HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_07_03 Town Board Minutes TF'TT G OP T:T TMVIT BOARD IN TOXV 02 ii:Y'L_ RO_`I C?, 14 's. held July 3rd,, 1929 The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 10 P. kI® Present. Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins ,. Howell and Leeds Town Clerk Sherman Upon motion, duly seconded, it was voted to dispense with the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet approved. The Supervisor presented his Highway bond in the sma of .. 106 ,000.00 , and asked that the same be approved. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the 'highway bond of the Supervisor in the sum of 'p106 ,000.00 be and the same hereby is approved as to surety, form and sufficiency, and the Clerk was directed to forward copies of the same to County Ingineer, Charles Idac. Donald. A communication from LIr. !veorge Iaulcahy was received and read., complaining of the noise caused by hens and roosters owned by lirs. Schaeffer, residing across the street. The communication was ordered received placed on file and referred to the Health Officer for his attention. A communication from Counsellor Gamble was received and read, advising the Board that the Public Service Commission of the 'State of :Few Yorlr, have granted the application of the 'ae.-a York and Stamford "ail+ray Company and the County Transportation Company, !no. , permission to enter into an operating agreement under the terms of which the County transportation Co. , Inc. , would operate motor buses for certain routes consented to by the municipalities involved between Dean Place and Port Chester.. The communication was ordered noted in the minutes , ordered received and placed on file. A communication from Camilla 7'rancks residing at 34 Carleon Avenue , was received and read, stating that there is a cess pool on her property which is not connected with 'the sewer line.. The communication was ordered received, placed on file and referred to . the Sewer Cormrnission for its attention. A communication from the 3oard of Education was receivez and read, advising the Town Board, in accordance with section 250 of the State Education La-7, that at the annual district meeting the following -,embers of the Board of !•dueation were elected for a full term of three years , beginnin .:'august 1st, 1929. Joseph F. Gleason Henry Siemer The co =unication was ordered received, placed on file and the election of the officials ordered noted in the minutes. A communication from Mr.. William H. Stanley was received and read, complaining of the early collection of garbage in iouken Glen.. The communication was ordered received, placed on file and the Clerk was -requested to submit a copy of the same to Counsel- lor Gamble ---- t_r Sarfaty appeared before the Board and requested per- mission on behalf of the Mayers Club, use of the 'e+eaver Street :"auditorium, for the evening of July 17th. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was i RESOLVi3D, that permission is hereby granted the Players Club, use of the auditorium of the Fire House for the evening of July 17th. I The Clerk requested that an enumerator be appointed by the Town Board for the purpose of preparing a list of all owners of dogs in accordance with section 108 of the agricultural and na rkets law. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was RESOZVl'D, that the matter of appointing an enumerator to prepare a list of all owners of dogs , in accordance with section 108- of the agricultural and markets law, be and the same hereby is referred to the Clerk with power to name and appoint such enumerators as in his discretion may best seem advisable.- -, The Clerk called the Board's attention to the condition of the ballot boxes used for election purposes, and stated that he would like to purchase metal boxes for said purpose. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was RESOLVTD, that the Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to purchase one metal enrollment box at a cost of '15 .00 � z and if found suitable, to submit a requisition for the required amount and the total cost to this Board. A communication from Captain Decker was received and read stating that it was necessary to obtain extra men to handle the exceptionally heavy traffic during the three day period of the National Golf Tournament. the communication was ordered received, placed on files and after discussion, upon motion, duly seconded, it was RES=71,D, that the Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and requested to extend thanks of this Board to the various police departments for their cooperation; and it was further I RESOLVED, that. any and all expenses incurred by* the Supervisor for the employment of add- itional .hen, during the period of June 27th, 28th and 29th, be and the same hereby isratified and approved. Captain Decker requested the replacement of certain traffic standards at the Station Plaza. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was @_e RESOLVED, that the police committee be and it hereby is authorized and empowered to remove and replace certain -traffic standards at the Station Plaza, and that the cost for same be ;paid out of the funds available for such -purpose in the police budget. Counsel reported that the action heretofore instituted -- by the Larchrnont 'Dater Company against the City of sew Rochelle to which it was necessart to make the 'Town of Isamaroneck a party, without clai however, against it, for the recovery of certain taxes heretofore paid by the Larch.