L in-u n s: athcrl';- L'hc center I J-ne --f I .- venue 4 altc­sec 1 U-on v'%' t one center 7 ine 2. .;he 3-�Et,',n :pcst Road; thence s Iut'=,esterlv alon,­ the cent^r -line Cif said 3ostor, zost RCad t,--, its �oDint --f intersecz-_o-n �.'ith Ille westerly U IT)andary x, andar­ line cf -'the loi.11n :�f l.--amarcneclk and the eastern;' line of the ','i+y ol Rc)cLaeile � t1riencc -ncrt1-erl.7 U - ­ along said boun-lar-; line to its point i,f intersec "lon with the center -line of the r ig'at � t 11--Y _,f t'111- -fork, he --z Haven L: Hart:'Drd_ ro,d '.3c-_m I �Dan-,T; zhc-nce n­rtheastprl, along said center line of a2.id r-' gIlt Of the ­)o-int -)r place j-F' begJmning, =''•'v TIQ)1% DISTRICT 170c Cs B7TGI-_-1-r--',TG at U -oointcf '_rl_� the center line Of the 3os'.- -n Post R ad i"!it'-1 the center lin.- �f E e a a n '.�vE nue thence southerly and alcng the center line of' said Beach 'venue +c the -_Joint of interscc 'Ll" on 3f said line if orolonged the 1--w zar'�- ir Long Island �3--und; thence :Litl-mesterly and r="n',�,esterly along " ID-,.-,T wate r mars shure of Lon- Island, SD�and - Me e I - the prjint of i'zitersection f said line -,,ith the westerly boundax, line of t'n- 1o71 of -and the` easterly boundary 4 t" e vi t,- ,'.f 11 eL j- R,-,the 11 e ; rune t h e lice. nc-r the r17,7 a 1 Dn." th-- a f-_r c a a id 'b(j un dar V 1-inc tv its ijoi=' Ji iiaterse ct-ion 11-,rith U.',e center life cf the :3ostft _P,`'s' RI-ad; -L-neiace easterly along said center line of t1e Boston PcEt t—) the -.0cint or -place of beginning. LT C 1101- DTS_ 0. Il - n in'erse C t4 aL LLle U .3n tf U. - center line �hats-,-:,:rth Avenue -and the center 'line of the riEnt of :,L,a-,,7 of t-,re ':'r 'I o r Haven & Hartford '�ailr,',Lad CDm,?any , thence north.rly along the center line- of said. Che-)ts'.-, orth Avenue - t.-, J-ts of int-e-_rsecti' 3n ,,✓ilh 'he center line Of 1-yrtic Avenue , thence alon-- 59 tciE center line of said livr -lue th 'he t -tle Av�_,! tr� its in Y"i ccn.,Er line Of 1-urray Avenue thence norti,crly alonO, tte center line Cf 1-urray Avenule t-_- its joint ,of intersection Yvi th the center lln_ cf deaVEr Street, t11Ence cJ-ntlinuin�- r ort7, erly along the center line of said ',Ijc,,,,,vcr Street te its --point of intersection t I'! t'ne n,=",2-rl1y boundary line of the To-_,n .,I' 1,a_--oarcrecl,_ and south-�-!,,­, bounIftary line -,f the Town of Scarsdale ,,, thence -cleester- _y and s(.,utIuwestc-.rll- along said b) Gary' ii-n of the 1-mom of I-amarcneck to its point nf intersecti-n wit-n the center line of T.eu, -laven L I. t,hc riEhtu of -,-,,a-Y of the ---.ell '_'or k, I­-)ad Co'-nanyj thence Pasteriy alon�- t­!-ie said center line of sa r ' -,-ht `ae !Tew� 1' crio, 1-1 Haven L_'- Hart'Po-d RaJlroad CoraDany Uo L� F I a V o i 1 -ts ,0i -It Of intersect-ibn l-Tith the center line of l,'hatsviort-a j.kve-nue , `1:1ic':1 is the Point Or place of beginning®. F u_r the r 27i.S kl)7 TRD, that t1is resolution sr,-ll tF11c Effect LomiEdiately, further T:CT301 -17 � the `%wn Clef` be and he hereby is authDrized, em-.)ollerled . nd dir- ec �'-ed to 'nave an officiall -l-aa.3 l3rc-oared and dram in accordance the descriction of -the sever.