HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018_11_13 Sustainability Collaborative Minutes Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative
Meeting Notes, November 13, 2018
Attendees: Mitch Green, Michele Lewis,Arlene Novich, Sue Odierna, Marc Karell, Colin Goldberg,
Katherine Pannell, George Roniger, Diane Neff,June Wallach, Elizabeth Poyet,Jeffery
King, Mark Kramer, Beth Radow, Frank Owens.
Guests were introduced: Alana Mass, new resident and associate of Beth Radow's from LWV; Kim Ryan
from Harrison; Lisa McDonald, resident and Chatsworth parent; Paul Katzenstein,
resident and Larchmont Temple's Social Action Committee
Minutes of October meeting were approved. December meeting was moved from December 4th to
December 11tn
Mitch explained that the first hour tonight would be devoted to sub-committee updates and the second
hour to a 2019 budget discussion. As an advisory board the "Collaborative"is tasked with coming up
with a budget to be approved by the Town Board. Mitch further explained that Councilman Jeffery King,
as the liaison to the Collabs will report back to his fellow Town Board members on Collab updates.
Supervisor Nancy Seligson and Town Administrator Stephen Altieri will no longer attend every monthly
meeting but may attend on occasion.
Sustainable Energy--Community Solar
Frank updated the group on the proposed community solar project on the roof of Hommocks Ice Rink.
The RFP was issued and four developers responded. Steve A/Frank 0/Mark M met with the preferred
developer today.A recommendation will be made to the Town Board in the next few weeks. Electricity
generated from the project will be offered to residents of the Hommocks Park Apartments first and then
others should there be enough energy to power more than one building. (The solar panels can
accommodate about 100 apartment dwellers.) The panels will produce 500 to 600 kWh of electricity.
The Town will receive about$20,000 per year for this agreement. Residents will get a 10—15%discount
off of their monthly electric bills. Lease agreement to be created with developers. Frank mentioned one
of the issues is the agreement itself;a resident would need to read and sign a document that is about 15
pages long.
Mobility/Complete Streets/Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations
As Steve A. reported previously, the Town was approved for 4 NYS DEC grants for four EV Charging
Stations. A separate grant for a$5,000 rebate for an electric vehicle was also approved. Two electric
vehicles are currently in use within the Town's fleet for parking enforcement and code enforcement. As a
reminder, the planned locations for chargers are Hommocks Parking Lot, Town Center, Myrtle Blvd by
parking garage, and Baldwin Ave/Memorial Park. Charging stations need to be installed. Jeff K.
explained that the project will be going out to bid and per Steve A, the Town Engineer will be drafting the
RFP and installation is anticipated to take place during the winter months. Each station can charge two
cars. Initially, there will be no fees for charging vehicles as an incentive for use.
Reusable Bag Initiative(RBI)
Jeff reported that the Town Attorney is drafting RBI legislation that will go to the Town Board in
December and that we should continue getting signatures and continue with merchant and corporate
outreach. Jeff also reported that a TB member was concerned about the effect this potential law could
have on low income residents. Would the fee be a burden? Nancy and Sue discussed this prior to Collabs
meeting and Sue offered to reach out to the Community Resource Center to get their input as
Washingtonville is the neighborhood with the most low income residents in the Town. Though
Washingtonville is in the Village of Mamaroneck, it is part of the Town and residents there do go to Stop
and Shop and other stores in the Unincorporated Town where this law will potentially take effect.
Katherine reported that we now have over 800 signatures input though there will be some duplication
and illegible data so we will keep soliciting. Currently we have help from the Murray Tigers(3rd-5th
graders interested in environmental initiatives)and MHS students as well, also names are solicited at the
Larchmont Farmers Market each Saturday. Sue reported that the 1,000 reusable bags that were
donated by "Mothering Mother"are at a local print shop having the winning students'artwork
imprinted. (Post-Collabs Meeting Update: Bags are now finished and Sue will bring a sample to the
December meeting.)
Action Item 1: Mitch to contact corporate heads of CVS,Walgreens, Stop and Shop and Trader Joe's to
explain prospective law and garner support and possibly even sponsorship?!!
Action Item 2: Sue reaching out to Director of Community Resource Center for advice on how to get
word out(and free bags out) to low income community
Action Item 3: Collabs—please think of merchants (local or corporate)that YOU have a relationship
with who would sponsor the Town's purchase of 1,000 bags. We need a few thousand more bags to
give away. Sue has cost details but total cost to sponsor would be approx. $750 to$1,200 for 1,000
Action Item 4: Reminder to continue to do! Per Steve Wolk's recommendation below, please
remember the following when you shop:
"Thank all stores in town for supporting the Reusable Bag Initiative. Best to thank the
manager, but even if you thank someone at the register that is good. If they hear it enough,it
will get through to the manager and then corporate HQ.You can do this even if you haven't
heard that they support it yet. If they say they don't support it,then people should act
shocked and dismayed (but not argumentative,just deeply disappointed as you would really
feel). It will have an impact."