=ont 'IVater Co-moany to the City of ITevvr Rochelle on property involved in the disputed boundary line area between the 'Town of Hamaroneck and the City of IFew Rochelle , which taxes the La1cIE-nont 'pater Company claim to have paid twice, once to the City of hew Rochelle and later to the Town of %Lamaroneck, �,vhic'h taxes upon the settlement of the boundary line dispute should only have been , aid to the Town of 11amaroneck, and the same having been settled satisfactorily to the plaintiff, he has been requested to sign a stipulation dis- continuing the same , which he has done. On motion, duly seconded, it was HERSOLVED-, that the report of Counsel on the settlement of the litigation heretofore instituted by the Larchniont ','later Cor:pany against the City of blew Rochelle and the Town of IIamaroneck be received and the action. of Counsel in executing the stipulation dis- continuing the action be aporoved. The following resolution was offered by Justice Rowell and seconded by Justice Boyd : edH PEAS, by Chapter 054 of the Laws of 1927 the Town of ;iamaroneck was authorized jointly with two or more municipalities to acquire , construct, provide , maintain and o-_oerate a water works system; and w1 HR IIS, said Town jointly with the Town of Harrison and the Village of Lamaroneck has caused to be formed and organized a joint water works known and designated as Jest- chester Joint Water Works, Eo. 1; and JHTREXS, proceedings have been duly and regularly taken as authorized and required by said Chapter 654 of the Laws of 1927 in order to authorize the Toga Board to submit to the electors of said Ton a proposition for the acquisition of a water works system and the issuance of bonds; and town eJi;ERE.As,, at a special/rleeting duly and regularly called, held and conducted in said Town on the 2-7th day of Lay 1927 , the Town of Larlaroneek was authorized to issue water bonds in the amount of vo240,,000 for the purpose of defraying its proportion- ate share of the cost of acquiring the water works - system now owned by the P.ew York Inter Urban Water Company by the Westchester Joint water Works , Iio. 1, and for additions , betterments and improvements �'hereto; and Oi:T=E43S there have heretofore been issued of said ,authorized amount bonds aggregating : 1395000, and it is necessary at this time out of said authorized amount to issue the remainder of the bonds available aggregat- ing :;:98,000, not including 5;3 ,000 of bonds authorized but not issued maturing on June 1, 1929. I i IiOW TT7 FORE,g BE IT RESOLVED, that there shall be issued `-IITLTY- "TIGHT THOUSAISD ($�81000)- DOLLARS Watt cr Viorks System bonds of the 'Town of Yamaroneckg dated the first day of June , 1927 , of the denomination of One Thousand (811000 ) Dollars each, num'oered from one hundred forty (140) to two hundred seven (207 ) both inclusive , maturing in numerical order three ( 3 ) bonds on the first day of June in each of the years 1930 to 1941 both inclusive, and two (2) bonds on the first day of June in each of the years 1942 to 1961 both inclusive , and three (3 ) bonds on the first day of June in each of the years 1962 to 1966 both inclusive , and seven (7 ) bonds on the first day of June in the year 1967 ; that said bonds shall bear interest at a rate of not exceeding five percentum per annum payable semi-annually on the first days of December and June in each year and shall have interest cou-0ons attached. That said bonds shall be signed by the Supervisor of said Town, and sealed with the corp- orate seal of said Town, attested by the i'cwn Clerk, and the interest cou-pons shall be signed with the fac-simile signature of said Supervisor and that both principal and interest shall be payable in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard weight and fineness , or its equivalent in lawful money of the United States , at the Rational Bank of Commerce in the City and State of Iew York; further RESOLVED, that said bonds shall be issued in sub- startially the following form, to wit ; U IT1?D STAMi-S OF A , RICA STATE OF 121 YORK T04Y OF LIAITLAROIIECK OR VAFR U PT B01 ho.. X1,000.00 I KNOT/ ALL 1:7Li' BY T=1SE YR_ :F?;?TS, that the Town of Hama.ronec'., a municipal corporation in the County of 'Westchester, State of 11ew York, hereby acknat71edges its indebtedness and for value received promises to pay to bearer on the first day of June 19_, the sum of 011' THOUSA 'D ('$11000 ) DOLLARS, to„tether with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of per centun per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of June and December upon presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as the same respectively nature. Both princi;gal and interest of this bond are payable in gold coin of the Jnited States of America of the present standard weight and fineness , or its equivalent in lawful money of the United States at the 1at.iona.l :tank of Commerce in the City and State of few York. This bond is issued for the purpose of paying the Town share of the cost of the acquisition of a water works system by _ Westchester Joint Water Works , ffo. 1 and for additions , betterments and im p rovements there to s p ursuant to and in strict compliance with tn the 0onst.itution and Statutes of the State of -'r;ew York including among others Chapter 654 of the Laws of = ew York of 1927, approved April 49 1927, and proceedin;�;s of the `!'own Board of said Town duly had and taken in all respects authorizing the same