-1 71.10 4 -11 _j S Irj_CI S 'j__,C r _in des- cribed, and to have sufficie-n, c-c-,oi-es thereof made and pre.3arEd for distribution; further =SO=.'�D, that ti-le J. olvn Clerk be and he here- by is authorized, errirulxered and directed to have co--oieR glade fr!_i-,i said ma,3 ::lf each _Lf the sev(7_ra_L 7-Ilect-J31(i Districts fcr distribution and oublic- EL � �ul - on; further 7SOIDTTD, t1-i"at tr -e ric!"n "le'r-17 be and he Here- b y I -- au-Lh,: rized, empcwered and directed. -L-0 publish a c,--,3v of the descri­)' lon of the several �t'Iectior Districts nerzina-oo-,­ se t' fzrt'a, to- �etlhp_r with a copy of the Official ---.a to be -or-icarcd; ftrtlaSr =30L_ITTDg 'that a, Co=oittee consisting of justices n .L7eeds and 3o-lvell and the llolon be and they 'i,, hori zc �l E_i d d reb- 2re auu o . --e I - directed tv arra'ng'e for -Jlaccs -1 thin he scve-o.1 _Cliect-lon Distric,Lsy and. to neg-1- tiate leases t'nerefor® _J-�Don t-e rc-cuiinmendation )f tale -:1-1-w1 Cjerj-g it vvas . upon lol3tion, dully sEc3nded HTSOLTD, that the Town Clerk be and he �3reby L is auth, Drized and cpi]?.,,,,vered t-ll puLrc'lasE 12 ballot b -:Xles for eicctJori -Di _=rl, oses at a cost not to el-coed 4,'1350 each. TIi Town Clerlc reported ,h:A he 1:,h cog 1t. ad 7^'_r, G I purchase three addiuicnai voting mscl- mes for use in the Various election districts. 31°t2r di- 'on and col sidEration, uf�on --notior , duly cussl sec "Ida d, it was R230LV7,,'), that the Toorn Clock be and `1E hereby is -autnDrized and to en'er into a c3n'ract i,'Iith the ReLn-ist-Prins I�achine moany, Incl, , I-or I G`Li c Du-chase of U. S. stand- and vGtin? _--achines of the nine row, 3C colo:L�-,n size at -'the -net-orice n, t c.=eedIn;, e40. 01' each," and it was furiulasr I o.ba c_ols Ja)aes­t,)1,.Tn, 7. ?.D. 'hat in _payment for said vctIn_: the Su-perviso-, and Town Clcrh be and they hereby are au-UI!_,rilzed aaod directed upon recci-�-t Of said machines U,) issue and ne"otiable Tol-m of Trai-in.aronec'i,: certificates of indebtedness , not exceediing une a&greg?a ,e sun of �'.*3 ,000.00, said certificates to bear interest at the -rate of net more than 6,`5 per annum and to be made payable at such times as the Suuervisor T.my detcnmilae ; and 1 � 11SOITTD. t'nat the Supervisor and Tc-,,-,!n ClErk be and they hereby are authorized and empo,,-.Tercd to Sign and execute such Da,,oers as nLav be nec- essary to effect the sale of said certificates. file foll_),,-.,in! reso' ution C,,ass presented. by the Supervise _ , -the County Of Westchester ias tal.