HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017_10_03 Sustainability Collaborative Minutes TOM Sustainability Collaborative 2017 1003 Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative Meeting Notes, October 3, 2017 Attendees: Mitch Green, George Roniger,Arlene Novich, Steve Altieri, Sue Odierna, Michele Lewis, Marc Karell, Gabrielle Arcangeli, Mark Manley, Karen Khor, Kristin Anderson (VOL),June Wallach, Maya McArdle Minutes of September meeting were accepted. New volunteers June Wallach and Maya McArdle were introduced and welcomed. Meeting Dates for Remainder of 2017: November 14th and December 5th Clean Energy Communities The Town is still working to determine an acceptable project for the$50,000 grant for which the Town is eligible from Clean Energy Communities. The Town received a two month extension and the grant is now due Nov. 12tn The grant requires a demonstrable decrease in greenhouse gases. Electric Vehicles and Charging Stations are NOT eligible since NY State offers other grants and incentives for these items. The Community Solar project is not a good fit for this grant as it is too large. Compliments to the Sustainability Collaborative as NYSERDA was impressed that the Town had so many proposed ideas. The Collaborative chose giving programmable thermostats to residents or converting the Senior Bus to a hybrid or electric vehicle as their top choices for the grant application. The thermostat project would be purchasing programmable thermostats to be distributed to first come/first served residents who would then work with Con Ed to allow for peak demand over-rides that help avoid black outs. The Collabs also liked the Senior Bus idea due to high visibility around the community. Action Item: Nancy and Steve A.to discuss with Town Board on Oct. 18t".(Update: Town Board decided instead to upgrade the boilers and HVAC system at the VFW.) Electric Vehicle Incentive The Town Board approved the leasing of two Nissan Leaf vehicles as part of the Sustainable Westchester's Electric Car Discount program. Scandinavia House Zero Emissions Summit on Citizens' Role in Mitigating Climate Change Mitch reported on the Zero Emissions Summit held in September at Scandinavia House. He, Nancy and Michele attended. The Summit inspired Nancy and Mitch to revisit the Collaborative's Sustainability Plan and suggest a Retreat for the Sustainability Collaborative to revisit it's goals.. Discussion focused on who to invite to the Retreat. Consensus was to invite all interested Collabs. Action Item 1: Sue to send out Doodle Poll for date of Retreat. (Update: Poll sent out with three remaining options--Nov 3, 17 or 18. Decision to be made week of 10/23/17.) Action Item 2: Sue to distribute Zero Emissions Summit ideas to Collabs to clarify/confirm Retreat ideas. Sue to also distribute Sustainability Plan of three years ago for review and to determine goals 1 TOM Sustainability Collaborative 2017.1003 Biking Lane Network 1 Need more community outreach to demonstrate to TB and Traffic Committee that residents support bike lanes. Increase the numbers of signatures on support letters.Support letters were signed at summer concerts and farmers market. This initiative will continue this fall at farmers market. Currently have over 150 signatures 2 Buy additional bike racks (Town Center and Memorial Park). Older bike racks from Memorial Park will be moved to Larchmont Train Station. 3 Paint sharrows on appropriate roads to increase awareness about cyclists Action Item 1: (From Sept meeting) Nancy suggested a memo from the Collaborative to the Town Board recommending sharrows for"implied" bike lanes; Mitch to draft. Action Item 2: Steve A suggested taking Collabs'sharrow suggestions to the Police and Highway departments. Upon their review/approval,Collabs can go to Town Board or Traffic Committee showing greater support Food Waste Recycling Volunteers continue to work a table at the Larchmont Farmers Market promoting and selling the Food Waste starter kits each Saturday. For month of October, residents can also drop off food waste at Market(in addition to Maxwell Avenue Center). A survey to see why residents sign up was suggested. The question was raised whether Stop and Shop or Trader Joe's could be drop-off sites for food waste. New volunteer June asked about our communication strategy. We need to systematize this program. Action Item 1: Need banners promoting program(for VFW wall)and TOM Kiosk at Myrtle/Chatsworth corner and sign for Weaver/Palmer corner. (Update: Michele/Sue in process of ordering) Action Item 2: Contact Sophia Andrews for volunteer students to help out at Farmers Market. (Accomplished) Reusable Bag Initiative(RBI) New volunteer, Gabrielle A is leading up the RBI. Next step is the Bag Design Contest for interested kids and adults. Gabrielle to email Debbie Manetta (Communications Head from Mamaroneck School District) with information about contest specifics. Parochial schools and FASNY also to be contacted. Contest to start in January 2018 after school holiday break and end prior to February break. California schools use reusable bags as school fundraisers and programs are very successful. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm.The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 14th at 6 pm at the VFW in the large dining room. 2