HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019_01_09 Sustainability Collaborative Minutes Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative Meeting Notes,January 9, 2019 Attendees: Mitch Green,Arlene Novich, Sue Odierna, Marc Karell, Mark Kramer, Colin Goldberg, Katherine Pannell, George Roniger, Diane Neff,June Wallach, Elizabeth Poyet, Karen Khor, Matt Thomas, Michele Lewis, Frank Owens, Paul Schwendener Minutes of December 2018 meeting were accepted. February meeting to be held on February 5,2019. As we had a new volunteer here, Paul S., Mitch explained that we generally have several initiatives to discuss at each meeting and that some are long-term, others are more of a short-term nature, like events. Mitch gave a quick explanation of the various sub-committees'work and mentioned that we act as an advisory committee to the Town Board. Reusable Bag Initiative(RBI) Katherine updated the group on status of RBI.... Nancy, Katherine and Sue met with the Mamaroneck Ave School Green Tigers environmental committee(eight students and three parent volunteers) who would like to help us by: 1. gathering additional support names for the proposed reusable bag law 2. per Nancy's suggestion, they will be taking photos of plastic bags in trees, on curbs, yards, etc. that we can post on FB to show the polluting effects of these bags(Update:first photo arrived 1/10 and was posted to FB) 3. students/parent volunteers liked the idea of a showing of"Bag It." Green Tigers Co-Chair Sarah Coady to reach out to Murray Ave School Green Tigers Club (who are also helping us with support sheet names)and discuss best venue/date/time to show film as a joint effort or separate efforts. Community Resource Center would also like to show the film. Mitch asked Sue to set up meeting between Mitch, Nancy,Jeff,Sue and Katherine to strategize next RBI steps. Mitch asked June what more she thought we could do regarding RBI publicity and June suggested a more cohesive social media approach, to be discussed when June and Sue meet again (Meeting set for Friday,January 18th.) Sue reported that the Town Attorney is continuing to work on the draft of the law. Mark K. suggested perhaps we can use part of the Collabs budget for producing bags with the artwork. Colin suggested the small bags be used for cell phone "sleeping bags!" and also that photos of the reusable bag (with Larch/Mam'k artwork)should be on posters and literature. Karen suggested banners in the Town toting the Town's environmental achievements. Several Collabs recommended we have a table at the STEMtastic event which is on March 29tn Action Item 1: Sue to set up strategy meeting between Mitch,Jeff, Nancy, Katherine, Sue to discuss calls to corporate heads, bag sponsorship, other next steps in the RBI Action Item 2: Collabs—reminder to please think of merchants (local or corporate) that YOU have a relationship with who would sponsor some portion of the Town's purchase of 1,000 bags. We need a few thousand more bags to give away. Sue has cost details but total cost to sponsor would be approximately$1,200 for 1,000 bags. Action Item 3: Does someone want to look into having a table at STEMtastic? Do we think that will have value for this initiative (or others)? Other ways to promote Collaborative? Banners? Action Item 4: Reminder to continue to do! Per Steve Wolk's recommendation below, please remember the following when you shop: "Thank all stores in town for supporting the Reusable Bag Initiative. Best to thank the manager, but even if you thank someone at the register that is good. If they hear it enough,it will get through to the manager and then corporate HQ.You can do this even if you haven't heard that they support it yet. If they say they don't support it,then people should act shocked and dismayed (but not argumentative,just deeply disappointed as you would really feel). It will have an impact." Food Waste Recycling Karen updated the group on the Food Waste Reduction Donation/Recycling grant. As a reminder, the three year grant is due in March 2019, awarded in April 2019 and is a three year awards a minimum of $1,000 to a maximum of$250,000 for a program that reduces food waste--with the most points going to a program that prevents food waste at its origin. A recycling food waste/compost program, Karen reminded everyone, is at the bottom of the food waste pyramid. Based on feedback from the meeting at Town Center in December, the Town is looking to be the lead on this grant, but partner with the Village of Mamaroneck and the Mamaroneck School District. Comments/questions included: should we conduct a survey with residents to find out their food/food waste behaviors? Could we do a controlled sample? Mark K pointed out the difference between genuine waste(pits,peels, meat bones) vs food that is unused/rotted(can be prevented). He suggested having additional funding for food rescue but since grant is looking mostly at food waste prevention, Matt suggested we could use Collab budget money for a food rescue