-en all -preliminary su-eiDs toi,,,'ard the c_,nstructicn of the -oarallel rcuLe or .fount - hligh,,oa7T -_ U - —1 fart 2 , I C. � , X 11 a the C coption and a-,ppz,_�vai r)f the Board of Supervisors D for �L,j, construction and Ment Of said HT_JZ,tYv!a-1,T and has further ca,,uzed nec- essary malps and dra-viings to be prejpared and the cstLnalted amount Of the cost of t'n-- inrorovCroent to each of the -uniciji_oaij ties affected; i. e. , the City of He-a Rochelle � the ToS,rn of 1.`_afoo.r 2,n c c'Lti -1 nd the Village o,-* _L_ _ I' -c be apportioned and no-,AT only await the a_­, rcoIal of One the said -ii u n i c i a 1 i t-i c s _m d- tioe construction Of L.-is w , i oha- f great importance as a relief the e 13oston Post U_ U load traffic , particularly so , as to the territ- Ories T,Titili-_n the Village of LarcIamont - n id the i h - IoWn of lb.'a-fiaroneck in as much as the reconstructJon the 3 0 s t --TI P-_s t I o a d this o ora-inE -\T e a,r -u i 11 add -burden _­ 'r-a Q our L U ffic ; and -7 .111r7 13, this ruate 7 her, constructed in iohole or even in oart- will grpatL ly tend t0 relieve traffic c0nditi3ns ; and ­7f lilf-" AS , I-e quest ' on of drainage aff ect iri; a,, il the communities has arisen and officials of the various munic-i.Dalities have cc!-Iferred in an endeavor to secure t he drainage reli ef ef so nec- css-), to I.c,.'i Rochelle and -,L-a-marOne-cl: and to come ,0 some satisfactory arrangement for the :;uti--t �-­nugh the Village of �archloq�:�Iot B-2uok) and 1 7 the equitable share Df costs OF dac' and C`1t-11 of 1-1-ev, -Rochelle has -r,o IU- os -17- t adoiDted the neceszgry resolutions for the im�prove- __- l '- --iot and construction of -�ig hWay !a. d.7 , Part tl c lalminZ dry linagge of their territory afi,ected to bo arou­m-,unt -a o the r U' r 11 _ � - _- 0scd Ioig."!-�-:FY i-Torove- --dent and furLh= ro-?osinc, to Day their equitable s,-Lire of -the drainage outlet Costs , and the To,,on Dcard of the To-vnn of ilaonarmeck realizing the importance Of both highvialy and ci-_raiin- a e iYnDrovem,"n"s , and is Ln f-tvoin of the immediate Construction -_f e&,,,_c', and in order tc advance these nlQ ro v -!nen is ID r 0 TO 0s; s ; that the supervisor and a Ytember of Che T(-- ,-,,,n B^:a-rd lbe ajopointed as a inccnmqittee aut"horizer). Le attend conferences z7_ith tine othcr r1lurici-oal representatives Jr an effort to secure this outlet and to satisfactorily adjust and furt',-ler those iIm_)1,ovGnienta. 63 I,Tow, the ore . b e i U'- R7 � -3 IEBOLVAED2 tha 'U the 'u.Derv' sor and a -rn(nifber of the T�n Board of t1oe 2> of I-amaroneck, -.o be appointed by 'Che Suer- v-Isor, be authoriZed tD attend such ccnfereiaces an" c -qi`ee a- orepa4d 'as ai3t'norized, to engage the services of eve-,=ey and eng 4 nee- w c,,-,nfer wJ '6h and �I-ttend w!IiEre-nces to the end that t-hese Erlprove—nts w4ll be advances Es ra-,idiv as and be _" -u furt,-i-r Aso Mn-,70, tnat co-pies of «hese rp- solutionz be fjrw_rd ed to the Df =A Rochelle and t'ne Village w EETCILTI'Iollt. .L IIt 4 0 n S The question being taken u=oon th2 folegi,,ing reso' th.- same WerC unari.r.,i--,USl-17 a dc-t e d. I U o o n in o t i c. he a w:i n g a d j o n e d F, t 5 C