Food Waste Recycling
Arlene updated the group on current food waste recycling data. Regarding food waste kit sales, 95 kits
have been sold since April 2018. This past October boasted the largest collection of food waste to date
—a total of 16%cans were filled. Since the start of the food waste recycling program in September
2017, 64 tons of food waste has been diverted from incineration. Regarding update on schools,
Chatsworth is interested in following Murray's footsteps (guest Lisa McDonald was here representing
Chatsworth Ave School) and Hommocks will begin recycling food waste shortly. Steve A had a meeting
with Hommocks prior to Collabs meeting. Sue to follow up with him to get update on Hommocks food
waste recycling but Arlene thinks the plan is to use the Rocket only for kitchen cafeteria waste and to
use the Town's food waste recycling program for the students'food waste. Arlene has created a
document on how to have a Zero Waste Holiday Party(Sue to post on the Sustainability page of the
website and Facebook.)
Update on the Food Waste Reduction Donation/Recycling grant: Beth's guest, Alana Mass, offered to
help write the grant so she will attend meeting at Town Center with Nancy and Steve A along with Beth,
Karen and others.The grant awards a minimum of$1,000 to a maximum of$250,000 for a program that
reduces food waste. The program seems to be more geared to reducing food waste at its origin, rather
than recycling it into compost. The grant is due in March 2019, awarded in April 2019 and is a three
year grant. Beth mentioned that there is also a NYS proposed law for food diversion.
Healthy Yard Initiative
Diane gave the update for the sub-committee. There will be a soft launch of the Healthy Yard program in
the spring, yard signs should be ready by March 1st. She asked us all to think about five people we could
ask to participate in the program to help get the word out. If we can do that, there would be a good
start of 100 residents participating. Katherine Desmond of the Village of Mam'k and part of this
committee, is making a one-page bookmark that will be one of the communication tools. June will work
with Sue on best ways to use Facebook to get the word out and other ways to reach our residents. Beth
asked what do we do about nurseries who still sell "Roundup"and products like that? There was
continued discussion from last month regarding how to communicate to the residents about this
program:expectation is there will be flyers,posters circulated/posted around Town, electronic
communication via FB and the website and events at which this program will be publicized. A book
entitled "The PRFCT Earth"will be ordered and can be given out or sold.
Noise/Leaf Blowers
Marc K gave the update on the latest from their sub-committee. He reported that Kristen did a great job
of taking the most stringent parts of each municipality's laws(Villages of Mamaroneck and Larchmont as
well as Town of Mamaroneck) to make one better leaf blower law. Marc emphasized that one benefit of
improved legislation is that landscapers can follow one law;currently they complain that it is confusing
since every leaf blower law has different elements. She also took a look at New Castle's current proposal
which is to ban gas-powered leaf blowers ALL year and allow only electric leaf blowers during specific
periods. This law would go into effect in 2021. Comments included would electric leaf blowers need to
be charged up with gas-powered generators? This would complicate the noise issue.
Action Item: Sue to email out"Gas-Powered Leaf Blower Code Recommendations"to Collabs. (Emailed
out 11/14/18). Please send your comments back via email prior to next meeting on December 11th.
Mitch presented the proposed Collaborative budget for 2019. Much discussion ensued regarding the
specifics of each sub-committee and whether or not there was enough in the budget for all of the
communication pieces. Changes to be made based on Collaborative feedback.
Action Item: Mitch to edit and send budget to Sue and Jeff K to be included in packet for Dec 5th Town
Board meeting.
Meeting was closed with much discussion on communication with June reiterating that we need a
communications strategy. One example given by Mark K was where do residents find out about what is
recycled and what is not, how do residents get info on what to do with their trash? What are Maxwell
Facility's hours? Diane asked what to do with pumpkins! Sue explained that many residents call the
main Administration number with questions and that all residents of the Unincorporated Town and the
Village of Larchmont are mailed a postcard annually which gives our contact information including the
Sanitation website(LMSanitation.org and Facebook page info). A suggestion was made that we contact
real estate agents for them to distribute helpful information to new residents. Sue mentioned that she
recalled Nancy mentioning that many years ago, agents did receive "welcome packets"from the Town.
Action Item 1: June to work with Sue on communication best practices
Action Item 2: Sue to discuss revisiting "welcome packets"to new residents to go out to real estate
Meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm.
The next Collaborative meeting will be Tuesday, December 11,2018 at 6 pm at the VFW/Senior Center
in the large dining room.