HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018_02_06 Sustainability Collaborative Minutes TOM Sustainability Collaborative 2018.0206 Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative Meeting Notes, February 6, 2018 Attendees: Nancy Seligson, Mitch Green, Frank Owens,Tony Gelber and daughter Catherine, Michele Lewis, Marc Karell, Beth Radow,Arlene Novich, Steve Altieri, Sue Odierna, Karen Khor,June Wallach, Colin Goldberg (VOM), George Roniger, Shannon Purdy, Kristin Andersen (VOL),Victor Tafur (VOM), Steve Moser, Christine Bessin (new volunteer!), Patti Capparelli (Rye Sustainability Committee, City of Rye) Minutes of January 2018 meeting were approved. New attendees were introduced: Christine Bessin from VOL and Patti Capparelli from Rye. Nancy mentioned that we have a new Town Board member,Jeffery King, who will be the liaison to the Sustainability Collaborative,so we hope to introduce Jeffery to everyone at the next meeting in March. Jeffery is a life-long resident of the Town, has three children attending Mamaroneck Schools and has worked in construction management for over 30 years. Kristin, Marc K and Michele mentioned they attended a "Center for Sustainable Development"meeting in Hastings-on-Hudson last week. Greening the code in Hastings was the topic but focus was on greening their buildings. Food Waste Recycling Karen spoke about the newly-created tri-municipal food waste task force created to facilitate sharing ideas and resources across the three municipalities. First meeting was February 1st and attendees included Colin (VOM)and Kristin (VOL). Mission is to promote the food waste recycling program, raising awareness about its benefits and create achievable goals within a specific time period. Mitch suggested Karen review the Zero Waste Goals from the Columbia Capstone report. Steve A said the industry standard for estimating food waste is 35%of garbage or 3 lbs/person/day. The task force is to meet once per month prior to Collaborative meetings so Karen can report on the meeting. The six month anniversary of the food waste recycling program is March 18th We should send out a press release out. "WASTED!The Story of Food Waste"film screening Beth reminded the group that the local premiere of"WASTED!"will be Saturday, March 3rd at 2pm at the Larchmont Library. She has confirmed the two Directors(Update: one may have a conflict, but either way there will be at least one Director attending)will be at the screening for a Q&A. In addition, Beth will have take-away recipes available to educate attendees on using food scraps in meals. There will be refreshments and a bake sale held by and for the benefit of the MHS Enviro Club. Food waste kits and compostable bags will be available for sale as well. Action Item 1: Facebook posts and reminder emails to go out daily during final week(Sue/Beth) Action Item 2:Volunteers to post flyers around town(Sue has at Town Center if anyone has time) Action Item 3: Beth to purchase or get donations of snacks from local food stores Action Item 3: Sign-in Sheet,Collab banner,food waste kits/bags brought to library Mobility/Biking Lane Network Shannon shared and discussed the U.S. DOT—Federal Highway Administration recommended Lane Width documents with the group. ASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials sets the guidelines for travel lane widths as the standard for safe travel. Shannon suggested the lanes could be narrower on certain roads which would leave room for bikes. Steve A updated the group on progress from the Highway Department,sharing a "Bicycle Lane Considerations"document listing five streets(Fenimore, Forest, N.Chatsworth, Rockingstone, and Rockland)and the variables concerning potential bike lanes on these streets. Steve A. suggested moving TOM Sustainability Collaborative 2018.0206 the shoulder line from the edge of pavement 2 to 2%feet to create an "unmarked lane." There could be "Share the Road"signage and bicyclists would be welcome here. Michele suggested for ultimate safety, we should have designated bike lanes. Steve M. mentioned that shared lanes(sharrows)actually reduce the number of collisions because vehicles drive slower on shared roadways since lanes are generally narrower. Noise and Sustainable Gardening George reviewed with the group past efforts regarding leaf blowers to detail where we were and where we currently stand. Some of the goals have not yet been attained such as a decibel limit on the equipment and a limit on the number of equipment pieces allowed. George noted that the Village of Mamaroneck's code does have a decibel limit(70 db)However, the TB did approve an increase in fines on illegal usage of leaf blowers(off season dates). Nancy mentioned that Sustainable Westchester has created an IMA (intermunicipal agreement)so that municipalities in the county can purchase various types of landscaping equipment that are more environmentally friendly(quieter and electric)at a reduced price if many participate. Action Item: George reach out to Cornell Cooperative Extension and Sustainable Westchester.(Did this happen?) George also spoke about his interest in Green Gardening and would like to move this concept forward. Nancy reminded the group that we had discussed the idea of having a "model neighborhood"in the Town to have pesticide free and low-nitrogen lawns. The neighborhood that showed interest received pushback from their Board and their then-landscaper and as such, the program did not get initiated. George offered to take on the healthy yard program to try and get it started in the Town. Guest from Rye's Sustainability Committee, Patti offered to help Action Item: George to meet with Patti from Rye Sustainability Committee to determine best practices to implement"Healthy Yard" program in the Town Reusable Bag Initiative(RBI) Sue reported for Gabrielle regarding next steps for the RBI. Gabrielle has created a reusable bag artwork contest entry form and text for a Facebook post which Sue will post just after Feb break. The contest will be open to children from grades K-12. Kristen suggested the contest winners be from certain schools instead of grades since kids have school spirit and will be more likely to make artwork that relates to their school. Also, once bags are produced, they could be sold at future events at the schools. Catherine Gelber is a student at Hommocks and agreed that students would like to create artwork that highlights their schools and suggested we contact art teachers in the schools. Catherine said that students will be more likely to participate if their art teachers promote this project. Discussion also that parochial schools and Girl and Boy Scouts could enter contest as well. Action Item: Sue to get contact info for schools'art teachers Action Item 2: Sue to post contest info to Facebook and send to art teachers and Debbie Manetta (Mam'k Schools PR) Community Solar Frank and Steve A. are putting an RFP together for this project which involves mounting solar panels on the roof of Hommocks Park Ice Rink and having the power applied to the Hommocks Apartments making energy bills lower and apartments, therefore, more affordable. Frank and Steve A. have spoken to developers. They would pay rent to the Town for the use of the Hommocks Ice Rink roof. Tri-Municipal Enviro Meeting(to be held TUESDAY, MARCH 6TH) Mitch updated the group on his meeting earlier in the evening with the Chairs of the VOM Committee for the Environment, and VOL Environmental Committee—Ellen Silver and Kristin Andersen respectively. TOM Sustainability Collaborative 2018.0206 They decided that the meeting should focus on three key areas that are of interest to all three municipalities: 1. Noise/Leaf blowers 2. Food Waste Recycling 3. Biking/Mobility Action Item 1: Mitch to confer with the other Enviro Chairs and create agenda to be sent out Action Item 2: Sue to invite all Collabs via a doodle poll email (done, please respond if you haven't already!) The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm. The next Collaborative meeting will be the TRI-MUNICIPAL ENVIRO MEETING held at our regular location and time--Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 6 pm at the VFW/Senior Center in the large dining room.