HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018_06_12 Sustainability Collaborative Minutes TOM Sustainability Collaborative
Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative
Meeting Notes,June 12, 2018
Attendees: Mitch Green, Michele Lewis,Arlene Novich, Sue Odierna, Karen Khor,June Wallach,
George Roniger,Jeffery King (ToM Councilman), Denise Dunn, Diane Neff, Beth Radow,
Matt Thomas, Shannon Purdy,Victor Tafur (VoM Trustee), Frank Owens
Minutes of May meeting were approved
Reusable Bag Initiative(RBI)
Sue updated the group on behalf of RBI lead, Gabrielle. Gabrielle created palm cards for businesses with
easy access to information about RBI. Collabs suggested making palm cards larger, making the text
specific to NY/Westchester County(as opposed to Washington DC data). Collabs liked the idea of using
the contest winners'artwork on the palm card. (Following the meeting,intern Zoe incorporated
Collabs'comments and updated the card—please see attached and give comments prior to July
From May--In regard to the specific RBI legislation, Nancy suggested we propose the same legislation
recently enacted in Suffolk County. The law requires vendors to collect a fee on any store-supplied paper
or plastic bag. June and Gabrielle reported that pushback from businesses is very low with this model.
Nancy reported hearing that the Suffolk County law changed the percentage of people carrying reusable
bags from 6%(prior to the legislation) to between 60%and 80%three months after the law was enacted.
This should be a priority agenda item for the July 10th Collabs meeting to be able to allow Gabrielle to
present a proposal to the Town Board at their July 11th meeting the following night. The Town has
signatures from residents supporting the legislation.
Action Item 1: Collabs review attached palm card draft and get comments to Sue prior to July 10th
Action Item 2: Collabs to discuss RBI legislation based on Suffolk County model at July meeting
Action Item 3: Gabrielle to bring palm cards to July 10th meeting and present proposal to TB on July
11th at their meeting
Action Item 4: Updated list of Town businesses(has now been received from Frank,Sue confirming
for updated info)
Noise/Leaf Blowers
George R distributed a document comparing the noise/leaf blower restriction laws in the three
municipalities. The mission of the Tri Muni Noise Task Force is to achieve similar legislation among all
three municipalities for ease of enforcement and consistency among communities.
• All municipalities should have a minimum fine
• All municipalities should ban ALL leaf blowers like VoM does(not just gas-powered blowers)
• Some felt property owners should be fined instead of the landscaping organization (Town
Counsel has advised that this would be very difficult from a legal standpoint). Some felt
maximum DB level for leaf blowers was recommended;possibly 65 db, George to research;some
disagreed saying additional leaf blowers would be used simultaneously therefore mimicking the
power/noise of one
• Suggestion was made to send out leaf blower ban notification with tax bills so everyone sees it
TOM Sustainability Collaborative
Summer Enforcement Collaboration & Education Program: VoL hung a new banner in June at corner of
Larch Ave and Boston Post Road reminding residents of leaf blower ban. The door hanger program
initiated by VoL enviro volunteers(every home's door received a hanger with info about leaf blowers)
and"Police Sweep"program that LPD initiated for a week last summer were both endorsed by members.
Both programs will be repeated in VoL this summer. VoL emphasized the need to collaborate with and
support the police, who are crucial to enforcement. VoL also noted that the police much appreciated
positive recognition of their enforcement efforts. Suggestion was for ToM and VoM to collaborate with
VoL in implementing "Summer Sweep"increased ticketing this summer. Thus, three weeks of strong
enforcement would occur, without notification to public.
Action Item 1:ToM and VoM Noise Task Force members will reach out to their governments to
explore whether ToM and VoM will collaborate in the Summer Sweep Program
Action Item 2: Nancy to discuss at TVS(Town/Village/School) meeting in July to get their feedback—
on Summer Sweep program
Action Item 3: George to research practicality of a maximum decibel level for leaf blowers
Mobility/Complete Streets/Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations
The Town applied for NYS DEC grants for four EV Charging Stations. A separate grant application offers
$5,000 rebates per electric vehicle leased. Planned locations for chargers are Hommocks Parking Lot,
Town Center, and Myrtle Blvd by parking garage, and Baldwin Ave/Memorial Park. All chargers would
be level 2 chargers. The grant would pay 80%, up to$16,000, of the cost of equipment and installation.
Town Board will need to decide cost to electric vehicle owners for charging.
Community Solar
Frank worked with Steve A to put together an RFP for a community solar project on the roof of
Hommocks Ice Rink... The panels will generate about 300 kw of power(typical residence uses 7 kw,so
about 30 apartments/homes will be powered). One of the criteria is community/student involvement.
Companies bidding need to show they'll engage students in what solar power is and why it is important.
The Town Housing Authority and management committee support the program for reducing power costs
for residents of the Hommocks Park Apartments. Town will be leasing roof to a third party installer.
(Update: RFP went out June 131
Action Item: Bids will be opened July 12tn
No Pesticide Initiative
Michelle and sub committee met with Rye Healthy Yard group and discussed lawn signage, the healthy
yard pledge(our committee prefers "practices")and literature.
There was a lot of discussion regarding outreach to educate residents about the environmental impact of
pesticides on people(especially kids), animals, LI Sound and non-pesticide alternatives to treat most lawn
issues. A draft pledge card was distributed and will be edited by the subcommittee. Matt suggested we
initiate a door hanger program as VoL did with leaf blowers, and we can put healthy lawn ideas on the
other side. Mitch asked about metrics available from Rye group to show the success of their program?
What percentage of homes have "healthy yard"signs in Rye?
Action Item 1: Subcommittee to edit pledge card and present at July Collabs meeting
Action Item 2: Subcommittee to follow up with Rye regarding metrics
TOM Sustainability Collaborative
Food Waste Recycling
June W.finalized the Food Waste Recycling presentation. The presentation is for use by volunteers to
promote the food waste recycling program and raise awareness about its benefits. It is hoped that
members will present to various community groups including scouts,schools, houses of worship,
neighborhood organizations, etc. Karen K is compiling a list of organizations for volunteers to target.
Close to 450 food waste kits have been sold to date.
Karen reported that the Town of Mam'k/Village of Larchmont will receive a 2018 Westchester County
Eco-Award for initiating a food waste recycling program. (Karen attended this event at Kensico Dam
Plaza along with Nancy, Steve A.,Arlene, Sue, Sanitation Foremen Clarence and Frank along with VoL
elected officials—see Facebook page for pics and video of Nancy's speech.)
Hommocks Middle School relaunched the Rocket composter and it had a nice two month run.
Expectation is that the program will continue in the fall.
Chatsworth Avenue School would like to start a food waste program similar to Murray Ave. School once
the school year begins in the fall.
The Garbage Commission will continue food waste drop off/pick up at Farmers Market through
The Village of Mamaroneck will start a food waste recycling program very soon.
Karen suggested displaying a banner promoting the Town's sustainability programs. Mitch suggested
using the Town's 350th Anniversary banners as a template.
Karen alerted the group to an agenda item "First Westchester County Municipal Compost"site at a
public meeting in Cortlandt, evening of July 10th (same night as our Collabs meeting).
Action Item: Sue to follow up about banners.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.
The next Collaborative meeting will be Tuesday,July 10t",2018 at 6 pm at the VFW/Senior Center in
the large dining room.