project. Colin will discuss with VoM at their meeting next week their interest in partnering in this grant. Mitch suggested having someone from the Mam'k Schools Foundation help out with the grant as they are very connected to the schools. Karen met with district sustainability coordinator and representatives from the Schools regarding food waste recycling and will meet with Steve A and Dr. Shops next week to continue the discussion. They will also bring up topic of this grant. Karen asked when Joint Sanitation meeting is(Meeting will be Feb. 21' at 6pm at Larchmont Village Hall conference room). Several collabs reported that the food waste cans in the front were full at the Yard this week when they stopped by to drop off. They suggested that the sanitation guys check cans more frequently and rotate full cans to the back. On some Tuesdays, all of the food waste cans were full. Mitch suggested the Collab budget could pay for more food waste cans, if necessary. Action Item 1: Karen to report back at Feb Collabs meeting on grant progress, with Schools Action Item 2: Colin to report back at Feb Collabs meeting on VoM participation on grant Action Item 3: Sue to speak to Steve about rotating food waste recycling cans and/or ordering more cans Sustainable Energy--Community Solar Frank updated the group that a developer has been chosen for this proposed community solar project on the roof of Hommocks Ice Rink(four developers had responded). Background is: electricity generated from the project will result in cost savings for those residents of the Hommocks Park Apartments that subscribe to the program. Any additional electric capacity will be offered to other low and moderate income residents of the Town. The Town will receive lease payment for the use of the HMX Ice Rink roof. Lease agreement is being worked on with developers. Frank has previously mentioned one of the issues is the agreement itself;a resident would need to read and sign a document that is about 10-15 pages long. Healthy Yard Initiative Diane reported that the plan is to launch this program on March 1st. The initiative will emphasize pesticide free lawns, but also that a healthy yard can be beautiful and that yards are not meant to be perfectly manicured spaces but living, growing yards. June is working on a communication plan to be reviewed with Sue as to the best ways to use Facebook and the website to get the word out--and other ways to reach our residents. (Update: Sue and June will meet January 18th to review.) Arlene is working on getting the word out by doing community outreach prior with Larchmont Library which is applying to have a certified garden onsite(certified by the National Wildlife Federation.) Also, the HY Group will produce support packages for Larchmont Library by end of January so they can promote the April 27th Healthy Yard program there. Katherine Desmond(VoM)is designing a one-page bookmark about healthy yards and may reach out to the Mamaroneck Library as part of the community outreach. Arlene and Diane asked if the Healthy Yard group could have a table at Farmers Market. (Update: Sue checked with Nancy and as long as all materials are sent to Nancy for review, this is fine.) Action Item 1: June and Sue to meet on Jan. 18th to better connect conservation,sustainability, healthy yards, etc. on the website. Action Item 2: HY Group to send materials to Nancy for review/approval. Also check with Farmers Market Manager to see if there is a fee to have table at market Noise/Leaf Blowers Elizabeth P. reported that the Larchmont Environment Committee will meet with VoL Trustees on Monday,Jan. 14th to revisit the code. VoL supports idea of landscaping companies being registered(no additional cost to landscapers for this).Also in favor of fines going to homeowners in addition to landscapers. Mitch emphasized that for all three municipalities to agree on specifics of code, it may be necessary for VoL to compromise on some of these more controversial issues. Healthy Community Larchmont-Mamaroneck Final discussion of the evening was regarding how we communicate to residents all that we have done and are doing in environmental areas. Mitch thinks the Town should have a tag line and left us with the thought that we should think of ideas on this topic. The term "Healthy Community"has come up time to time during Collab discussions over the past year. Various Collabs have discussed this as an "over-arching phrase"to describe a wider and more comprehensive vision for our efforts. We would like all Collabs to consider whether this term, or some other, might succeed in creating a compelling and unifying vision for our activities while naturally encompassing the Collab's three objectives of Resilience,Sustainability and Quality of Life. Please give this some thought and please come to February's meeting ready to discuss. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm. The next Collaborative meeting will be Tuesday, February 5,2019 at 6 pm at the VFW/Senior Center in the large dining room.