and pursuant to the authgFity conferred by the vote of a majority of all the votes cast on/proposition for the issuance of this bond at a special town meeting duly and legally called, held and conducted in said Town on the 27th day of L=ay, 1929. It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, conditions and things required to exist, to happen and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, exist, have happened and have been performed in due time , form and manner as required by law; that the issue of bonds of which this is one , together with all other indebtedness of said Town, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Lew fork, and that due provision has been made for raising annually by tax on the taxable property of said Town, a suii suffic lent to pay the principal and interest of this bond as the same respectfully become due and payable. The full faith and credit of said Town are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual pay- : ment of the principal and interest of this bond according to its terms. This bond may be registered as to principal only as well as to both principal and interest in accordance with the provisions of the deneral unicipal Law. If this bond be registered as to both principal and interest, the interest hereon at the request of the registered owner ;,fill be remitted by -nail in -dew York exchange. Ii; e6I^11;mSS W1-17HETCF, the said Town of iamaroneck has caused this bond to be signed by its Supervisor, and sealed with the corporate seal of said Town, attested by its Town Clerk, and the interest coupons hereto annexed to be signed with the £ac-simile signature of said Supervisor, and this bond to be darted as of the first day of Tune, 192 T0'2'11 OF 'VaLLROID 'CIC By - - SUPERVISOR E ZT. AiT.d•S1 . TOLI" CT (FORM OF COUPOi NO. December On the first day of Jane ,. 19 $ the Town of i amaroneck in the County of Westchester, Tiebv York, will pay to bearer the sum of Dollars at the national Bank of Commerce in the City and State of Yew York, being six months ' interest then due on the Water Works System bond, 'dated June 1, 192 , Ie,. SUPERVISOR CERTIFICATE OF RF•GIST?u'�TIOY AS TO PRI=,TCIPAL 0' 1Y This bond may be registered by the owner in his name as - to principal under the signature of the Town Clerk of the Town of Hamaroreck9 .Vestchester County, 1..ew York, or other Registrar, be- low, and shallthereafter be transferable only upon the written -_ assigtvnent of the registered owner or his attorney, duly acknow- ledged or proved, such registration and transfer to be rsade on the books of said Town Clerk or other Registrar, and a notation thereof to be :Wade hereon. Such transfer may be to bearer, after which this bond shall be subject to subseauent registrations and transfers as before. The coupons will remafn y:aya.ble to bearer notwithstanding such registration unless this bond shall be converted into a fully registered bond by the surrender and cancellation of coupons, which surrender and cancellation shall be noted on said books and upon this bond.. The principal of this bond, if registered, will be payable to the registered o?vner or his legal representatives, successors or assigns. v e DATE OF REGISTRY": !A:: 01' REGISI.E.P.M.D Oil-ILER- SIGZATIJPLF' OF REGISTRAR CERTIFICATE OF CG_I_. "_'RSIO J 1ITTO A _FUILY REGISTFR D DOND Upon the ,written request of the owner of the within brand for it s conversion into a fully registered bond, I have t'r.is day cut off and destroyed_ coupons annexed to this bond amount- ing in the aggregate to Dollars (d_ _T) , and the interest on this bond at therate and on the dates aswas -provided by the coupons as well as the principal there- of, will hereafter be paid to _ legal representatives , successors or assigns , at the place of payment specified therein, or, at the re- quest of the registered owner, the interest vrill be remitted by mail in flew York exchange. This bond hereafter ,!ill be -transferable on the books of the Town Clerk or other Registrar only on present- ation_ of the same with a written assignment duly acknowledged or proved. Dated , 19 - Official Title DATE OF RFGTS'TR`r:c 'JA R OF RFGISTEHTD 0`E7,R: SIGi'A1Ui OF _ RTGISTRAR FUR'UHTM RESOLVED, that there shall be levied, assessed and collected annually upon the taxable property of said Town a sum sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds as the same respectively become due and payable ; further RESOLVED, that the sum necessary to pay the prin- cipal and interest of said bonds may be provided for and included in the water rates or raised as othe=iise provided in said Chapter 654 of the TV" S La of 1927 , but this provision shall in no wise limit or control thepmwer and duty of the Town Board to assess, levy, and collect an annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds as the sauce respectively become due and payable ; further RESOLVED, that the aforesaid bonds aggregating 'Ii ±'TY- EIGHT TF_OUS4 TID ($98,000 ) DOLLARS hereby directed to be sold include , and are not in addition to, the SUM of SIXTY THOUSA D ($609000) DOLLARS heretofore so directed to be sold, and not yet actually sold and issued, and this resolution shall in all. respects supercede said former resolution directing the sale of bonds in the a gregate amount of T!17TY-EIGHT THOUSAiD ND98,000) DOLLARS.. A vote being taken upon the foregoing resolutioizs, the same were upon roll call unanimously adopted. I L+pon motion, the meeting adjourned at 11-30 P. E. low. C1ork i I I I