HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018_08_07 Sustainability Collaborative Minutes TOM Sustainability Collaborative 2018.0807 Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative Meeting Notes, August 7, 2018 Attendees: Mitch Green, Michele Lewis,Arlene Novich, Sue Odierna, Denise Dunn, Matt Thomas, Marc Karell, Colin Goldberg, Steve Moser, Katherine Pannell Minutes of July meeting were approved Introductions were made to new member, Katherine Pannell who is particularly interested in the Reusable Bag Initiative and will help Sue run this initiative. Welcome Katherine!! Noise/Leaf Blowers Marc K reported for the "Noise"subcommittee that they had met and discussed enforcement issues within the three municipalities. Marc mentioned that although Village of Mamaroneck has the strictest leaf blower law(banning ALL leaf blowers which includes electric), they are not strictly enforcing it as he believes the Town and the Village of Larchmont are. Marc also reminded us that although noise was the original incentive for most to get involved and the legislation to be passed, now the health issue is more prominent and should be emphasized in an education campaign. He reminded us that many work in NYC all day and are not hearing the noise, but can sympathize with the ill health effects of the blowers on the laborers and on their own family members who may be home during the day. Colin agreed that health is the prominent issue with leaf blowers. He suggested we put leaflets or advertisements in train stations/on platforms. Matt suggested we put leaf blower information on a sign in Town parking lot at Larchmont train station where communters could see. Mitch thought another good location would be across from the "Welcome to Larchmont"banner on Chatsworth Ave or that the Collabs could investigate pricing for on billboards on the actual platforms Action Item 1:ToM and VoM Noise Task Force members will reach out to their governments to explore whether ToM and VoM will collaborate in the Summer Sweep Program Action Item 2: George to draft Leaf Blower proposal prior to September Collaborative meeting. Collabs to approve(or suggest edits)and George to email final to Jeffery,as liaison to Town Board. Town Board to review at their September 26th meeting and determine process regarding the two Villages'input. Food Waste Recycling Arlene reported: • Hommocks Middle School has relocated the Rocket composter so that now it is outdoors and covered—just outside of Hommocks Cafeteria to avoid odor issues. Arlene mentioned that Dr Shops is an advocate and is also very supportive of of all schools participating in food waste recycling. • She spoke to a high school student about taking over for the college student entrepreneur who is driving food waste to Maxwell Avenue facility for residents, hoping to get him and/or friends on board to continue this option for residents. • Plans for coming presentations include "At Home on the Sound,"Larchmont Newcomers Club, Larch Gardens Civic Assoc, real estate agents • Arlene, Karen and others toured the Ulster County Compost Site and reported back that it is well-maintained, 10,000 square feet and that most food breaks down into compost within 60 1 TOM Sustainability Collaborative 2018.0807 days; compostable utensils take longer. No problem with animals or birds due to high heat of compost piles. Group was impressed with the site and its management. • Food Waste Recycling One Year Anniversary event is confirmed for Sat.,Sept. 22' at 10am at the Larchmont Farmers Market. There will be a live band, speakers (Nancy, Lorraine and other elected officials TBD) and Kate Cascone, Manager of the market is looking into food tastings. • Colin reported that the Village of Mamaroneck started their food waste recycling program last month and that it is gong well. They have sold 30-40 kits and the food waste weight is about to%ton per week. He suggestd perhaps we should create bumper stickers promoting our mutual programs. • Colin also reported that a local company called "Sound Shore Restaurant Supply"would like to get into the compostable utensil business. Call should be made to see if we could work with them as Town concert vendor is not exclusively using compostables. Action Item: Karen and Sue to stay in touch with Farmers Market staff regarding one year event and will work with Nancy and June re: press release and other communication tools in late August Healthy Yard Initiative(formerly"No Pesticides") Draft of the "healthy yard pledge"is continuing to be edited by the subcommittee. The challenge is to keep it very simple.A suggestion was made to list the "top three"items residents pledge to do (example: "our family chooses to join the Healthy Yard Program in order to keep our children, neighbors and pets healthy and safe and keep our waterways safe;we pledge not to use pesticides nor herbicides to maintain our property except for rare occasions to resolve an infestation, we pledge to display a HYP lawn sign.") There was discussion about how to get the word out. Rye Healthy Yards group met in small groups at residents'homes. They also had a very successful healthy yard signage competition with many entries. From June's meeting, Mitch asked about metrics available from Rye group to show the success of their program. Michele reported tonight that 150 families in Rye are participating in the "Healthy Yard" program. They have signed the pledges and placed the little signs in their front yards. Action Item 1: Subcommittee to edit pledge card further and present at September Collabs meeting Action Item 2:Are there additional metrics sub-committee can follow up with Rye on? Mobility/Complete Streets/Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations As reported previously, the Town was approved for 4 NYS DEC grants for four EV Charging Stations. A separate grant for a$5,000 rebate for an electric vehicle was also approved. As a reminder, these are the planned locations for chargers:Hommocks Parking Lot, Town Center, Myrtle Blvd by parking garage, and Baldwin Ave/Memorial Park. DEC contracts have not been received yet. (Sue spoke to Steve A about this on 8/9/18 and he said he would follow up.) Town Board will then approve contracts. Steve M. asked for status update on shadow bike lanes and "Share the Road"signage that had been discussed and agreed upon earlier this year. Work involves Highway Department painting lines to extend the shoulder of certain roads to allow for"shadow"bike lanes. Share the Road signs would be posted to advise motorists of bikers. Action Item: Steve A.to follow up with NYS DEC regarding receipt of contracts Action Item 2: Steve A to follow up with Highway Department regarging bike shadow lanes 2 TOM Sustainability Collaborative 2018.0807 Community Solar Reminder from June meeting: Frank Owens worked with Steve A to draft the RFP for a community solar project for the roof of Hommocks Ice Rink. The panels will generate about 300 kw of power(typical residence uses 7 kw,so about 30 apartments/homes will be powered). The RFP includes a requirement to engage students and the community about solar power. The Town Housing Authority and management committee support the program for reducing power costs for residents of the Hommocks Park Apartments. Town will be leasing roof to a third party installer. Sue to check with Steve A for update. Update from Steve A on 8/9/18: Four developers submitted proposals. In one case, two developers partnered to submit a proposal. Next steps are for review of proposals and interview of developers. Process will end sometime in November when Town Board makes decision. Reusable Bag Initiative(RBI) New member Katherine P. has offered to help Sue with this initiative as the subcommittee is still in need of a leader. Sue has had conference calls—along with Nancy and Mitch --with New Castle Environmental committee member,Steve Wolk who has offered to come to our September meeting to fill us in on best next steps. Action Item 1: Sue and Katherine are putting together a list of ToM businesses so volunteers can speak with merchants about proposed legislation—will send out to all Collabs when completed Action Item 2: Sue passed around "To Do" RBI items for volunteers and has attached that document here to recruit helpers—please see these action items! Action Item 3: Plastic-free company based in Pelham has offered us 1,000 cotton reusable shopping bags. Will be picked up in September and student rbi artwork to be added/Sue getting price quotes Meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN SCHEDULE: The next Collaborative meeting will be WEDNESDAY,September 12,2018 at 6 pm at the VFW/Senior Center in the large dining room. 3